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Posts posted by geetonguga

  1. This guy is OP man, OP. Containing him is like 3 sets of marching around Jericho.  Also, I'm too much of a bionicle noob to understand the special terminology O.o, but it sounds cool.


    I feel that the MOC has a clean simplicity to it. It looks like a Set that Lego may have released in the past. But, my pet peeve is that it contains too much black. I think that there is definitely room for more silver embellishments! Since you are using the older parts, there are much much more pinholes available.

    <-- personal agenda against black due to familial experiences


    Also, his crotch seems albeit naked, but then again, many bionicle sets used to do that anyway.


    I like it lol, it really feels like it was a part of the bionicle universe.

    Thanks. I love your protectors. They ar awesome. Especially the black one XD Crotch wasn't always "naced" but everything I used looked silly.

    I really like the build and how it harkens back to G1 material. It's a simple build with a nice design to it. But that OP-ness in his character is a bit much for me.

    Thanks. Maeby I should have at least let the toa use Kanohi.


    There is a great metaphor. Storks are evolved to hunt fishes. If one fish is faster than the others, is it able to out run storks? Nope, at least for long. Every hunter in nature is OP against its prey. Cool metaphor from Eragon.  

  2. Marendar, The Salvation of the Agori and the Bane of the Toa



    Bane of the Toa mode: http://imgur.com/gallery/vlIsDjG/new

    Salvation of the Agori: http://imgur.com/gallery/afqErc5

    Is this the end?: http://imgur.com/gallery/KttmbZB

    Size comparison: http://imgur.com/gallery/iIQavQ1/new

    How to build your own: http://imgur.com/a/iisqR


    “How I came up with the Marendar”

    First I thought Marendar would be a bloodthirsty beast tearing the Toa apart.  But then I learned the word marendar means salvation in agori. Beasts like a Gadunka or a Kardas couldn’t ever be saviours of the Agori. This in mind I decided to build a hero. A hero who could also be a villain. So I came up with a warrior whose eye color would change according to situation. I personally prefer the red eyed one.


    “Description of Marendar”

    • In my mind Marendar is the ultimate warrior, who can bash through a wall like Armored titan in Attack on titan, wield a sword like King Bradley in Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and be extreme hand to hand combatant like Taskmaster in marvel universe.

    • Marendar has superior stamina, strength, agility and speed to any Toa. He has enough strength to bash through a three feet thick metallic protodermis wall.

    • Marendar can sense when and where elemental powers are used.

    • His vital systems, including strategic computer, batteries and artificial brains are located behind the chest armory, which is why cutting his head off wouldn't kill him.

    • His strategic computer enables him to analyze opponents possible moves in seconds, to avoid them and to retaliate with devastating results.

    • His double bladed sword is made of protosteel and can be rotated and use to protect him from zamor spheres, energy bullets etc. The sword can also be divided into two swords.

    • For aerial battle, Marendar has small powerful boosters attached to his feet.

    • Marendar's strongest weapon against the Toa is his Anti-elemental field which makes him immune to all elemental attacks. As long as element is created or controlled by the Toa, element won’t harm Marendar. For example if a Toa throws boulders with his elemental powers at Marendar, boulders wouldn't harm him. But a natural rock slide would. 

    • The Toa can use only their weapons and Kanohi masks against him. Masks make little difference because Marendar’s combat computer can easily come up with a strategy against them.

    For example.

    • Kanohi Pakari gives a great strength but no extra combat skills.

    • Kanohi Hau can only protect from attacks its user predicts, not from sucker punches etc.

    • Kanohi Garai, mask of gravity, is useless against Marendar because it literally uses the element of gravity.

    • Kanohi Kakama and kakama nuva are the best masks against Marendar. But Kanohi kakama doesn’t prevent Marendar from predicting Toa’s movements.

    • Kanohi Kakama Nuva in the other hand enables the Toa to become faster than Marendar and to run through solid objects like swords. But in this speed state t Toa can’t hit Marendar. And if the Toa could hit Marendar, Marendar could predict Toa’s movements and hit back.


    Possible ways to defeat Marendar. (Updated on 3.30.15. Inspired by user Anapouri's comments on below)

    • Marendar can be tricked or sucker punched.
    • Excellent martial artist or team of martial artists can put a great fight against Marendar. Especially the Glatorian or the Agori who Marendar is unable to harm. 
    • Warriors who Marendar has never seen before has advantage. Marendar doesn't know what for example Brutaka could do. But it doesn't mean Marendar couldn't adapt and fight back.
    • There are things that are impossible to avoid even if you know they are coming. For example explosions, natural disasters, rock slides, long fall from a cliff etc.
    • His advantages can be turned against him. Read short story below and you will know what I mean.




    I made this short story and a dialog about how the Toa vs Marendar battle would proceed. Dialog tells about Marendar motives. He is not as black and white as we thought. Remember that Great Beings had flaws in the programming of their creations. For example the Baterra went out of their control.


    Twenty Toa and Glatorian have gathered to final battle against Marendar. They have watched in horror how Marendar has sliced their brothers and sisters, forcing the Toa to retreat every time. Now heroes have prepared. They have gathered varied sets of weapons from zamor launchers to midak skyblasters. And now they wait as sun rises.  

    Together with Sun, a black spot emerges from horizon... Marendar.


