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Posts posted by IamJackssplitpersonality

  1. My femShep is only mostly Paragon. :PSometimes I just can't help it, I need to use some renegade interrupts.Like punching Khalisah al-Jilani and (Citadel spoiler)

    shooting Udina for betraying the Citadel to Cerberus.


    Did you get to the ending yet? Because there's another Renegade interrupt in the second-last mission that I'm SURE most people took.~ELM~
    It's better if you don't take it.
  2. I really despise the ending. It's just awful. It wasn't what the series was leading up to and it's full of plot holes. We had a great enemy. The reapers were terrifying and unknowable. They seemed unstoppable. Harbinger was an entity that was scary and built up. Dark energy was abundant and a concern. The pieces were all there for a satisfying ending. And they ignored it when they switched writers.Does anyone else grasp the idiocy of the new reasoning of the reapers? "Organics and synthetics will always fight each other, so we've built a race of synthetics to wipe out organics before it comes to that." What?Despite that, I could have accepted the ending if we could have just said no. If we could have pointed to the geth and EDI as counter examples, or simply argued that Organics deserve to have a chance to exist, it would have been acceptable. Heck, they could have gone really far and have the catalyst been Harbinger indoctrinating shepherd. But they didn't. They took the easy way out and gave us the same bad ending in three different colors.There's so much more that's wrng with then ending, but it's late and I'm too upset to talk about it anymore.That being said, I enjoyed the rest of the game immensely and still feel it was a justified purchase, there's just a sour taste in my mouth at the end of it all.

  3. You guys.MAJOR Quarian spoilers:

    So I let Legion upload the Reaper code to the geth. I'm not sure how much I liked the option, especially since Tali AND Legion both die. The Shepard I'm playing now has pretty much grown to be an AI sympathizer, though. I don't mind that most of the quarian got messed up, but gosh Tali...did you have to jump off that cliff?! Why was uploading the code the Paragon option? I did do the mission where Legion connects Shepard into the geth network, however. I think that's what made me decide to side with the geth on the major decision. There were some pretty messed up quarians.

    I'm not sure how happy I am with the outcome of my decision...but I'm going to stick with the consequences. I'm mostly playing through to experience the game. I'll go back with my "perfect" Shepard later.

    Tali doesn't have to die. You can unite the Quarians and the Geth and save her. As far as I know, Legion dies regardless.


    How? There must have been decisions I answered incorrectly preceding the mission. As far as I know, I did all of the paragon choices. My Reputation was just about full, too. Not that I'm going to change my decision, I'm just curious. ;)

    Did you do every mission on Rannoch before the last one? I believe there are also choices in ME 2 that affect it. How did you handle the quarian and Geth in ME 2?

  4. You guys.MAJOR Quarian spoilers:

    So I let Legion upload the Reaper code to the geth. I'm not sure how much I liked the option, especially since Tali AND Legion both die. The Shepard I'm playing now has pretty much grown to be an AI sympathizer, though. I don't mind that most of the quarian got messed up, but gosh Tali...did you have to jump off that cliff?! Why was uploading the code the Paragon option? I did do the mission where Legion connects Shepard into the geth network, however. I think that's what made me decide to side with the geth on the major decision. There were some pretty messed up quarians.

    I'm not sure how happy I am with the outcome of my decision...but I'm going to stick with the consequences. I'm mostly playing through to experience the game. I'll go back with my "perfect" Shepard later.

    Tali doesn't have to die. You can unite the Quarians and the Geth and save her. As far as I know, Legion dies regardless.

  5. Also, Rebuild, as a supplement to the tv series, is excellent. On its own, however, it's not great. Having people who have never seen the original series watch it is the worst. They're too busy asking questions to focus on the movie. There isn't enough explanation in the rebuild movies to make it worthwhile on its own.

    Like there was exposition in the original? Everything I know about the backstory I got from the 'classified files' from that one PS2 game.

    Kool-Aid would be the only thing worse than Tang. I do hope we get something different (really, really awesome), not just EoE with top-notch animation...

    Well, I suppose Gainax didn't get famous for doing what everyone expects.
    Well yes, yes there was. Tons of it. There were whole episodes of exposition. Maybe you should re watch the original series.
  6. EoE already has top notch animation. If they remake EoE, I'll be disappointed, they already got it right.Also, Rebuild, as a supplement to the tv series, is excellent. On its own, however, it's not great. Having people who have never seen the original series watch it is the worst. They're too busy asking questions to focus on the movie. There isn't enough explanation in the rebuild movies to make it worthwhile on its own.

