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So Here's The Deal



I had a baby tooth removed in July b/c there was nothing underneath it and it was causing the top teeth to sink too low, so they removed it and there's been a hole in my toothline ever since. Today they're drilling into the hole to place something in my toothbone to later hold the fake tooth they'll place in May.


Long story short: I'm having uncomfortable things done in my mouth (again) which included but is not limited to needles to numb out my mouth but it's still weird and icky and unwanted. Then I have to deal with the pain once I get home.


On the plus side I plan on showing my 11-year-old sister all three episodes of the Star Wars trilogy today (in one day! (probably not)) while I lay on the couch drinking milkshakes and soft, cold foods like applesauce and pudding.


-CF :kakama:


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As I said, if it wasn't removed my upper teeth would keep lowering themselves, messing up my toothline and making the top teeth less strong.


Also, if not now, there is the chance of infection, pain, and need of yanking in a few years. And when that happens it has to be done immediately, instead of being scheduled like it is now.



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