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Peach 00

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Blog Entries posted by Peach 00

  1. Peach 00
    I've been listening to this song all day. I figured out that playing Call of Duty while listening to it at the same time is an awesome combination.
    Also, besides just that, I really need motivation for Danger Close. I have no clue where I should go with it, even though I want to induce the action needed in it. I just need motivation to keep writing and not to stop - I can't let this story just fade and die in the background like a lot of my other ideas. I need to write more of it - I want to write more of it.
  2. Peach 00
    It's nice when I just post stuff and not let anybody know about until afterwards, isn't it? Also, I have no clue how to do url codes, lol.
  3. Peach 00
    Apparently just recently Harry Morgan, known for his roles on M*A*S*H and Dragnet, died of pneumonia. It is sad to see this actor die - he played one of the best roles on M*A*S*H, playing Colonel Sherman T. Potter.
    Still, a tragic loss.
  4. Peach 00
    Apparently I overstepped the boundaries in the previous entry, my apologies to the staff and to members who I argued with. I was planning on locking the entry anyway because of the way things were going, but TN saved me the trouble of doing that. I enjoy talking about politics, so I got out of hand. Still, I hope this won't have a bad affect on the way people look at me or if their opinion of me changes, but hey, I forgot the rule of no political discussion on BZP. Still, willing to make amends.
  5. Peach 00
    For the second time, I'd like to say merry Christmas to BZP and its members, and for the second time I'll say that I'll be busy tomorrow helping with dinner, opening presents and the like. Still: Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and the like, BZP.
  6. Peach 00
    Yeah, I wrote this a long time ago when it was getting close to winter time. I couldn't resist posting it here. =P



    Summer’s leaves


    Turned to orange and yellow

    Found beneath the silver trees


    The colors in a swirl

    The brown and green

    Coursing with the yellow

    All in an autumn whirl


    The sky still holds

    The pearly clouds above

    The sun still shines

    On the faded green pines


    Colder weather

    O, don’t we love?

