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The G-Man

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Posts posted by The G-Man

  1. I have a question my dear sir: What were you thinking Krakua's role in the overall story would be? Not to give offense, but it seems that in his vison to Vakama in Time Trap, you aluded to giving him a larger role in saving Metru Nui than he got: which turned out to be one brief appearance in Destiny war summoning Bohrok to fight Teridax's forces. We didn't get to know his character one little bit apart from that other one instance when Mazeka saves him from Vultraz in Brothers in arms.


    In short, what were your original plans for Krakua?

  2. The director who's the obvious choice is Peter Jackson, though I have my own deep set thoughts on how a Bionicle film series should be attempted; but given that I'm going to film school in about a year and a half to hopefully start a career in such things, I VILL NOT TELL YA!

  3. You see. I think you are inferior to me. But I don't like seeing things that way. I don't believe much in hierarchy.I believe that we all serve different functions. However, some of us are elites.And trust me, I know the difference between feeling good and being good. I'm destined for greatness.I have all the experience, I have a huge mental capacity, I'm very intuitive and I'm passionate. !!! >>>>>>> These are all things I need when I'm going to study psychology next year. <<<<<<<< !!!

    And you're going into psychiatry.... WOW. :bored:
  4. Seven months. 2,000 words. So, to finish a chapter in that span of time, he'd have to type roughly 24 words per day. I'd imagine he must have something else, probably personal, going on. This post is 40 words long.

    Truf. Truf. Although, I can't really complain now myself because I'm way behind on my writing projects. (Click the picture in my sig; IDK if linking to a dead topic is allowed NEmore :lol:)

    I know he has a daughter now, but surely finishing the serials should take priority, because we outnumber his daughter so it makes sense.Oh well. I guess I'll just have to be patient. I'm not sure how long I can take this for though.- Tilius

    It is always family over everything including his job, which is the right thing to do, he will raise a fine daughter I bet.
    Right thing to do in your opinion. In my opinion, he should be putting us first, we've known him longer than his daughter has.- Tilius
    Wow. I never thought of it like that.
  5. This is the most contradictory statement I've ever seen. Is your hate also unhateful? Is your bitterness also unbitter? Bionicle ended because it couldn't keep going, and if Hero Factory hadn't replaced it something else would.Continuing to complain about BIONICLE being replaced by Hero Factory is like complaining about Dumbledore's original actor being replaced in the Harry Potter movies. The original died. The only options were replacing it or leaving it gone and offering no replacement at all.

    Apparently, thy hath no sense of humor. I do not hate Hero Factory. I dislike it, mainly because it lacks the great lore which made Bionicle a true mythology. HF is more like Robocop than a mythology. It's just not for me, as well as many Bionicle fans I know. The beauty of Bionicle was (with the exception of 2009) that it grew and matured alongside it's fans; much like harry Potter, since you see fit to mention it. If HF can do that for it's target audience, which is decidedly younger than Bionicle's, I may come to respect it.But Bionicle did not die. How dare you. It is in a deep slumber, waiting to be awakened again; a perfect allegory for it's main storyline. The comparison of Bionicle vs. HF to the first and second dumbledore doesn't even apply.*sees this post has nothing to do with Lego Friends.* Um, yeah... the convertable is cool I guess. ^_^
  6. What's there to be mad about? Hopefully DV will review more of these!

    I think he's talking about the Hero Factory line in the brackets.~ELM~
    Righteeo old chap! (the "Usurper" term is HF)

    Nothing against you, but at least I can keep myself pure when talking about the Usurper.

    Careful, your bias is showing.photo-thumb-103154.jpg
    True, but my bias is unbiased. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif
  7. For the record, I did not get angry at this review. We lost our review-virginity to sets like these about a year ago. I did have to stop reading after I read this line, however.

    ...there is a wealth of other great LEGO construction lines they might like instead (MAY I SUGGEST HERO FACTORY BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME AND I LOVE IT).

