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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    Just something I recorded a few days ago, and thought I'd share it with anyone who actually reads this. Roodaka's Laugh <<-- Right click and 'Save Target As' -->> Sorry, it's kind of a large file size for a short clip. 1.08MB
    I just think that laugh is totaly hilarious!

  2. HahliLavender
    I just got the comic I ordered in the mail! It was the Mcdonalds promo comic "Callenge of the Rahi!" And I also got a bonus comic #19 that the seller never mentioned, and they're both in mint never-been-read condition! You can still buy one from here. (Free shipping!)

  3. HahliLavender
    I've entered AC11! I chose to do a poster requesting Matoran to join the Ta-Koro Guard.
    Topic Link
    Feel free to use the banner below.


  4. HahliLavender
    A few months ago, I think it was some time in February, I drew a picture of Maku sitting on her bed in Metru Nui remembering Hewkii, since he left and (though she didn't know it) became a Toa. So yesterday I wrote a short little story that goes along with the picture I drew. You might have to listen to some soundtrack scores to get into the moment. It helps. Beleive me. I listened to Resilience, One Last Look, and The Letter That Never Came by Thomas Newman (Unfortunate Events Soundtrack), For The Love Of A Princess by the London Symphony Orchestra (Braveheart Soundtrack), and stuff like that. But I think Thomas Newman has more songs that go along with this story.
    Anyway, just so you know, I've never actually written a story before. This is my first attempt at writing. So it might help if you have some tips that will help improve my writing skills. On to the story...
    Macku walked along a pathway which overlooked a silver expanse of sea, on which reflected the twilight glare of the sun. She was tired, since she — along with the rest of Metru Nui — were rebuilding their island home. But recently she was told to stop working until further notice. She didn't know why, but she didn't care at the moment. She just wanted to go to bed.
    On the way to her hut she decided to stop by Hahli's place, to see how she was doing. Macku stepped up to the door and knocked. No answer. She knocked again, "Hahli? Are you there? It's me, Macku." There was still no answer. She stepped into the hut, but saw that Hahli wasn't there. "That's strange," She said, "She's usually here at this time. Oh well, I'll try tomorrow." So she continued her way home.
    The next morning before sunrise, Macku awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. She groaned and slowly got out of bed. "who could that possibly be." She opened the door and was instantly filled with joy.
    "Hewkii!" She exclaimed. The two jumped into each others arms and embraced one another. "It's so early, what are you doing here?" Hewkii's expression suddenly grew a little sad. "I... I have something to tell you," He said, with a little reluctance. Macku's smile faded. What could be so important for him to come all the way from Po-Metru to tell me? And at this hour. She thought.
    They both sat down on a nearby sofa. "You know that mission the Toa Nuva went on?" Hewkii asked. "Yeah, they've been gone for weeks! I'm starting to wonder if something happened to them. I don't even know why they left." Hewkii paused for a second, then said, "Well, I just talked with Jaller, and he knows. He said they need to find a special mask. One that could save Mata Nui." Macku was a little confused. "Save him? What do you mean?" Hewkii hesitated. "Well, Mata Nui isn't just asleep. He's... dying." Macku's heart sank. "What?" Macku's voice was shaky. "I'm not supposed to tell you this," Hewkii said, "And I don't want to worry you, but I think you should know." Macku didn't say anything. Hewkii continued, "Jaller's going to the island the Toa Nuva went to so he can help them, and he's bringing a Matoran from each Metru to assist him. They're leaving at sunrise. And he asked me to go." Macku couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you going?" She said wearily. "They need me." He replied. Macku didn't say anything. Hewkii stared into Macku's eyes. "You know I might never return." Macku took a deep breath. "Yes."
    There was a long silence, until Macku said, "Do it for Mata Nui." Hewkii stood up, and headed for the door. He stopped, and quietly said, "Goodbye." Then slowly walked away, glancing back at his one true friend.
    Macku stood by the door, "I love you," she whispered. And watched him walk off into the distance, hoping that the day will come when they can see each other again.
    The End
    Well, how'd you like it? I know it's very short, but I just wrote it all yesterday. Oh, and here's the picture I drew.


