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Blog Entries posted by Akano

  1. Akano
    I think I just have to say that LEGO Star Wars II for XBox 360 is one of the most amazing games ever made.
    Randomness aside, today marks the end of this year's marching band camp (which started last Saturday) for the resident Moo-Obsessed Toa of Electricity. So why am I bringing up marching band? Well, this year my little brother had marching band camp for four weeks, consisting of two weeks of mini band camp, one week of full band camp, and then another week of mini band camp. Full band camp is 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., mini band camp is 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Four weeks. That's a lot of prep compared to my marching band. Of course, my little brother is in high school, and I'm at college. Well, let me take you back to 2003 when I was a freshman. I had one week of full band camp (same as my little bro) and one week of mini band camp, which for the first year was 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., then changed to 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. That was it from my freshman year to my senior year. Why the change? A change in band directors. My marching band director from freshman year to senior year was strict. He made us work, and he had us get done what we needed to get done. He was not lenient unless the suggestion given to him was one that needed to be done, such as a water break on a hot day. Then, my senior year, he stepped down because he got an administrative position in our school, so the marching band was directed by the high school band director, who was much more lenient. She didn't change anything the year after he left, but after that she made things "easier" on the kids, and because she went easier on the band, the productivity went down. Now, you'd think, "They have two more weeks to practice, so their shows must be much better and better prepared than those of years previous." Nope, unfortunately the shows have stayed the same if not declined in quality over the previous years. The energy isn't as intense and the drive to do well seems to be less obvious than it was when I was in the band.
    Now, the marching band director I had was not as well liked by the band, but he got stuff done. The director my little brother has is probably more liked/less complained about, but the quality seems to be lacking.
    So, which is better? The band that accomplishes two weeks worth of work in two weeks, or the one that accomplishes that same amount of work in four weeks?
    Sorry to eat up your time, my rant is over. BITIL RULEZ!!

  2. Akano
    Hey, all, it's been nearly a month; I should probably post here again.
    I'm currently in New York visiting family before the summer wraps up and I'm back at college. It's been stormy and rainy today, though, which makes it seem kinda miserable outside. Not the good storms that last about a half hour and are filled with beautiful lightning bolts, but the cruddy ones that, eh, a few cracks of lightning and a burst of thunder, but cloudy all day. It is clearing up, though.
    Also, I obtained Bitil yesterday! Haha! The first true yellow BIONICLE set in five whole years! WOOT! I'm totally thrilled. 8D
    (Yes, Atako, I got him. You should still bring him to the picnic, though; we could have him use his mask power. )
    I'll be taking pictures of him soon and possibly reviewing him here in my blog. Yes, my view on him is heavily biased due to his coloration, so sue me.
    Also, I hope to make a new comic next week, but I may be preoccupied a bit with packing to go back to school. It should be a continuation of my latest comic, so keep your eyes peeled.
    I think that's all for now.

  3. Akano
    Yesterday, my brother KK and I got our wisdom teeth removed. I had three taken out (which was all I had) and KK got four removed.
    Amazingly, my mouth doesn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would.
    It was also the first time I had ever been on anesthesia. The experience was instantaneous, and it was very odd to me how fast that half hour flew to me.
    Just my random blurb of today. Also, welcome back online, BZPower!

  4. Akano
    For those of you who aren't Glenn Beck fans, the title is actually a term of endearment.
    The reason for the Glenn Beck inside joke? I was at his Insiders Convention in Akron, Ohio this past Saturday, and I had a great time. I got to shake Glenn's hand, got a picture with him, and he talked with my mom and spoke to my dad on the phone due to some very humorous circumstances. Unfortunately, I did not inherit my mother's socializing genes, so I didn't say much. >>;
    Also, it appears my poor Lappy's hard disk drive has kicked the bucket. Fortunately, I backed up all my necessary files onto my desktop computer and I'll be getting a hard drive soon when my dad returns home. Until then, it's me and my desktop.
    Also, I am going to finally make a new comic. I have the idea and I'm ready to get started on it right now.
    Until next time, my fellow BZP brothers, Awwwwww Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah….

