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Peach 00

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Blog Entries posted by Peach 00

  1. Peach 00
    Yup, it's freezing outside (but it's not snowing) in about forty/fifty/thirty degree weather, and I'm wrapped up in a blanket sitting next to a heater. Oh, how I love winter...
    Yesterday I baked some cookies and brownies, and today I'm planning on making more. Sorry, if you want some, you're going to have to make the drive to where I am. =P But yay, warm baked cookies on a cold day = <3
    And, apparently, I have sort of some writer's block, which I had a feeling was going to happen. Either that, or I'm just giving myself an excuse not to write. Any threats people could send my way to get me to get writing again, please?
    But that's the basic news flash for today, but now I've got to go make some breakfast and watch the F1 India race in an hour or two. If you haven't seen any Formula One races, look up some from last year and see if you like it. 200mph+ cars are always awesome to watch. =D
  2. Peach 00
    Good morning, everybody; right now I'm watching the sunrise out my window, which is really pretty.
    I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, and 3. It's been quite a long time since I've seen those movies, lol. Yo ho, yo ho, and a pirate's life for me.
    However, I posted this blog entry to say that I'm re-posting my holiday story from last year, Mistletoe. =D
  3. Peach 00
    - Stocking stuffers (Bottle Caps, Smart Tarts, beads, etc.)
    - Digital clock (I've needed one)
    - Two long-sleeve shirts
    - Plush robe
    - Plush socks
    - Rear Window Grace Kelly Barbie
    - $200 (=D)
    Although it's not a lot, it's awesome, nonetheless. I plan on spending the $200 on Portal 2, some beads for jewelry, trading in my Forza 3 copy for the Top Gear edition, and some other things. Might get my ears pierced, I got a pair of earrings that are really pretty. Not sure when that will happen, though. Still, I loved the gifts, because with the money I can spend some money on extra gifts that I didn't get with the rest of the things I got.
  4. Peach 00
    So, for some reason, my blog won't let me have a comment block - as in, when I use the drop down box to access my content blocks, there is no such thing as a comment block in there, even though I've used it several times before. Actually, there are a number of content blocks missing, I'm pretty sure. =/
    Any reason why this might be? I would appreciate some help on this issue.
  5. Peach 00
    Hate to see these go, I was thoroughly enjoying the blogging experience. Plus, seeing a ranking icon was certainly cool, instead of just seeing text. I'd prefer it if that would stay there without PMship, it's not really a huge perk, to be honest. Anyway, I've definitely enjoyed this. This probably being the last blog post I'll have, like to advertise some things I've seen:

    Inferna Firesword's epic Wings
    Grant-Sud's Divided We Fall
    What Lurks Below (also by Inferna)
    Rising Moon's Dreams of Darkness

    ...And a few other things I can't remember. Plus, sorry to SYC requesters, I'm cancelling the stories, but I'll still view them in my spare time when I can and maybe review them. But anyway, I definitely enjoyed the blogging, the comments, the people - nice to know I had some people reading my blog. I felt like I was kind of noticed in some mannerism than through just my writing or something. Still, appreciate the views and the comments, guys. Maybe when there's another downtime, I'll show up in the blogs again.
  6. Peach 00
    Having that and hot dogs for dinner. All I can think of is putting cheese, pickles, and ketchup on top of my hamburger, taking a bite, and then start munching into the french fries I have with it - in the great words of somebody I probably don't know, 'OM NOM NOM'.
  7. Peach 00
    Happy Halloween, BZP! Because this is an exciting event, and because I'll probably be busy tonight, I'm going to be reposting Danger Close today! I don't know when I'll be doing it, but probably around 9 or 10ish. It's going to be late because of watching scary movies probably, eating dinner, leaving from ballet, etc. So yeah, I hope you people will be happy when it gets reposted.
    Also, I really need help: Since the coding has changed for URLs, how do you get it so you exclude the underlining portion, the blue color, and also exclude the link entirely (The link words, obviously, so I can put what I want there). That was, sadly, one of those things I forgot to do when BZP went down. -.-
    By the way, I'm sorry, guys, that it took so long to repost it. I promised that a week or two ago, but it didn't happen. Now I'm basically taking an oath that I'll actually post it.
