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Blog Entries posted by Akano

  1. Akano
    Sorry I haven't posted an entry here for more than a month. My life recently has been quite busy. For instance, a week ago I had to perform for my school's spring musical. It consumed much of my time, usually practice and performances went until 10-11 pm. @@;
    Anywho, with that out of the way, I'm hoping to work on my 100th comic (no, it isn't done yet. ><. I hope to have it done possibly by next weekend, since my spring break is coming up. Also, Nerdfest 2007 State competition is coming up at the end of my spring break. Wish me thine luck!
    Just letting you know I'm alive, the one and only,

  2. Akano
    As the fates would have it, the day after my birthday I hopped on a plane and went to a physics conference. I'm now sitting here in my lovely hotel room waiting for today's poster session at which I am presenting a poster on my research thus far. It involves stuff from my first published paper and some current "in the works" calculations that I'm doing to help our analysis along.
    The talks up to this point have completely left me in the dust, so I'm hoping there will be discussion during the poster session that's more to my level of understanding on the various topics I've been exposed to.
    Also the food is quite good.


  3. Akano
    In no particular order, some fun physics jokes. Ready? GO!
    My friend was trying to talk to me about atoms, but I got Bohr'd.
    Did you hear that Albert Einstein developed a theory about space? It was about time, too.
    Never trust an atom; they make up everything.
    The oddly pleasant feeling of looking down on a physicist as they finish the last of their drink. The strange charm of a top-down bottoms-up.
    Why does hamburger have less energy than steak? It's in the ground state.
    Why are physics books always unhappy? Because they're full of problems.
    Neutrinos make the worst friends; they rarely interact with anyone.
    In a quantum finish!

  4. Akano
    You look really cool, and I'm sure I'd enjoy your features and such, but you're $15. For a Pokédex.
    If you had 3D battling capabilities/games that would work in tandem with BW/B2W2, I'd probably get you, but you don't. Sorry.

  5. Akano
    While I technically beat the Elite Four on Tuesday, I thought I'd share my team here.

    Anubis (Lucario)
    Vanessa (Emboar)
    Tesla (Magnezone)
    Golduck - HM slave

    I couldn't nickname Zoroark due to it being N's originally, and Tornadus I just never got around to nicknaming after I got him from Dream Radar. This was actually the first time I've ever raised any of these Pokémon for a team, so it was a very different game experience this time around. I wish Lucario were just a bit bulkier, because he can dole out punishment but can't really take it. I love Zoroark's speed, but man is he frail. Emboar was all right, but I definitely prefer Samurott. Magnezone was pretty awesome, too; his Special Attack is beastly.
    I should raise a Chandelure when I replay through White. He looks pretty awesome...

  6. Akano
    So, I've been doing various things in the world of Pokémon recently. I obtained a Squirtle on Wonder Trade (that was awesome), a Froakie from Spain, various forms of Vivillon, a Riolu from Japan (リオル), and a Rotom (8D) from Japan (ロトム). I'm hoping to try the Masuda method to get a shiny Riolu, because shiny Lucario is awesome (and yellow).
    Also, I caught a shiny Ditto in Pokémon Village. Luckiest chain ever (I definitely did not get a chain of 40...).

  7. Akano
    These villains are getting less and less backstory development as we go, huh? In terms of development:

    Sombra < Chrysalis < Discord / Nightmare Moon

    That said, though, I enjoyed the episode quite a bit. The songs were okay, but I've only listened to them once, really. However, it was nice for Spike to get a role as Twilight's supporting vocals. Cathy Weseluck amazes me.
    I did think Rainbow Dash was a bit over the top, but I enjoyed everyone else.
    También, sombra = shadow en español, por tu información.

  8. Akano
    Just started playing this with my roommate (Friend: Toa of Friendship). I love it so much. The single-player campaign was awesome, and now we're doing the extra "future" co-op levels.
    I love ATLAS' design. I wish he and P-body had opposite eye color.
    Also, the free DLC is called Peer Review. This speaks to me as a scientist.
    Cave Johnson is the best. I could listen to him talk forever about ignoring human rights in the name of advancing science.

  9. Akano
    Over the past couple of months I visited and interviewed at a college interested in hiring someone to teach one semester of courses for their physics major series. My name was given to them through the grapevine and, after giving a mock lecture, presenting my research over lunch, and meeting with the department, I got the job. Starting later next month, I will officially be Professor Akano.
    I'm excited.

