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Posts posted by Cirkitree

  1. I have never been more infuriated in choosing between two or more things, and I'm the guy who spent two full hours inside a Target store deciding between jeans that one time.

    I hope the one I voted for wins, though all of the entrants... all were amazing in their own regards.
    I want a Hewkii set like #1 portrays, really I do

  2. This has me wishing LEGO would release a Makuta "Mask Maker" set already. I like seeing Makuta in this form, and his bird companion is pretty neat too. I know it probably isn't intentional, but I'm reminded by Nivawk just a little bit. Makuta's bird pet/minion, serving him until it's time for lunch... or time to fuse. 
    Whichever. :P

  3. The goal has been met- it's familiar, with the head, glowing red eyes, and spikes, not to mention that tail, and it's certainly unusual in terms of aesthetics.

    I like how the white continues all the way down from the head, and out to the tail. Is it armor, is it its spine? Either way, it draws my eye.

    I like that you were able to keep the dark red and the dark blue in the color scheme, though I wish you could have incorporated some dark blue into the torso as well. I know the original had the dark red dominating the body, but it seems a little strange just to have the blue in one place. I might be over-thinking it.

    I like that you kept the orange in the tail, and added the spikes. Makes the transition from white armor to orange a little easier I think.

    This guy is bulky, well-armored, very few gaps.. I like that a lot. Very solid.
    Plus, the tongue. I don't know why I like that so much, but I do.
    I wish there were some way to fill the gap between the two blade pieces used to make up the jaw, though. Something that bugged me about the original combiner too.

    All in all though, nice work. :)

  4. If HF were to be rebooted now, I don't think the whole 'upgrade' arc would be a thing, as it was the way to introduce us to the CCBS system in the sets. If they 'upgraded' now, there'd be nothing to really 'upgrade' too. Maybe taller forms, or accessorized armor, I dunno.

    I'd definitely want the whole Von Nebula thing to get resolved. Perhaps not along the same vein as Kalhiki (of Deviantart)'s 'Dawn of Evil' comic, but at least with a fleshed-out story that doesn't leave us with more questions than answers.
    And could you imagine how sick a Von Nebula titan set would look in CCBS? Especially considering the new, larger builds in certain sets (I'm looking at you, Grievous) as of late... I certainly can.

    I would definitely prefer a reboot. New canon, an actual storyline to stick to... and give us a few more female heroes. I liked Breez and I think there could be others out there with potential. I mean, yeah, they're robots, but... still.

    • Upvote 2
  5. While I believe the original set to be 'feminine' enough as it is, I like the take on this with the exaggerated and armored-up features.
    I wish that it was a little more.. even.. up top. Perhaps shoulder armor or a technic plate  of some sort to create the illusion of the neck flowing into the body, or vice-versa, as right now the completely level shoulders look awkward to me.

    But, I see 'WIP' in the title, so I imagine she's not complete yet.. hope to see what you do with her as she progresses!

    By the way, will you be attempting any other Protectors in this style?

  6. I like the makeshift 'skirt' on Lady Ekimu, and the aforementioned parasol works well here too. The trans-light-blue chest looks good but I imagine it'd look a little odd from other angles. It could use some 3 length gold armor on its sides, or at least I think that'd round out the area more.

    The Skull villains look like cuter versions of themselves, and I like that. The horns forward and the extra leg joint on Basher are neat, and I like the mini shield constructed for him(?). I wish he and Ekimu had the standard hands, as next to Grinder, it looks a little.. odd.
    Grinder himself looks neat. I like the custom crotch area and the added waist articulation, and that new armor looks neat as his chest. Not so keen on how slender he looks, but if that was the desired affect, then good work. :)

  7. To me, at first glance, this looks like Voltix and Vezon had a love-child. Vezon can hop dimensions, I can see that happening.. somehow..

    Joking aside, this looks really cool, especially with that mask. I like the consistent color scheme, the electricity-spine is a very cool look, and the tubing is tastefully placed as said earlier.
    For a moment there I thought the arm with the electric-weapon in it was designed to flip around, like the Piraka in set form. Shame it can't, but the gun does look very cool.
    I suppose I would have liked to see a little more of that trans yellow-green in the legs, but otherwise.. nicely done.

  8. Oh man that looks fun!
    A few seconds of crazy firing it off at Skull Spiders and Villains galore, and then a few minutes of irritation picking up the pieces again.. but worth it, I'd imagine.

    I know the Okoto villager isn't orange, but seeing him(or her?) in the seat reminds me of a certain Onu-Matoran villager from way back when... ;)

    • Upvote 2
  9. I like that you've put those HF blades to good use on Kulta, it looks good alongside the shoulder armor and fits the whole 'spooky' theme rather well. Makes me wish that LEGO would use these blades in their future Bionicle sets as well. Kulta looks less armor-and-bones now but I like the way it turned out.

    And the modifications upon Scorpio(why no 'N', LEGO? Why?) improve his look dramatically. Her look? Its look. Yes.
    I question why the tail and the snapping contraption weren't like that before. It's simple and looks to work the same way, plus the poseable elements on the tail make it look like it'd have better reach, I think. Easier to snag a Toa's mask from further away...!
    The method for giving Scorpio the legs is simple but effective, though I wish the spikes-for-leg-ends were silver to match the rest of the color scheme. I also kind of wish that some of the translucent legs were replaced with bone-pieces, because while I like how the translucent legs look here, I don't like how symmetrical it looks, and tossing a silver bone onto one or two of the legs, making them full bone.. in my mind, that would be appealing, and go along with the 'undead' theme a little more, but that is only my opinion.


