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Posts posted by weirddisplayname

  1. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/333333/comics/untitlgbf.pngOn the first bit: I promise you by the the time chapter 2 starts, I will have all the work needed to start chapter 2 done.Regarding the second part: I'm not bad at drawing on paper but anywhere else I'm awful.concerning the third section: It's been known to happen, I mean both me losing interest in things easily, and TV tropes ruining peoples lives.About the fourth piece: I'm pretty sure center is the american spelling aswell, but I've been using it.discussing the ending stuff: I wonder if, had I not put this last thing, the admins would have been like "closing topic since the comic is ended" it's sorta funny to think about but really I probably would have cried and gave up without anyone ever knowing I'd planned to continue.Unrelated: This weekend I built a dam made of sand in a stream at a beach, and redirected the water through my own freshly dug channel, just because I could. It worked amazingly well, but that afternoon I discovered that the stream was home to many snails, and they would die if the water wasn't flowing properly. Though I was proud of my work my work I had to destroy it. Nature is such a fragile thing and no matter how small the scale tampering with it just because you can will hurt something.Related:I have the right to make jokes while givng large amounts of bad news, this is the internet and non-sequiter humour never takes a holiday.
  2. EPILOGUEAnd it is finally done. I don't have any more people in fancy outfits to show you, but I do have more things to say:1. I really need someone's help to make backgounds; my plans for the future hinge on locations that aren't supposed to be featureless grey rooms.2. As mentioned I will be answering questions, they should pertain to Antonist's House of Humor (*thunder*).3. Why did chuck die before we even got to see him? We may hear of him again despite his death, and I have horrible fates plan for most if the PGSes (AKA the unimportant people): Black's involves an orginization so secret not even the government knows about it. Karl's involves information not meant for mortal eyes. Kohu's involves a kitten.4. Chapter 2 will start out with another story arc, titled "Fish Out of Water" don't immediately assume it involves Sam because of that title though.5. Seriously, why would their be a female version of a gender neutral term?!
  3. You say the scouts mom didn't get an intro because she is unimportant. Then why did the ice cream man get an intro?Anyway, seeing as you left me at the studio, I could always save kiva from those hencmen!

    He got an intro because I am incredibly inconsistent. And personally, I doubt you could save Kiva from 98 specially trained slaves.Also, I'm back from my not made up grandpa's house where I didn't spend Christmas but still did go to, obviously I wouldn't go to the trouble of abandoning you guys for a week just to keep that excuse in the future, obviously.
  4. The scouts being the hero would be so funny. Though, if they are the ones to find the treasure, antonist could probably just get the treasure from them inexchange for finally buying a box of cookies. :D

    Actually the reverse they could put the treasure in a cookie box so that Antonist wouldn't take it

    So I guess I'm... dead? This is an interesting predicament. And... Is that the Ga-Matoran Scouts?

    No you were just knocked unconcious you actually woke up in the last comic, hence the green text.New comicTheir mom didn't get an intro because she's no a major character, yet. :sly: And I know the lines are missing but just use logic to tell who's talking
  5. I plan to make a Santa sprite for this kit soon because it's almost Christmas and almost nothing has been added in a long time

    No one looks here is the thing, and about the santa sprite I was already planing on making a santa709 style one/ finishing the old sprite that I only made the hat for.
    Oh, I guess I won't make a santa then, since I haven't actually started, I mainly just want this topic to not die
  6. New comicAccording to the guide to henchpeople: "If your locked in a building with a large number of henchpeople that think your keeping treasure away from them... seriously how did you let that happen, cool dude, your kind of as good as dead." Antonist has read the guide, and hopes this part is true.Speaking of mean older brothers, my brothers been using the computer a lot still but I had time to upload this to brickshelf. I hope maplestory doesn't have any more 2x EXP weekends.Speaking of times when I can't make comics, I'll be spending Christmas at my not-made-up Grampa's house, this is once again not just an excuse for a lack of comics. Really it isn't.
  7. FillerI do have the next part of the finale done, but the file as well as the other files I need to make proper comics, the windows xp version of mspaint, and the only mouse our family owns, are on the desktop, which my brother used to play maplestory for the entire long weekend, all of last night and right now so I had to make this filler using the fan kit and my sprite kit, on the very same netbook in the comic i.e. I had to use the windows 7 version of mspaint and couldn't paly solitaire while I was making it. Both of these are firsts for me.
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