  10. Akano
    My gradumacation party was on Sunday, and I had a blast. There's truly nothing better than having your friends celebrate with you, no matter what the occasion.
    And I almost ended up in the ditch outside my house twice. 8D
    That seems to be my only problem. That and a couple left turns.

  11. Akano
    Blah. I never update this thing, do I?
    Well, a week and two days ago was Nerdfest 2007 state competition. And once again, Atako Toa of Life and Akano Toa of Electricity are ranked as state champions of entomology! Woot woot!
    Also, the middle school team qualified to go to Nationals this year, and I have been invited due to my hard work in helping these students on their way to the top. I hope it'll be fun.
    I'm still trying to get the 100th comic finished up. Some of the jokes and gags have left my head, and I have come to what some may call a "writer's block." If anyone has a magical hammer that shatters those things, that would be most appreciated.
    Anywho, until next time, the one and only...

  12. Akano
    ...is a musical genius. For those who don't know him by name, he wrote almost all the songs featured on Animaniacs, e.g. Yakko's Universe, the Nations of the World, the 50 states and their capitols.
    The live show with him on Talkin' Toons is amazing.

  13. Akano
    Yep, that's right. I'm angry. Why, you ask? Well, it has to do with my most recently released comic, Comic 99.
    See, last Saturday was the first Science Olympiad Invitational competition for 2007. I was all ready to take on the Entomology (insects) test and take home the gold. My partner and I did, what we thought was, very well. We didn't know a few questions, but we had confidence in most of them. We had to have placed in the top 6th — we placed 15th!
    I was in shock, awe, and anger. We felt gipped, because we'd been the State champs last year, we know our stuff. We took a look at the test on the bus ride home, and we found that we made a HUGE mistake — we put the families and orders in the wrong answer blanks.
    We were furious at this mistake. When we can, my partner and I are going to figure out what we would've gotten had that mistake not happened and what place we would've received.
    At least it was an invitational. Hopefully things will look up.
    On the bright side, my 100th comic is just one slot away. I want to try to do something really good for it, but I don't know what. It'll probably be a sprite comic, hopefully a long one at that.
    Also, as you may have noticed, I have joined the Star Wars fad thingy. This is one of those fads that I don't mind joining, actually, since I am a fan of Star Wars and have a favorite character.
    And, let's just face it. Xextos rule.

  14. Akano
    Due to the combination of the servers being taken offline and me being in school, it's been a while since my last entry. I managed to find most of my entries from Google's cache (Aug 26 - now), so they've been posted as though I had posted them on their original entry days, but the comments have disappeared into the aether.
    On a more jubilant note, I've been playing Pokémon Y and Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies recently (this is in no way like Tekulo's recent entry). I'm on the first part of case three of the latter, and I have to say that case two was very enjoyable. The twist was really good, and all the crazy weirdness of the people in that case now makes sense (it kind of reminds me of Turnabout Big Top from Justice for All).
    In Pokémon Y, I have gotten through Victory Road and am now ready to face the Pokémon League:

    Also, I think it's fantastic that I can customize my character with a yellow hoodie and well-matching fedora.

    My party currently consists of Keaton (Delphox), Anubis (Lucario), Lapras, Sylveon, Snorlax, and my HM user (a linear combination of Machoke, Talonflame, Pansage in near equal probability). I absolutely love the fact that the Fennekin family is based on mages, and Sylveon is absolutely fantastic. Since evolving it, I don't think I've had it faint once.

  15. Akano
    The other day I decided to look at my comics from start to finish to remind myself of where I started and how far I've come to get to the comics I have today, and I have determined the following.
    I sucked in the beginning. I mean, I was awful! Did I really actually think some of those comics were post-worthy? Holy Mukau!
    Seriously, go over to my topic and read the first couple comics. Then, cry in a corner. For several hours. That's what I did.
    In unrelated news, I've been toying with the idea of voicing some of my comics in a sort of strange animated-comic sort of way. Would anyone anywhere think this would be entertaining? KK may even have a role.

