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Stan McStudz

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Posts posted by Stan McStudz

  1. I'd rather they stray away from gimmicky launchers.


    There were quite a few launchers in G1 that ranged from finicky (Nyrah blasters, Cordak blasters) to downright awful (Those squid launchers). I'd say they could just make a few different kinds of launchers and NOT make them the main focus for each set of characters.  

  2. I'll be completely frank with my thoughts on this set: It isn't for the kids.


    LOSS has an uncanny amount of Technic pieces, unlike any constraction set since the Hero Factory vehicles. For a model, it very much reminds me of the 2001 Rahi, right down to the finnicky functions and lots of basic Technic usage. I'm getting a huge Rahi vibe from LOSS.


    As for the appeal to kids, I fail to see any. It's a villain, it has a golden skull spider mask, but the model is very lacking by today's standards. Strictly looking at the demographic, I fear that I'll be seeing a lot of LOSSes (no pun intended) on toy store shelves, as kids flock to the more posable and appealing Toa and even the Protectors. LOSS always felt to be the odd one out of this wave, and this review proves it.


    I'm not saying I'm NOT interested in the set; on the contrary, it evokes the 2001 Rahi like I already said. It has a unique build for CCBS constraction figures. The only comparison I could make is with 2011's Scorpio, but that uses CCBS bones for the limbs and looks generally a mess in my opinion. Of course, the system had just started, and it was still unique.


    Saleswise, LOSS could be a hit-or-miss, a bit of a wild card. A good selection of parts for MOCing, so AFOLs could buy a bunch of them for parts packs. Kids could buy it for the big villain. But on the flipside, LOSS could be completely ignored for AFOL nostalgia for the Toa and kids wanting the cooler-looking and more playable Masters.


    I guess time can only tell how popular LOSS will really be. As for myself, I'll definitely get one, just after I get my hands on the sets that will for sure be in high demand (Kopaka and Tahu are my top priority).

    • Upvote 2
  3. "YouTube comments"...


    Unless they link to a plausible source, I consider any and all YouTube comments to be lies until proven with damning evidence. The same goes with a lot of videos predicting later products (like the iPhone 6 leak videos which have been going round since the 5S came out).


    From what we can understand here, there WILL be a new constraction theme in 2015. And that's all we can go on.


    I'm not getting my hopes up that it's BIONICLE.

    • Upvote 5
  4. Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey...


    Blimey, I sure am glad I'm still David Tenant!


    1700s Prussia... Oh, this is one bit of Earth's history I never really thought about. Three (deleted!) episodes of Doctor Who later, I hop into my TARDIS (Which I got back in Part 2 of "The Pirates of Prussia") and figure out where exactly the Mask is. I find out that time has gone a bit askew, and there are now TWO masks for me to worry about. I head down to Modern-day Earth, grab myself a cute companion, and we spend a whole bloody season doing nothing, but somehow this all leads up to finding the first mask.


    We end up in Fekoro's Moonship (TOTALLY NOT A DEATH STAR), with guns aimed at us. I say some rousing speech about unlimited power in the wrong hands, and the deaths of so many, and the fact that there are TWO masks now, creating a paradox.


    At that time, Quisoves shows up. Me being Scottish and his being part Irish ends up with me grabbing Ignika Prime and pitting it against his Paradox Ignika. Planets are destroyed, universes freeze, creations burn, timelines written and rewritten again until my companion smacks Quisoves across the back of the head with a fish (FISH KILL!).


    Due to poor writing with time travel, the Paradox Ignika fades away. All of time and space is restored. Quisoves, unable to concentrate after being hit with the Sacred Cod, is detained by Fekoro's bots.


    Companion and I slip out, making our leave in the TARDIS...







    TL;DR I undid the paradox Quisoves did on us and now have the mask. Good luck trying to find out where and when I am!!!

    • Upvote 1
  5. The anarchist approach catches up with you.


    About seven years later, you are hiding out in Mexico. No one has tried to find you in all this time. You're almost certain everyone has forgotten about the war over this mask.


    That's when the police arrive. I mean, full out GTA-Six-Star arrival. They don't knock on the door. No, they blow it to kingdom come and come barrelling through your quiet Mexican cabin. You raise your hands in surrender, but they have none of it. In a Bin Laden-esque takedown, they pump your guts full of lead and make Swiss Cheese out of you.


