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Gamzee Makara

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Posts posted by Gamzee Makara

  1. I read about ten posts there before I started praising creation for the BZPower community. I wish luck to Greg in finding the good, solid questions in between the emoticons and the overzealous abundance of exclamation points.


    Regardless, it's great to know we still have opportunities to hear from the great guy.

  2. A lot of creativity in this batch, quite a hard choice to make.


    The Macaw immediately popped out among the rest, being colorful, rather realistic, and quite the ingenious build. The Hero Factory decals and slightly blocky legs are unfortunate, but easy to look past.


    Russel was also very likable, in agreement with what Sumiki noted about difficulty of such a small scale being surpassed so well. Not to mention it was simply cute. :P


    Arpy's Ludwig was a rather unexpected take on the theme, being rather unique and hilarious as an entry to a contest on its own. Past that, it was also just a great build, and not too far off from looking like the real thing.


    Even the Jhintro Bird had my interest for a bit. Seems like it would be fitting as a largely robotic animal, and almost seems like it would be appropriate as an actual Bionicle set. Those claws in particular impressed me, not to mention its ability to balance on one foot. :P



    All aside, I went with Russel. It's simplicity and excellent design were just too hard for me to not give it credit, regardless of the wonderful build of the Macaw.


    Well done, and good luck to all!

  3. Although all the entries in this poll are simply beautiful, and I wish I could vote for all of them, I again went with the Tigermann. The theme clearly called for an anthropomorphic animal warrior, and aside from fitting that category perfectly, it was a wonderful MOC. Eris and Kuma-Akuma were both fabulous examples of this as well, and Sectoid Mantodea and Elebot were fearsome warriors to behold. Perhaps I would have gone with one of those first two, if Tigermann hadn't sold it to me with that so excellently crafted head.


    Gila Monstrosity was also fantastic in its own right. However, with all due respect to Lolo, aside from being a biped, it simply looked like some brutish animal, and simply that. While I could rave about it ad nauseum for its own admirable qualities, among which I could include a remarkable likeness to its namesake, and the triple jointed legs I can never get enough of, I simply can not see such a creature as part of a proud and intelligent race. Rather, it seems more like a war beast that you would contain, starve, and let loose on the enemy forces to wreak a merry havoc.


    And Simicarid Warrior... I have to say that's one of the most unique and unexpected entries I've seen make it to finals in a while. It's quite a fun MOC, and I'm happy to have seen it make it this far! :)


    Congratulations to all for making it, and good luck!

  4. Despite some truly wonderful designs in this poll, it's absolutely obvious to me that Kuma-Akuma is just about the best of the bunch in terms of build, style, and theme.


    I love each MOC here for its own qualities, but I can't deny that panda its due respect. Good luck to everyone!

  5. [bulltop]: Don't take this command. Okay, I just had to say that. I don't think I've posted here yet, so I'll just right out and say it - this is one of the most fantastic things I've seen come from BZP in all my time on it, as guest and member. It's clever, silly, fun, captivating, and I can hardly wait for the next update every time.Really looking forward to seeing where you guys take this next, I never know what to expect next!

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