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Blog Entries posted by Akano

  1. Akano
    So, I've kinda been gone recently. The reasons for that are the school year was wrapping up and I went home for a week to visit my family. In that time, I didn't go online much and thus did not visit BZP much.
    However, I did get pictures of the Whirling Time Warper, which I will be reviewing next in my overarching review of the Time Cruisers/Twisters theme from LEGO, so keep your eyes peeled for that review entry.
    Also, now that it's summer I hope to get some comic making done (seeing as there will be no homework to stop me).

  2. Akano
    Yes, I am totally obsessed with Legend of Zelda at this moment in time. Especially Minish Cap. And Majora's Mask. Why? Because I am. 8D
    Oh, and if you want proof, head on over to my comic topic and see the latest comic. ^^
    Oh, also, I have a new chapter up for My Transformation Part II, and I'd appreciate posts with feedback on it. I want to know how my writing skills/lack there of are turning out. Thanks. ^^;
    Hmm...what else to talk about? Well, I'm reading Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles, and I must say it's a very good book. It's for an English book report, due Monday. Blargh. I hate book reports. vv;
    Well, that's all for now. As per some kind of tradition, I'm going to leave you with a physics equation. ^^

  3. Akano
    Blah. I never update this thing, do I?
    Well, a week and two days ago was Nerdfest 2007 state competition. And once again, Atako Toa of Life and Akano Toa of Electricity are ranked as state champions of entomology! Woot woot!
    Also, the middle school team qualified to go to Nationals this year, and I have been invited due to my hard work in helping these students on their way to the top. I hope it'll be fun.
    I'm still trying to get the 100th comic finished up. Some of the jokes and gags have left my head, and I have come to what some may call a "writer's block." If anyone has a magical hammer that shatters those things, that would be most appreciated.
    Anywho, until next time, the one and only...

  4. Akano
    I think I just have to say that LEGO Star Wars II for XBox 360 is one of the most amazing games ever made.
    Randomness aside, today marks the end of this year's marching band camp (which started last Saturday) for the resident Moo-Obsessed Toa of Electricity. So why am I bringing up marching band? Well, this year my little brother had marching band camp for four weeks, consisting of two weeks of mini band camp, one week of full band camp, and then another week of mini band camp. Full band camp is 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., mini band camp is 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Four weeks. That's a lot of prep compared to my marching band. Of course, my little brother is in high school, and I'm at college. Well, let me take you back to 2003 when I was a freshman. I had one week of full band camp (same as my little bro) and one week of mini band camp, which for the first year was 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., then changed to 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. That was it from my freshman year to my senior year. Why the change? A change in band directors. My marching band director from freshman year to senior year was strict. He made us work, and he had us get done what we needed to get done. He was not lenient unless the suggestion given to him was one that needed to be done, such as a water break on a hot day. Then, my senior year, he stepped down because he got an administrative position in our school, so the marching band was directed by the high school band director, who was much more lenient. She didn't change anything the year after he left, but after that she made things "easier" on the kids, and because she went easier on the band, the productivity went down. Now, you'd think, "They have two more weeks to practice, so their shows must be much better and better prepared than those of years previous." Nope, unfortunately the shows have stayed the same if not declined in quality over the previous years. The energy isn't as intense and the drive to do well seems to be less obvious than it was when I was in the band.
    Now, the marching band director I had was not as well liked by the band, but he got stuff done. The director my little brother has is probably more liked/less complained about, but the quality seems to be lacking.
    So, which is better? The band that accomplishes two weeks worth of work in two weeks, or the one that accomplishes that same amount of work in four weeks?
    Sorry to eat up your time, my rant is over. BITIL RULEZ!!

  5. Akano
    My gradumacation party was on Sunday, and I had a blast. There's truly nothing better than having your friends celebrate with you, no matter what the occasion.
    And I almost ended up in the ditch outside my house twice. 8D
    That seems to be my only problem. That and a couple left turns.

