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Over 100 Songs...thats Alot.

Lady Kopaka


I now officially have all the SoT, WW, and TTT music. Huzzah! *puts them all on the MP3 player* I need to count 'em, but I am almost certain there are over a hundred. HAH! In your face Takatu! :P


I can't decide which soundtrack is my favorite, SoT has more of the beautiful Persian music, WW is good hard rock along with that dark feel, but TTT is fast pase and almost a remix of the Persia music…in fact its more middle eastern than Persia sounding, though it’s a little more 'climatic' if you get my meaning.

ACK, it’s all so good!


Ok enough of that, my story survived, but I am going through some major editing, I forgot how bad I am with spelling/grammar.

But I believe I have it ready. Though I will probably give it to a few of my friends first to see what they think or if I missed some grammar and spelling deals. Then I repost it, and hopefully it’s all good.


Last night I went to a part with all my friends, we stayed at there house for awhile, talking, fooling around and whatnot, then went swimming, which was fun, but the water was so hot. I prefer ice cold thank you.

Then we went to a concert, that one of my friends sister is in. No not a band, it was a choir, and let me say, for a girl that really dislikes them, it was amazing, they all had great voices, and one guy was hilarious up stage, he kept on making the weirdest expressions. My friends and I will be talking about that for a long time.


Well, I have work to do for my dad, and I want to finish up some art, but on that topic for a moment....



Ok, I have more than enough pictures to scan and show, me likes a lot. But I still haven't gotten around to finishing TPD's request. Errr....Sorry?


Remember Nikira did a request for Takatu? The big tall red and black dude? Well I am doing his weapon now, hopefully, Takatu will like the choices. :)


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I'm gonna hafta go lookin' for that music. The officially soundtrack only has 19 songs for all three games. Off to Google!


Oh, and I'm sure I'll like the choices. I've seen those weapon racks in your art topic, and I've already liked what I've seen. :psychotwitch:

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I could probably link you to the site that has 'em all, and they have the legal rights to do it to, as they got perrmission. I think SoT and WW were always fine to download, TTT though just recently was allowed.


I will PM you sometime, if the site is ok to link...

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Haha, I have over 4 thousand songs...about 20 or so I actually wrote myself...what do all those acronyms stand for, anyway?


never mind, figured it out after some more reading...



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Nay, I have 100 songs within the three soundtracks. I have over 2GB worth in music, and still getting more!


SoT=Sands of Time

WW=Warrior Within

TTT=The Two Thrones


All from Prince of Persia. ;)

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