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Peach 00

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Blog Entries posted by Peach 00

  1. Peach 00
    Seriously? This is an amazing story. If you read it, you really won't regret it. If you haven't read Inferna Firesword's previous epics, then you might want to check the story guide she has in the review topic so you understand the characters, or either read one of her previous epics. Nonetheless, this story hasn't gotten the attention it deserves, and truly is an awesome story - seriously, go read it. You won't regret it. ; )
  2. Peach 00
    I still have PMship, woot-woot.
    So, Saturday was awesome because I saw a Panoz on the road in an area you would not expect it to be. Plus I saw two Lamborghinis, the newest being the Aventador and the Gallardo right behind it. I got to go to Barnes & Noble, which consisted of buying the P-U-L-S-E DVD Pink Floyd concert (=D), a book chock-full of pictures and info on guns and stuff. Can't remember anything else, lol.
    And, I rewatched the Star Wars movies on Sunday and Monday, and I've come to the conclusion that Young Anakin is really annoying, the actors and actresses that played Anakin, Padme', and Obi-Wan aren't overall good actors, and that the puppet Yoda was cooler. However, Yoda was still awesome in Episode III and II, just because of battle scenes with Duku (or how ever it's spelt) and Palpatine. But the new ones were just baaad. >_>
    Also, now I'm going to go spam the Danger Close topic with a chapter or two, and going to go watch the review topic fall down to the second page for the second time since BZP's return. Reviews please. ;_;
  3. Peach 00
    Well, because it's getting late, I figured I'd give random updates, news, quotes, and mini rants before I get to bed. Seems better to have a wide range of completely spontaneous subjects compiled into one blog entry than spread out into about nine.
    So, first, just like to get this out of the way: At my ballet place, my teacher has been telling me/my parents that one of my friends and I are the two most advanced students in the class. Despite the fact it's going to happen anyway because of my age, she's thinking of moving me up to the advanced 12+ class.
    As well, this Russian ballet guy is coming the day after my birthday (my birthday is January 21st), and because I'll be 12 at that point, I'd take the advanced master class he's teaching for a day. Now of course the other teachers, including the assistant teacher, will be in this exact class, and my teacher thought it'd be awesome if I were in that class. So, just to see what my best abilities are, I'm going to be taking that class. =D (But unfortunately for me this guy doesn't speak a word of English, so I'm going to have to be working on ballet phrases and anything that he will understand when in communication.)
    So that's update #1.
    Now secondly, my brother (Tifosi 94) is having his birthday in six days, which will be five days tomorrow, but still, can't wait for that. My mom and I will be making a chocolate cake, either that or a black forest cake. For my birthday, I'm wishing for the Portal cake - anybody wondering what specific cake-type that is or if anybody has the recipe?
    Annd for an entirely random part, I'm busy watching Cheers while typing this. It's interesting to see that there's basically a tie-in with about six other shows because of the producers/creators/directors of Cheers made those other shows. So, about all of them: M*A*S*H, Taxi, Cheers, Frasier, Wings, andone other one I can't remember. All of them are really cool shows. :'D
    And again, on an entirely different note, writing has been semi-good. I've been wanting to do a human-Bionicle story lately, but haven't gotten any good ideas for it. Anybody have any practical ideas for a story? I'm wanting to use some of the characters in Danger Close (which, by the way, could use some attention, people), but I just can't think of any specific story background. =/ Also, advertisement for the following stories:

    Wings by Inferna Firesword
    Divided We Fall by Grant-Sud
    Rebirth by Me (Self advertisement is pitiful, but what the heck)
    Danger Close by Me

    So, there's a small list, but deserves attention. Again, I didn't want to advertisement my own stories, but they do need some attention. Grant's story and my story are both SSC8 entries, so we'd appreciate views on both. Inferna's epic has had reviewers bail on her (No clue who those people are, but get with it, guys), and just about the same with Danger Close. Reviews for all those stories would be great.
    And last but not least, ask me stuff. No clue what, but just ask me stuff.
  4. Peach 00
    Yeah, I figured I'd just check out BZP, lol. But anyway, I'm finding that Super Mario Brothers 3 is highly addictive, busy playing it at the moment on the Wii. I never got to play this on the original SNES, so I figured I'd play it on the Wii.
  5. Peach 00
    Well, I finally got some snow, even though it wasn't a lot. It melted right when it hit the ground, but it was just too cool to see it in November. I have never had that pleasure before.
    Also plus the Danger Close chapter will have to wait. I might get into the SS contest after all, and I still have time to post the story, since it's all finished. I promised myself that I was going to get as much schoolwork done as I can so I can get in. Anyway, I'm going off for a day or two so I can put the nose to the grindstone on this. Wish me luck! ;D
  6. Peach 00
    I've had this song stuck in my head for days. It just keeps on playing inside my head, reminding me of dreams in life that are long-shots, people that I admire and care about...just lots of things. Keeps me being a hopeless romantic.
