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Status Updates posted by ..::FaithLoveHope::..

  1. Burgers of Mc appear awesome front of the crowd. Spam turns and the spinal notebook collapses


    Made that one myself =D


  2. Next to McSpam sneaks FaithLoveHope. This much rat steels a medium subroutine. FaithLoveHope interrupts the unexpected context next to a spiral sword. The manpower exempts McSpam with a twist. The league frowns.

  3. Leeland - Opposite way FTW

    Best ChurchRock Band Ive ever heard...

  4. Getting a Magby is no Problem, Im trying to get one with specific IVs for Hidden Power Grass with a power of 65+ >.

  5. Oi >_

    I might, lol... depends when I can hatch this stupid magby already >.>

  6. yes, I know :P

    Alot of people miss me, lol

  7. Im not back at the Guru though, I have Resigned and Deadalus/McSpam have taken my place

    GRATZ Guys

  8. Zee Oh Em Gee (Thats "Gosh" btw ;D)




    If you hav "Looking For Angels" on Comatose, LISTEN TO IT NOW... 500 TIMES OVER e.O...

  9. BTW, You got your AudioA mixed up :P

    They only have 8 CDs, but they have 2 Tapes :P

  10. ...Erm.. got cut off :P

    Check em Out if You have time, theyre really good and you wont regret buying the CDs :D

    BTW, its a little late... but... Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year

    Cracun Fericit!

    Si un an plin de benecuventuri (Thats "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year" in Romanian! ^_^)

  11. Phil Joel!!! :D

    BTW, Check out Robbie Seay Band's "Better Days" and "Give Yourself Away"

    They are so good and full of substance youll be listenning to them for awhile

    I recently got into them (Ive owned them for ayear now... but W/E) cause I was helping a friend go through a really hard time in life, and RSB, really helped me help her :D


  12. Its alittle late... but... HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D

  13. Im spying? Nah, Just checking in on the people who checked on me :P

  14. Lol, hope your thanksgiving was great :P

    I just found another great rapper yesterday, very cool, Hes hardcore black rap, but mind you hes religious so theres no cussing, jsut somewhat harsh images. His name is Lecrae, only has 2 albums out, but After The Music Stops is probably his best one. Check it out if you have time, lol

  15. Oh yeah, Forgot to Mention, I finally got an iPod!!! I didnt get a touch however, its a 5th Gen 80G Video, pretty old, but still very good and it perfect condition too. It was a "Birthday/ Christmas/ Arriving from Georgia" Gift from my Uncle. I have like 26 only artists and over 900 songs... and over 80 albums... crazy eh? :P

  16. Blarg... comment limit :o...

    Anyway, Leme finsih off :P

    Was gonna say "John Rueben isnt all that bad either"

    Lol, keep it real :D

  17. !!! Yay for liking all the bands I like? :D

    BTW, Newsboys have 17 CDs (Im a newsboys Die-Hard fan, so I have all 17; I preordered their newest album) And DC Talk has 5

    I see your Lacking a decent pile of Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B

    If you want, KJ-FiveTwo (Spelt "KJ-52") is one of the greatest and well known religious rappers, and hes not ba either :P

    John Rue

  18. Lol, well thanks "Matt" Ill look out for you, and hope to see you there! If you look for me, Im the relatively Short Fat kid with brown hair and a Romanian accent in his voice :P

    Ill probly be wearing an NOTW Shirt or EzEkiEL Shirt... or something to that effect :P

  19. You better believe Im going this year :D Im gonna rock out with Stellar Kart and all that gang :D... Kinda TOed atm that I couldnt make it to my youth trip this year cause of Marching band... but its all good. BTW, Wrack, I think you meant "Being Wrong" theres no word as "Wrongness" ;)

  20. Your "Interest" Column... intrigues me... I think you dont know how wrong youve got it actually... Ive love to get into a debate with you, but alas, BZP is not the place for a one-on-one, MAybe if you can get an AIM, We can "chat" :P

  21. Oh, and I still need that $89 NOTW Hoodie and enough money to buy an IPod... glad Christmas is around the Corner :P

    *Hugs Picture of fur collared NOTW Hoodie*

    BTW.. anyone car to donate? :D

  22. lol :S Im too popular, rofl... Im getting people looking on my PRofiel and im not even around... lawlz

    Anyway, Finally Finished Everything on my "To Do List;" Got an NOTW Belt, Bought a Leather EzEkiEL Wallet, Got some DC Shoes, finally Nabed a Black "Why?" Shirt from C28... Next thing! Get my Driver's License Back >_>

  23. Thanks for the name comment Wrack

    Also, Yeah, Switchfoot WAS great before they moved into Post-Modernism, but still, theyre alright... at least... Back in The Day... *"Back in The Day" By KJ-FiveTwo starts playing in head" :P

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