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Posts posted by LewiMOC

  1. Woah! I've come back after a biiiig hiatus, and the site is completely different than I remember it being! I think I joined in... 2010? Not sure. But I'm just popping by to ask if anything has changed since I've been gone, other than aesthetics? Otherwise, I'll be happy to hop back into the community c:

    Mods, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it to where it needs to be... This seemed like the most suitable place, I dunno.

  2. The strangest moc I have ever done was a 6ft dragon why it was so big, because I simply put a whole bunch of BIONICLE limbs together I did this when I was 8.

    Reminds me of a contest me and my friend had at school when we were young, when we had little Rahi, and were trying to beat each-other in the length of their tails :P I think mine was about... 2 meters long?
  3. Okay, so we've all tried our best to build really cool looking characters, and most of us continue to do so through to today. But of course, there have been some weird rejects that have come into being, that just left us thinking "Why did I build this?" for the rest of the day. Or maybe you remember a MOC you built when you were younger, that now just seems like the most ridiculous thing you could've thought of.But my question for you is: What was your strangest MOC/s?Text only posts welcome, but if you have images then please add them, so we can see!

  4. A short I wrote back when I was 14 (in 2010), concerning some of my own characters. C&C greatly appreciated, as I'd like to improve upon this (I'm 16 now).

    The forests were important to Yoshiza. He couldn't cope with them being cut down by the bigger robots, it didn't seem right. His Draganoid brothers of the past would be distraught to see their forests demolished. Their homes destroyed. Their world dead. But that didn't matter now. All that mattered, was for Yoshiza to get to the forest before the cutting machines arrived. He pumped as much power as he could into his little scooter, but it was going beyond maximum speed. This is why we don't avert important instructions though, as the scooter was literally shaking itself apart. A mile away from the forest perimeter, the scooter's footrests fell off. Then the headlight. Then the handles. Yoshiza timed it just right to grab onto the front engines to steer them by hand, but he had no control over speed. The scooter's engines screamed into almost triple maximum speed, and was also going higher, and higher, until...As the huge excavator made it's way to the forest, it's crew piloting it were no more than excited. Bracing their tools for action, they were almost oblivious to what was going on ahead. Almost one hundred Draganoids had linked hands, in an attempt to stop the towering vehicle. With a shout of caution over the excavator's loudspeakers, the small roadblocks ahead were losing hope. The excavator was showing no sign of stopping. Just when the tiny avengers lost all hope, a nearby Huwanga tree toppled on-top of the excavator. It was fast enough and heavy enough to snap the huge vehicle in half, whilst hurling it sideways. The Draganoids down below felt the forest was fighting back, but the real cause wasn't half as charming... Yoshiza's scooter had lost control completely, flying through the air at great speed. When he came over the forest, he lost grip of the two engines, and went hurtling backwards, down into the tree canopy. Luckily, he landed on an old wooden platform. He stood up and looked around him. He recognised this place... a small wooden hut built into the tree trunk. Inside was a chair, a bed, toy Draganoids, and an old telephonic device. This was his old room. This is were he was built. His first room.He went to look at the pictures on the wall. There he was, his grandfather. His sensai. But he was noticeably younger, wearing an old army helmet and holding a sword. This was the man who trained him to fight. This, was his true father. He knew now he had to fight. But... where was his scooter?The Draganoids who tried to stop the excavator inspected the huge tree before them. It was rotten, and slippery. A few of the younger Draganoids went to take a look at the tree, to see what was what. One of them shouted from within the leaves. Fire. Rising fast and thick. Quickly, three of his fellows stamped out the flames from the scooter.Scooter? A red scooter had careered into the tree, and quite literally shunted it over on top of the excavator. As the engines ticked over, the four Draganoids noticed the lack of footrests. And lights. And, most importantly, handlebars. Two of the four pulled the wrecked vehicle out of the wood. They then noticed the license disc. One of them recognised the red and blue entity in the picture. His friend Yoshiza.

  5. The MOCs on average are great, but Rotor is just amazing. Sure, the shins could be better, but everything else is epic. The gun is the best part.

    Thank you Akuna! Rotor was created for a school project, where I had to produce a video. The video, as the case may be, is an instruction manual for the model, which can be found here.
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