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Posts posted by ToaNedurno

  1. Well then who made the OBs, well I guess you could just keep going on as to who created who. so enough of that.

    Want to avoid an everlasting chain of who-made-who, time travel is your answer! OB's are actually beings (perhaps some we already have met) who go back in time with a vast amount of knowledge, power, and EP. Granted, to mesh well with this theory these beings would've needed to come from the far future where extremely large and fast spaceships are more commonplace and bigger than the MU.Only issue with this theory is you don't get the novelty of new characters :P
  2. I've been interested in the posts about Hydraxon. Dekar being transformed into Hydraxon WITH all memories, personality, etc as well as losing the memories and personality of Dekar is a very strange event. That is fundamentally changing everything about Dekar, his body, mind, and spirit (if bionicle character's have spirit). While its entirely possible and probable that the Mask of Life has the power to do this, it never did it before, not once. So, who says something different didn't happen?Suppose Hydraxon was the GB. The GB took his conciousness and placed inside the robotic body of Hydraxon. At the time of Hydraxon's 'death', The GB could've started a back-up plan - take his consciousness out of Hydraxon's body (which is now dead) and enter a new body created by the Mask of Life for him. The GB's conciousness could've replaced Dekar's, where Dekar's was either destroyed or stored somewhere else in the system.You might ask why it took so long for the Mask of Life to recreate his body. A reason for this could be that Hydraxon died in the great cataclysm, when voya nui broke off mata nui and rose to the surface of aqua magna, taking the mask of life away from the GB. So, the GB could not activate the mask to make his replacement body, because he wasn't close enough. He could've have put his consciousness in storage (similar to before hydraxon was created, if mata nui made him, I'm not sure if he did though...) and wait until the mask was close enough. which, happened after the toa inika took it from Vezon. Dekar happened to grab it, so he was the one sacrificied for the GB's sake.Thoughts?

  3. Fun way to avoid the "creation of the great beings" question - some of the more intellectual characters from the current storyline travel back in time to the past spherus magna, and after millenia upon millenia learn some of the greater secrets about the universe, allowing them to develope greater powers.Toa powers and mask powers are part of their mechanical make-up, designed by the great beings. In theory, they could be modded to have more powers. If a Toa went back in time, I'm sure he/she could figure out how to do that after a millenia or so and become as powerful as the great beings are.UNfortunately, this brings into question the possibility of time travle, and I'm pretty sure its been confirmed there is no time travel in the bionicle universe :(

  4. The matoran held ceremonies in honor of mata nui, and considering that mata nui was too preoccupied to attend to the universe I doubt that they had any real evidence that Mata Nui existed. Seems like a religion IMO. But for the agori and glatorian, I doubt any of them think the Great Beings are gods after what happened to their planet, but maybe they believe in something else? I find it hard to believe that the entire population was atheistic.

  5. I was so sure it was Kapura, that honestly I have no candidate to theorize. I see the logic behind rejecting him though, but it doesn't give me any options. But I thought of this. The only character I can think of that it might be Turaga Dume. He doesn't see the Matoran as equals, as can be seen in his willingness to keep the Matoran of knowing about Mata-Nui's death, and he has a great dislike of people disobeying him, as seen when Nokama told Jaller the truth. And we know the Great Beings thought of themselves as gods, or at least superior lifegorms. And while he can seem uncaring towards his Matoran, he fiercely protects Metru-Nui, standing up to Dark Hunters. Perhaps he knew the danger of letting the hunters have a base in the robot's brain? And he knew the truth of Mata-Nui's death, something that most MU inhabitants won't figure out. In the Dark Mirror universe, Dume claims that no Toa is his friend. Yet since he was a Toa, won't he realize that they could be heroes? But if he was really a Great Being, he won't see himself as a Toa. Not to mention that he didn't loose his memories, despite being in a capsule. And since Metru-Nui is Mata-Nui's vulnerable point, a Great Being would want it to supervise it so that Spherus-Magna would reform. Feel free to find all the flaws with this idea.

    I like your logic here, but I see one potential flaw - would a great being allow Teridax to imprison him in a matoran sphere? He would want to (at the very least) be able to observe what Teridax was doing, and he could not do so while sleeping inside a matoran sphere. Or maybe he could? I guess it really depends on the extent of a great beings powers...
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