    Still, I swear, this song can make me melt like butter when I hear it, lol.
  7. Peach 00
    Bad Company
    The Eagles
    The Who
    Pink Floyd
    Men At Work
    Jimi Hendrix
    The Beatles
    Loretta Lynn
    Patsy Cline
    Willie Nelson
    Kenny Rogers
    Gerry Rafferty
    Simon & Garfunkel
    Paul McCartney & Wings
    Neil Diamond
    Sarah McLachlan
    Robert Palmer
    ZZ Top
    Steve Miller Band
    Sheryl Crow
    Joe Walsh
    Don Henley
    Golden Earring
    Creedence Clearwater Revival
    Bryan Adams
    Billy Joel
    Bachman-Turner Overdrive
    Led Zeppelin
    Guns & Roses

    Heh, long list, but all of the musicians there are worth giving a try. Just go look up any of their songs, most of them are pretty good. And, I'd like to see how many people notice that just about 80% of those bands are classic rock or just general music from the 60s' to 80s'.
    EDIT: I needed to add all those below BTO. Sorry, but those are too awesome to name. =P
  8. Peach 00
    I remember Inferna Firesword did this a year ago, and because I was bored, I went searching for it somewhere in her blog so I could have a little fun with it. So, for those who don't remember and can take it and post the results in comments:
    1. Open your library to iTunes, Windows Media Player (WMP), or whatever music device you have
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Hit play
    Every question you answer with the song, move onto the next question. Just say what song played for the question. Here we go!
    1. What is my life's philosophy?
    "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd (I have no clue what to decipher from this)
    2. What will my last words be?
    "Circle" by Sarah McLachlan
    3. How am I feeling today?
    "A Matter of Trust" by Billy Joel
    4. What is my theme song?
    "Where Did All the Love Go?" by Kasabian (Not necessarily my theme song, but my attitude about lots of things)
    5. What song will be playing at my wedding?
    "Have a Cigar" by Pink Floyd (OK, this is a little weird... >.>)
    6. What song will be played at my funeral?
    "Someday Never Comes" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
    7. How will I be remembered?
    "Money" by Pink Floyd (For some reason, I like this. =D)
    8. What is some good advice for me?
    "Hold On" by Sarah McLachlan
    9. What is my life's dream?
    "Building A Mystery" by Sarah McLachlan (...)
    10. What's my kind of lady/man?
    "Drivin' With Your Eyes Closed" by Don Henley (No clue what to think of this one)
    11. How do people see me?
    "Witness" by Sarah McLachlan (?)
    12. How would I describe this page?
    "Not Enough Love in the World" by Don Henley
    13. How would I describe my best friend?
    "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan (This sounds just about right in a way...)
    14. What's in store for this week?
    "I Love You" by Sarah McLachlan (My computer apparently loves Sarah McLachlan - but maybe this is a good sign...?)
    15. How would I describe my parents?
    "Fire" by Kasabian (Not fitting, not fitting at all...)
    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?
    "Bad Moon Rising" by CCR (Heh heh heh...)
    17. What do my friends think of me?
    "Big Shot" by Billy Joel (This does not comfort me at all...)
    18. What is said about me behind my back?
    "British Legion" by Kasabian (Wut?)
    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?
    "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh
    Well, there you go. It seemed like it went pretty well - that last one instantly made me laugh out loud. Still, enjoy - comment your results.
  9. Peach 00
    ...really, I'd like to say thanks for those who commented. It really made me consider things and see a brighter side. Everybody who commented made me feel a heck of a lot better than what I was feeling like before, and made me realize that sometimes getting angry at a lack of reviews is pretty stupid. You can't expect reviews to be handed to you on a silver platter - you must be patient.
    And with those comments, I noticed that lots of people tried to really cheer me up, which I really appreciate. I realized that people did kind of care for my well-being, whether it was in a small way or a little larger. It made me more or less see that some people do notice me, even if it isn't distributed into reviews or praise. It's in a friendly manner, which is much more worth having than critique in many ways.
    To everybody, thanks for the comments and making me feel better. I really appreciate it.
  10. Peach 00
    For the second time, I'd like to say merry Christmas to BZP and its members, and for the second time I'll say that I'll be busy tomorrow helping with dinner, opening presents and the like. Still: Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and the like, BZP.
  11. Peach 00
    I've decided I'd have a little fun before my blog went away. For the last day, anybody can submit stories/art/MOCs and I'll be glad to check them out when possible. There are ten slots, and any extras I'll keep track of and try to review when I can.