    Nothing against you, but at least I can keep myself pure when talking about the Usurper.
  8. While short, I loved the implications that this story has. Considering that while Mata Nui certainly created sentient beings from the beginning(like the Makuta), while the Great Beings originally created the Matoran and a few other species, this opens up many questions. I think thsi will influence my writing somewhat in the future.It's like the Portal of Bionicle short stories. :inlove:

  9. This is one of the best short stories I've read here in a while. I love how it starts out like a dream for Krika, then turns to harsh reality, all the while being as much of a philosophical question as a story. Krika is by far my favorite Makuta, and you captured him perfectly here. I'm definitely voting for you in the new SS contest......unless I vote for myself. Do I deserve redemption for this? :P

  10. Hello everyone, I know that Halloween is long gone, but I hope your goose bumps haven't totally faded away. :fear: This is a short story that I wrote, which was produced by Mata Nui Inc. Plast! (KanohiJournalPublications). Now, rest assured that the Origins serial is all done, but it is not yet posted; and while The Grand Creation is being finalized, and the Their Mistake podcast is holding auditions(go to the KonohiJournal blog here on Bzp), we bring you two haunting stories. One from myself(GoldenTahu), and one to come from my co-worker Legolover-361. These two stories are meant to continue, very possibly under new writers, and branch out into more shorts from MNI. Also, be sure to vote for this entry to the Title Twisters SS Contest #8 if you like it. Enjoy!