  5. Akano
    Today, my brother KopakaKurahk and I were walking up and down a nearby cul-de-sac and, while he was observing some lovely Virginia creeper and poison ivy decorating a peaceful evergreen, I noticed, with the help of my insect nerdiness, a spider that I originally thought was sitting within its web waiting for prey. Turns out, the spider had already obtained its evening meal: a small, black wasp that was no longer than a centimeter. Oh, the little stinging terror tried and tried to escape its inevitable fate of being a tasty liquified meal, but to no avail. The spider had latched on to the back of its thorax and was biting hard, not letting go despite the wasps squirming and attempts of stinging.
    For an amateur entomology enthusiast who despises most wasps, the feeling I obtained from this scene was true bliss.
    For those of you out there who don't care for my insect ranting (a.k.a., if your username is not Atako ) I have another news update on the life of this Bionicle-obsessed college student. The Toa of Electricity has achieved a new first: I have a real job now! *cue the dramatic chipmunk*
    It's not bad. It's not thrilling either, but what part-time job is? Well, I can think of one, and it's a job one of my friends has at his college (and it totally involves insect studies ). I currently reside in a mail room mainly sending out t-shirts. I keep that job until they're all sent out, then I need to find another place to work. But, still, that's not too bad.
    Wow, I haven't had this long a blog entry in quite some time. Whee! 8D

  6. Akano
    For those of you who haven't read my latest comic, four days ago marked Akano's Comics' fourth year anniversary. For any topic on BZPower, that is an amazing feat, and I hope the topic will have a few more years in the running.
    Also, thanks to those who read my new chapter. You can still post in the review topic since topic revival is allowed in the Epics forum so long as your posts are on topic.

  7. Akano
    I seem to have a habit of not updating this often.
    Main update: I added a new chapter to My Transformation Part II. I encourage you to read it; it's fairly lengthy and full of goodies.
    Also, tomorrow is my last day of finals and I get to go home! Woot woot! I'm very excited.
    I'll get to see my friends again. It's going to be great. ^^
    Um, that's all for now. Please read the new chapter!

  8. Akano
    Yes, I am alive. 8D
    I'm sorry to those two viewers out there that I haven't been posting here since January. Having stupid fluff classes in college tends to rot your brain since it isn't getting any application to any subjects...and so forth ramble ramble.
    But now the semester draws to a close, and finals are approaching in the next couple weeks. Oh, it'll be a blast, believe me.[/sarcasm]
    Anywho, I have also posted new comicses, believe it or not, since January. My most recent was an April Fools' Day comic. I highly encourage y'all to read it.
    This last weekend was also the first Science Olympiad State competition that I've not attended since 2002. ;.; My old teams didn't qualify for Nationals, but they did do well, and Atako won some firsts. ^^ I really wish I could've been a part of the madness; really, I do.
    And your attention is probably gone, so I bid you adieu.

  9. Akano
    Well, I figure that since January's coming to a close, I should probably update this thing. Earlier this month, I went to our Science Olympiad scrimmage and helped out by running an event, which was fun. I got to see old friends and had fun watching eggs splatter as they hit the floor. I also have just recently been brushing up on some dollar bill origami, some of which you can see here. My parents bought me a book called "Hawaiian-Style Money Folds" which has some pretty sweet money origami designs. I also found others online.
    Otherwise, things are pretty normal. I have a fairly relaxed semester this time through, but I have a 7:45 a.m. class, which is killing me, for Akano is most certainly not a morning person.
    And with that just said, I got a great inspiration for a new comic. 8D

  10. Akano
    I know, I'm late for the former and early for the latter, but I figure celebrating both in one blog entry will suffice.
    My Christmas was great. I got to spend it at home with my family had a great Christmas Eve dinner, filled with calamari and ciabatta bread with bruschetta. Present-wise, my brother KopakaKurahk and I got Maxilos and Spinax from my younger brother, Tekulo, though I think KK's keeping that one for himself, and we got Halo 3 and Guitar Hero III.
    Hopefully we'll have a New Year's celebration that'll be just as good. Also, expect a New Year's comic, hopefully a non-filler this time.
    Merry Christmas everyone, and have a Happy New Year.

  11. Akano
    Another month (or two), another entry. I've been quite distracted from BZPower recently as the college semester draws to a close and finals week is waxing and, finally, waning. I do have some rather nice updates, though, ironically during the time in which I should be studying/working on essays due for my finals. >>;;
    My Transformation Part II has been updated with a new chapter, and I highly encourage you read it (since it has not gotten attention for months).
    Also, I've updated my comics since the last entry, with Comic 107 being the latest.
    In addition to that, my Christmas break begins this weekend, and I'm glad. This weekend looks promising to be really fun, and I hope I can calm down a little after all the stress from finals.

