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Toa Czar

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Posts posted by Toa Czar

  1. Whoa! This makes my mocs look like fleas! This is amazing. I can't really see much to criticize. Awesome job.

    Graydahk makes a lot of my stuff look like fleas too. The feeling is mutual haha! Thanks man!



    Dang, there goes my spot for biggest MOC in the competition! :P That looks awesome, I'm jealous. You've got my vote!

    I feel bad D: Love your Mech! Cool design, and thanks!

  2. I'm not in to making fancy posts, so without further ado I present to you...




    GRAYDAAAAHHHKKKKKKKkkkkkk -hack- -cough-


    No really. There he is.


    He has been an on-and-off process over the last few years, and I've loved every moment of it. I did have a lot of structural help from a good friend of mine, cause I fail at designing supports for joints (Plus, the guy is around 2 ft tall, and weighs too much for his own good).

    A cool little feature I put in (You can't see from the pics) is he has a light-up heart that's activated through a button on his back (Man, I love Piraka eyes).

    If you want to see more pictures, I've uploaded some to Brickshelf (Which may not be approved yet, so bear with me. Just decided to enter him today. Also not the best photographer :) ). - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=532365

    If you wish to read about powers and such, here's a link to his CBW article (Written a lot by Sidorak12814, who helped design Graydahk. Also, pictures are a little dated.) - http://custombionicle.wikia.com/wiki/Graydahk

    Please leave your comments! Love any feedback.

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