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Colors In Bionicle



Recently I embarked on a quest to identify LEGO's official RGB values for the colors used in BIONICLE. Yesterday, out of boredom, I took it upon myself to transcribe these as well as the color names on my BS01 Sandbox. Some observations:

  • First, BS01's Kraata Variations page is a fabulous resource for identifying official color names, especially metallic color names.
  • The Kraata, despite their bizarre color combinations, managed to stick to colors that had previously appeared in BIONICLE.
  • The first color with an official name calling it "brown" was what we call Metru Brown.
  • Previous colors affiliated with brown sets included "Earth Orange" (Pohatu brown) and "Brick Yellow" (tan). Reminiscing about The Great Stone Controversy, many lulz were to be had.
  • What I had called "Dark Tan" is in fact called "Sand Yellow", corresponding to the "Brick Yellow" which we often call "Tan", the various "sand" colors encountered elsewhere in LEGO and BIONICLE, and, surprisingly, dark gold, which is in fact called "Sand Yellow Metallic" by LEGO.
  • On the subject of metallic colors, I had to rely heavily on memory and on the Kraata Variations page-- other online resources are terrible at identifying these, and many list several different colors under the single name "Copper".
  • Copper Kanohi, 2002 Gold Kanohi, and 2002 Silver Kanohi seem to have a color class all to themselves: Red Flip/Flop, Yellow Flip/Flop, and Silver Flip/Flop. These were the closest matches I could find from online resources (none explicitly identify which parts possess these odd colors), and I'm assuming the names refer to their varying opaqueness relative to light sources (when backlit these masks are all translucent).
  • Reliable RGB values for Reddish Gold (Nuhvok-Kal's Krana-Kal or various KK parts identified as copper), Warm Gold (post-2005 gold parts), and Transparent Bright Orange (Toa Inika Jaller's secondary color) are next to impossible to find. Warm Gold and Transparent Bright Orange make sense, considering how new they are, but I'd expect that Reddish Gold, an older color, would be easier to find if not for its mislabeling by online resources.

I'm sure a lot of people will find this info interesting!


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Why are we going by the BS01 color names? Both Peeron and the vending place call it "Dark Tan" and not "Sand Yellow." Brown is Pohatu's brown and Metru brown is "dark flesh" (or something like that). Etc, etc, there is a BIG system out there that all AFOL's use to find some common ground while talking.





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Why are we going by the BS01 color names? Both Peeron and the vending place call it "Dark Tan" and not "Sand Yellow." Brown is Pohatu's brown and Metru brown is "dark flesh" (or something like that). Etc, etc, there is a BIG system out there that all AFOL's use to find some common ground while talking.



There's no such thing as "BS01 Color Names" BS01 uses a pretty random assemblage of web colors entirely unrelated to this list I happened to assemble on my sandbox for the sake of easy coding. The names are official LEGO color names harvested from various spots on the internet, particularly the lists on Peeron and Isodomos. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough in the entry.


Furthermore, let me reinforce that I'm not saying people should stop using the color names they currently use. This is just the official naming scheme LEGO uses, and I thought it was a bit entertaining. I agree that the traditional AFOL names are a lot more useful and recognizable in casual conversation.

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