    Monsters In The Dark

    “For the Great Beings’ sake, will you put that down? Just because you’re a master puzzle solver doesn’t mean you’re a genius. And you don’t even know what that is.”“That’s funny.”“What’s funny?”“It’s the Great Beings’ toys we’re playing with here in the first place.” Kazdrin said as, at length, he heeded his friend’s advice and put the piece of machinery down; although his curiosity was still not sated, the device had appeared to be broken anyway. He answered his friend without glancing back as he continued to explore the room. “Relax. We came all the way up here, so why should we start being scared now?”“Because ever since you dragged me with you on this “little hike”, as you called it at the time, we’ve had to brave blizzards, evade enhanced wolves, and trudge through deserts; not to mention get past all the traps inside this maze!”“You said yourself that I’m great at puzzles; those traps were my specialty. And you call this a maze? Anyone could find their way through to here.”“Well, I thought we were lost half the time,” said Matix. His personality always amused Kazdrin, who was actually surprised when Matix accepted his offer to travel beyond the White Quartz Mountains, far away from their home in Tesara. Although he always insisted that he had been unwillingly pulled into it, Matix was not as surprised that Kazdrin would propose such a journey. Anything could arouse the Agori’s curiosity, and this time it had been a weird piece of metal with a red star and directions on it; directions that had ultimately brought them here.Kazdrin picked up a sealed vial of some kind of silvery liquid. He sloshed the contents around as he scrutinized it. Walking over to Kazdrin, Matix rolled his eyes. “Do you have to collect samples? It’s not like anyone’s going to disturb this place. It’s probably been abandoned for eons.”“Which makes it all the more exiting!” Kazdrin replied as if he had found a deposit of exsidian. “Hmm, the label says Protodermis. Wish I knew what that was.” Stowing the vial away in his pack, his attention was drawn to a large mechanical device with wires trailing from it to the ceiling. It was a half-cylinder with its inside exposed, and it was just big enough for two Agori to fit into. How lucky the Great Beings had left in such a hurry as to leave all this technology behind! With blissful abandon he began examining the towering whatever-it-was, and by sheer luck he flipped a certain lever on the wall behind it.“I’m just saying that you’ll never get any of this to work anyway-”Lights came on all around them, and the large machine started to make whirring and buzzing noises. It made such a din that Kazdrin could barely here his friend say “What are you doing now?!” A smiling Kazdrin beckoned Matix to come inside the device. “Look at this,” he said, and pointed to a panel mounted on the inside wall of the cylindrical machine. The panel's silvery surface was covered with lighted buttons. “You want to be the first to press one of these things?”Matix’s jaw dropped. “What?”“Never mind.”Kazdrin pressed the topmost button. The electrical sounds grew louder. “Next one?” he asked Matix.“Now don’t you even-” Kazdrin just sighed and pressed the second button, cutting off Matix for the second time in as many minutes. The sounds stopped abruptly, the lights fading with them.Kazdrin was slightly disappointed, but laughed and finally turned to his friend. “There, now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”An unbelievably blinding light, pain in his extremities, and then the blackness before a bad dream.***Waking up didn’t hurt at all, but moving did. The numbness in Kazdrin’s arms and legs was replaced with jolts of pain and muscle spasms. At first he thought he was still blacked out, or that something was really wrong with his eyes, but as they adjusted he realized that it was only a dark night outside with no moon. As the Agori slowly felt his faculties of movement returning, he took a moment to study the star-strewn blanket that was the sky, which he noticed was partially obscured by foliage all around. Must be a forest, he thought.The light-dotted sheet above did not render so simple an answer. None of the constellations were familiar, and one of the planets hanging there was larger than anything he had ever seen in the sky. Unpleasant thoughts crept into his mind.Once Kazdrin was able to walk around, he tried to gain his bearings. Thankfully, the treetops were not so thick as to block out all of the starlight. There was the usual forest flora all around, but nothing that would make a good landmark. The only noticeable thing was that all of it was a strange bluish color, though he first thought it to be a trick of the light. He still had his pack with him, containing a few days’ supply of rations, a Thornax launcher and…As he fumbled around in his pack, the vial of silver liquid fell out, shattering on the ground and splattering onto a nearby fern. It was one of its kind that closed in response to any touch, which it did now; not that that kept the protodermis from covering it. Kazdrin sighed, but, ever an optimist, concluded that his new situation was far more important than a small find back… back at the laboratory. He now realized what had happened. The machine was a teleportation device of some sort, and now he and Matix were here- wherever “here” was.