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Based Goomy

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Blog Entries posted by Based Goomy

  1. Based Goomy
    I know I'm a little late to the party but
    Justin Timberlake has an immense amount of talent
    I've heard his music for years on the radio but I've never really payed attention and analyzed it deeply.
  2. Based Goomy
    So, I got my report card last week. I was scared to see what my grades would turn out to be, but I was mildly suprised.
    Social Studies: 84% (Up from 80%)
    What can I really say? Yay?
    Teacher Assistance: 90% (No change)
    I think the teacher I help makes up this grade. I honestly feel like I deserve more, due to the effort I put into the tasks he gives me.
    English: 72% (Up from 66%)
    I don't think my teacher likes me. She thinks I'm an excellent critical thinker, but I can't write well. All in all, I'm happy that my mark raised
    Enriched French: 72% (Up from 65%)
    My french teacher is a very problematic woman. She had family issues and was forced to take maternity leave. We ended up with the best substitute ever , and he marked me a lot better than the old teacher did.
    Drama: 94% (Up from 92%)
    I did a really funny scene with a bunch of people. That's probably the reason for the boost.
    Enriched Physics: 61% (Up from 54%)
    Let's face it. I had a horrible first term in physics, but I payed much more attention in class and was rewarded accordingly. Giddy-up!
    Band: 95% (No change)
    No comment.
    Math: 66 (Down from 67)
    I need to make a serious effort in math. My teacher thinks I'm absolutely brilliant, but I'm the laziest person in the universe (not too far off). He wants me to be in his calculus class next year.
    So, those are my term 2 marks. Yay or nay?
  3. Based Goomy
    What an awesome album. They've discovered their ferocious side again! I'm a big fan of the dominance of guitar and heaviness of the album.
    Definitely leaning towards Reapers being my favourite song on the album. That guitar riff is too tasty.
  4. Based Goomy
    You ask me ANY question, and I will answer it. Simple as that.
    This is not a joke.
    To be fair, everyone has one of these topics now. First and last fad I'll ever join.
  5. Based Goomy
    Well, not really leaving. I will still be active in the B/S/T forums.
    More or less, I am not going to be active in the rest of the forums or the blogs. My life has taken turns and I am not really interested in BZP anymore.
    If you made my stay on here nice, thank you.
  6. Based Goomy
    I mean, I like him, and I think he's a good actor and all, but he always plays the same character! Not literally the same character, but the same type of character.
    Superbad: played a pathetic teenager who was scared of girls.
    Youth in Revolt: Played a pathetic teenager (did rise up and because a bad boy in the end though, sorry if I spoiled it for anyone.)
    Scott Pilgrim: Played a pathetic teenager
    Seriously. Overuse or what?

  7. Based Goomy
    Well, everyone is doing this, so I suppose I should write an entry about it as well.

    Alright, it was amazing. Better than '09

    Freaking awesome.

    Now some personal bits:

    Letagi- Great travellin' with ya to the convention man! You've got a great taste of music! Love to do the travel again!

    EW- It was great meeting you! You are hilarious!

    Swert- I finally meet the creator of BS01. Fantastic

    Kayru- We didn't talk much, but it was great meeting you. See ya down the BrickCon road...

    KopakaNui- Dude, you are awesome. Don't ever change your style. See you at the VLC.

    Inferna Firesword- My god woman, that Kirop was mind-boggling.

    Arkov- It's always a pleasure being insane with you. It's a shame I might not see you at BC 11, you are just too incredible.

    Czar- You are an amazingly generous vendor. Thanks so much for the discounts.

    And last but not least,

    Xccj- Dude, you put so much into this year's Bionicle table. Thanks so much. I hope to see you soon at BrickFest.

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