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Magnus Greel

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Posts posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    Reya analysed the map engraved into the metal tray, noting the the familiar drawing of the Map and the word inscribed above it. Either this was the name of the land, which she had never heard before, or the that of an individual, specifically the Toa who allegedly escaped this place.


    Maybe he wrote himself out of the Map? she wondered. Do maps even work the same way in this world?


    IC / Abahdon / The Royal Gardens:


    By the time Abahdon had resurfaced, he found the guards and Kaytana's troops busily explaining their situations to each other. Disappointed with Ferrin's escape and not in the mood to give a report to his fellow officers, the Law Enforcer instead slipped away in the direction of the massive battle between Armageddon and the Inquisition. He had sufficient information about the pyromaniac to detain him at a later time, for now there was a more dangerous force to deal with at the moment.


    Some time later, the warriors decided that Armageddon was a larger, more important issue than a crazed Toa of Fire too. Merging into one unit, they marched toward the center of the City to aid their allies.

  2. IC / Kaytana / The City:


    Plant life gone wild burst from stable ground around attackers, snatching Armageddon members as they focused on destroying the earth and either tearing them apart or simply dragging them below ground. The Inquisition was making a fine job once they began, though she couldn't let them have all the fun.


    Meanwhile, Kaytana herself surveyed the chaos from atop a building, peppering the troublemakers with ruddy blasts of eyebeams from glaring eyes. Her veins pumping with the excitement of battle, the Skakdi pressed her assaults on Armageddon.


    IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    It's about time, Reya muttered to herself, scanning the darkened room with her eyes.


    There wasn't much to observe, save the giant metal door across the chamber labeled, "Prisoner Number One." The Toa of Water stood to the side as Mystiko and Kratep pulled it open, out of their way and eager to get a first look of the inside.


    IC / Abahdon / The Royal Gardens:


    The dark, bestial entity ducked from the fireball aimed for his head, eyes narrowed at his assailant. "You didn't say 'please,'" the Law Enforcer retorted, drawing the pistol at his hip.


    Abahdon directed his firearm at the fruit tree, firing a round of force bolts at the Toa's cover to bombard him to death -- or, at least, cripple him. While the attack would throw Ferrin's attention on heating his armor, he vanished into small fissures in the soil to cool off his armor underground.



    By this time, the Garden's sentinels had bounded over the distance to the source of the fire, weapons held tensely in their hands as they concentrated on the Toa of Fire. Kaytana's array of Enforcers had also arrived and began circling the area, concealed by the night and plant life growing there.

  3. IC / Kaytana / The Palace:


    The news of tonight's chaos had reached Kaytana in her personal chamber. Her initial impulse was to take action in the Royal Gardens to prevent their devastation, as they were a vital resource and source of control for the Worshippers. However, as it would do no good to have rebels running about in the City while she fought a fire in renewable fields, the Skakdi decided it was best to subdue the attackers first, while a contingent of Enforcers dealt with the fire-starter.


    "Surround the Gardens, leave no openings for escape," she had told them, in stern tones. "Close in, beat them down, and take them alive. If you fail... don't come looking for me."


    Now she hurried through the Palace corridors in the direction of the breach in the Wall, the thrill of battle rushing throughout her veins. It was nice to have enemies to crush to liven up her night.


    IC / Abahdon / The Royal Gardens:


    The volatile blow would have incapacitated a lesser being, knocking them back pointblank in an outburst of flames, but Abahdon was far more resilient than that. Having noted the scorched and damaged breatplate and surrounding armoring, the nightmarish officer began circling his adversary on all fours. His extra, bladed arms remained in the air, ready to swipe at Ferrin with their razor edges once he was solid again.


    "You can't stay intangible forever," he snarled from a now-present mouth. In fact, his face now bore more characteristics, very similar to those of the Kanohi Kraahkan. "Come and fight me like a real Toa!"

  4. IC / Abahdon / The Royal Gardens:


    The sudden flurry of fire around him was cleverly unexpected. Blackcap appeared to struggle inside, a dark silhouette in a restive blaze of red and orange; the surging pillar of fire surrounding him suddenly dispelled, as his flaming garments tore and fell away. Fragments of his coat continued to burn on the ground, generating a veil of smoke around Blackcap, while something tall and powerful began to rise from inside...