“Matix!” he called.Had his friend made it? Were they even transported to the same location? Kazdrin hurriedly looked about him. His companion was nowhere in sight, but he had to do something besides just stand there. Making out a rocky outcrop in one direction a fair distance away, Kazdrin began walking. Behind him, the fern withered into a limp yellow-brown heap.***Observation was part of Kazdrin’s personality, so he often stopped to look at things that caught his eye. Being teleported who knew where didn’t change this in him. He was quick enough to spot several species of animals in and among the trees; most scurrying away when he came near, some coming tentatively closer to sniff him. Some were ape-like, but others had similar features to the iron wolves he had encountered on his recent “hike”. None were threatening, but they were bizarre in one way.Many he found seemingly hugging the trees. Each clung to a tree, eyes shut tight, suspended from the ground with their arms wrapped around the tree. Kazdrin was able to examine this phenomenon further when he caught one of these sleeping animals detaching from its tree. When he looked, he saw a knothole right where the creature had clung. When he felt inside, there were long strands that felt like… wires! Not synthetic wires, but organic ones. An image went through the Jungle Agori’s mind of a creature plugging into a tree, like a machine to a power source. He didn’t know whether to be revolted or- no, he went with revolted.After a few more minutes of walking, the rock formation became fully visible. Towering twenty feet high and about as twice as much from end to end, it was the first thing to stand out in the topography of the forest, so Kazdrin decided on a leisurely stroll around it. There were plenty of rocks around, and when he suddenly tripped over one and fell flat on his face, he was about to hurl the guilty stone that had perpetrated the deed away, but he realized that it wasn’t a stone he had fallen on.The broken pottery shard was like any other he had seen, but the mere fact that it was made by an intelligent being made it a novel discovery in that wild forest. He couldn’t understand the markings, but was that the marking of the familiar red star or was it just a spot of rust? He didn’t have time to think over this curiosity, because at that instant someone tripped and fell over him.“Ow! Hey, watch where you’re- Matix! Is that you?”“Kazdrin, oh thank the Great Beings you’re alive! You don’t know how hopeless I was of seeing you again.”“You? What about me, mate?! And here I was just lookin’ around and you come and fall right over me. Now that’s what I call luck.”“Ha, just like you to be investigating when neither of us knows where in Bara Magna we are. How long have you been awake?”Kazdrin rubbed his head where his friend had bumped it. “I guess...about an hour. Er, Matix, I think I have to tell you something. I don’t think we’re not Bara Magna.”For a moment, Matix looked as if he was going to object, but then he sighed resignedly. “I was coming to the same conclusion; I’ve just been avoiding it till now, I guess.” Several silent moments went by, soaking up the shock of being completely and utterly lost on an alien planet. “So now we know what that device did, don’t we?” There was a slight hint of reproof in his friend’s voice, but Kazdrin knew he had that coming by rights anyhow.“Yeah, and it’s my fault. But don’t rub it in, all right?”“Never,” Matix said, smiling. “Hey, what were you looking at anyway? You know, when I stumbled on you.”Remembering his find, Kazdrin held up the piece of pottery. Matix examined it with apparent glee.“Well, at least we know there’s someone here. But I don’t know if they live in this forest or not.”“Why not?”Matix pulled out of his pack two plants, both cut straight down the stem and leaf; Kaxdrin had forgotten that his companion was quite a biologist. “I’ve dissected a dozen of these, well, thirteen to be exact, species of plant life in this forest. Guess what they all have in common?”Shrugging his shoulders, Kazdrin was stuck for an answer. “They’re all… blue?”“No, no, no. Look, when I examined the first sample, I noticed that the rate at which the sap flowed through the plant was very high, and it was in bursts, almost like blood-flow. And when I went to cut open a seemingly different plant altogether, it was the same. So I went to another. The same. I kept on doing this until I dissected two at the same time. Guess what?”“I don’t know. What is it, professor?”His friend glared at him for a second, but his excitement was not to be abated. “The pace, the actual beat of the flow, was the same!”Kazdrin was starting to get bored. “And this means…?”“This whole forest, if it can be called that, has to be one plant; or a super-organism.”“Wow.” Now that wasn’t boring.“And this theory fits with those creatures hooking themselves up to the trees...” Matix let out a shudder.“Yeah, they give me the creeps too. Doesn’t make me want to spend the night in this jungle. You know,”, he said, hooking his thumb around the boulder, “there is a cave ‘round the back of this thing. It doesn’t go very deep, but it’ll do for shelter.”A quick glance at the plug-in-trees behind him decided it for Matix. “Sounds good to me.”