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Blog Entries posted by :Yami:

  1. :Yami:
    Okay this show has been out in Japan since 2009 and dubbed since 2010...how have I missed this amazing remake of one of the biggest pieces of my childhood for so long?.
    Voices are a bit different from what I remember though but still...amazing.
  2. :Yami:
    *Blows dust off of blog*
    I am currently taking my GCSE's and am on Study Leave.
    For those in most places in the world people in the UK we get to stay off school during the GCSE exam period, in fact I had my last day of compulsery education on Wednesday which was more or less a cake and drinks party for 5 lessons .
    Although this is probably not a wise move as I have spent most of it so far sleeping, I should take it more seriously as these Exams will shape the rest of my life.
    So after I get my results in August I am free to do whatever I please.
    I can get a job.
    I can go to college in a year
    Or I can take 2 more years at my school and earn my A-Levels.
    I am aiming for the third and aslong as I get atleast 6 GCSE's I should be fine. (I have already had my Biology and Art exams)
    Though I have technically already earned 4 GCSE's due to an earlier Science exam and my ICT and Double Imedia classes which are coursework based.
    PS: I really should post on this blog more.
  3. :Yami:
    I've been playing Mass Effect 2 for about a week and in that week I've learned:
    (No Major Spoilers or Minor at that but tagged for covenience)

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «1)I have a bit of a nerd-crush for Tali. :blush: 2)I have no sense of direction...at all.
    3)I can totally headbutt a Krogan voiced by Michael Dorn and get away with it.
    4)Garrus will always be my trusty partner in crime .
    5)Mordin is the best Gilbert and Sullivan performer ever. No exception.
    6)Every shop is my favourite shop on the Citadel.
    7)There are sadly no fish in the Presidium.
    8)I am horrible at remembering to feed my fish.
    9)I don't get what the obsession with Thane is.(Please don't hurt me)
    10)I miss the elevators.

  4. :Yami:
    Had to get a filling today (and no I'm not perpetuating the mth that the British have bad teeth) and the dentist said I should be numbed for it.
    I, taking this as a sign of weakness refused...I promptly wished I hadn't.
    I probably should have stopped them and let myself be numbed but once again my stupid,stupid mind took this as a sign of weakness.
    Also I ended up knocking a door off one of it's hinges somehow.
    And it's only 1:50 in the afternoon, I can't wait for what the rest of today holds for me.
  5. :Yami:
    Edit: Ok now it's gotten to "New Venice" status the whole main street's flooded and rescue workers are having a very hard time going through the water and not being swept away
    I've learned some eternal wisdom.
    Live on a hill or some kind of uphill slope.
    Even now I can hear rescue helicopters going over my house.
  6. :Yami:
    A question for the readers if you could get either Wolverine's claws or advanced healing which would you pick?
    Me personally, I'd go for the healing because I know someones gonna pick the claws and I'm gonna be ready for when they start accidentally stabbing everything.
  7. :Yami:
    Why is it whenever I get even the smallest bit of time off school I somehow manage to mess up my biological clock for no reason?
  8. :Yami:
    Okay Xbox 360's broken AGAIN this time it's scratching disks and refusing to play some games followed up by the red lights.
    Quite frankly I'm annoyed seeing as I had it repaired a year ago for the Red Ring of Death and if anything they probably just made it worse whilst it was there instad of fixing it cause I don't remember my 360 coating my brand new game disks with fine scratches beforehand.
    And It's even more frustrating cause I can't get it send away until next week for some stupid reasons they didn't bother to explain.
  9. :Yami:
    I just don't get the point of pulling pranks on this day anymore because everone'll be expecting it and not trust anyone so the prank fails.
    Now doing it a couple of days after April Fools makes much more sense seeing as they'll never see it coming; he he.
  10. :Yami:
    Well I am exeptionally ticked off.
    For one I recently bought a copy of Left 4 Dead for the 360 at half price and when I get home to play it I get through the nice little into video the loading screen and BAM the game freezes.
    I thik it's a faulty disk but I'll need to ask a freind if I can borrow his Left 4 Dead and see wether it's my 360 or the disk.I would also call up microsoft about the fact my 360 also seems to be scratchig up my disks but I wo't be able to until my parets get back from Las Vegas ad that'll be a week(stupid Nevada desert!).
    And also recently my laptop made a griding noise and smoke came out of one of the vents so another thig I need to worry about.
    Why do all my electronics hate me?
  11. :Yami:
    Okay I just saw the new Mass Effect trailer and it was ... well

