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Lord of Ice

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Posts posted by Lord of Ice

  1. I see why if it is coming out the need to be close lipped about it. I can see both side of the issue honestly but I side with having good ties and good relations with Lego than to please members who can wait a little longer. Bzp has been well treated by Lego and I would not want to see this so called leak to ruin it. Those are just my thoughts about it honestly.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Hi I am Lord of Ice I am not a well known member or anything but back in the day I did a lot of reviews for art work and comics and epics. My plan is to get back into doing that once again. I am happy to see the site is active and kicking and I can't wait to be a more active member to bzp. It is also nice to see old friends still one here and I plan to make new ones here as well.

    • Upvote 1
  3. My review on the human Dark Hunter Darkness 


    I have not done one of these in a very long time so I am a bit rusty but oh well here I go 


    The first thing I see when I look at this is the amour and the coat. I do not know why that is the first thing I see but I feel it gives him a lot of edge with they way he is.

    The spikes see on this look very neat in my honest opinion his eyes make me unconformable like he is waiting for something as he knows something I don't.

    I do enjoy the skin tone as it makes him seem like a real person I could see on the street ex the red eyes I do not see that too often thank goodness. But I enjoy also the hood he has on it gives me a a creepy feel about him as he waiting for me to make a wrong move. 

    I really enjoy this work of art and I can not wait to see more from you in the future.

    • Upvote 1
  4. If Bionicle is to come back Bzp will change as it always has. I have been on this site for many years I have seen its changes as we the fans are constantly evolving. over the years. I came late a little before the end of Bionicle but I have this to say not only will this jump start the community it will give birth to a new generation of fans. To be honest there is no greater gift than the fans on this site. I have made many friends over the many years I have been on Bzp. If Bionicle is to come back it will be a new era of not only the site and story but to the fans. The fans of Bzp are what make this site the one of numbers of places for Bionicle fans to gather around and talk. My greatest hope is the fan made stuff that used to be put here more often and such as art and epics and so much more that's what made me stay in Bionicle was the fans who created stuff. My closing thoughts I have are that if Bionicle is coming as to which there are things floating out there that show that is. I can not wait to welcome the new community of fans for this next generation of Bzp and Bionicle.



    • Upvote 4


    If you type in "Bionicle" into Lego Shop at Home's search bar, it redirects you to a "Coming Soon" page. What does this mean?




    Sound the alarm and jump aboard the hype train!


    I believe it is time for me to aboard this train. But this  makes me wonder how soon will it be announced ?

    • Upvote 1
  6. I think I should post this again because I think no one saw it


    Hi I have been working on my story for about two years and I need lots of help with it as I have a small case of dyslexia. So that makes it very hard for me to write out the story. I have been very hard at work with this story and I have about 170 pages written. This is my dream to make this into a three books sometime I need as much help as I can't get and if someone was up for a Co:author of this story I would be 100% up for that.

    I know asking for help for this huge project is a long shot but I would love the extra help or even small help would be welcomed


    Thank you Very much for your time.

  7. Hi there I have been working on my story for about two years and I need lots of help with it as I have a small case of dyslexia. So that makes it very hard for me to write out the story I have been very hard at work with this story and I have about 170 pages written. This is my dream to make this into a three books sometime I need as much help as I can't get and if someone was up for a Co:author of this story I would be 100% up for that.

    I know asking for help for this huge project is a long shot but I would love the extra help.

    Thank you for your time.

  8. Just wow that was my first reaction when I watched this for the first time. Ok now to my review of this.


    I like how you made this trailer give out so many emotions though out it. I love how the music is put into this also the feeling of darkness rising have my chills. I love how you edited Dume speech to give him more of a dictator role. But When Vakama is telling everyone how it is his fault about what happened to Lhikan. You added the music perfectly to that part of the trailer. You can sense how hopeless he feels when he talks so that add more emotion into the trailer. I love how you made Lhikan's statue falling a way of saying it was the trigger of the fall of Metru Nui and I like how the music builds when the statue falls. I like Also how After the Statue falls you made everything gets real and how it feels like the shadows are unleashed. The Ending to the trailer I think is could make or brake it and you sure did make it something amazing. I like how you made Makuta have the final words of how no one can defeat him.


    So In all great trailer I would love to see more of your work in this as it was enjoyable to watch it over and over again. I honestly wish you could keep making more. So Thanks for making an enjoyable fan trailer that I will never forget.



  9. This is a great Topic by the way. Best Wave I would have to say that would go to the summer of 2007 I mean the Toa were all great sets and the titan sets were great too. Honestly 2007 was my favorite wave due to the fact of the new parts and amazing masks and last but not least the new Titan sets as they were great large builds and honestly they were just fun to make.

  10. Ok I have a lot of Questions I want to ask you the fans of the movies.


    Why you might ask am I asking Questions about the movies it is because I want the fans feedback about the movies.

    Why I need this feedback is because I am planning a parody review of all the Bionicle films 1-4 and I want to know what the general opinion of the fans is about the films. The Review's I plan on doing will be funny and pointing out odd plot holes as well as talking about how the movie holds up to what my thoughts about the films were when I was a kid.


    Ok Here is the List of the Questions


    1. Which out of the four films is your favorite ? Also please list why it is your favorite if you can.


    2.What was your Favorite moment in all the films and please list why and how.


    3. Out of the films which one did you enjoy the most as a kid ?


    4. Has your opinion of the each of the films changed over the years ?


    5. What was your favorite battle scene ?


    6. Out of all four movies which were your favorite characters in all four films and please if you can state why.


    7. What did you think of the soundtrack from the first three films did you like it or did you hate and please state why also.


    8.If you could change all four films how would you change each of them ?


    9.Did any moments in the films make you chuckle or smile and if you reply with a yes please state the movie or movies and also the scenes.


    10. Out of all the films which do you think was the darkest and please state why also for this.


    11. Which of the four films do you think had the best story and again please state why if you can.


    12. Which of the characters had the best voice actor in it and please state why you think they are the best.


    13. Out of all the films which had the most impact on you over the year ?


    14. Which film did you not like the most and if you may please tell me why you do not like it.


    15. Who was your favorite villain in the movies and please tell my why you likes him or her


    16. Who did you want to see more of in the films and please tell me how you would put them into the films


    17. Which of of the four films did you watch the most and tell me why you rewatched them.


    18. What was your least favorite moment in the films and please tell me why you did not like it


    19. What is your Favorite Quote from the films and please tell me why you like that quote.


    20. If you could make any story year into a 100 minute film or so what year would it be and what would need to be added in it ?


    Thank you so much for your feedback :D It means so much to me so thank you again your help well give me get better understanding of what you the fans think of the all the films


    Also if you have any funny ideas for me to review the movies or poke fun at scene or event in the films please tell me.


    So thanks for for your time and understanding

  11. My opinion is this is great ! I honestly would love to see a film with the heros and humans in the movie. I am very pumped for this film I would love to see this have a huge budget. What worries me is that it is going to be too childish a bit like legend reborn childish but other than that I can't wait for this film to come out I will make sure I go see this gets green lighted.

  12. I must say what an amazing and wonderful preview. The music fits perfectly with the preview for the film and also I love the last part it was so funny that honestly made my day for this evening so thanks and I am happy to see that you guys are doing this great project and I am a proud supporter/fan of this movie I wish all you guys luck for this movie and if you guys need any help I will try with the best of my ability to help you guys if you need it at all with this great project.

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