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Blog Entries posted by Jobber

  1. Jobber
    ...I like to collect some of the Lego sets whenever there's a downtime in-between the MCU Lego ones. Don't get me wrong, I've watched every movie (Episode III is my favorite, for some reason ), and binged-watched Clone Wars and Rebels. But the franchise just doesn't "hook" me the way that something like Marvel does.
    But the sets, jeez. Something about the plain 'gray' color palette most of the sets have give a sense of 'unity' that just makes them really cool, amongst other things.
    Speaking of which, I need to pick up a couple more ASAP.
  2. Jobber
    'Sup guy, yes. Marvl Nui posted another Roboriders review. Lol.
    But here it is, my review of Frost:
    I'm really digging this YouTube thing. But yeah, I'll try to add some sweggy thumbnails in my future videos.
    Make sure to like, please! It really helps. Stay turned for my review of Swamp.
  3. Jobber
    “I’m sorry Steve…” Tony said, while staring at the damaged faceplate of his helmet that he held between his legs. “I’m sorry it had to end like this…I just...I just wanted to save everyone, you know? The Registration Act was supposed to be my legacy. God knows I’ve been doing this hero act for most of my adult life--Jeez, you've been doing it since the forties.”
    Tony chuckled softly to himself then sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leaned back in his uncomfortable wooden chair and closed his eyes. “It should be me lying on this cold, metal slab...It really should.” He pursed his lips, then spoke. “Gah...I’m just man in a tin can, but you. This dark, cold world could have used someone like you.”
    “But...The good news is...Through all of this...I never took a drink! And if I didn’t during this, I’m probably never going to...So there’s that.” Tear drops started pooling on the floor beneath Tony. He reached up and gently placed his hand on the corpse that laid in front of him. “To do what I needed to do to win this quickly, I knew that meant you and I would probably never speak again. Or be be friends again. Or partners again. I told myself I was okay with it because I knew I was right and I--I knew it was saving lives.” He closed his heavy eyelids, trying to hold back the sadness that welled in his soul. But he knew it was useless. “It was!! It was the right thing to do! And--and--and I was willing to willing to get in bed with the people we despise to get this done. And I knew the world favors the underdog and that I would be the badguy. I KNEW this and I said I was okay with it. And--and even though I said...Even though I said I was going to go all the way with it...I wasn’t.” Tony started clenching his helmet tighter and tighter, causing it to dent more and more the longer he did so.
    “And--And I know this because the worst has happened. The thing I can’t live with has happened. And for all our back and forth, and all the things we’ve said and done to each other...For all the hard questions I had to ask, and terrible lies I’ve had to tell...There’s one thing that I’ll never be able to tell anyone now. Not my friends, or my co-workers, or my president...The one thing!! The one thing I should have told you. But now I can’t…”
    “It wasn’t worth it.”
  4. Jobber
    Wow, haven't updated this 'ol blog in a while, huh? Welp. Better get to it.
    So I basically made a FB account today to Roleplay with after a several month hiatus (no, Roleplaying on BZP doesn't interest me in the slightest). I added a few people I remember, but I doubt said people are gonna accept my Friend Requests. The Street Fighter community is basically dead so I guess I can't be helped (though I'm sure if I made a over-sexualized female account, I'd get like 25 requests in seconds). If things don't pick up with that tomorrow, I'm just gonna be done with FB RP.
    So that's basically it. Probs update more, though.
  5. Jobber
    This isn't exactly a blog entry per-say, but more of a question for any folks that stumble across this: I've noticed some members have just symbols instead of your average letters for their names. For example: "^_^", or "____".
    Since it doesn't say in the Community Guidelines about not being able to have such things for your username, or 'doesn't give BZP a bad reputation', would it be acceptable to have a BLANK name without running into trouble with the Admins?
    Yes, you read that right. A blank username. I stumbled across my cousin's account today, in which he had basically no username. Since the method involves a special symbol, I'd figure I'd use my name-change to do just that.
    Anyways, I'd thought I'd post this here instead of the Help forums. I'll add a correct Blog Entry later on to make up for this one.
  6. Jobber
    So my room mate brought home a Bronchitis/Flu infection from her class last weekend, and I think I may have gotten the Flu portion of it. My symptoms haven't gotten progressively worse since they first sprung up so I'm pretty sure it's just my allergies haha. Speaking of getting worse things, I actually dropped 250$ on a 5th Gen iPod Touch, 32 GB. Yeah, you heard me; 250$ on a piece of out-dated technology. I literally have no idea why I paid that much something so trivial, when I could have easily bought me a new labtop I've been wanting for months.
    I was originally was going to buy the 16 GB version, but sadly, they were all out and the Cashier said they only had the one 32 GB iPod left so I caved and bought it without another moments hesitation. After playing around with said overpriced Apple product, I figured having a new mobile device with pretty hefty storage might come in handy on the road or something and I wouldn't make the effort again to get my green backs, back.
    So what else went on this week? Oh yeah, I finally got off my butt and got a Neflix account (mainly to watch the upcoming Netflix Marvel series, hehe). I gotta admit, I'm a wee bit disappointed. I thought there was going to be a vast library of TV shows and movies alike, but they only have videos that everyone else mainly watches/whatever's popular at the time. Oh well.
    Oh yeah, if anyone cares, I'm going to start reviewing Marvel TV/movies here on my lonesome blog.
  7. Jobber
    So a few months ago, my roommate brought home a pretty cheap Chromebook from the class she goes too (I was supposed to be for her 'therapy' or something) for both of us to use--We made a deal that she'd get to use the computer on the weekends, and I got to use it on the weekdays since I stayed at home most of the time. Well, she started nagging me about using the computer every night around the same time in order for her to talk to her E-boyfriend, lmfao. So I was like "I'm sick of this ######. I'mma just save up my paycheck to buy my own computer". And that's what I did: saved up 350$ to buy myself a new machine.
    Walmart sounds like a good place to buy a labtop, but I want some extra cash to get a metal version of a certain custom Bionicle mask on Shapeways...Sigh. First-world problems, 'eh m8s?
    Other than all that jazz, my plastic version of said custom mask I mention above finally shipped after a couple of weeks of waiting. So I should get it around Thursday and theeeeeeen I can take some cool pics so I can write up a review for it.
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