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Shepards either dead or a Geth seeing as the Geth is wearing his armour and it says he's KIA. Ah well as long as either Wrex,Tali or Garrus are in this I'll be happy.
    EDIT:Also Bioware have said DON'T Delete your old Mass Effect save as the decisions you made in that save carry on onto Mass Effect 2
  12. :Yami:
    Ah Xmas eve or as I like to call it "Insomnia Day".
    So yeah guys enjoy yourself tomorrow and also try to get some sleep tonight too .
    Happy Holidays.
  13. :Yami:
    Well last week my Xbox 360 died thanks to Microsofts rush to finish the console and it just got picked up today to go for repair so for 2-3 weeks I've got to resist punching 2 of my freinds in the throat because they'll be talking about that "Overkill with the Pistol" they got or something.And right now I'm bored right out of my mind due to a lack of a games console and all my PC games are either obsolete due to the Vista or wont play on the Laptop.Though on the brightside my package containing Bionicle Legends#8&9 and the updated Bionicle Encyclopedia arrived today so I've got some new reading material.
  14. :Yami:
    For all those who read FoF5 Botar has been killed by Icarax crushed by Icarax's magnetic power.Botar despite his lack of appearance in the storyline was one of my favourite characters I always saw him as the mad-Eye Moody of Bionicle so tough so powerful the consumate survivor.And now I've got an urge to at the end of the year do a tribute to everyone who's died from 2001-2008 just for the heck of it.
  15. :Yami:
    Hope you all had a great X-mas mine was good but not as good as last year anyways I decided to make a list of what I got:
    3.Toa Terrain Crawler
    4.Wireless headset for 360
    5.360 Faceplates
    6.The Simpsons Movie DVD
    8:Harry Potter:Ootp DVD
    9.Cool T-shirt
    10.Chocolate sticks in a box shaped like a car.
    11.Rayman:Raving Rabbids for the 360
    12.A pile of money I am yet to count.
    Now I'm gonna take a nap I only got 4 hours of sleep.
  16. :Yami:
    My Grandad died in the hospital at 4:30 in the morning peacefully in his sleep .And I never got to say "Goodbye" .
  17. :Yami:
    Well a lots been happening recently my Grandad damaged his back because of that darned stairs of his which wind around are hard to climb especially from an 85 year old.So now when he gets out of the hospital He'll be living with us.Now I know I shouldn't be complaining because theres no other choice I'm just worried how this is going to turn out in the big picture not for me but for the rest of the family...
  18. :Yami:
    All my freinds are playing Halo 3 whilst i'm still waiting for mine in the mail.
    I feel left out.
    EDIT:Got Halo 3 and currently kicking butt on Xbox Live
  19. :Yami:
    Let us remember those poor people who lost their lives today six years ago and let us not let their deaths be in vain
  20. :Yami:
    Yeah I decided to give the blog a new name cause honestly Yami's Blog is a bit of a boring name.Jeez next thing you know I'll be giving out my own awards...hey thats actually a good idea *writes down hop on bandwagon"*
  21. :Yami:
    For the last month I've been really tired and can't seem to get to sleep until around midnight.I personally think I've got Insomnia though my Parents think I spend too much time on ther computer and I should get outside more.I would but seeing as none of my freinds are near where I live now so I'm not really motivated to go outside.Though I might just get off the computer once in a while,Cut back on the 360 and try to atleast get outside and see if there is any change.
  22. :Yami:
    Yup a list of the 9 songs currently stuck in my head:
    1.500 Miles-The Proclaimers
    2.Lift Me Up-Moby
    3.What about everything-Carbon Leaf
    5.Boss Of Me-They Might Be Giants
    6.Be my escape-Relient K
    7.Pushing me away-Linkin Park
    8.In The end-Linkin Park
    9.Move Along-The All American Rejects
    Yeah I have a lot on my mind right now
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