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Blog Entries posted by Zatano

  1. Zatano
    Having just become a premier member I decide to finnally check out the blogs ,which I for some reason didn't really visit in the past,I have a feeling I'll be around here a lot now,so don't suprized to see me posting in your blog,even though I most likely haven't before.
    That said (in case it was obvious enough to you ) I decided to start my own.
    I plan to make near daily entries (Mata Nui knows I've got the time lately),also expect some new mocs and WIPs soon.
    There is one queston that I want to ask you in my first entry though.
    Recently I have seriously been considering changing my username,Hikari was the name of an old selfmoc,I've been considering changing it to that of my new one,Zatano.I'm not sure which one sounds better or if I maybe should just chage my current one a bit.
    Opinions and suggestion would really help my decision.
    Anyways thanks to anyone who reads this,thanks a lot.

    :wakeup2: Sincerely,Toa Hikari :wakeup2:
  2. Zatano
    Not the electricty,me.
    It's not the first time I passed out,but the only other time was after a long run.I just figured I pushed to hard
    This time I was just walking around mu house.
    According to the docs I have a slightly low blood sugar,which they thought I'd outgrown.
    Oh well it's not to bad,not like I have to stay on a special diet,it's minor enough I just have to be careful.
    If thats all that wrong with me,then I've got it incredibly good.
    At least now I know why I always got an extra snack in Kindergarten .
  3. Zatano
    Lord of Ice and myself have been disscussing an epic that we wanted to co-write for a while,It's first chapter has just been posted.
    It is focused around Jovan and his Toa Team's quest for to retrieve the Kanohi Ignika and revive Mata Nui
    If anyone happens to be intrested, I've included a Link.
    Any comments or reviews would be very appreciated.

    :wakeup2: Sincerely,Toa Hikari :wakeup2:
  4. Zatano
    My first entry since I left for camp friday,I got miserably sick due to allergies.
    I decided to change my screen name,it's now simply "Hikari".
    I had a long list of very different ideas,but in the end I found I had become attached to my user name,but I wanted something simple.
  5. Zatano
    So as some of you know I am Homeschooled and have been for several years now.
    Now after some disscussion with my mother,we both realized I would be at a grade level she wasn't comfortable teach at and even if she was,due to past medical problems becoming worse she wouldn't be able to anyways.
    The two options I know had was Online classes or Public School.
    After a lot of thought I chose the later of said options,due to the fact that I wish to spend more time with my peers.
    Now I'm not at all concerned about not knowing anyone there as I have quite a few friends that go to the school I will be attending.
    I've actually wanted to go back to public school for a while now,I miss it.
    Of course it will be different than when I left (not just for the fact it's a different school ).
    I couldn't be more happy about that,I wouldn't want to be studying with sixth graders.
    Based on age I should be in 10th grade,but since I'll be put in based on grade level I have to wait and see (not to mention get as far ahead as I can B) ).
    Anyways that will give me some new to blog about come August .
  6. Zatano
    I am about too head off for a weekend campout (which is a very common event for me).
    As I was packing,I remembered I no longer had a par of sun glassses.
    All was lost,but after hours of frantic mumbling,throw in a panic attack or two (ok mabye I exaggerating a bit ),I found a solution.
    I bought new ones!
    Here's to wishing these a better fate than the last pair,which are now lost in the a river.
  7. Zatano
    In a topic I made to disscuss favorite elemental color scheme,we got onto the topic of other potential color scheme,this went from Green/Brown to Green Teal to Teal/Brown,If anyone else thought that would be a good alternate color scheme for plantlife or if it would even be a good color scheme period.
    I'm considering it for a moc,so feed back would be nice.

    :wakeup2: Sincerely,Toa Hikari :wakeup2:
  8. Zatano
    So,ever since my birthday (I got all cash) I've been ordering bionicle stuff here and there.
    My most recent purchase was a type 3 Infected Hau I got for $7.50 (free shipping).I was quite excited when I got this mask,I really love it.
    So much in fact I almost didn't notice the silver Kakama that fell out of the box.It was in a little bag that said "extra" on it,this wasn't mentioned by the seller but it made my day (well not really,but it was nice).

    :wakeup2: Sincerely Toa Hikari :wakeup2:
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