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Lord Seanzer

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About Lord Seanzer

  • Birthday 10/23/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    I'm interested in Lego and Bionicle (If not, why would I be here?) I like to play video games, such as Halo Free Online Trial, Star Wars: Battlefront II, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Gran Turismo 4, GTA: San Andreas, Devil May Cry, and the list goes on.. <br />My favourite movie would have to be Star Wars, I have liked it ever since I got two of the Lego Sets on my birthday. They were one of my earliest sets. My first Bionicle were Tahu and Lewa, I saw them on the shelf at a store, I think it was called "ToyMaster", and I thought "These robots look awesome!" So my mom bought Tahu and Lewa for me, and when I got home, I built them with the help of my brother. I thought the left hands they had were missile launchers, so I went around the house taking the axles out of the holes and throwing them at random stuff. I was totally hooked since then, but I didn't get any more Mata, in fact, I didn't get any until the Toa Nuva were released. Then I bought Tahu and Lewa once again, XD. I got really excited when I found out they were gonna release a movie. After I saw it, I realised that Gali was a girl, and that Teridax was real. So a few days after watching the movie, I bought Kopaka Nuva and two Lerahk's. Then 2004 came, and I saw Metru-Nui, and thought "Woot! Bionicle is modern!" LOL I then went onto buying all of the Metru except Vakama, and I bought the Blue, Green, Brown, Red and White Vahki. (Sorry, I forget their names!) And I also got Turaga Dume+Nivawk and Krekka. Then the second movie was released, so I watched it, and was a little confused. I realised that the Toa Metru were the same guys as the old Turaga. That really confused me, so I decided to learn more about the story. Eventually, I understood.<br />Then 2005 came, and I bought Toa Norik, Toa Iruini, Hordika Vakama and a Blue Visorak along with two playsets after I watched WoS. Then for reasons I can't explain, I gave up on Bionicle. But, don't worry, I started up again after I saw the Barraki in late 2007. I always wanted an underwater Bionicle Story, and finally I got one. So I immediately ordered all of the Barraki along with Matoro, Kongu and Nuparu. Later on, at Christmas, I received Thulox, Morak, Nocturn and Maxilos+Spinax. Then 2008 came, and I thought "Oh no!" when I saw "The Final Battle" on all the posters. Eventually I learned that it meant the final battle for the TOA NUVA. So, in 2008, I bought Toa Ignika, Chirox, Kirop, Antroz, Vamprah, Tanma, Photok, Solek, Tahu, Gali, Onua, Krika, Gorast, Bitil and Axalara T9. Then, as you all know, we went to Bara Magna in 2009. This year I bought a lot of 2009 sets, as well as some 2006 sets. I bought all the Piraka except Zaktan, whom I couldn't find, Jaller Inika, Hewkii Inika, Berix, Tarix, Zesk, Vorox, Tarduk, Gresh, Metus, Strakk, Raanu, Fero+Skirmix, Mata Nui, Ackar, Kiina and Vastus.<br /><br />Ok, so, basically, you know my Bionicle Collection now XD

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  • LEGO.com Account
    legofan1807 (Although I never sign on.)

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  1. Happy new year everyone. Although I'm a bit late..

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