  16. Akano
    I've come back from a day of working hard at various events. And it was all worth while. NEXT STOP, NERDFEST 2007 STATE COMPETITION!!!
    I apologize for the extreme, jovial yelling in ALL CAPS, but I'm thrilled! I got bronze in Entomology and gold in Chemistry Lab.
    Unfortunately, during the awards ceremony, when I won the gold for chemistry, I yelled at the top of my lungs "YES!!" There was no other background noise, and everyone's eyes were on me. XD But, I was thrilled; it was my first gold all year. I see no reason to be ashamed of it.
    Also, my friend, toa-of-life on the forums, let me borrow her Takadox set for a bit. I hope to use him in my AC entry. Whether I'll ever draw the entry is still a toss-up, because I'm going to be very busy this week.
    I plan also to make a review of this scheming hypnotist. He has become, I think, my favorite of the Barraki, with Carapar coming in a close second.
    But you can't beat an intelligent warlord who controls underwater insects. 8D
    Also, KK and I learned how to harness the secrets of the squid launcher. We've flung a squid around about fifty times.

  17. Akano
    Recently I acquired an account on the lovely secondhand LEGO store known as BrickLink. This has been wonderful for my inner child and slightly stressful for my pocketbook, as I have slowly been buying sets from my childhood that I saw in LEGO catalogs but was unfortunate never to get. Of those nostalgic sets, I acquired the Night Lord's Castle and Alien Avenger of the Fright Knights and UFO themes, respectfully.
    Night Lord's Castle: Awesome. It's pretty much everything a creepy castle run by a vampire and witch should have: bats adorning the entrance and tower, a prison cell in the tall tower for the good guys, and the eerie crystal ball predicting the doom of anyone who dares oppose them make the atmosphere wonderfully appropriate. Basil's throne is a nice touch in the main room of the castle, and the large oak doors on the side give it a sinister majesty (note, I have it in the configuration of the front of the instructions/box, for those curious). Also, the fact that it's swarming with guards add to the "do not mess with us because we're evil and magical" vibe.
    Alien Avenger: The epitome of a UFO. It's a giant (for LEGO) flying saucer manned (?) by three aliens and an android guy with two extraterrestrial buggies to explore various worlds. Oh, and Alpha Dragonis' ship detaches from the main vessel. Pretty darn cool. The rotating laser canons on the front and the magnetic buggy-lifting hose are great touches and makes me want to reenact a scene of aliens abducting cattle (I need to obtain some LEGO moos!).
    Sorry for the lack of pictures. I promise when I get a decent picture-taking apparatus (the iPhone 3G's camera is surprisingly lacking compared to my old phone) I will post pics.
    EDIT: Picture of the Alien Avenger:

    I should also review some of my other 90s sets some other time while I'm at it. I miss those days.

  18. Akano
    Royal Wedding finale is best finale. Seriously, I was wowed throughout the episode. The songs were okay, but the plot was very interesting. Celestia actually fought someone! And Cadance is adorable.
    Also, Jaller is best Captain of the Guard, be he pony or Matoran.

  19. Akano
    We're four episodes into the new season of Red vs. Blue, and I still haven't heard Elijah Wood's voice nor seen his character on screen.
    Just sayin'.

  20. Akano
    So, school for me has been cancelled Monday and Tuesday due to some sort of sandy storm that is also full of winds and snow (and may or may not be caused by Spongebob's rodent friend). The details aren't really clear. So, after removing things from my porch and storing lots of water in my fridge (at least five gallons worth, maybe more), I feel I'm ready to bunker up and watch it from the comfort of my living room.
    My roommate is thinking of going into school to do research. I am not terribly keen on the idea. So, Pokémon it is. 8D
    Also, that awkward moment when you're about ready to check out Christmas presents for siblings on Bricklink and a scheduled downtime occurs. :\

  21. Akano
    (12:43 p.m. EDT) So, Sandy is currently doing his/her (its?) stuff outside my apartment. LOTS O' RAIN!
    No snow or high force winds yet, though. I think that stuff is being saved for later.
    In other GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE, I'm technically still alive.
    UPDATE 2 (3:40 p.m. EDT): Winds have been picking up, rain is unrelenting, and my apartment is cold. This calls for hoodie & blanket times! 8D
    Wow, it's really raging out there...
    UPDATE 3 (10/30/2012 at 2:29 p.m.): Things have calmed down. This morning whilst being sleepily half-awake I heard cleanup trucks outside. At least two trees are down that I can see from my apartment windows. Fun stuff.
    Also, the power went off a couple times last night and this morning, but it's currently on (hence my ability to type this ).

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