    Overall though, I like it, and I hope if you give the other Skulls moods.. I for one would love to see what you come up with :)

    • Upvote 1
  10. Certo approves of these new upgrades.
    Oh, wait.


    I like the color scheme used, and the Evo helmet seems to fit right in to the BIONICLE theme.
    I like that you used those swords and the Evo cladding too, but I feel like he needs some kind of container on his back for his sword-tubes to connect to. The way they look now, connected to the holes in the torso armor... looks a little off.

    Otherwise, great job.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I agree that they come off looking a little bland, cut-and-paste perhaps. It would have been nice to see perhaps Kopaka with an ice shield or Pohatu with a pair of large claws, reminiscent of his pre-Adaptive-armor Nuva days.


    But it is an interesting idea nonetheless.
    I wonder, seeing as the Toa Nuva were built, not 'evolved' from Matoran.. would they be able to become Turaga? Hmm.

  12. I know I've commented elsewhere on this magnificent re-imagining of Umbra, but I'll sum up what I said before.
    It's awesome. I love the shaping that the gold spike parts create on the torso, and the shoulder-pads make him look very regal.
    The gold and silver don't clash, they work with one another and with that lovely dark green (wish I had picked up Orgum when I had the chance), and. I really like the roller-skates. I still wish that the blades were red and blue like in the original set, but all in all... man. Give yourself another pat on the back. You deserve it :)

    • Upvote 1
  13. I'm a wee bit jealous of how good that Skakdi turned out. I've been fiddling for weeks with my pieces trying to figure out how to make a good-looking Skakdi, and the solution appears much simpler than I initially thought!
    I like the colors, and the gun on that guy too. Very cool.

    The color schemes on the first big mech and on the Toa of Fire look nice, but I think the cab-portion of the other mech, and the legs of the Toa of Water seem a little bare. Armor for both, methinks.

  14. I thought "The Piraka Rap" was sort of funny in its own way, sort of exploiting the whole 90's rap thing (at least, the music sounded like that to me anyway), but the lyrics made me cringe. I liked the 'Piraka, go Piraka' part, but I remembered it being not so.. well.. what it is in the video.

    If it was an attempt at something funny, or an attempt to make the Piraka out as a real 'gang', then I guess it kind of worked, but in my mind it's always going to be that thing that I wish could have either been better thought-out or just replaced altogether. It has potential, but to me it just wasn't executed right.

    Now, if someone did a remix.. I'd still probably feel the same way :P

  15. Snagged a 'Protector of Earth' the other day. I think the black-and-purple scheme is popular- there were hardly any on the shelves at my local Target.
    Lots of 'Protectors of Jungle/Stone though.

    That trans-purple looks even more glorious in person, and that mask.. wow!

    • Upvote 1
  16. I view PoW as a female, mostly because of the build, and for familiarity's sake. However, based on their builds (and on the numerous humorous poses I've been able to pull off with them on my desk), I can see PoS and PoI as females too. PoI, like Kopaka, would be wearing a fur coat of some kind, and PoS.. I'd have to let the pictures do the talking, but in my eyes it's believable.

  17. You should just rename him to 'Tahu- Master of Swords'. Two lava-board blades, two golden blades, AND a very cool interpretation of the classic fire-blade from G1, all together, all Tahu, all awesome, all the time. :D

    Like Onua, he looks very solidly put-together. Very few gaps, and those that are there are essential to the MOC's movement. I'm not sure if I like his double- jointed elbows, but then again, the movement with that extra bone certainly looks more natural than I imagine it would without it, especially with how he's holding his swords in the photo here. I like that you've given these swords proper handles, by the way.


    And despite the painting of the feet, I like how they turned out. Very cool mate :)

    • Upvote 1
  18. I love how 'fleshed-out' Onua looks here, so to speak. He's well-armored, the detail, especially around the torso, and the lower legs with those gears, is near-perfect, not too blocky or rigid-looking, and not a jumbled mess of parts either. I like that you've given him moveable fingers that represent his old claw-hands and yet he still retains the ability to hold his hammer.
    Also, toes. I like the toes.
    (EDIT: I see he also has flat feet. Something he and I have in common. I like that you've given his feet a solid heel. Does wonders for the appearance I think.)
    I do wonder- what was the purpose of adding the eyeglass? Is it so he can examine those mysterious purple gems that seem to be everywhere in the tunnels around his village, or so he can get in some light reading while Tahu and Kopaka bicker? :P
    Also, that hammer. Karzahni, that is a sweet hammer.

    Quite possibly the best revamp of the character I've seen so far. I really hope you do more. :D

    • Upvote 1
  19. Recently acquired Onua, Gali, and Tahu. Love them to bits.
    Got Onua when I went to my local LEGO store. Wanted to find Kopaka, but they were sold out. He flew off the shelves like.. hotcakes.

    Onua's purple and gold really make him pop, and the hammer-to-claws thing is genius, but his mask is really loose (for mine anyway).

    Gali's got to be my favorite medium-set of the wave, for a number of reasons. I fell in love with the mask the moment I had it in-hand, and the shaping, the armoring, the new lighter blue color... wonderful.

    And, you know, Tahu.

    I saw the Easter-Heads Bionicle art on Facebook and Tahu's been posed holding the board that way a lot since then :P

    I want LOSS for his parts, and I have PoS, so I figure Pohatu should be next on my list.. if I don't find a Protector of Ice first.

    Bonkle's back WOO.

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