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24 Years of Life and 6 Years of Employment

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. It’s time for yearly tradition of telling you folks how my birthday went today.


Like last year’s entry, there is really not a lot to share since this is a week day, so it was basically just a normal work day.


Well, I guess I should say it is a boring work day since we are so slow now that I am just creating a list of critical parts and helping a coworker review old hard copies of drawings. So yeah, things hadn’t been great at work this month and last month, to be honest.


Additionally, my job hunt hasn’t been going well and honestly I am pretty doubtful of my chances of finding a job in my field after my failed interview (Its first interview that I had in 6 years.) in February.


So yesterday wasn’t the greatest 6th year anniversary of working for this company. Here’s hoping that things will improve as the year goes on.


But anyway, since there isn’t a lot to share about today, I guess I’ll make this a more general life entry. To start off, last week I end up watching most of Marvel Cinematic Universe films for first time (I seen Iron Man 1, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy previously.).


That was pretty fun and I definitely can understand the appeal of these films. I also enjoy them more than DC multi-verse films (Man of Steel & Batman v Superman) that I saw recently, which is saying something since I know more about DC’s heroes than Marvel’s heroes.


Hm... I guess I’ll rank the films from favorite to least since I feel like sharing that information. Here’s the list:


1) Guardians of the Galaxy

2) Captain America: The Winter Solider

3) Captain America: The First Avenger

4) The Avengers

5) Ant-Man

6) Avengers: Age of Ultron

7) Iron Man 3

8) Iron Man

9) Thor: The Dark World

10) Thor

11) Iron Man 2

12) The Incredible Hulk


And well, I like the films so much that I decided to give the TV shows a look as well. I am currently watching season 1 of Agents of SHIELD, which I got say it is interesting so far (Especially now that we caught up with the Winter Solider in the timeline.). I actually might finish season 1 today since I only got like three episodes left to watch. XD


So yeah, that’s what I been up to with my free time lately; Binge-watching media as usual. XD I wish I could say I play some video games recently, but I hadn’t really play any since Stardew Valley (I was nearing the end of summer for Year 1) over two weeks ago.


Actually I guess Miitomo & KHUx count as games. I mean I use Miitomo daily for the coins and KHUx, I try to get on it at least once a week. Although my phone’s battery life is suffering because of these games that I am considering maybe getting a tablet next month, so I don’t kill my phone as much.


I am also having memory space issues since my SIM card is only 8 GB and I am not sure what I can delete to make space since not everything will transfer over to my micro-SD card. So yeah, I am probably going to be looking at tablets next month, so I can at least transfer KHUx over since that game is like 1 GB in size.


That’s my free time lately in a nutshell really. I guess while I have you here, I’ll make some BZPower related announcements.


First up, sometime next month I am going to set up a BZP shirt giveaway since I got a bunch of those in storage right now. So yeah, if you want one of Bionicle Raptor’s old BZP shirts, be on the lookout for that next month.


I also got some other goodies, but I am saving those for possible contest that I might do during my BZP anniversary in July. So yeah, it should be interesting, assuming I get all details for that in order by July.


Last bit of news is BrickFair VA related… I am probably not going to be there this year since realistically I am not ready to do such a long drive alone just yet. Its stinks, but maybe next year. *shrugs*


Hm... I guess before I go, I'll mention what I got for my birthday today, so here's short list of what I got:


- Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (from my one real life friend)

- Bravely Second: End Layer (from my one real life friend)

- LEGO Marvel's Avengers (on Steam and from my one real life friend)

- Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (on Steam and from my one real life friend)

- Cake and Grilled Cheese (from family)

- Cards (from family)


Alright, that's enough from me for today. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers.


Oh, and thanks to those people that wished me a happy birthday. I appreciated it.


- JMJ 2016

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@Iaredios: Yeah, I agree with you that they get too much hate.


And well, I did enjoy watching them two weeks ago (Although I did enjoy the Marvel films more though.).


My main issue really is with Dawn of Justice since I feel they rush too many things to set up their film verse faster.


But anyway, thanks for birthday wishes. I hope you have a good day.


- JMJ 2016

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