    "You owe me a new hat, Sparky," he announced mockingly from the curtain of smoke. A huge, taloned foot thrust out, wicked claws curling into the soil; a pair of red, angular eyes pierced through, staring at Ferrin; and a long tail swished playfully in the air. "But I'll settle for your heart."


    Something much different than the Toa-like being emerged from the cloud, launching himself toward the Spark with speed unlikely for his size. Massive claws on outstretched arms poised to shear through his protective armoring, rend his body apart with their edge and strength.



    Meanwhile, with the fire in the shantytown suppressed, the Gardens' sentinels had returned to their posts in the fields, where the sight of another fire in the night triggered the alarm once more.

  5. IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    The overwhelming darkness of the spiral passage did not impede Reya's determination or curiosity. Her eyes, far more adjusted to the dark than most others, scanned the walls for any carvings or traps as she descended the steps. The Toa of Sonics before her had entered first, which was fine in case anything nasty awaited below.


    Perhaps the Toa of the legend had used this hidden stairway as an escape, or whatever was located at the end? Hopefully there was at least something of value below, for these towers once belonged to the Worshippers before they abandoned them.

  6. IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    Reya glared at Mystiko when he pushed her aside, but quickly turned to the new opening he found as the wall slid away. As she grinned at the success of their search, another tremor shook the room, showering the chamber with dust and mortar particles from the ceiling overhead. Something large must have fallen to provoke such a quake, and hopefully not the tower above.


    "Let's check it out," Reya muttered, eyes surveying the settling room before she slipped into the darkened staircase.


    IC / "Blackcap" / The Royal Gardens:


    "Flame and destruction? Is that your solution to everything?" Blackcap chided, adjusting the leathery gloves over his hands. "Those will only bring oblivion to worlds. But not this one, because there won't be so much as a Spark to cause it much longer."


    The dark, faceless entity stood with fists poised for a fight, an ominous silhouette against the lightning-like flashes from the night sky.

  7. IC / "Blackcap" / The Royal Gardens:


    The Toa's patience had finally reached its end, his voice stressed with anger. Minutes before, Blackcap would have complied to avoid harm to the fields of precious plant life. But now, he supposed that they could employ wielders of that element to repair and replenish the Gardens, and the blame for their damage could be attributed to this Torch-wielder. Even if he did walk away, the Law Enforcer had enough evidence to find Ferrin later. He had a name, the "Spark" (if it wasn't his true name, he knew that the Toa had arrived only hours ago and could research the name that appeared in the sky); the Toa could be found in flammable areas, which, in a city of stone, wasn't very common. The sentinels of these fields would return very soon and find him, anyway. As confident as before, the expressionless individual straightened his stance off the tree, pocketed his hands in his coat, and gave a sigh.



    "This can go three ways, Spark," Blackcap began, addressing him with the aforementioned name; the time had passed to use "friend" now, and it would only agitate Ferrin. "The easy way, where you can throw up your arms and come with me. The hard way, and we can brawl this out here, by fists and by weapons.


    "Or we can do this the really, really, hard way," he continued, staring hard with absent eyes. "I leave you be here, and lead a city-wide search for you as a public menace. By then you will have become the Law Enforcers' Public Enemy Number One.


    "In my professional opinion, I would advise the first choice. But, personally, I prefer the second one," Blackcap suggested playfully after a pause, anticipating and prepared for a fight. There was another pause before he concluded, his tone solemn for once. "What's it gonna be?"

  8. IC / "Blackcap" / The Royal Gardens:


    Blackcap's faceless countenance conveyed none of the disappointment he found in Ferrin's response; his visage retained its soothing, amiable composure as he now leaned against the tree with his left hand as support, while the other rested on his hip. This rebellious, fire-loving Toa had no connections to the Disrupters, made it a hobby of torching his surroundings, and possessed no value to the Law Enforcer at all. In short, he was a dangerous, expendable target that required apprehension immediately before he incited a second crime.


    "Really, is that so?" Blackcap replied in his soft, welcoming voice, facing the Toa of Fire. "Well then, allow me to give you the grand tour of the place. I'm sure we can find you some friends here in the Carver's City."

  9. IC / "Blackcap" / The Royal Gardens:


    Ferrin's reply hardly discouraged Blackcap's assumption that he was a Disrupter. He believed he had one in his reach and was intent on securing the opportunity.


    "My, my. What a dilemma!" Blackcap responded, straightening himself against the tree. "Do your friends feel the same way as Disrupters of the peace?"


    IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    Reya gave a dissatisfied look when Kratep's search turned up nothing. Determined to find something down here besides disappointment, she walked passed the others over to a wall. Scanning the stones comprising it for any marking of an escape, the Toa ran her fingers across the grooves and the rough surfaces.


    Perhaps there isn't a physical clue here, Reya told herself, her lack of findings stirring an idea in her head. If there isn't a sign of how he escaped, could he have managed it mentally? A wrestle with the Carver's power that he won?


    OOC: There's my theory out there.


    Also, apologies for the late response, Shadowhawk.

  10. IC / "Blackcap" / The Royal Gardens:


    "Arrest you?" Ferrin's shadowy company chuckled in surprise. His cool and collected demeanor seemed unwavering to the Toa's defensive pose and uneasy attitude. "Oh, not at all. But tell me, friend -- what compels your fiery habits? Upset with the City management? Can't bear the order of things? A troubled past, even?"


    IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    "I can't see all the Disrupters settling under any form of leadership. Generally, they're too radical and upset to form a rigid order," Reya said in answer to Takarik, stepping into the dungeons once Kratep deemed it safe.


    At a first look, the chambers appeared as dilapidated and decayed as those above. Rusting chains clinging to aging stone walls, fissures spread across the filthy ground, the only illumination provided by the opened doors -- a typical prison to anyone unfortunate to reside in one. But the thief knew that if one looked close enough, anything could turn up.


    "Kratep, see if you can find anything beyond these," she ordered, pointing at the cracks present throughout the dungeon.

  11. IC / "Blackcap" / The Royal Gardens:


    Ferrin led Blackcap to the empty, majestic Royal Gardens of the Worshippers, its workers gone home for the night. This Toa must have been on a riot spree -- torching a shantytown and now standing in the only fertile, crop-yielding land of the Map, clutching the fire-starting Torch. Caution and action needed to be taken now, for they were in a vulnerable spot of the City; burn the Gardens, and the entire City faced starvation.


    "Such courage, friend. Bravura, if you will," Blackcap said, announcing his presence to Ferrin, only praise present in his voice. The faceless Law Enforcer specialist was leaning casually against a fruit tree, hands pocketed in his trench coat and head facing forward away from his company, having silently slipped into place courtesy of his powers. "You certainly put citizens in a buzz tonight with that light show back there. Congratulations on that, by the way.


    "However," he continued, now turning his blank face to Ferrin, his tone as vacant of anger or sternness as expressions on his countenance. Rather, it was more admonishing than scolding. "I hope you don't plan on doing the same here. Not only will you earn the disdain of every civilian in this lovely city, but I know a particularly nasty Skakdi who would hate to find her gardens ablaze during this fine evening."

  12. IC / Reya / Dungeons of the Outcast Towers:


    "Fine by me," Reya answered, stepping to the side for Kratep to pass.


    IC / "Blackcap" / The City:


    As Ferrin retreated from the burning village, Blackcap followed in the shadows, his presence obscured by the darkness of the night and the situation concerning the fire. Under this cover, he pursued the Toa in ideal stealth through the streets.

  13. IC / Reya / The Outcast Towers:


    Reya withdrew her Water Whip at Mystiko's abrupt appearance, its length lashing out with a crack. When she saw that it was the little Ko-Matoran following, however, her wariness didn't ease. Despite his contributions to the Disrupter meeting, she was still suspicious of him.


    The Toa of Water continued her way forward, toward a pair of wooden double-doors that led into the dungeons. Both displayed the age of the surrounding structure with decay, rusted iron supports, and a creak when Reya pushed them open. A hall existed beyond the entrance, barred doors lining either side of its cracking walls.


    "Ah, this is it," she announced to the others, a waft of musty air drifting out from the long-unused chambers. "Now, who's first?"


    IC / "Blackcap" (Abahdon) / Shanty Town near the Well:


    The streets of the shanty town were rustling with citizens and Law Enforcers intent on extinguishing the flames, all alerted to the action by the warnings of a fire. The alarm had attracted a particular being, a criminal specialist, in fact, who believed this to be another Disrupter riot. They were always pulling off dangerous stunts to aggravate the Worshippers.


    He had tracked the fire to its starting point by the trail of smoke, where he found a Toa of Fire (Ferrin) standing near the blazing buildings who appeared to be revelling in the disaster rather than attempting to quell it. This oddity compelled him to assume that this Toa was the Disrupter instigating another protest against his employers.