    1. Xinlo: Spirit of Sonics Topic (COMPLETED)
    2. Inferna Firesword Topic (COMPLETED)
    3. Chi Keeper Cho Voxumo-Chan Topic 1 Topic 2 (AWAITING REVIEW)
    First slot is filled, and nine more to be filled! Remember, anything is welcome, even CoT topics. If all the slots are filled, you can also PM me for a topic link and I will still be willing to review it.
    EDIT: Eight slots left now. Remember, there's still plenty of slots, and I will do any comics, stories, art, MOCs that are asked to be reviewed. =)
  12. Peach 00
    So, for some reason, my blog won't let me have a comment block - as in, when I use the drop down box to access my content blocks, there is no such thing as a comment block in there, even though I've used it several times before. Actually, there are a number of content blocks missing, I'm pretty sure. =/
    Any reason why this might be? I would appreciate some help on this issue.
  13. Peach 00
    So, this is kind of an all-around blog entry, just about what I've been busy with in my recreational time.
    Well, I watched Rear Window for about the ninth time, and it's still my favorite movie. =P Alfred Hitchcock is a genius, and I really recommend the movie to those who haven't seen it. And, if you enjoy it, go see some of his other films. He is truly the master of suspense.
    And, for games, I've been playing Forza Motorsport 3, but not a lot of Majora's Mask lately. I might play it soon, I have no clue. But I'm loving the ability to drive a Ferrari FXX. =3
    For writing, I've been slow. I might not be able to enter the SS 8# contest after all, but I might still write the story anyway. Either way, by Friday, all the chapters I've done of Danger Close should be up soon, and I'm actually quite clueless as to where the story might go. Or so I say...
    Anyway, that's a short update for what I've been up to, besides school anyways. Now, I'm going to go listen to some Pink Floyd and do school, lol.
  14. Peach 00
    You know, sometimes the rain is nice and all, but when you have it pouring down your front door harder and harder and harder, it just gets exasperating. Well, in the immortal words of Mark Twain: "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it". The honest truth, the honest truth indeed.
    In other news, I feel like going on a rant about LEGO, yet I don't have any idea where to start. I feel like talking about the reason why LEGO dumped Bionicle and started HF, why Bionicle won't ever come back no matter how hard anybody tries, and why they need to put something new on the market in order to make money. But absolutely no motivation to actually write a long rant on that, so that probably won't happen for awhile. =/
  15. Peach 00
    So, for the fun of it I decided I'd blog about BZP's new look. There's probably been five other members who did this before me, but eh, I don't care. =P I'm going to weigh in a little bit on the pros and cons, hopefully some people might comment and give some insight, too (which, might I add, is completely welcome). Read below for the review.
    The New Look
    Honestly, it's a bit dull - not much life in it. It's just blue and white. We need more flare. Blue and white are overused colors. I'm aware that the staff is going to be getting skins up, if I'm not mistaken, which might be better. But it would be nice if we some red here and their, or a really bright color. I'm not personally attacking the staff's decision with the color choice, but just saying.
    Forums and Their Home
    I like that the creative outlet is now its own forum area, with Art, Library, and RPGs and whatnot easy to find. They're all together. That's what it need to be. Before General Discussion was in the middle of it, which seemed out of place. Now it seems much better.
    And LEGO sets and Bionicle sets are together, which looks nice instead of it being a 'Non-Bionicle' area at the bottom. To me, the whole area is laid out better.
    Birthdays? People have birthdays?
    Yeah, I don't necessarily like that it's a content block at the side. Rather have all the member names at the bottom like it used to be; seems like now there's a list you have to look through in a BZP link. It was easier to read the birthdays off, go wish the people happy birthdays, and move on. Now it's click, click, click typetypetypetype now. I don't consider this a huge issue, but would be better the old way.
    I like the layout, but no favorites list at the top? I liked that I could instantly go to my favorite blogs, but now I've got to either search through pages and pages or add them to that list or whatever on an entirely seperate page. I have no clue how to add the blogs there. *shrug*
    Profiles are good, but...
    ...status? o.O Not sure why that's there, but I don't entirely dislike it. I don't see a huge need for it, but oh well. Either way, I like the profiles now, it's easy to see friends, check your blog, et cetera. It is more organized than before and easier to navigate through, honestly.
    Those are my views, so now for just a list of pros/cons now below.
    ~ Yay, organization
    ~ Decent look
    ~ Forums/Subforums in their right places
    ~ Profiles look good and organized
    ~ Comments easier to track on profiles
    ~ Reply boxes are more fully-equipped
    ~ No having to worry about codes to put in!
    ~ Instant multiquote
    ~ IT'S BACK
    ~ Colors are slightly dull
    ~ Dataclysm repeat, noooo
    ~ How do I favorite blogs? >.>
    ~ Newest blog entries of blogs I don't view? Eh, might not be too bad...
