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Posts posted by KING PERDITUS

  1. I know that i'm getting every set in this wave. Even if its just for parts. I kinda have an idea for a story myselfsince each of the villians seem like past villians merged together (minus the 3.0 villiansblack phantom: fire lord and von nebula. fire lord design. Von nebula style colorschemesplitface: thunder and Nitroblast. Thunder head. and Nitroblast colorshemethornraxx: Rotor and Jetbug. Both flewtoxic reapa: Corroder and Meltdown. Corroder color and style. Meltdown back tanks and hosesJawblade: Vapor. Xplode and Drilldozer. silver colorscheme like Drilldozer. red spikes like Xplode. Vapor cause he was the most water like of the villians. Honestly These villians were leftover so i just mashed them together. The story is Firelord gets ahold of von nebula's black hole staff. This causes them to merge together (its a hero factory story. They don't make much sense anyways :???: .) The new form called black phantom breaks out all the villians (except witch doctor) and merges them together for more power. As for the heros part of the story. I got nothing :notsure:

    I actually agree with most of this idea, but i doubt any of the 3.0 villians, aside from Witch Doctor, went to jail. (They're only animals!) I think the idea about the black hole staff being used for some kind of fusion makes some kind of sense.It explains why splitface looks half like Thunder and why Toxicreapa looks almost exactly like Corroder. I also find the similarity between Toxicreapa and Corroder kind of insulting, because he was my favourite 1.0 villian. Despite the possibilities of Toxicreapa and Splitface being fusions of olde viliiains, i still think theyre all completely unrelated, which would also explain why there are no similarities between the heroes. Alpha team is off on random missions far from hero factory, Black Phantom uses this distraction to launch an attack on Hero Factory. Endgame for Hero Factory. Whether the Heoroes win or not, (i dont really care) i still think that this is hero Factory's last year. Whethe it will be replaced by Bionicle or something else though, is yet to be seen. Long Live Bionicle!
  2. I kind of like this new line, it reminds me a lot of bionicle. Also, notice how, as i mentioned in my last post on this topic, that Black Phantom and Rocka are inside the hero factory assembly tower? Perhaps this means it is the last line of hero factory. I hope so. If this is the last hero factory, then maybe they'll come up with a new them for next year...or bring back an old one. Like Bionicle. The bionicle website is still active, and it is still a registered trademark, so maybe this is bionicle's triumphant return.

  3. A few things I notice here: One, look closely at the backgrounds of the images and you will notice the heroes and villians come in pairs. Two, that bug thing, teal or not, does resemble the nui-rama three, Toxicreapa is almost exactly the same as corroder, he's even in the same pose! four, Rocka and black phantom are inside the assembly tower! five, Stormer is missing. unless he died in savage planet and i missed it, he should be a set. This may mean that the images of him and another villina have not yet been released. And finaly, a little speculation on my part: there is no obvious connection between any of the heroes or villians. I have a hunch that this may be hero factory's last run. Because there are no similarities between the heroes or villians, it leads me to believe there is no connection at all. Taking aIl this into account, I have a hunch about this season's storyline: all of the heoes are off on random, unrelated miisions, but Rocka, for whatever reason, has stayed behind. BLack Phantom takes advantage of this situation to lauch an attack on hero factory. I also have a hunch that Black Phantom could be an older main villian in disguise, or more than one of them merged together. He has Fire lord's body design, horns and the head is also similar. The colour scheme and the shoulder plates however, remind me of Von Nebula. Perhaps the two villians have teamed up somehow to take down hero factory?

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