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Peach 00

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Blog Entries posted by Peach 00

  1. Peach 00
    Happy Halloween, BZP! Because this is an exciting event, and because I'll probably be busy tonight, I'm going to be reposting Danger Close today! I don't know when I'll be doing it, but probably around 9 or 10ish. It's going to be late because of watching scary movies probably, eating dinner, leaving from ballet, etc. So yeah, I hope you people will be happy when it gets reposted.
    Also, I really need help: Since the coding has changed for URLs, how do you get it so you exclude the underlining portion, the blue color, and also exclude the link entirely (The link words, obviously, so I can put what I want there). That was, sadly, one of those things I forgot to do when BZP went down. -.-
    By the way, I'm sorry, guys, that it took so long to repost it. I promised that a week or two ago, but it didn't happen. Now I'm basically taking an oath that I'll actually post it.
    (EDIT: Guys, something really cool for Halloween: Turn off all the lights in your room, shut window blinds, or any place where there's light and just listen to Thriller by Michael Jackson. Words can't describe how cool this is. >=D)
  2. Peach 00
    Yeah, if you people have seen the weather channel recently, I've been experiencing some tornado watches and warnings. There was a watch, then it turned into a tornado warning with it getting dark and the wind and rain picking up a little bit. It finally stopped, so after sitting in the basement, I went back upstairs and to watching the weather outside. Still currently doing that, and I'm glad its brighter out and not as much wind or rain. :'D
    But for the meantime, I have a story I might be posting in my blog in about another two hours or so, depends on what may happen. Not sure what the length will be, but it's non-Bionicle related. It was once a composition I had to write for school, which I still wrote, but I just revised it into a full-fledged story. Who knows, I might create it with chapters and everything.
  3. Peach 00
    Having some with cinnamon bread and apple bread. I'd take a cup of coffee, but I don't believe I'm old enough to drink it, lol. Also, it is hot chocolate.
    Just started watching some TV, and I'm considering getting on Majora's Mask. It didn't save my game because I remember having a power outage or something while I was playing it. Back down the well with the Gibdo Mask and into the Royal Ancient Ikana temple...
    Well, probably going to go watch the F1 race. See everybody later. ^^
  4. Peach 00
    This seems like the fad right now, so I'm willing to follow it.

    Portal 2
    Nintendo 3DS
    (only if I get 3DS) Ocarina of Time
    Animal Crossing 3DS
    Skyward Sword
    Ranger's Apprentice: Lost Stories Book 11
    The Outcasts (Brotherband Chronicles)
    Forza Motorsport 4
    F1 2011
    Grace Kelly Rear Window Barbie

    Basically what I want, I can't think of anything else. However, that's a pretty expensive list, annnnd my parent's said that there would be a lighter load for Christmas gifts this year, so maybe some of these things I might either buy myself or get for my birthday. I'll wait and see what happens.
  5. Peach 00
    Make me a witness
    Take me out
    Out of darkness
    Out of doubt
    I won’t weigh it down
    With good intention
    Won’t make fire out of clay
    Or other inventions
    Will we burn in heaven?
    Like we do down here?
    Will the change come while we’re waiting?
    Everyone is waiting
    And when we’re done soul searching
    As we carried the weight and died for a cause
    Is misery made beautiful
    Right before our eyes?
    Will mercy be revealed?
    Or blind us where we stand?
    Will we burn in heaven?
    Like we do down here?
    Will the change come while we’re waiting?
    Everyone is waiting
    Will we burn in heaven
    Like we do down here?
    Will the change come while we’re waiting?
    Everyone is waiting
    I was only just listening to this song by Sarah McLachlan. Definitely suits the way I've been feeling for the past two days, honestly. Personal issues, complications, school - all of it has kind of been weighing down on me. If you ever have the time, go listen to this song. It has an awesome guitar solo on it, lol.
    (Also, Danger Close should have another two chapters up later on today. I already posted one about twenty minutes ago as it is, so readers [if there are any] should go check it out)
  6. Peach 00
    Yes, I figured out you could trade in an old Xbox for a 360 Slim, but you have to have everything that originally came with it. However, what's even better is, you save money this way, and get a really quiet and probably much more reliable Xbox. Really loving how quiet it is, and how much smaller it is. For the meantime, I'll be playing Xbox and watching Taxi on my PC.
    Also, that story should be up tomorrow on my blog, and if I get good comments, I'll probably put it in CoT, although it'll still be viewable here if it sinks to the bottom of the pages, lol.
    (Also, yay, I'm making dinner. )
  7. Peach 00
    Necklace holder
    4 pairs of jeans (I grow fast)
    2 shirts
    Beading wire
    Pink strands of pearls (not real, obviously)
    Strand of pink and silver beads

    So, in other words, I made out like a bandit.
  8. Peach 00
    Because I forgot, there won't be a chapter tonight for Danger Close because it's already 11 PM, so there'll probably be three to four chapters tomorrow. Oh how I'm loving how I can forget the twelve hour rule f or now. 8D
    Good night, BZP. Chapters for DC will be tomorrow, which for me will only be about ten minutes of coding, lol.
  9. Peach 00
    ...of a Jango Fett action figure and strawberries with a cream-cheese, vanilla, and powdered sugar mixture in them. Yeah, decided I'd just make a random entry because I figure I only have a day or so of premier membership. I'll be posting a little bit of that story in here, and if it's liked, I'll finish it up and maybe post it in CoT. But anyway, Jango Fett = <3 (he's just an awesome character):
    WARNING: Big pictures, you have been warned.
    Jango Fett himself with his pistols and everything
    Well, there you go.
  10. Peach 00
    Yup, still have it stuck in my head. I definitely haven't lost that lovin' feelin' for this song.
    But besides that, I'm counting down to Christmas (Currently 4 days, 5 hours and 0 minutes) and trying to come up with fillers for Danger Close's final chapters. I know the ending, I just need to find the action for before the ending. =/ And really sorry to those who needed the reviews from SYC, I'm not going to be able to review them. Maybe as a Christmas present for you guys I'll review them. =)
  11. Peach 00
    Yeah, just wanted to let you guys know that all the SYC (Submit Your Creations) stories that were in the slots we'll have to wait for reviewing. I'll get to them eventually, but I'll be busy on December 1st, and I'm trying to get what I hope will be my entry for the SS contest posted before the 2nd.
    That, and I feel I'm pressed for time on the new Danger Close chapter, which I feel hasn't gotten a lot of posts in the review topic. I'd really appreciate even a single-sentenced comment in the review topic, just as long as I get something. It's basically dying through all the Epics pages, and I would really appreciate anybody who's willing to review it and check it out. Even if you read only the first few chapters, I'd still be in debt.
    Anyway, sorry for the delay in SYC reviews, I'm just busy with writing and school. I really need to get everything for writing done. ;_;
  12. Peach 00
    That's right everybody, Danger Close is back! Not to forget new blog name and very small changes I've made.
    Go read DC, and afterwards tell me your thoughts on the small differences.
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