  12. Akano
    It seemed as though ages passed since anyone set foot in the clearing where the little pond lay. No one had been near it in ages, and those who stumbled by it paid it no heed, for they were travelers with another mission and had no need to visit an average little pond that had long been abandoned. But this pond was not left alone, no, but only given time to age and mature. Its creator had taken a short vacation, and in his vacation the pond had nearly blended into the rest of the scenery around it. The hieroglyphs that towered behind it were no longer a vision by which to be taken back, nor were the banners advertising comics and stories flamboyant or attention-grabbing. That would all change today, though, for the creator set foot in that humble glade once more. The sign sitting at the water's edge was cleaned off, and a spectacular light display that the creator brought to his beloved pond glowed once more. The sign clearly read the same two words it had read since its conception, and was, in its creator's return, renewed.
    The sign at the water's edge could now be read – "Akano's Blog".
    I'm back!
    Yes, it seems that college does some interesting interference with contact to the outside world. This Toa of Electricity is quite fine, and is glad to write in this very dusty blog. Hi, everyone!
    I believe I posted a new comic recently, which you can view here. I also decided to be a beta tester on "My LEGO Network." It's actually pretty fun, and it brings out my inner child.
    I also have an annoying 5-7 page research paper to work on. I'm not quite sure on its due date yet, but I don't like the topic: Something dealing with King Arthur and his story. I'd much rather have a much more open topic selection. vv;
    Um, that's all for now. Enjoy the comic and the revival of this blog.
  13. Akano
    Nothing like a month's wait to post a new blog entry, eh?
    Well that dreaded evil known only as Writer's Block has hit me like a brick wall, as demonstrated previously here. I'd like to get one done by the end of this weekend, but nothing's popping into mind. Eh, it happens, I guess.
    I got my BZPower engraved brick yesterday, and it's really good quality. Special thanks to Binkmeister for holding that fundraiser. ^^ It is now firmly placed in the front of my Pharaoh's Forbidden Ruins set, guarding the beloved temple's entrance.
    Marching band camp at college starts in exactly one week. I'm kinda nervous, indifferent, excited, unsure, and joyful all at the same time. It's weird. I never really expected that college would come so quickly, but it has. It will certainly be interesting.
    And, no, you shall not know where I'm going to school. I like to keep that air of mystery to myself. 8D
    I am also rooming with my brother, KopakaKurahk, in a dorm room, so we don't have to get stuck with someone we'd rather not be around. And, besides, we know how to deal with each others' annoyances better than those of anyone else.
    I've also received Hewkii Mahri, and I must say he's a great improvement to his last year's counterpart. Definitely worth the buy. ^^
    Um, I think that's it for now. I hope to have that comic up soon, should it pop in there.

  14. Akano
    My gradumacation party was on Sunday, and I had a blast. There's truly nothing better than having your friends celebrate with you, no matter what the occasion.
    And I almost ended up in the ditch outside my house twice. 8D
    That seems to be my only problem. That and a couple left turns.

  15. Akano
    As I sit here late at night waiting to see Jay Leno's pick of the weekly Headlines (cruddy Wimbledon ¬_¬) I decided to write a blogthing entry.
    I do have a good idea for a new comic, but I'm afraid my attention span must lengthen itself so I may be able to create the blasted comic. You guys should enjoy it, though.
    And lastly, crabadonk!

  16. Akano
    Yesterday, I obtained my 4-year…Norik head? Exactly what am I supposed to do with it? ~tries putting it on his face like a mask~
    You know, after one year, you can control time, after two years you get power over light, three years you get invisibility, but all I have now is a Rahkshi head?
    The fourth year stinks. XP

  17. Akano
    ...I've hit a comic writer's block. *slam*
    I really need an idea for a comic. And what stinks is that inspiration is all around, but for some reason my inspiration-o-vision is on the fritz.
    Anywho, I have been trying to get back into the groove of writing for My Transformation Part II and Inventor of Metru Nui Rewritten, so be on the lookout for new chapters for each of those. A new MT II chapter is currently in the works and should be up within the next couple days. IoMN Rewritten will probably follow. I've finally gotten over that writer's block. >>;
    Also, anyone who has the Pahrak Kal mini CD, I'd like to have all the files from it. Why? I can't find mine and I'd like to still be able to watch the videos, possibly take screen shots and such. So, if you have it, it would be most appreciated.