  7. Eva has never had a great ending? End of Evangelion was incredible, so I beg to differ.I'm very much enjoying the rebuild series, although it certainly misses a lot of what made the original series great in the character development area, it has beautiful animation, and fantastic fight scenes. I'm not a huge Mari fan though, since so far, she has no real purpose.

  8. IC: [Vume Chavamai]Vume laughed uproariously, "Only a Sangheili could refer to warfare as charity!" Vume cleared his throat as his laughter quieted. "I understand very well the pain of a tarnished bloodline, it can be disheartening. It can ruin a career. I can understand your choice, though I still find it odd."[Colin Ferris]Colin stopped Seah and handed him his battle rifle and its remaining clip. "You're a better shot than I am, I'll give you covering fire." He grabbed the plasma repeater.

  9. IC: [Colin Ferris]The inside of the room sounded like chaos. Smoked clawed at the edge of the doorway, the results of people being charred alive. Colin was gld he wasn't in there now, it would be a mess. Instead, he ran to the end of the hallway, pulling out his Battle rifle as he approached a window. He aimed out, noting Graham's position, then opened fire on several approaching hostiles. The first few went down easy, headshots all around, as they weren't expecting an attack from this angle. Then several Innies caught on, and returned fire. Colin ducked down, and the bullets whizzed around him, and several plasma bolts ate away at the wall. He popped back up, sighted a jackal, and fired, the bullets connecting and whizzing through the avian like alien's head.[Vume Chavamai]Vume looked at Shor, "You have chosen an interesting path, my brother. Would it not have been easier to simply move back into standard infantry rank and file?"

  10. I read Drell have average health to start with (500), but they have less shields (250, half of regular).

    this is true, but they also don't gain as much health through points, so while it starts off average, point for point, it's worse. and shields are awful for drell.
  11. I like how I can go into a quick match and absolutely dominate with my female Vanguard. So fun.Speaking of Vanguards, I finally got a drell! Up until now the only characters I've gotten were humans and a turian, to the point where all my classes have full appearance customization, except for my Sentinel and Infiltrator (which are the classes I use the most... <_<)

    Guh, I can't stand Drell vanguards. they just don't seem tough enough to be vanguards.
    Actually yeah, now that I've tried him out. Maybe it's the lack of Nova, but I can't really use him effectively.Plus I hate any grenades that aren't proximity mines now that I've gotten a salarian Infiltrator.
    I think it has more to do with his pitiful excuse for a life bar. You can't be made of paper and charge forward blindly.And YES. Salarian Infiltrators are AMAZING.
  12. I like how I can go into a quick match and absolutely dominate with my female Vanguard. So fun.Speaking of Vanguards, I finally got a drell! Up until now the only characters I've gotten were humans and a turian, to the point where all my classes have full appearance customization, except for my Sentinel and Infiltrator (which are the classes I use the most... <_<)

    Guh, I can't stand Drell vanguards. they just don't seem tough enough to be vanguards.
  13. IC: [Colin Ferris]Colin tensed his muscles. He looked over to Seah, to make sure he was prepared, then activated his Shield gauntlet. He crouched, imitating the look of a Jackal as best he could, then brought the plasma pistol to bear. The alien weapon was odd in his hand, but he'd had enough training to be proficient with it. He nodded at Seah, then flipped into the door. He aimed, deciding to shoot at the larger group, rather than the trio arguing. He pulled the trigger rapidly, spraying wildly into the insurrectionists, until the pistol whined and overheated. Then he rolled out of the doorway and farther down the hall.

  14. Story in the first one is fantastic. Gameplay is very meh, but the story is more than enough to push you through the whole game. The second has much better gameplay and character development, but the story as a whole is a little underwhelming. Achievements add to the game, so it's worth it to play through the games a few times each, and decisions carry over from one game to the next, which increases the immersion. It's a really good series, and despite my wariness of Origin, I'll probably get 3 for PC at some point.

  15. Phantoms are the worst, that stupid crouch that makes them immune to biotics wants to make me smash stuff. Atlases are pretty easy to get rid of. Rockets work wonders, and if you don't have any, overload and warp spam are fairly effective too.

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