    The breezes flow

    Past the trees above


    The leaves begin to fall

    Representing the beginning

    Of the beautiful season—


    Well, there you go. I went in and out of rhyming, so that's why the last stanza didn't rhyme. Anyway, enjoy. =]
  7. Peach 00
    - Stocking stuffers (Bottle Caps, Smart Tarts, beads, etc.)
    - Digital clock (I've needed one)
    - Two long-sleeve shirts
    - Plush robe
    - Plush socks
    - Rear Window Grace Kelly Barbie
    - $200 (=D)
    Although it's not a lot, it's awesome, nonetheless. I plan on spending the $200 on Portal 2, some beads for jewelry, trading in my Forza 3 copy for the Top Gear edition, and some other things. Might get my ears pierced, I got a pair of earrings that are really pretty. Not sure when that will happen, though. Still, I loved the gifts, because with the money I can spend some money on extra gifts that I didn't get with the rest of the things I got.
  8. Peach 00
    So I just played three hours worth of Charades for the first time in my life with my family. We played Password also, and I won the second game, although the third one I started to die on a bit, lol. We only did movie titles, and the first few were easy, but the last charades were a pain.
    Also, side note, no Halloween story, guys - I cancelled it because I don't have enough time to write it, and I'm going to be busy writing for the Short Story contest. Maybe next year, or just a delayed Halloween story or something. You'll still get a story out of it, nonetheless.
  9. Peach 00
    My mom's making one for Thanksgiving. I'd help her, but being sick puts a damper on that. Anyway, my parents were kind enough to get me some glass beads and lobster claws for making jewelry, as well as these awesome Mario pajamas. Even though it's kind of kid-ish, they're still really comfortable. : D
    Also, the new Danger Close chapter will be up on Friday...hopefully. Still editing it and finishing it up.
  10. Peach 00
    Good morning, everybody; right now I'm watching the sunrise out my window, which is really pretty.
    I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, and 3. It's been quite a long time since I've seen those movies, lol. Yo ho, yo ho, and a pirate's life for me.
    However, I posted this blog entry to say that I'm re-posting my holiday story from last year, Mistletoe. =D
  11. Peach 00
    I finally got the motivation to put a few fingers on the keyboard for a change. So, I've got a WIP that's basically a dark romance right now, entitled What We Create. Only got a page in it, but I plan on it being about ten to fifteen pages. Despite the length, it'll still be good - the few characters in it are my villains in Danger Close, specifically Uzian, Fuzan, Colorn, and Tikiani. Silio won't be making an appearance in it, but only because he's had his day in the sun in Rebirth. But still, I won't reveal the plot, but I promise it'll be pretty good. ;D
    Also I might post a songfic I did through the duration of the downtime, but only in my blog. If there are good comments on it here, there's a chance I might post it in the SS forum. Supposed to be a Nikila and Lesovikk romance, entitled Angel. The song of course is Angel by Sarah McLachlan - I was considering using Witness instead, but the other song seemed more suited to Lesovikk. And I've got plenty of other stories that I'm planning right now, all of them interesting. Plus, just about all of them tie into Danger Close with the exception of one probably.
    Ah, what Call of Duty Black Ops, Animal Crossing, and Pink Floyd can do to inspire me.
  12. Peach 00
    Yeah, the power went out for no reason whatsoever, so I was really not happy about that. 2 to 3 hours later, it's back up, although the internet took awhile to get back up. At least after all that, I ended up having a nice bowl of spaghetti.
    Now, I need to go finish up a game of Monoply (I'm currently winning, as I do most of the time. ) and then play charades. A chapter of DC will be coming up in about another hour, enjoy it with my compliments.
  13. Peach 00
    Well, so far I've updated Danger Close, but I've got thirteen more chapters to post. I updated the review topic for DC and I updated the library, although I'm still trying to search for the old links so I can put them in the library. This weekend I'm hoping to update the library with all the old topics, so every keep their fingers crossed that I'll be able to add those links in. ^^
    But, I should be up to chapter eleven by Sunday night, if I post two chapters in a day, considering Hahli Husky has been kind enough to let everyone repost their stories up to the last chapter they posted. =]
    Either way, things when it comes to writing are going good so far, although I'm not sure when I'll have my SS Contest entry ready. Hopefully it'll be near the end of the month...oh, so many things to do, but not enough time to do everything. -.-
  14. Peach 00
    I never thought I'd be entering this, but as I said in the topic, I'm glad I did. I really hope some people review - I'm going to be gone until tomorrow, so let's hope there's some reviewers in that period of time. Who ever does review it, thank you. =]
  15. Peach 00
    So, like every year, writers like myself attempt creating holiday specials, so instead of doing a long drawn out story (Well, actually it's not confirmed if I'll write one at this point, I have a story in the works that will be for Valentine's Day next year that I'm writing), I decided I'd do a spoof of a classic Christmas song, written in Bionicle style. Going to post it on Christmas Eve, while if I have time still, I'll write a holiday story. Not as long as last year's, though, if some of you remember Mistletoe. =P
    But I'm going to attempt to make a holiday story, depends on what the specifics of it will be, though. :/ Any ideas?
  16. Peach 00
    ...I lost it. ;_; My brother got over twenty thousand plus dollars, my other brother got eleven thousand, and I only got a thousand. Trading and side deals aren't the way to go. =P
    Annnnd no chapter of DC tonight, I'm really tired at the moment and it is pretty late. I need to wake up early so I can A ) Make breakfast/muffins and B ) Get to school really fast. Even though it's Friday, probably going to have to work late.
    Plus, I saw the whole Wikia/Amazon/whatever thing. Copyright infringement much? =/ (Yeah, reallyreally sorry for whoever got hit by that.)
  17. Peach 00
    Words cannot describe how good and weird this is. BD
    Although it's strange, it tastes almost like tea with a good orange flavor. Or it could just be warmed up orange soda, lol. Annnnd even though I don't expect any of you to try this, if you do it, don't warm it more than 25-30 seconds in the microwave. Otherwise, I think everybody knows the result.
  18. Peach 00
    In exactly ten more minutes (from when I'm writing this, anyway), we will be experiencing something that will not happen in another 100 years: 11/11/11 11:11. Although this may not seem that big, this is something that comes around once every hundred years that not a lot of people realize. My great-grandmother is still alive today to see it for a second time, and she is the only person I know that has had the ability to see this twice.
    Nonetheless, I think this is a pretty momentous occasion, that probably none of us will ever see again throughout our lifetime, unless we live past a hundred, anyway.
    Either way, let's celebrate this when it happens - it isn't something you see everyday.
  19. Peach 00
    ...I'm really sorry for taking so long in this. Today I'm going to be looking at the stories requested (If I recall, they were 'The Switch Mirror', 'Destiny Quest', and 'Divided We Fall'). However, I will be busy with a friend of mine today, and it depends when she comes and whether or not I'll have time to view all three. Nonetheless, I'm still open for requests.
    I'll get to them as soon as I can, guys, I feel really bad about the delay. You'll all be getting reviews soon, I promise.
  20. Peach 00
    You know, sometimes the rain is nice and all, but when you have it pouring down your front door harder and harder and harder, it just gets exasperating. Well, in the immortal words of Mark Twain: "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it". The honest truth, the honest truth indeed.
    In other news, I feel like going on a rant about LEGO, yet I don't have any idea where to start. I feel like talking about the reason why LEGO dumped Bionicle and started HF, why Bionicle won't ever come back no matter how hard anybody tries, and why they need to put something new on the market in order to make money. But absolutely no motivation to actually write a long rant on that, so that probably won't happen for awhile. =/
  21. Peach 00
    I ask for snow, I get rain.
    I ask for sunshine, I get less rain.
    I ask for even less rain, I get even more rain.
    I ask for snow, I get loud rain.
    Then I finally ask for rain and I get sunshine. Go figure.
    I hate November weather sometimes. ;_;
    (Also, update on Danger Close: Chapter 6 will be up tonight, and either chapter 8 or 9 up tomorrow. And this weekend, maaaybe the links for my old stories will be up in my library.)
  22. Peach 00
    Turn the pages of life
    Keep on going
    Until you reach the end

