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Water Water Everywhere...



Thursday, September 28, 2006

What would happen if you were stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean and you drank ocean water? I don't claim to be a science genious, but...
  1. The salt concentration in the water would cause the cells of your body to lose water (osmosis or something).
  2. You would become thirstier.
  3. Your body would expel the water of your body through over-urination.
  4. Your body would become dehydrated.
  5. You would eventually lose enough brain cells to the point that you start hallucinating and eventually die.
So, as much as it seems like the practical thing to do, if you're ever stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean, don't drink the sea water. Thank you.


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Now there's an oxymoron. A freshwater ocean. By definition, not possible. There are saltwater lakes (as lakes are usually freshwater), but no freshwater oceans ;) .


You're obviously very bored, if you have time to explain how you would die of salt water consumption. It's no wonder you earned BOTW. Good job :) .


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