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Posts posted by Irafa

  1. The problem is that you tried to imbed an html page as an image. To directly imbed the image itself, you need to imbed the actual image, which can be found at http://s16.postimage...82r/258witx.gif.The image itself is pretty well animated. It looks like there might be some sort of compression issue or similar, though, because the Tohu head is leaving behind artifacts. I'm assuming you used GIMP?

  2. I like the overall design, but it's a little small. I'd recommend a larger body and head, as well as more…hummingbird-y wings (more like the actual organism)

    Point taken. If I ever rework this, I'll try to follow this advice.

    The color scheme also seems a bit off, and I'd recommend changing the tail spike to silver if you have that piece (I don't).

    The real hummingbirds don't exactly have a consistent colour scheme going on

    PooZy is right, but I could see how the color scheme could be a little off. Unfortunately, making the tail spike silver just makes it look more off; the end of the current tail spike blends nicely with the black body, whereas a silver spike doesn't.No, the best way I can think of to declutter the color scheme would be to use Breez's red shields instead of Rocka's green shields. Maybe if I ever get Breez, I'll change them out.
  3. It took me a while to figure out the whole bit with fezpocalypse now being born in that universe... which must mean that Proditor was changed into not being born, or else the total event collapse would've already happened before the last comic... and at first I thought that Pirok was calling for help, until I realized he was intentionally destroying the area inside DINE's walls. Once I figured all that out, it was very clever.

  4. Well, that was abrupt. How were they teleported to the zone of nightmares? And where did PtKM go to after killing the real Pirok? So many questions... I think you can expect a PM from me sometime in the next few days.Edit: 20 posts? That's not bad, considering I've only been a member for what, a year?

  5. The Beginning... is interesting. But there are a few plot holes:1. Fezpocalypse has laser eye beams. He's used them (Hallowe'en special) to remove disguises. So why didn't he do that when he first saw PtKM?2. There's a whole slew of problems involving the timey wimey device, including why it's even necessary and where it disappeared to.It will be interesting to see who this impostor is and what he wants. Question: does Origins significantly develop the plot? Because if it does...

  6. Awsome parts combos!

    Thanks! I've gotten more positive reviews than I thought I would, especially on the way the pieces fit together. I myself dislike the way the drill fits with the other pieces, as it leaves a few awkward gaps:img_0352.jpgBut everyone else seems to like it, so it might just be me being particular.
  7. Thank you both for the reviews!

    Nice! This thing is more brilliant than I expected for something this size! You covered up most places really well. Only one unavoidable problem: the drill is light bley while the rest is mainly silver. It's minorly annoying.

    Actually, I got the drill from Drilldozer, so it's silver like the rest of the moc. (Sorry about the bad lighting.)

    Cool. Simple and effective, quite a creative use of parts. Very nice.

    Why thank you. I'm actually surprised at the relatively good reception this has got.
  8. The deaths of Nidhiki and Krekka always irked me, mainly because it was just a convenient way to work a combiner model into the story while practically eliminating all potential for character development. The end result was that they ended up seeming more like two-dimensional thugs than anything else, though Birth of a Dark Hunter did (somewhat) redeem them as characters.

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  9. Now you're making me feel guilty for lurking without posting. Anyway, as has been previously stated, the backgrounds and effects are not the most fancy, but the plot is just convoluted enough to keep me interested, so I guess that's a good thing.I look forward to seeing the finale.

  10. I rather like the torso's ribcage look and the unique use of the hero factory feet. What I don't like so much is that some areas look threadbare, most notably the hips, while other areas (like the shoulders) look bulky and armoured. Also, the hands look like they have almost awkward amounts of articulation.

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