    (EDIT: Guys, something really cool for Halloween: Turn off all the lights in your room, shut window blinds, or any place where there's light and just listen to Thriller by Michael Jackson. Words can't describe how cool this is. >=D)
  8. Peach 00
    So, like every year, writers like myself attempt creating holiday specials, so instead of doing a long drawn out story (Well, actually it's not confirmed if I'll write one at this point, I have a story in the works that will be for Valentine's Day next year that I'm writing), I decided I'd do a spoof of a classic Christmas song, written in Bionicle style. Going to post it on Christmas Eve, while if I have time still, I'll write a holiday story. Not as long as last year's, though, if some of you remember Mistletoe. =P
    But I'm going to attempt to make a holiday story, depends on what the specifics of it will be, though. :/ Any ideas?
  9. Peach 00
    Having some with cinnamon bread and apple bread. I'd take a cup of coffee, but I don't believe I'm old enough to drink it, lol. Also, it is hot chocolate.
    Just started watching some TV, and I'm considering getting on Majora's Mask. It didn't save my game because I remember having a power outage or something while I was playing it. Back down the well with the Gibdo Mask and into the Royal Ancient Ikana temple...
    Well, probably going to go watch the F1 race. See everybody later. ^^
  10. Peach 00
    Words cannot describe how good and weird this is. BD
    Although it's strange, it tastes almost like tea with a good orange flavor. Or it could just be warmed up orange soda, lol. Annnnd even though I don't expect any of you to try this, if you do it, don't warm it more than 25-30 seconds in the microwave. Otherwise, I think everybody knows the result.
  11. Peach 00
    Although that might be a complete copy of Inferna's blog entry title, what else would I be saying?
    Still, I got an honorable mention, as did Inferna. I'm happy with the results - so happy, I'm motivated to write again! =D
    Congrats to all the winners, especially to Legolover, Aderia, and Grant-Sud. You guys deserved the places you finished in.
  12. Peach 00
    Woke up this morning with a sore throat. The one good side of it is, I can at least try to do school, get on BZP, maybe play games, and watch TV. The downside is, I'm sick. And that I'm probably going to be sick through Thanksgiving, and maybe on Monday and through holidays. Wonderful. -.-
    Well, I guess it's good this isn't happening at Christmas. Better it happens now.
  13. Peach 00
    I finally got the motivation to put a few fingers on the keyboard for a change. So, I've got a WIP that's basically a dark romance right now, entitled What We Create. Only got a page in it, but I plan on it being about ten to fifteen pages. Despite the length, it'll still be good - the few characters in it are my villains in Danger Close, specifically Uzian, Fuzan, Colorn, and Tikiani. Silio won't be making an appearance in it, but only because he's had his day in the sun in Rebirth. But still, I won't reveal the plot, but I promise it'll be pretty good. ;D
    Also I might post a songfic I did through the duration of the downtime, but only in my blog. If there are good comments on it here, there's a chance I might post it in the SS forum. Supposed to be a Nikila and Lesovikk romance, entitled Angel. The song of course is Angel by Sarah McLachlan - I was considering using Witness instead, but the other song seemed more suited to Lesovikk. And I've got plenty of other stories that I'm planning right now, all of them interesting. Plus, just about all of them tie into Danger Close with the exception of one probably.
    Ah, what Call of Duty Black Ops, Animal Crossing, and Pink Floyd can do to inspire me.
  14. Peach 00
    I'm feeling slightly ignored lately - I don't know what it is, I really don't. Not that I'm begging to be in the spotlight 24/7, but I'd just like to be notice. I've felt this way about a lot of things lately. My writing, discussion - it seems like I'm just being ignored, invisible to everybody else. My writing gets absolutely no recognition nowadays, and when I post valid, controversial points in some topics, people completely ignore what I say. I can post page-length posts and nobody even cares to read them.