  18. Akano
    Yep, that's right, every peoples. I graduated from high school on Saturday. I feel so old.
    I'm sure people are wondering, "What's this going to mean for the comics?" Probably not too much, at least not until autumn, because I'm still going to be home until marching band in college starts up.
    And I still have no clue what I want to be when I grow up.

  19. Akano
    That's right. Last week, May 9, 2007, at 2:25 pm, Akano's Comics officially turned 3 years old!
    Boy, that's a long time for any topic on BZP to be going. I know I haven't kept up the production in recent history as much as I did before, but several obstacles fall into place during one's senior year in high school (AP tests, college applications, scholarship auditions, etc.). But, I've kept my lovely topic going and going as inspiration came to me or knocked me to the floor. So, in lieu of quality over quantity, Happy 3rd birthday to Akano's Comics! ^^

  20. Akano
    Blah. I never update this thing, do I?
    Well, a week and two days ago was Nerdfest 2007 state competition. And once again, Atako Toa of Life and Akano Toa of Electricity are ranked as state champions of entomology! Woot woot!
    Also, the middle school team qualified to go to Nationals this year, and I have been invited due to my hard work in helping these students on their way to the top. I hope it'll be fun.
    I'm still trying to get the 100th comic finished up. Some of the jokes and gags have left my head, and I have come to what some may call a "writer's block." If anyone has a magical hammer that shatters those things, that would be most appreciated.
    Anywho, until next time, the one and only...

  21. Akano
    Yeah, believe it or not, it's snowing here. We have at least a foot of snow and it's still coming down.
    I suppose that's not too unusual, at least for where I live. Two years ago a festival we have in the second week of April or so was cancelled due to snow. XD
    Weather as usual in my realm.

  22. Akano
    Sorry I haven't posted an entry here for more than a month. My life recently has been quite busy. For instance, a week ago I had to perform for my school's spring musical. It consumed much of my time, usually practice and performances went until 10-11 pm. @@;
    Anywho, with that out of the way, I'm hoping to work on my 100th comic (no, it isn't done yet. ><. I hope to have it done possibly by next weekend, since my spring break is coming up. Also, Nerdfest 2007 State competition is coming up at the end of my spring break. Wish me thine luck!
    Just letting you know I'm alive, the one and only,

  23. Akano
    I've come back from a day of working hard at various events. And it was all worth while. NEXT STOP, NERDFEST 2007 STATE COMPETITION!!!
    I apologize for the extreme, jovial yelling in ALL CAPS, but I'm thrilled! I got bronze in Entomology and gold in Chemistry Lab.
    Unfortunately, during the awards ceremony, when I won the gold for chemistry, I yelled at the top of my lungs "YES!!" There was no other background noise, and everyone's eyes were on me. XD But, I was thrilled; it was my first gold all year. I see no reason to be ashamed of it.
    Also, my friend, toa-of-life on the forums, let me borrow her Takadox set for a bit. I hope to use him in my AC entry. Whether I'll ever draw the entry is still a toss-up, because I'm going to be very busy this week.
    I plan also to make a review of this scheming hypnotist. He has become, I think, my favorite of the Barraki, with Carapar coming in a close second.
    But you can't beat an intelligent warlord who controls underwater insects. 8D
    Also, KK and I learned how to harness the secrets of the squid launcher. We've flung a squid around about fifty times.

  24. Akano
    Yesterday, February 22nd, was my birthday. Unfortunately, it had to fall on one of the busiest days of my schedule, with Science Olympiad, Pit Band, and Jazz Band all dominating in one foul swoop.
    I had a decent time, though, and my friends got me some nice gifts. I got cookies and a card today from some of my friends in band, and another friend got me a CD. Oh, and I got cupcakes. Can't go wrong with cupcakes.
    And waiting at home for me after all this was a Chipotle burrito with my name on it, which I saved for today's lunch.
    Tomorrow is Regionals for Science Olympiad. Yes, Nerdfest 2007 — the part that counts — is on.
    Wish me luck!

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