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Based Goomy

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Blog Entries posted by Based Goomy

  1. Based Goomy
    The following message is dedicated to people who have put up with my insane ramblings this whole time:
    That's right folks, this blog has been in business 100 entries worth!
    And that calls for a celebration!

    Well, I'm satisfied.
    Thanks everybody.
  2. Based Goomy
    Why Mr.Pilgrim, I would just like to say how much I truly enjoyed your movie!
    I enjoyed your life story throughly, and I do recommend anyone out there to witness your K.O.s!
    Although, I do think you should have just stayed with Knives (she was cuter!)
    - Was Gedian (boyfriend #7) played by Amir from Collegehumor? It looked like it.
  3. Based Goomy
    I found an email in my spam folder asking me to come in for an interview at my local Vancouver Lego Store. I applied in September 2013 and thought that my resume was completely ignored.
    To my knowledge, that same Lego Store is hiring. I wonder what would happen if I replied to the email?
  4. Based Goomy
    Well, my school just had the annual awards ceremony. I raked in a few awards this year, including:
    -Band 10
    -Drama 10
    -Service (Me with service? Get real)
    -Swimsuit Competition
    Has anyone else gotten awards this year?
  5. Based Goomy
    Okay, I was on a biking trip this weekend.
    Did you know biking for 3 hours straight makes your crotch feel absolutely horrible?
    Also throughout the trip, dad was imitating Austin Powers. Ugh.

  6. Based Goomy
    Okay, since I don't have many blog approvals, I have made a list of things I will do to get them. I have taken time thinking about this, thus listing Pros and Cons:
    1. Stalk the internet and find people's blog approvals
    - I would have them
    - Probably the easiest way to do this
    - If the members find out, I'll be reported and probably lose something.
    2. Make fake blog approvals
    - Possibly even easier than #1
    - If a member with years of experience on BZP sees them, I'll be labelled a scumbag
    3. Beg members for their approval
    - Could work
    - Most people are nice. Nice = generous. Generous = blog approval.
    - There are mean people on BZP (surprisingly)
    - People may think of me as a wimp, or something along those lines.
    4. Force people to give me approvals
    - I'd get them
    - Very few members live where I can simply take the city bus
    - Not a nice thing to do, and I'm a nice person
    5. Be more awesomer
    - I would be awesomer, so people would like me!
    -Absolutely nothing
    Also, if you search blog approval on Google Images, you'll find a whole bunch of BZP member's approvals
    Nighty night
    Also, if you give me your blog approval, I'll love you.
  7. Based Goomy
    Well guys, once again I need some advice!
    Recently, my blog has been declining in exciting features, so I'm trying to add a few. The problem is, I'm not exactly an idea person, as my powers lie in reasoning and manipulating. So, I'm gonna list out my ideas:
    1. Something of the Month: I was thinking something music related, like song of album of the month
    2. Contests: I'm afraid people wouldn't enter, but I'd do them anyways. I'm not an idea guy though.
    3. More Pictures of Stuff: For example, George Costanza, me, thing I do, things I've done, etc...
    4. (Insert Your Idea Here): I told ya! Not an idea guy!
    Well, that's it for now guys. Keep on truckin'!
  8. Based Goomy
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't been bloggin' much. I've come down with a case of blogger's block.
    So, I want people to suggest things for me to talk about.
  9. Based Goomy
    When originally presented to me, these sets looked like the worst of the bunch for the first part of 2015. The Protector of Water is great and even though he isn't jaw-dropping the Lord Of The Skull Spiders is a solid set.


    I realize now that I bought every set within a month. Guess I'm waiting until summer for more?

  10. Based Goomy
    So I'm flying out tomorrow evening for Bricks Cascade in Portland. I've never been to a Lego convention farther than Seattle and I am more excited then ever! It's also the most Lego I am bringing (and hope to be buying) at a convention thus far.
    I can't wait to see people and explore more of Portland! My 7th Lego convention awaits!
    So stoked to buy some Princess sets
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