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Tahu rules553

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Status Updates posted by Tahu rules553

  1. Plus Im not immature for wanting you to have a personal statement.

    ((dang cant delete my comments!))

  2. I read your Interests, and I was wondering... MAN WHATS WRONG WITH YOU DO YOU THINK INNAPROPRIATENESS IS COOL?

    No offense...

  3. I still dont know what started this fight.

  4. Fool? fool? youre the one that misspelled "Conquistadores."

  5. atleast I dont have an as bad reputation. QUOTE FROM MISTGUN: Stupid Thug

    PLUS, 1500 ISNT 15k. 15000 would be 15k.

  6. you DO spam and you are VERY annoying and strangely newbish even though you have 1500+ posts.

  7. example, god modding, excessive spamming, etc.

  8. you just fail. almost always.

  9. you fail too, so were even.


  11. Spam? You are spamming in comments (4 in a row).

  12. Therre hasnt been a new comic in 4ever

    BTW i was kidding about the comment about BZPower battles

  13. I waited for the new comic.


  15. oops. anyway, I like having a bit of comedy here and there, in v. one of the post where the twin fires missles at the yard, it broke and his minion said " have you tried painting your walls pink and stop going to the gym?" and twin would reply "yes. it didnt work".

  16. Post in Bzpower battles more often please

  17. The BZP battles are getting interseting.

  18. Yes the pic is funny if not cute, I got it off the internet.

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