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Posts posted by Lenore

  1. Um... spot 1a if you please. In lieu of posting emoticons, I think I'll demonstrate my coolness with something a little more classy. Poetry. Because just about nothing is cooler or classier than Longfellow.


    Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
       Let the dead Past bury its dead!
    Act,— act in the living Present!
       Heart within, and God o’erhead!
    • Upvote 3
  2. Suspect list? 

    At this point, it doesn't really matter. Everybody is either Mafia or facing their imminent demise.  ^_^



    This has to be the only game where, a, someone's IIRC on a suspect list multiple times in a row and doesn't get voted for, and b, someone comes right out and implies what they are, and no-one really turns their head.


    As the dead detective, gotta say, this is giving me amusement. =P

    Probably because the majority of the surviving players are Mafia. 

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