    Thus, "Blackcap" decided to watch Ferrin from afar, hoping that he could lead him to other Disrupters -- a wonderful start for his assignment since his recent deployment.

  14. IC / Reya / The Outcast Towers:


    Reya slipped out of the meeting chamber briskly, alert for any traps or stalking Rahi along the way. Luckily, not only did she have Kratep's assistance, but also that of Takarik. The extra pair of eyes would be useful in searching the dungeons, or serve as a shield in the case of an ambush.


    Hand gripping the whip at her side, the Toa warily made her way through the passages to the sub-levels of the tower. That was her best bet of the dungeons' location here.

  15. IC / Reya / Outcast Towers:


    Reya, not one to contribute to this meeting and eager to investigate the dungeons of the Towers, glanced to the doors of the chamber. If this legend was true, then there had to be a clue somewhere in this decaying structure that her thief's eye could detect. However, she had never visited this place before and was concerned with any traps or wild Rahi nesting in these ruins.


    "Hey, Kratep," The Ga-Toa whispered, elevating herself on the toes of her ebon boots to reach his head. "Help me scope out the dungeons in this place. There could be something down there that can help us."


    She had noted Kratep's uncanny ability to crawl through minuscular openings and crevices during their brief time together. That particular trait made him a valuable asset in Reya's eyes in a search of an old Worshipper base.


    IC / Kaytana / En route to the Palace:


    Munching on her fruit in a manner other species found revolting, Kaytana made her way to the Palace. Any Law Enforcers she passed displayed their respect with a salute, and civilians gave a bow, lest they earn more than a hard glare from the Skakdi.


    As she neared the Palace, Kaytana passed a dark alleyway, in which a certain Toa of Fire (Ferrin) hid himself, along with more bowing citizens.

  16. IC / Kaytana / The Royal Gardens:


    Once the outside world cleared of the blinding light and the horn assured safety, the cultivators were sent back to their stations in the fields, kept under guard by Law Enforcers. Kaytana noted that it was her scheduled break, informing her sentries to keep a careful eye on the workers and not to hesitate in using violence to keep them at work.


    Grabbing a fruit off a tree on her way, the Bo-Skakdi strolled through the flourishing flora in the direction of the Palace.


    IC / Reya / The Outcast Towers:


    Reya listened to the strategies proposed by prominent Disrupters, marveling over the more radical ideas and applauding the clever plans. What really did attract her attention, though, was the story narrated by that Ko-Matoran. While deeply intrigued, she was skeptical towards he whole legend due to the lack of details, as well as the stranger referring to it. However, an inspection of the dungeons here wouldn't hurt...

  17. IC / Reya / Outcast Towers:


    Reya remained rather silent among the gathering Disrupters, her eyes analyzing the chamber they occupied. From what she saw, these dilapidated ruins appeared to be an ideal base far from the reaches of the Worshippers and Law Enforcers.


    For now, the Toa of Water reclined against a wall, arms crossed. Hopefully, there was something valuable or useful to listen to from these people.

  18. IC / Reya / Rikene's Dwelling:


    Reya, in the safety of the abandoned house with her companions, closed her eyes while the flashes began outside. However, once Kratep mentioned the Inquisition, they snapped open, revealing concern in her light green eyes.


    The Inquisition? The Toa told herself, glancing over to the stairwell. Another reason I didn't consider myself a Disrupter, and one to flee this city as soon as possible.

  19. IC / Reya / Streets of the City:


    Reya opened her mouth, about to point out that there was little privacy in the Map as the Carver observed them anyway, and that (being a thief herself) it didn't matter to begin with. However, the sound of the horn and sight of the letters forming overhead silenced her immediately.


    The Toa hurried past Tarkarik, rushing toward the dwelling that Kratep had found. She had lived in the Map long enough to anticipate the light that followed another being's entry into this world; her eyes, more accustomed to the dark than light, were more vulnerable to its painful, blinding effects.


    IC / Kaytana / The Royal Gardens:


    Kaytana cursed as the alarm sounded, retreating to shelter nearby. Weren't there enough fools trapped here -- and ungrateful ones at that -- whom the Carver could play with all day? Grumbling, she made her way across the Gardens, accompanied by a pair of Law Enforcers that assisted in supervising the cultivators.


