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Based Goomy

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Blog Entries posted by Based Goomy

  1. Based Goomy
    Out of pure impulse I decided to buy the Boxor from someone living in my city. I never got around to buying the 2002 titans and I have been curious for years. I was pleasantly surprised.
    Can we just talk about how ingenious this thing is? The gear function is one of the best in a set to date. It also feels like every piece has a use and a function within the mechanism.
    From here on out, I am definitely going to start looking for some of the earlier sets.
  2. Based Goomy
    What an awesome album. They've discovered their ferocious side again! I'm a big fan of the dominance of guitar and heaviness of the album.
    Definitely leaning towards Reapers being my favourite song on the album. That guitar riff is too tasty.
  3. Based Goomy
    So I'm flying out tomorrow evening for Bricks Cascade in Portland. I've never been to a Lego convention farther than Seattle and I am more excited then ever! It's also the most Lego I am bringing (and hope to be buying) at a convention thus far.
    I can't wait to see people and explore more of Portland! My 7th Lego convention awaits!
    So stoked to buy some Princess sets
  4. Based Goomy
    When originally presented to me, these sets looked like the worst of the bunch for the first part of 2015. The Protector of Water is great and even though he isn't jaw-dropping the Lord Of The Skull Spiders is a solid set.


    I realize now that I bought every set within a month. Guess I'm waiting until summer for more?

  5. Based Goomy
    I went with my girlfriend last night to a late night screening and walked out mesmerized. Very rarely does a movie have you thinking about so many tough concepts.


    Not to mention Benedict was fantastic; it was the perfect role for him

  6. Based Goomy
    Around 14 years ago I received my first ever BIONICLE set for Christmas: Toa Mata Onua. From that point on, Onua has been my favourite character in the series.
    I went to Toys R Us today, one in a different city, and was pleasantly surprised to find my old friend sitting on the shelf. Without hesitation, I rushed home to build him.
    I have not yet opened him up, but to say that I am excited is an understatement. I can not believe BIONICLE is back, but I am happy that it is.
    I have nothing but the purest excitement to see where the line goes.
  7. Based Goomy
    I found an email in my spam folder asking me to come in for an interview at my local Vancouver Lego Store. I applied in September 2013 and thought that my resume was completely ignored.
    To my knowledge, that same Lego Store is hiring. I wonder what would happen if I replied to the email?
  8. Based Goomy
    I know I'm a little late to the party but
    Justin Timberlake has an immense amount of talent
    I've heard his music for years on the radio but I've never really payed attention and analyzed it deeply.
  9. Based Goomy
    Hey everyone, it's been a while.
    I want to get back into MOCing with Bionicle parts and I feel I could use a few new sets. What modern sets have good pieces? I picked up Evo XL and I think that set is amazing
    Is there anything else worth picking up?
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