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Toa Neutrak

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Year 10

About Toa Neutrak

  • Birthday 06/11/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Hew-Gava, Gava-nui
  • Interests
    My website is in need of members and anyone who reads this, please join!!!! go to www.Gavanui.Yolasite.com

    My interests:
    I enjoy building things, playing sports, designing things, going on my computer and BZP, playing video games (wii, ds, and gamecube), and hanging out with my friends.

    My favorite tv shows are How I Met Your Mother, Family guy, Two and a half men, Married with Children, and Gary unmarried.

    My favorite book:? no idea. I like most books. The giver is at the top of the list along with where the red fern grows and a dog called kitty. I have never read a terrible book, besides that baby crip (from Family Guy) that they make us read when we're little. Holy Crip, he's a crapple!

    I honestly think that the best games are Bionicle Heroes (for DS. You get to have a fire Machine gun and get to kill Visorak, what more could you ask for) and Spore (hey, you get to create your own creature that you can make kill anything that gets in its way of getting that chicken leg on the counter).

    Please give feedback on anything I write (ex. I love How I Met Your Mother!!!)

    I also have certain goals for Bzpower.

    1000(not reached
    10000(not reached

    100(not reached
    1000(not reached
    10000(not reached

    Come to think of it, I haven't reached too many of my goals, have I?

    5(not reached

    My counterpart, the "REAL" Toa Neutrak's interests:

    Hello, I am Toa Neutrak, leader of the toa Magax and Ruler of Gava-nui. I am a toa of Earth and am a good leader (so I'm told). These are my interests.
    defeating bad guys
    creating a new species
    sleeping (which is rare)
    the study of rahi
    Kohlii ball
    Glatorian fighting
    honing elemental abilities
    being in charge of Gava-nui along with my toa team

    Toa Neutrak

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • LEGO.com Account

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  1. Which Bionicle do you mean?

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