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Status Updates posted by TheShadowedOne1

  1. Be quiet! I can do that if I want!

  2. Being with family... It's great, but I'd like to get back to work.

  3. Completed Reign of Mesodax #6: Dark Secrets

  4. Finished filming Battle of the Warriors 2 on January 28th.

  5. Finished the first scene's stop-motion images in Reign of Mesodax #6.

  6. Hello there, remember me, my friend?

  7. Hey, Diebeg. It's me TheShadowedOne1 from YT.

  8. Holy Mata Nui, I completely forgot I had an account on BZPower. Haven't been on for years since Generation 1 Bionicle ended. Good to be back.

    1. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      Do you have a link to your YouTube channel?


    2. TheShadowedOne1
  9. I am filming the sequel to Battle of the Warriors in two days and my camera-man/producer can't get off work to film it. Rule #1 in film-making: Don't Rely On Anyone!

  10. I'm filming the sequel to Battle of the Warriors, my first film festival movie in two days and my camera man can't get off work!

  11. I've written so many Bionicle film scripts that I've lost count but I have no time to make them or the energy. Ah, this world!

  12. Just rebuilt a ton of old sets like TSO, Vakama Metru, and 2003 Teridax? Time Trap anyone?

  13. Need to film, but working...

  14. Needs motivation to work on my next film.

  15. Working on Reign of Mesodax #6: Dark Secrets

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