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Mayeur Donz

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Status Updates posted by Mayeur Donz

  1. Yay! Another Bleach fan! I'm noticing a lot of them on here at the moment...:)

  2. Yeah... but hardly anyone on here has a perfect 5-star rating! :D

  3. You been working on "Apocalypse" lately?

  4. You don't need to say when you PM a person. They (or at lest, I) get an AOL notification when I'm PMed.


    ... and, just in case your server doesn't work my way... I PMed you back. :)

  5. You know what? I think you're going to go down in BZP history for posting probably one of the greatest amounts of topics (and hot topics, for that matter...) for one member!:)

  6. You said on a forum today that you were tired of only having 2 stars to your rating so... here I am!!;)

  7. Your MOCs ain't too bad!:)

    1. Takanuva of Twilight

      Takanuva of Twilight

      Thanks! I normally don't get that response to them. Most people say they need a color scheme ;)

  8. Your PM box is full, so I'll ask here...

    Are you intent on reopening your comics soon?

    Please PM me the answer.:)

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