  6. Akano
    ...because they're cats. Also, because one of them is currently curled up on a pile of freshly laundered towels on the sofa whilst the other is on the floor posing like the fancy prince that he is.
    Silly kitties.
    Also, HOLY CROWSNEST I'VE BEEN GONE A WHILE! This is what happens when I visit home...

  7. Akano
    Yep, that's right. I'm angry. Why, you ask? Well, it has to do with my most recently released comic, Comic 99.
    See, last Saturday was the first Science Olympiad Invitational competition for 2007. I was all ready to take on the Entomology (insects) test and take home the gold. My partner and I did, what we thought was, very well. We didn't know a few questions, but we had confidence in most of them. We had to have placed in the top 6th — we placed 15th!
    I was in shock, awe, and anger. We felt gipped, because we'd been the State champs last year, we know our stuff. We took a look at the test on the bus ride home, and we found that we made a HUGE mistake — we put the families and orders in the wrong answer blanks.
    We were furious at this mistake. When we can, my partner and I are going to figure out what we would've gotten had that mistake not happened and what place we would've received.
    At least it was an invitational. Hopefully things will look up.
    On the bright side, my 100th comic is just one slot away. I want to try to do something really good for it, but I don't know what. It'll probably be a sprite comic, hopefully a long one at that.
    Also, as you may have noticed, I have joined the Star Wars fad thingy. This is one of those fads that I don't mind joining, actually, since I am a fan of Star Wars and have a favorite character.
    And, let's just face it. Xextos rule.

  8. Akano
    What I'm really awaiting on this show is the episode where Korra and Aang finally communicate about the state of the Avatar world. They've been dropping tantalizing hints these past few episodes, and I'm getting rather antsy. >>
    In other news, week 2 of my summer internship is done. I'm going to be repairing a laser-locking box that will be used with a Fabry-Perot cavity. Fun times.

  9. Akano
    Yes, I am alive. 8D
    I'm sorry to those two viewers out there that I haven't been posting here since January. Having stupid fluff classes in college tends to rot your brain since it isn't getting any application to any subjects...and so forth ramble ramble.
    But now the semester draws to a close, and finals are approaching in the next couple weeks. Oh, it'll be a blast, believe me.[/sarcasm]
    Anywho, I have also posted new comicses, believe it or not, since January. My most recent was an April Fools' Day comic. I highly encourage y'all to read it.
    This last weekend was also the first Science Olympiad State competition that I've not attended since 2002. ;.; My old teams didn't qualify for Nationals, but they did do well, and Atako won some firsts. ^^ I really wish I could've been a part of the madness; really, I do.
    And your attention is probably gone, so I bid you adieu.

  10. Akano
    Since it is now the end of the semester at my school, professors are winding down the semester by ramping up the students' workloads. Isn't that just dandy?!
    Thus, real life takes over and Akano's free time goes from some to nearly none. On the bright side though, my brother KK and I recently had a recent acquisition of a Legend of Zelda DS Lite! (Do do do doo!) Thus, super fun happy fourth-gen Pokémon games are going to be played by us (KK has already gotten Platinum. I personally am waiting for HeartGold to come out in the US).
    That's really all I've got right now. As a parting gift, here's a cute little Rotom to wreak havoc on your appliances.


  11. Akano
    ...is a musical genius. For those who don't know him by name, he wrote almost all the songs featured on Animaniacs, e.g. Yakko's Universe, the Nations of the World, the 50 states and their capitols.
    The live show with him on Talkin' Toons is amazing.

  12. Akano
    Rob Paulsen responded to my question I tweeted earlier on whether his voice was in the LEGO City: Undercover trailer.

    While not a definitive answer, it still has made my day.

  13. Akano
    Clearly I am the best blogger ever. XD
    I just got an e-mail last night accepting me into one of the graduate schools I've applied to! Akano is on his way to torturing physics students by lecturing them to death on how trumpets work. 8D
    Also, I got the new Pharaoh's Quest 7327 Scorpion Pyramid. While Jake Raines is no Johnny Thunder, I have to say that LEGO having a new Egypt line makes me happy. 8D

  14. Akano
    I was on a walk the other day after lunch and a beautiful aroma hit my nose. It was faint, almost fleeting, until it got slightly more intense, then faded away. It is the best smell in the world
    It is the smell of a fire burning in the fireplace of a distant house, which means one glorious thing: Winter is on its way.