    And with my stories? I can spend weeks, months, years - nobody cares. I've been writing Danger Close for two years now. Repeat, two. I used to have plenty of recognition for writing it, solid reviews and comments. Ever since the forums came back online, I've been completely unnoticed. And when I entered the SSC8 contest, two people reviewed the story. Two. I appreciate the comments, but I'm just angry that nobody really cared to look, to venture into something new and maybe enjoy it.
    And then when the polls come out...when they come out, I'm not there. Sure, there was a 1 in 43 chance, but it was a story I had been working on since the contest started. I put my nose to the grindstone to write the best story I could, and it doesn't get any notice of even existing.
    So tell me, BZP: What does it take to get noticed? Put some flashy title in a blog entry or story? Make it something to do with zombies, blood, skulls, and maybe even My Little Pony? I seriously don't get what I have to do to actually be noted. After the polls came out, I've really been questioning my writing ability and if I'm all that good. Just being ignored hasn't at all motivated me to write, and I can't come up with anything original or creative. When nobody reads my writing, why should I write?
    And before everybody starts saying that I should just get over it about the polls, I've been stressed out about this contest from the start. I've worked hard, and I think people should actually take note of the trouble it takes me and others just to write something others might enjoy. I write for people - I would never write if I didn't have the ability to share it with others.
    ...Still, guys, just tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong, and whether or not I should consider even writing anymore. ._.
  15. Peach 00
    That's right everybody, Danger Close is back! Not to forget new blog name and very small changes I've made.
    Go read DC, and afterwards tell me your thoughts on the small differences.
  16. Peach 00
    How come I'm beginning to believe that this statement is completely false?
    Maybe I just have the holiday blues, if only I knew why. Some things I hear about just make me depressed - the SSC8 contest got me down because I didn't end up in the polls, and I'd be lucky to even sneak by with honorable mentions. I doubt that's going to even happen, I haven't been all that confident in my writing abilities since that. Besides, writing has come to a complete stop, no motivation whatsoever to complete Danger Close.
    Maybe I'm complaining for the sake of complaining...I don't know. Who ever knows those things?
  17. Peach 00
    Who has heard of this cool band? :3
    My favorite songs personally are Where Did All the Love Go?, Ladies & Gentlemen, Roll the Dice (a full song, the title is written like that), Thick As Thieves, and Fire. I wish I had more of their songs, I only have eight or so. =/
  18. Peach 00
    It’s come to my attention that there is an enormous lack of actual awareness of talent – whether it’s about a writer, artist, comic maker, or even a MOCer. It seems to me BZP doesn’t recognize talent anymore, and doesn’t care for it whatsoever. Although there is no actual way to prove this point, it is true in most cases.
    Now, let’s create a hypothetical situation, with a person that joins the site and starts posting stories/art/comics/MOCs. He/she doesn’t get any recognition, even if they went to all the trouble of writing just so people can critique or view the story/art/comic/MOC. Even if they show links in their signatures or on their profiles, they won't get noticed.
    Now, what I’m about to say isn’t meant in any offense, but it seems that the community basically follows the popular members. Some of these popular members (not going to name names here) do deserve the credit they’ve been given and the respective reviews, but I think some just aren’t all that talented. There are really popular comic makers whom I’ve seen that just aren’t that good.
    However, authors are usually always talented, while some just need the reviews. Some aren’t noticed because they’re basically tossed aside for the more popular people. I’m somewhere in between popular and not really noticed, but leaning more towards unnoticed. None of my stories really get recognition, even though most of the time I write them just so people can view them. My epic that I reposted only has gotten one review since I put it back up, which was from the ECC because I wasn’t getting any reviews. To save my review topic from falling to the bottom of the pages I asked them, and ever since then, I still haven’t gotten a review.
    But, this just isn’t about me. Each category falls into the eye of the community, some categories usually having newer and older members getting reviews. Now, this doesn’t apply to Comedies when I mention writers, but the same basic scenario occurs, but sometimes the talent isn’t original. No offense to some people, but that’s just the way I see it.
    Nonetheless, I think that the less-noticed talents should be known and people should be aware of these young, talented artists or writers or builders. Everybody deserves their time in the spotlight, even if it isn’t long. And, any little comment makes these people feel good. But even if it is a little comment, still keep it constructive and a little bit of positive and negative so they can improve.
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