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Posts posted by /Got_Your_6/

  1. Been reading this and so far, my favorite product is #19, due to not recognizing any of the songs mentioned (I'm listening to Hades by Kalmah right now, by the way, look it up if you dare). This is really original, and I look forward to this 'plot' you seem to be concocting (heh, maybe that should be a product).Anyway, keep this going, your work is excellent.

  2. So far I'm honestly loving the episode. I really enjoy how you have these several small plot lines going, and occasionally they all meet and thing all start to make sense. Your title is interesting, and at this point I see the significance of it (I think; with CC you can never tell). Another thing you accomplish greatly is how you keep the reader one step ahead of the characters; on a side note, I really need to quit trying to read and headbang at the same time.

    Finally, is there a main Cipher Chronicles topic (on the new forum) with links to all the episodes, or something similar?

    If not, there should be.

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