  15. Akano
    So, I just saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie Friday night. (I know, I'm behind the times) I have to say, IT WAS EPIC! I love Sherlock Holmes mysteries, and this movie was no exception.
    Also, for those of you comic lovers out there, NEW COMIC! I know, can you believe it?
    Naruto: Believe it!
    Now I'm off to research fractals. 8D

  16. Akano
    Nothing like a month's wait to post a new blog entry, eh?
    Well that dreaded evil known only as Writer's Block has hit me like a brick wall, as demonstrated previously here. I'd like to get one done by the end of this weekend, but nothing's popping into mind. Eh, it happens, I guess.
    I got my BZPower engraved brick yesterday, and it's really good quality. Special thanks to Binkmeister for holding that fundraiser. ^^ It is now firmly placed in the front of my Pharaoh's Forbidden Ruins set, guarding the beloved temple's entrance.
    Marching band camp at college starts in exactly one week. I'm kinda nervous, indifferent, excited, unsure, and joyful all at the same time. It's weird. I never really expected that college would come so quickly, but it has. It will certainly be interesting.
    And, no, you shall not know where I'm going to school. I like to keep that air of mystery to myself. 8D
    I am also rooming with my brother, KopakaKurahk, in a dorm room, so we don't have to get stuck with someone we'd rather not be around. And, besides, we know how to deal with each others' annoyances better than those of anyone else.
    I've also received Hewkii Mahri, and I must say he's a great improvement to his last year's counterpart. Definitely worth the buy. ^^
    Um, I think that's it for now. I hope to have that comic up soon, should it pop in there.

  17. Akano
    So, I saw Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the first time last night and Space Seed, Khan's debut episode in the original series. I love Khan's character. I can't tell if it's because he's written well or if Ricardo Montalbán's mannerisms make him so unique. Or both.
    This also makes his role as Gutierrez in Freakazoid much more enjoyable (even though he was quite enjoyable to begin with).

  18. Akano
    Christmas time is probably the most wonderful time of the year. I love it so much. ^^
    What I don't like about right now is that my final exams for the semester are all up ons next week. Luckily they're only spread out over three days, and I have two days off to study for my first finals.
    Also, I really need to brush off the cobwebs and dust from this poor abandoned blog. I never update it.

  19. Akano
    I got back from a concert a couple hours ago, this time our "winter" concert. Yes, we just had a Christmas concert, but we played completely new songs. Our Jazz band, Symphonic band, and Wind Ensemble played at the concert, and it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. I had a numerous amount of solos, and people told me I played them pretty well. ^^;
    Also, new comic up, based on the premier of 24, the most amazing TV show ever! ^^
    I'm also trying to come up with a new comic idea, waiting for that inspiration to smack me in the face. Enjoy it, everyone!

  20. Akano
    Well, I figure that since January's coming to a close, I should probably update this thing. Earlier this month, I went to our Science Olympiad scrimmage and helped out by running an event, which was fun. I got to see old friends and had fun watching eggs splatter as they hit the floor. I also have just recently been brushing up on some dollar bill origami, some of which you can see here. My parents bought me a book called "Hawaiian-Style Money Folds" which has some pretty sweet money origami designs. I also found others online.
    Otherwise, things are pretty normal. I have a fairly relaxed semester this time through, but I have a 7:45 a.m. class, which is killing me, for Akano is most certainly not a morning person.
    And with that just said, I got a great inspiration for a new comic. 8D

  21. Akano
    As I sit here late at night waiting to see Jay Leno's pick of the weekly Headlines (cruddy Wimbledon ¬_¬) I decided to write a blogthing entry.
    I do have a good idea for a new comic, but I'm afraid my attention span must lengthen itself so I may be able to create the blasted comic. You guys should enjoy it, though.
    And lastly, crabadonk!

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