    The Bo-Skakdi didn't need to order the workers to do the same. Each had abandoned their work areas and headed to safer locations in the Gardens, which they did in an orderly manner taught to them by their oppressive overseer.

  20. Here's another Law Enforcer for you.


    Name: Abahdon, though he is publically known as “Blackcap”Gender: MaleSpecies: Darkness’ SpeciesAffiliation: City Law EnforcersTrapped: No one really knows when Abahdon appeared in the Map – even the Carver is uncertain offhand. He has been employed by the Worshippers and Enforcers for at least a few thousand Map years now.Weapons/Tools: Abahdon bears huge, wicked claws tipping his extremities strong enough to tear non-protosteel metals apart, though they are usually hidden by a pair of ebon leather gloves, for he prefers to fight with his fists. For ranged combat, he has an energy-web launcher to ensnare targets incorporated into the palm of his left glove, as well as a force bolt pistol.Powers: Abahdon possesses formidable strength and agility, greater than those of a Toa. He is an expert fighter, strong enough to combat a veteran Dark Hunter. As far as powers, he is capable of stretching and slithering his frame through minuscule openings, such as cracks and the gaps beneath doors.Appearance: Abahdon appears to be a humanoid, Toa-like entity to those who encounter him, clad in a jet-black trench coat that is often tied at the waist over a white and black-striped dress shirt. Surprisingly, his pale face is mostly featureless, though the characteristics of which manifest whenever he is enraged. He wears atop his head a black fedora featuring a small, dark red “A” in the Matoran alphabet, located just above his left temple, indicating his allegiance to the Carver. However, he is actually a towering being, standing two or three feet taller than a Toa, and rather monstrous with four bladed arms and a sinuous, clawed tail. His uncanny flexibility enables him to conceal himself in a smaller, simpler form.Bio: Much of Abahdon’s history is confidential, its mystery preserved by his own choice; even his employers and fellow officers are widely unaware of his origins, or species affiliation. He works as a special agent of the City Law Enforcers, and is deployed as an informant to gather information whenever criminal or Disrupter activity increases. His presence is known by very few members of the public, due to the nature of his duty.


    Abahdon exhibits a suave, dark-mannered demeanor, though while typically ruthlessly and relentlessly-behaved, his temper can occasionally suppress his strong-willed personality with blind rage. He likes to play with his targets should he gain an edge over them.

  21. IC / Reya / Streets of the City:


    "Admittedly, no," Reya replied, walking warily along the pavement in the shadows. "But I'm sure there's at least one being on the next block who isn't content with those Carver-worshipping tyrants."


    Unfortunately, The Toa of Water wasn't too familiar with the Disrupters to identify a member offhand. She had found their methods a little too radical for her liking to fully ally with them, or acknowledge herself as one.

  22. IC / Reya / Streets of the City:


    Reya's sly grin stretched across her mask upon hearing this. Accompanying these two certainly had been a wise decision: they could help her slip out of the City, right under the feet of the Worshippers. Although she chuckled internally, it was best to actually be on the other side before reveling in her safety.


    Now that the trio had left the Market, the Ga-Toa was forced to move into the more shadowy areas of the street, as the protection and cover offered by the crowded marketplace was gone. Until she was out of the City, Reya needed to avoid the eyes of Law Enforcers.


    "You know anyone else willing to join us?" she asked Takarik and Kratep, eager to leave as soon as possible.

  23. IC / Reya / The Market:


    Reya's eyes flashed in surprise at the mention of the Outcast Towers. Recently, she had learned more about the outlaying lands of the Map, specifically a possible hideout in those structures. Accompanying these two might prove useful in getting passed the City wall and securing her safety from Law Enforcers.


    "Any idea on finding a way through the wall?" she asked, taking a of bite of her stolen fruit. Dissatisfied with its quality, Reya threw the unfinished fruit away.

  24. IC / Reya / The Market:


    Reya glanced at Kratep and then to Takarik, her demeanor easing somewhat after the two identified themselves as Disrupters. Although she preferred working on her own in this world as she pilfered from the Worshippers, she did occasionally associate herself with them, however radical they could be. As they were rather disorganized, a gathering meant that something big might be coming.


    "Well, gentlemen," she began, stepping out of the shadows. Morning light revealed a wicked, ebon-armored figure overlapped with blue plating and silver spines. The Toa of Water swung out an arm and bowed slightly to the pair. "Lead the way."

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