    Marendar charges towards the Toa on open field. The Toa prepare their long range zamors and blasters and launch them at Marendar.  Maredar avoids most of the bullets and ones he doesn’t avoid, counters with his sword. The Toa rise and hold a wall of stone with their elemental powers before Marendar's path, but as it is controlled by the Toa, Marendar runs through it, like it would be just sand.

    Toa, Glatorian and Marendar engage for close combat.

    Great number of Glatorian works as advantage for the Toa as Marendar can't hurt them and is forced to only disarm them. But battle takes its toll and heroes are becoming exhausted as battle continues but Marendar only seems to speed up.  Marendar disarms last of the Glatorian and pursues towards the Toa.  With no weapons longer at hand, one Glatorian crabs a rock in despair and throws it at Marendar. It hits! Marendar turns around to look who or what could possibly get through his anti-elemental field. Unlike Marendar’s computer, the Toa realize what happened. Marendar can go through elemental objects but no regular ones, which means he can be captured. The Toa of earth and stone, who are still left, transfer their elemental energy to the ground and therefore transforms it into elemental substance. Because ground is now controlled by the Toa, ground below Marendar does not hold anymore and he sinks through it. Before Marendar can use his boosters to escape, the Toa cease the flow of energy and substance becomes regular ground again with maximal density. Marendar is now unable to move, and only his head is visible for Toa. Marendar’s strongest weapon had become his greatest weakness. Marendar struggles for couple of seconds and gives up. Marendar calms and his eyes turn blue.  Marendar has been defeated.  


    One Glatorian picks up a sword and approaches Marendar, kneels and looks right to his eyes. Marendar looks back. Moment of silence and the Glatorian asks “Why?”


    Glatorian: ”Why. Why did you attack and murdered all those Toa?  

    Marendar: ”.......Because I am Marendar (Salvation). It is my purpose.

    (Everyone is shocked. For the first time Marendar has spoken.)

    Glatorian: “Salvation? What do you mean? And what is your purpose?”  

    Marendar: “I am programmed to save Agori from the Toa.”

    Glatorian: “That’s stupid. Everyone with right mind can see that the Toa and the Glatorian protects the Agori and the Matoran together.”

    Marendar: “(A Moment of silence).........Yes. Toa are not the enemy of the Agori. I came to that conclusion long time ago. .”

    Glatorian: “What!? Why then you have continued your slaughter.”

    Marendar: “Because it is my purpose.”

    Glatorian: “What!?”

    Marendar: “Because it is my purpose.”

    Glatorian: “Explain how that prevents you from lowering your weapons if you know it’s unnecessary.”

    Marendar: “My creators created me for one purpose only. To find and destroy Toa. Even though I have realized Toa are not the enemy of Agori, my primary programing prevents me from lowering my weapons until they all have... been... (Marendar’s eyes turn red and Glatorian backs off) DISINTEGRATED!


    Marendar’s sword hand breaks free and tries to cut rest of his body out of the stone. Toa activates their elemental powers and Marendar sinks deeper below ground.


    Toa and Glatorian are certain that stone won’t hold Marendar forever. They dig carefully around Marendar and form a sphere where Marendar is in the center. They cover the sphere with six feet thick metal shell and form an airless metallic dome around it. They also build three layers of defenses around the dome. If Marendar breaks out from the sphere, he won’t be able to fly with his boosters in a vacuum of dome and explosives around the sphere would blast him into pieces. If Marendar gets out from the dome, hopefully defences inside the dome has at least damaged his feet so he could not soar away with his boosters and outer defences can finish him. And if not?… well, Toa and Glatorian have defeated him once and can do it again, but this time Marendar will know not to touch the ground….    


    The end?

    So Marendar is basically one man’s army and can’t stop even if he wants to. Tragic villain in a certain way. That’s my opinion of Marendar, hope you liked it. Sorry for bad english, it's not my native language.


    PS:  In description I talk about created elements and how they won’t work against Marendar. I was talking about elemental powered fire, which does not need fuel in order to burn. That kind of fire wouldn't hurt Marendar. It would just disappear when it would come contact with him. But water and stone created by elemental energy are able to hurt him as long as they are not controlled by The toa. The stone wall was controlled by the Toa, otherwise Marendar would have had to go through it the hard way. Shooting small rocks, boulders, ice, air or water at Marendar counts as controlling the element but creating a giant boulder above Marendar and letting it fall at him does not count as controlling the boulder. Didn’t use latter method in the story because I didn’t want to make it too complicated and Marendar could have avoided or blocked or sliced boulders anyway. Marendar is very good at predicting and avoiding stuff.


    PPS: Alternate version for Anti-elemental field was a large field which would negate elemental powers entirely within the radius. But this was too powerful and Glatorian don’t have a chance against Marendar on their own. Marendar won’t hurt them but on the other hand they can’t hurt Marendar. Only way to end that kind of story would have been a deus ex machina and that would not have been a good ending.


    PPPS: Last one I promise. Is there a way to get Marendar to stop killing? Yes I think there is. Marendars programming doesn’t specify when he has to kill the Toa. Now,today,tomorrow, day after tomorrow? It doesn’t specify the date. So Marendar can wait for the “perfect opportunity” to kill the Toa. The opportunity will never come and during waiting Marendar is free to do anything he wants.


    Geetonguga, Bionicle fan since 2001.

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