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Posts posted by juki

  1. If bionicle was made into a tv series, i would like to be in charge of storyline/plot. And why do many people think that it would cost a lot of money? All that it would take is for someone to get hired by lego in say, the hero factory line or something, get high up in lego, and eventually maybe in charge of lego or something that high, and by then you would be rich enough to hire people for the bionicle tv series, bring back the bionicle line and if the tv series was a success have the bionicle people make models for characters based off the tv series. It would only take about 10-20 years, although by then every body would have completely forgotten about bionicles.Another option is since there is sevreal videos with canon names but the videos are not canon, we could just work together and create the series and use bionicle music and other songs and create 3D sprites, or use something like blender to create the videos, it would be hard but the experts at this in the project( not me) could rig the characters to move their mouths and have them talking. Its pretty much how they do cartoons like tron uprising, transformers prime, stuff like that. Create 3D character models, rig them, make the background, rig it with shadows and stuff, actually pretty easy if you think about it. With a lot of people, we could have atleast 1 episode everyweek like on tv.

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