    In the midst of it all, the leader of this attack can be seen: Me. I knew EXACTLY where you were all these years, biding my time, joining the police force and all of that. All of it led to this moment.


    As I walk over to my prize, I ponder over it all. Was it really worth it? Justice thinks you blew up a building full of innocents. They all think you were a terrorist.


    But you know what I think?


    "MY MASK."

    • Upvote 1
  6. The Olmak you've used malfunctions (as Masks Of Transdimensional Gates tend to do) and crashes you right in front of my feet.


    I smirk and kick you up the chin, knocking the Olmak off (more effectively than any Bohrok!) and I take the mask.


    My Mask now, sucker!

  7. I mutter something along the lines of "Mal. Guy killed me, Mal. He killed me with a sword. How weird is that?"


    Thankfully, the mask prevents any of us from actually dying. Because that would be merciful.


    I calmly get up, pull out the sword, and slap you lightly on the cheek. In the distraction, I grab the mask and run. I'm like a leaf on the wind; watch how I soar.


    My mask!

  8. Ah, jeez. Looks like Onaku's gone God Tier.


    I propose we all work together for now to bring him down. I've still got all the Chaos Emeralds and my Super Secret Base(!), but now he's in eternity.


    Anyone else got any ideas?

  9. My Super Secret Lab(!) remained unscathed (other than previous damage inside), thanks to my ACME Antimatter Dampeners®.


    In an effort to reboot the entire planet (seeing as most of us are now dead) I launch my Lab(!) into space, harness the powers of the Chaos Emeralds, and put the entire planet into a reboot thanks to the Genesis Wave (I swear I didn't make this up. It was in a Sonic the Hedgehog comic arc a couple years back).


    In my playing God, I strip Onaku's almost Godlike powers from him, and everything else is as it was before the earth became antimatter.


    Oh, and I have the mask now. MY MASK.

  10. Looks like that Muaka has a bit of Energy Hound in it. I must have overlooked this when I sicked it on you all. Seeing as you found my Super Secret Lab(!) (I should trademark that), now located on another part of the globe, and the Energy Hound/Muaka is gnawing at my face.


    I stun-gun my Rahi mistake and wait for you to run into my nefarious trap... A BANANA PEEL.


    You look back, wondering why I'm not chasing you. That's when your foot hits peel, and you hit the floor, dazed as can be.


    I calmly walk over and pick up the mask, and I dispose of you and the Muaka hybrid to the far reaches of the planet.


    My Mask! (New rank unlocked! "Evil Scientist")


    [O.T.: Did I make myself more powerful than need be with my "Super Secret Lab(!)"? Seriously, what do you all think of my posts so far?]


    EDIT: Whoops, looks like Quisoves beat me to the punch--er, mask. Uhh... Paradox?


    Quisoves is so entrapped with his writing (and lack of paragraphs) that he fails to see me walk up, take the mask, and knock him out (FISH KILL!). I then leave, putting my Super Secret Lab(!) in Self-Destruct Mode.


    My Mask. See you all on the other side. :D

  11. Thanks to science returning us all to some sense of reality for now (overlooking fighting over a mask with special powers), my out-of-body experience, while short lived, is over. I'll assume the same can be said for Chro (Thank me later for keeping your body handy).


    Seeing as Knowledge is power, I harness said knowledge and use it to engage in a seemingly endless debate with kompanion over my logic. Everyone present falls asleep, and kompanion is struggling to stay awake. I smack him with a fish (FISH KILL!) and throw everyone out of my Super Secret Lab(!).


    When you all wake up, Chro is missing a tooth, Ringabel has a bell tied round his ankle, and Kopaka's Kool Kompanion (along with Toa Smoke Monster) is warding off a Muaka cat. With SCIENCE!!! My Super Secret Lab(!) is nowhere to be found.


    My Mask!

  12. I smack Ringabel with (guess what?) a bell.


    The resulting GOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG disorients all present and I continue to extract Chrom with my ACME Pocket Soul Extractor©.


    My Mask. Essence Extraction at 23%.

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