***Kazdrin woke with a start, and the nightmare began. No, it couldn’t be a nightmare. There was Matix beside him, the “trees”, and the sky was still that alien sky, and he had just woken up, so he wasn’t dreaming. It didn’t take much to wake Matix.“Huh, wassat? Oh, Kazdtrin. Let me go back to sleep, it’s still dark.”“No, it’s dark again. We must have slept through the day.”“Oh great, that’s just great.”Kazdrin’s natural optimism returned with his smile. “Yep. And you know what’s even better? We get to travel out in the forest tonight. Isn’t that wonderful?”“You’re joking this time, right?”“Well, do you want to just sit here and waste our provisions or try to find whoever lives here?” the incorrigible Jungle Agori said, laughing out loud.Striking out into the forest didn’t dampen Kazdrin’s spirits at first. True, he didn’t know what direction they were going in, but he had no choice, as there was no way to tell which way was which. Only when they had been walking for about ten minutes did he realize with great unsettlement that they had no way to get back to the alcove. He cursed himself silently for not thinking to mark the trees along their way, but he said nothing of this to Matix.Soon Matix spoke up. “Does this place look different to you, Kazdrin?”Smiling again, Kazdrin answered, “No different than the last fifty bios of forest.”Matix shook his head. “No, I mean different from yesterday, last night, I mean. I think the color of the trees has changed, In fact, all the plant life has changed, I think.”“Really? I can’t see them that well.”Different.“That too. I was able to see around well enough last night because…” Matix looked up. “Because I could see the sky. Now I can’t.”His friend was right. He could no longer see through the treetops. They were too thick, much thicker than the night before.“And that’s another thing; the color of these trees has changed, but look.” Stopping by a tree, he brushed his hand across it. Its skin, for lack of a better word, peeled off in his hand on contact. “It’s dead; they all are. They’re not bright blue anymore, they’re a pale yellow. How can their foliage grow thicker if they’re dead?”After a moment of silent thought, “You said this forest was all one kind of big creature or something?” asked Kazdrin with a blank look on his visage.“Yes. What is it?”Kazdrin made no reply. Before them lay one of the more ape-looking creatures on the ground, apparently dead. The tree nearest it still had its organic wires hanging out, and the creature had the same sickly yellow hue as the trees and other plants. So whatever had killed the plants had killed this poor animal too. Neither of the companions made any remark on this as they just kept finding corpse after corpse. Kazdrin simply kept on walking, trying to figure out what the Skrall was going on. He went on like this until he heard the clink of glass against a metallic foot. Looking over at Matix, he saw that his friend had rediscovered the broken protodermis tube. The fern was there, shriveled and pale yellow. Matix held it out, remarking, “I think this is yours.” As he did, his foot brushed the dead fern.Without warning, it snapped its large leaf closed on the startled Agori’s foot! Having seen the plant do this same movement in its own weak defense earlier, watching the action repeated in this way stunned Kazdrin. “Not like that.” was all he could get out of his mouth. He didn’t remember the thing having sharp thorns…“Graahg! Get this thing off of me!” The shriek seemed to come to Kazdrin from a distance, but served to snap him back to reality. He ran over and quickly stomped the plant’s main stem to a pulp. The grip of the leaf went slack.“Are… are you okay?”“There’s a little blood from those thorns, but otherwise I don’t think it hurt me much. Why didn’t you tell me about that thing?”“It didn’t do that last time.”Picking up the now-empty vial, Matix held it out to his stunned friend. “What happened when this broke?”Kazdrin racked his brain for the memory. “Nothing, but I think… I guess it might have killed the plant. But what does that have to do with it?”“For one thing, it attacked me! And there are more dead creatures around here than-”His sentence stopped dead when he realized there were no corpses where he had been about to point. But he was sure they had passed them just moments before...“You feel like going back to the cave?” said the Agori uneasily.Kazdrin was stuck between being relieved by the suggestion and cursing his lack of foresight again. “Uh, yeah. Good idea.”The trek back the way they had come inevitably ended in circles, but it was still a silent one. Walking around felt better than staying in one place somehow. And there was still the absence of the pale carcasses of earlier that night.The trees burst into motion as they bent and swayed. Kazdrin felt no wind.A rustle in the leaves.The thump of a foot. Now two. More. Now at a faster pace. Left or right; it was the same.The two Agori didn’t have to communicate to start running at the same time; it was a product of pure mental reaction. Matix didn’t keep up with Kazdrin’s pace easily; his injured foot was hindering him badly. Their haphazard run was bound to get one of them hurt. Kazdrin never saw the body that his face landed on as he stumbled. Just another thing in the line of unfortunate events that has happened to me recently, thought the one who was normally an optimist. Scrambling up, he was about to forget it again and keep running in his fear, but curiosity would have its way.