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Pony Hank

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Posts posted by Pony Hank

  1. OOC:OH! I thought you only said special weapons can't be used, can I add a third power?Edit:OOC:Wait, but wouldn't that have made it identical to Barebones?

  2. OOC:He has a Ruru and a Half-Sword...IC:PH got up and popped his neck. He split his Gun-Sword into the Tech-Swords of Fire and Lightning. "Things are about to get heavy!" PH jumped at Nujanii and slashed at him with his twin swords.

  3. OOC:The negator only negates SWs right? To be safe I won't mention the weapon this post.IC: PH floated a little above the others and introduced himself."I am the Perrilous Hellion, I am the Toa that's gonna beat you all down, don't worry I go easy" He teleported away from the others "But for now fight for my amusement"OOC:I'm begging to get hit...

  4. Ooc:I hope it is not too late too join. I am on an iPod so I will post slowly. If someone can give me a notice on the status' of other players that would be nice.Name:Perilous HellionWeapon:Fire/lightning gun-swordPower 1:Blink-Short range teleportationPower 2:Levitate-Can fly a short distance off the ground.Power 3:His weapon makes offensive powers obsolete, it would also make him sort of OP.Appearance:A Toa with a Ruru and primarily black armor, secondarily salmon, and blu eyes.

    I'm not exactly sure what your third power is supposed to be- it negates all attacks? If so, no. Can't negate all attacks. However (for example), it could negate electric attacks. Or fire. You get it.-ibrow
    OOC:I'm saying he doesn't need a 3rd power
  5. I remember this! I remember suggesting Story mode, and Vahki! I even remember getting the idea for someone to make a comic.I downloaded the new version and finally beat the fire Exo-Toa (I actually only had to kill one Exo-Toa because the bots took care of the others). Anyway, can't wait for next update, hopefully Multiplayer will come soon.

  6. I never followed the secondary story all that much, but I do know of a lot of the deaths and characters. I'll start with main story. Characters, Boone died in 01-03 but Takatanuva I thought was kool. Nidhiki was a good character Lhikan was justified and didn't care much for Krekka. No love for Sidorak from me. The Piraka were totally nerfed when they turned to snakes, and Zaktans death made me sit in my chair for a while. Motoro was justified and didn't care much for other 07 characters. I wish the Makuta didn't die, except Bitil. Teridax's death was anticlimactic, I know they needed to kill him but seriously?I'll post secondary storyline characters later.

  7. OOC:"OOC: Pony Hank, you have to wait for iBrow's approval. Read the rules first, and please please please PLEASE post with grammar and spelling correctly. And also, make sense with grammar. The first post you made (Which was negated anyways) already confused me.You shot your gun at him. ??? You don't shoot guns, and after the sentence there was no full stop, which is such a habit to me as end of sentence that without it, I go %^&*(^%^&*(:OOOOOOOOFACE."Yes, I realize that now, I am on an iPod so please don't make me worry of grammar. I don't see the confusion, but I'll respect that. I do not remember using the word shoot or any variation of the word shoot, only point. I remember using proper punctuation but If you saw anything else wrong, tell me.

  8. OOC:if I am doing anything wrong, tell meIc:PH levitated in front of Zadakhs frozen body and pointed his fire gun to him"Wanna make a deal? I'm guessing you are conscious so blink once for yes"

  9. Ooc:I hope it is not too late too join. I am on an iPod so I will post slowly. If someone can give me a notice on the status' of other players that would be nice.Name:Perilous HellionWeapon:Fire/lightning gun-swordPower 1:Blink-Short range teleportationPower 2:Levitate-Can fly a short distance off the ground.Power 3:His weapon makes offensive powers obsolete, it would also make him sort of OP.Appearance:A Toa with a Ruru and primarily black armor, secondarily salmon, and blu eyes.

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