  5. HahliLavender
    Today I had to go help my Grandpa and members of our church move in my aunt and uncle's stuff into their new house. They just moved from Arizona. The work was quickly finished, and after that I had to babysit my cousins. Their around the 3 and 4 year old range. That was kind of tiring since they're so active. Last I saw them they couldn't even talk, now they don't stop!
    Well I'm finaly home and got a special surprise in the mail. It's a TNGM I ordered from eBay! I'm so excited! It's a nice feeling unexpectedly obtaining a rare mask in the mail!
    Well, that's about it for now. My legs feel like Jell-O, so I'm going to find something to eat before I get too tired to move.

  6. HahliLavender
    Yay, It's raining here!
    Ok, that probably sounded weird since most people don't like rain. But think it's an amazing thing to look at. It's so beautiful. In my opinion anyway.
    Well, I basicly just browsed the forums today, and started on a new kit I'm making. I'm not sure what I'll call it yet, but it's got Inika in it! So far I've only made Matoran and Inika bodies (with arms and legs), and all 2001 and Inika masks. I'm going to make the Toa Mata and Nuva next. Either that or the Turaga. Watever I feel like making. Also, they'll have poses! I'm finaly getting the hang of pixel pose-making! Here's a sneek peek at the kit.

    Like it? I think that's the best pixel art I've ever done! I don't know when I'll realese it yet. But It'll be out when I think there's enough stuff in it.
    So, tell me what you think!

  7. HahliLavender
    Well, today was kind of boring, like most wednesdays are. Seeing as it's the middle of the week, and nothing really happens. Except, for the fact that we got pizza for dinner!
    Anyway, I'm making up a team of Toa, and I just need to buy a green Kakama to complete one of the characters. I'm thinking of writing an epic in my spare time based around these characters. They find themselves on a jungle island with their memory wiped, and they go on a quest to find who's responsible, and to hopefully regain the knowlage they lost. I can give you a sneak peek of the characters. I made some profile cards that you can view below.
    Aure's mask is only temporary. I want him to have a green Kakama, as mentioned earlier. Which I plan to buy from BrickLink.
    I don't know when I'll start writing it, or if it will even be released. I've never written a story before. So I'm just going to find a pace I'm comfortable with, and try to write this story. I originaly was going to make a game based on these characters, which still might happen, but it might not. I'm not sure yet. It might be better to combine the two. I mean, you can't have a good game without a good story. I'll see what happens.
    I've also changed my Profile pic. Yes, that Silhouette is in fact me.
  8. HahliLavender
    Last night I slept better than I did in a long time. I've been sick with a nasty head cold almost all month. (coughing, runny nose, etc.) But I'm finaly feeling much better!
    Anyway, I was exploring some rarely-viewed folders on my computer and found these banners I made a few months ago. I think I made them last March. There's four of them, each representing a season. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall (or if you prefer, Autumn). In the center are the Japanese words for that particular season.
    To get the Japanese words for the seasons, I used this translator. In the Spring banner, I don't know if that's the correct word for the season of Spring, seeing as it's written in the Hiragana form of Japanese instead of traditional. But that's what it translated and that's all I had. If it's not the correct word for the season Spring, I'd appreciate getting the real word in text format.
    I bet your waiting to see the banners. Well, here they are:
    I made these entierly in Photoshop. Only using brushes, stamps, and effects. You can use them, but you must give credit! I worked hard on those.
    So, what do think?

  9. HahliLavender
    Wow! I never expected BZP to get blogs! What a cool new feature! Anyway, welcome to my blog! I don't know how often I'll update it, but if I have something to blog, you'll see it here. Now I'll be able to share the little things I've done (random artwork, pixel stuff etc.) of things that don't realy need their own topic.
    Speaking of which, Last night I was taking screen caps of MoL, and paused at these two frames that I just had to do something with. And I made this. I don't know about you, but I think it's totaly funny! The two frames I used can be viewed here and here. It was in the Kohlii scene just after Takua did his "special move." I liked it so much, I put it in my sig. Oh yeah, and I used Photoshop to edit it.
    Well, that's about it for now. Tell me what you think of the banner.

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