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Blog Entries posted by ~Spark~

  1. ~Spark~
    So I'm pretty sure Premire Perks end today so I'm just saying goodbye!
    I heard you can still edit your posts after they end so I might change this one a little
  2. ~Spark~
    Hello, today I will ramble about Final Fantasy XIII's soundtrack.
    So for years I knew NOTHING about Final Fantasy but just this year I noticed one thing about it I liked and it was This. Lighting's sword or Blaze Edge, I thought it was amazing! So I started to gain interest in the game and then one day I was searching for videos of the Blaze Edge in use and I stumbled across one of the pieces (Songs) done for the game and I thought: "Wow, this is really great stuff" so I listened to a bunch more and downloaded lots onto my Realplayer and now my Bro and I are planning to buy the game!
    But back to the music, it is very epic music with lots of deapth. One of the pieces called 'Prelude' is so epic that I rairly listen to it because I don't want to "over-listen" to to it and then ruin the epicness. So I recomend you go to the site of videos and listen to some of the music now Also if you know where I could buy the soundtrack please tell me.
    Remember to check out 365 Day's of Bionicle!
  3. ~Spark~
    So this is another anime show I watch(ed) and I must say, I like it even more that Luck Star! almost every episode was like a work of art, the humor is great, the suspence is unreal (in a good way) and the music also is great.
    One thing is that if you are watching both sieres at the same time you will see tons of referenses to Haruhi in Lucky Star.
    If you don't know much about the story than it makes it even more fun to watch.
    So if you have not watched it yet I recomend you watch it right now! Everything about the show is done perfectly!
    Also the season one final was a really heartwarming episode although nothing big happened it was the simplicity of the episode that made it great and some parts of it were so well done that I could remember times that when I had days like that!
    I recomend this sieres to anyone that is into anime!
    Don't forget to check out 365 Day's of Bioncile just click the link in my sig.
    Next up........ I don't know you will have to wait.
  4. ~Spark~
    So I'm going to ramble about Lucky Star an anime show I watch.
    So a month or two ago I started watching Lucky Star at first I thought it was pretty pointless but then I started to like it and now I have watched the whole seires! It was great! and so much fun to watch and once you know all the characters then you're good to go.
    Also there is an OVA (what every that means) episode and they are playing Vollyball and Konata did a EPIC combat roll it was so good I went back to see that part again Also at the end of each episode they have a mini part called 'Lucky Channel' and that is always funny to watch.
    Also I downloaded lots of the background music to my Realplayer because it has a cool soundtrack B)
    P.S. Remeber to check out 365 Days of Bionicle!
    Next up Star Wars: The Clone Wars! I'll Ramble and rant about that
  5. ~Spark~
    So for my last entry I'm going to talk about 365 Days of Bionicle.
    If you have not see it yet you should go see it.
    Taking the pic is lots of fun, I get outside most of the time. Getting pics of them with a local cat was really hard because the cat would not look at the camera, also getting the right lighting is very hard because the screen I'm using is not the best so when I see the pics on one of the other computer in my house I notice that the pics turned how I wanted them to! For some reson the photos turn out darker on the computer I using so it can be hard sometimes.
    But it is very fun taking the pics and watching the view on Brickshelf go up!
    So hope you enjoied reading my blog, I might try and make a entry to edit more stuff into but I might get in trouble.
    Bye-Ni............. hope you enjoyed.
  6. ~Spark~
    I just found out that I only get this for a week
    So I better use it as much as I can
    As you know I am a big fan of Star Wars: The Clone wars but one thing I don't like is that they spend so much time killing the clones!
    Really, its like in every episode they bring in a cool clone then they kill him in a grim way. It also ruins lots of the battles because they focus on the clones dieing and how they die. But the good thing is that they have cool clones to start with! just check out these new clones and a few new characters to the third season! Check it!
    So remember to check out 365 Day's of Bionicle.
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