    ~ Quick reply should be an open/close box
    ~ Confusing instant PM system
    So in all...
    Pros outweigh the cons 9-6, yaaaay. Anybody is welcome to provide their own thoughts on BZP's new system.
  16. Peach 00
    Yeah, my family went out for dinner 'cause it's my brother's birthday, and we went to our favorite restaurant. They had some caviar on one of the dishes, and in a reluctant way I tried it. Not too bad - my mom was like, "How was it?". I simply replied, "I dunno, I ate it too fast before I could savor it." XD Still, interesting, but I probably still won't understand why so many people can rave that it's the best thing they've ever had. It's good, but not the best thing in the world.
    Also plus listening to Hotel California by The Eagles is always awesome. I've had that and Ladies and Gentlemen, Roll the Dice by Kasabian stuck in my head for the past few days. =3
  17. Peach 00
    Why so many? We have the System contest, the RPG contest, the two SS contests - what's next? Of course, I don't mind it, but I just don't remember there being so many back on the old forums. =/
  18. Peach 00
    From what I've heard, the organization known as 'PETA' (I don't know much about it, and I'm going by only what I know) is against Raccoon Mario because 'it's wasting precious fur', so they're declaring Mario an animal killer because of this.
    Wow. Just wow. o_o
  19. Peach 00
    Yeah, it's my brother's birthday tomorrow. Because I figure I'll be busy tomorrow with either school (I might be taking the day off, I'm not certain of that) or hanging out with my brother while he's celebrating his seventeenth birthday, I'd post a blog entry, depending if I have time to post a topic. So, since I might be busy, let's just wish him an early happy birthday.
  20. Peach 00
    Who has heard of this cool band? :3
    My favorite songs personally are Where Did All the Love Go?, Ladies & Gentlemen, Roll the Dice (a full song, the title is written like that), Thick As Thieves, and Fire. I wish I had more of their songs, I only have eight or so. =/
  21. Peach 00
    Yeah, this is yet another blog entry with just kind of everything in it, including my commentary on some decrease in discussion on BZP, me talking about Majora's Mask and how annoying Stone Tower is, and me complaining about the weather where I am. Isn't it lovely?
    Well, let's first start out with BZP. I've seen a huuuuge drop of actual controversial discussion in some of the forums. I might be kind of wrong on this, but if you want a little bit of proof, go check out GD. It's become more of 'post it here' forum, so I've been wondering if anyone actually cares about the topics or not. Since Bionicle has gone, there's been a decrease in actual interesting discussion.
    We used to wonder about what next year's sets will be like, what everybody's thoughts were on summer's line of Bionicle sets. Well, let's say that kind of died when Hero Factory came. Not that I'm bashing HF or anything, but there hasn't been much excitement about it. And, to be honest, I'm getting very exasperated with the countless 'Bring back Bionicle' petitions and clubs. Let's face it: It's not coming back.
    Now that that's outta the way, let's move onto my current complaint. BZP's amount of diverse discussion is decreasing, slowly fading away into the background with the rest of the repeatedly posted topics. There mostly boost your post count topics more than anything, instead of actual interesting topics that people can state their minds in.
    Anyway, I'm just disappointed with the fact people are almost mindlessly posting the same old topics. Not to offend anybody, but we really need to move on to different and more interesting threads instead of the same old boring things. =/
    Okay, well that was about 1/3 of this, lol. Anyway, remember how I was talking about Majora's Mask? Buckle up, get ready for a bum-py ride.
    So. I'm thanking Nintendo for slowing down time in MM, and am reeeeeally glad you have the Bunny Hood. I'm currently playing MM, just entering the Stone Tower for probably the fifth time in the history of me playing this game, and I'm really hating the Elegy of Emptiness. Oh, why must I use this over a hundred times? >.< And, random observation with this before I keep going: Why does the Link clone look like a girl? o_o
    Nonetheless, this temple is just overall really weird, but is still awesome. So many confusing details involved in it. Plus, I am really lost in the temple now, so I have no clue where to go, lol. This is more like a maze than an actual temple. -.-
    And, last but not least, the weather. It decides to be really grey and gloomy outside, which dupes me into believing there might actually be snow, although it's not cold enough. So, maybe flurries - then, it just turns to cold weather, with a good chance of rain, but that doesn't happen either. And tonight, it's really cold and chilly out, with no sight of a moon anywhere, and absolutely noooo chance of snow or rain. Can we have a little bit of something please? ;_;
    OK, well that was just about all I wanted to rant and rave about. Today has seemed like a bit of a lousy day, but that might just be in my eyes. Only good thing for me was going outside and actually taking pictures for the fun of it, but probably no chance of them showing up here. Sorry. =(
    Anyway, discuss my thoughts on BZP, MM, or even the strange weather nobody is actually experiencing.
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