    It doesn’t matter
    When we end

    Countless lives
    Full of hate, full of anger
    Full of tears and cries
    Full of love

    But the end result
    Will always be:
    The final page


    Just felt like writing this a few minutes ago. Basically my view of life is, it's a large book full of pages, full of all our feelings, and we can only read it. We create it, and we end it. But it has everything in it...our secrets, our feelings - our lives. But one person will only be able to live their own life. Nobody can read another's book...
  23. Peach 00
    ...for breaking Nigel Mansell's 14 poles in a complete season of F1, Vettel reaching 15. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I am referring to Formula One, a racing sport unlike such as GP2, IndyCar, and Nascar. Nonetheless, Vettel secured the record with an amazing lap time around the Brazillian circuit (not sure of the specific name) in the F1 season, which was also the last qualifying session of the season.
    Tomorrow Vettel will be starting 1st in the grand prix, so let's wish him luck that he'll win. And for those who are the least bit curious about his background, he's a driver at Red Bull Renault, one of the twelve teams in F1. Red Bull is currently leading the world championship with Vettel at the helm, with teams like Ferrari and Mclaren Mercedes far back. Vettel had already won the championship a few races back, still having over a one hundred point lead over the contenders. This will also be Vettel's second world championship, a back-to-back victory with his first.
    Sebastian Vettel is a very humble driver and is very kind to his teammate and RBR team, and although rising to a similar power like that of Michael Schumacher (seven-time world champion, in the sport and at the other Mercedes team), but doesn't wish to be called that. Idolizing Schumacher since he was a kid and was karting at an early age, Vettel secured a drive as a replacement for (I might be wrong) Nick Heidfeld at BMW for one race, and appeared again at the junior Red Bull Team, STR (Scuderia Toro Rosso).
    After securing a point in a race at the Indianapolis GP, he finished 4th in another race at the team, which gave him the drive at RBR. The rest is history from there.
    Vettel is, again, a humble driver, and although beating many records since his appearance in the sport, doesn't let it overwhelm him and doesn't let his ego get in the way. Unlike others, he's a fair racer and has deserved every point he's earned. Hopefully he will evolve into a legacy and he will continue to win for a long time.
  24. Peach 00
    I can't wait for them.
    What is everybody planning on doing for Thanksgiving, what're you thankful for, and are you looking forward to the weekend?
    Me? For Thanksgiving, I plan on stuffing myself like the turkey I'm going to be eating. Also, I'm thankful for having great friends, family, and that people might actually be reading this. (=P) And I'm really looking forward to the weekend!
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