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  1. So... Does anyone have a list of all of the sound changes for 1.0.0? Because I have to say, I was more than a bit surprised when I took a big fall and instead of hearing just "OW!" it sounded like my legs had snapped in half haha.~|ET|~

    yeah i love it its like tshcht instead of ooh uh oh
  2. what is the name of the 1996 movie?

    Just starting to wath some of series 1 with the 9th Doctor and Rose. As of right now i don't really care for either of them. Hopefully they will grow on me! But from what my brother tells me Matt smith wan't to stay on being the 11th Doctor for a long time! So yay!! :biggrin:RCF

  3. Haven't gotten around to downloading prerelease 4. What's new in it? Dragons aren't ready yet, right?

    No. However, it's said they might be added soon, and as such someone did a video of a giant dragon that took two months to build. However, they did add "Snow Golems" created by stacking two snow blocks and placing a pumpkin on top (or jack-o-lantern, don't think it matters.) These leave a trail of snow wherever they go (which can be collected,) and throw snowballs at enemies, meaning you can use them to lure mobs into death traps.edit: Wait, the end? As in, you can win the game?
    no the end is the home world of enderman and enderdragon added in the latest prerelease the only way to spawn them(enderdragon) as far as i know is by blocking with a sword EDIT: ok i take that back the end is where u defeat the enderdragon and officially beat the game then there is a really long thing that is a must read but then after that and the credits you just respawn and continue playing and blocking w/ the sword to spawn the enderdragon is invalid now
  4. Before I begin, I'm not trying to be a hater or a troll. I just don't understand why people like this game. I like building things in virtual worlds as much as the next guy, hence my love for Forge and the reason for my membership on this site, but seriously? This game is a disgrace to Java. The graphics (which I know don't matter all that much) are made up of pixels and cubes. The whole 'Survival Mode' of the game isn't actually that difficult considering you can just barricade yourself in a massive, impressive castle where nothing can really harm you. Building mode is just playing around in a world without the effects of gravity and poorly rendered blocks. There aren't any boss monsters, which isn't really what the game is aiming for but still would be nice. All it ends up being is people making stupid things on their servers (my friend made an underground cavern full of brown wool known as 'Crapland') and making giant structures/cities. It becomes terribly repetitive after the first few days of building things and not having any real objective to set, such as a certain level. All you do is build things, and once you've built everything you wanted to the game is basically over. Fighting mobs isn't any fun because all it is is mindless clicking. Again, I'm not trying to troll. Just wondering out loud what it is people see in MC.

    dude really? the whole point is to make it look like that and if you dont like how it looks get a texture pack they work really well
  5. So my family watched The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon last night, and once my family had gone to bed, I snuck into my sister's room while she was sleeping and wrote tally marks all over her arms while she was sleeping. :PSev

    dude that is so cool
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