“Matix! Look at this one for a second. It’s not dead- well, it is- but it’s not sickly. Its… its been eaten.”Stopping for the first time in minutes, Matix looked around him. More bodies were littered on the ground. That was when he looked up and realized they were in a clearing, as were the half-eaten creatures.A lone animal scampered across the clearing, whimpering as it went and not noticing either of the larger beings. Kazdrin was almost too afraid to look at where it had run from, but he did. Matix was already staring in the same direction with his jaw slacked.The dead ones. How were they standing up?But they came on anyway. Their gait was no more than a staggering trot that was as sickly as their yellow flesh, but on they came. There were no snarls, no barks or noises of any kind. They just came on.“Snap out of it, Matix! Get moving!” Kazdrin said, surprised at his own quick reaction. He grabbed his friend's arm and pulled him along back into the forest without thinking. But he did think to pull out his thornax launcher. “Thank the Great Beings!” he exclaimed out loud. Kazdrin had no time to use his tool due to a singular tree branch that seemed to sway just enough in his direction to snag his only weapon.It was all a blur now. The trees scraped his face and arms as he and Matix passed by them. His lungs burned. He could hear the hissing breath of their pursuers staying as calm and constant as their pace. It never wavered.If Kazdrin had consciously realized that the blessed cave was right in his path by sheer luck, thrown himself and Matix inside, and started shoring up the entrance with all the stones, rocks, and pebbles available, it never registered in his brain. It was still a blur. When he thought clearly again, he regretted it. Matix was trying to block the top of the alcove entrance with sand and dirt. There were thumps… and a scream. First one, then many. The thumps grew faster and more violent. The sounds echoed around the cave, redoubling in volume. Kazdrin shut his eyes and covered his ears as a last resort. It was all you could do in a bad dream.***When the Agori opened his eyes again, it was still to the deep blackness of the cave. There was not a single sound to be heard; no screaming or thumping. Hesitantly, Kazdrin stood up. His head brushed something stiff and deathly cold. A hand!He sprang back instantly, hitting his head on the cave roof. He stood completely still, and as he did, his eyes adjusted. What they saw was light coming in from a gap in top of the makeshift barrier. The motionless arm of a creature reached halfway through the hole.Nerving himself, Kazdrin went forward and touched the body. It didn’t respond. It was dead, and this time in the normal sense of the word.“Matix! Are you awake yet?”An annoyed reply came. “No need to shout. I’m right here. Is...is that thing… dead again?”“Think so. I’m going to check outside.” Kazdrin was just glad to hear that his friend was alive.After the grotesque business of pushing the body out of the entrance, he scrambled through the hole. There was a hideous-smelling pile of still animals directly outside the barrier, marring the otherwise beautifully sunny day. The trees were their natural hues again. A long, deep breath was very welcome. “But why?”The optimist unwittingly said this out loud. Matix was standing beside him, and after a few moments ventured an answer. “It must have made an antibody.”“I’m sorry, you’ve lost me again.”His companion thought a few moments more. “This forest is a huge super-organism. If it’s a proper living creature, it’s got to have an immune system. I think your silver stuff-““Protodermis.”“-yeah, that stuff. Remember what it did to that plant? It must have something in it to make it poisonous to this place. So what I think is that stuff spread and killed the whole organism. That must have been why the trees and animals here were all… changed.”“That was some weird side effect.”“Yeah. And all these guys,” Matix gestured to the heaped bodies, “I guess they didn’t get whatever cure this place cooked up for itself.”Realization dawned on Kazdrin. “They had to be connected to the trees! So that’s why we saw some normal ones last night. They were just “unhooked” when it happened.”Matix smiled proudly at his own analysis. But Kazdrin was already walking off energetically.“Hey, where are you going?”He barely caught the broken pottery piece that the optimist tossed him.“To find whoever made this of course. You coming?”--------------------------------------------------------Comment and discuss! :)

  11. You can't be the narrator of say, Their Mistake and also be a character, but otherwise you could for instance try out for Origins narrator and still 2 characters for Their Mistake. So yes, you are correct. But you can only narrate one serial, because we want variety in telling our stories. Good luck on your auditions! :)

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