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Posts posted by Gorag

  1. Yeah, this doesn't belong here. I'm going to say Artwork will probably be it's home. If not, they can decide where it goes.Beep beepEDIT: Silly me; I forgot we have a forum for films now.

    Oh, we do? I didn't find it, must have not looked at the subforums hard enough, whoops.
  2. LEGO: A Digital Journey is one of two documentaries that Larnuu, Gatanui and I are currently working on. Larnuu is the leader on these projects, and he has told me to introduce these two projects to BZPower. All of the below information may change at any time, and nothing is 100% set as of now in production.Here is the current theatrical poster, which may or may not differ completely from the final. Right now, it is not crucial. If Pixar can get away with calling a movie "The Untitled Pixar Movie About Dinosaurs" I think we're okay: http://farm7.static...._27e7248518.jpg----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About LEGO: A Digital Journey-LEGO: A Digital Journey will be a roughly 40-60 minute long documentary focusing on LEGO's history in their various adventures into the digital world, such as the LEGO website, LEGO Digital Designer, and video games. The documentary will also cover how LEGO's fan-base has benefited through the use of internet. Right now, we have no set release date, but hopefully plan to have it out sometime in 2012. We hope to make the documentary entertaining, and not just a history lesson. Check the "How to Help" section if you want to help create LEGO: A Digital Journey.About LEGO: How the Universe was created-LEGO: How the Universe was Created will compile clips of the development of LEGO Universe and discussions about how the Universe came into being, and how it ended. This shorter documentary will be about 20-30 minutes long, and would be included on the bonus disk of LEGO: A Digital Journey if it were ever sold. Right now, we have no set release date, but hopefully plan to have it out sometime in 2012, possibly even before LEGO: A Digital Journey. This will most likely be more of a traditional documentary.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOW TO HELP-If you want to help create LEGO: A Digital Journey, you can help by doing the following. The list will update with new requests, check back later if you can't help right now:+Make a list of every LEGO video game created, date them and put them in order from oldest to youngest/not yet released. Here's a list of them in alphabetical order: http://en.wikipedia....EGO_video_games+If someone has posted a list, double check the list for them and verify and/or edit the list. If there is an error in someone else's list, please make a completely new list, don't just list the error.+If any of you know what specific day/year the LEGO site went up, please tell us. The more specific, the better.+If you have uploaded videos of you playing through a certain LEGO video game, let us know and we may incorporate it into the documentary.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Participating in helping create LEGO: A Digital Journey will automatically put your real name or username (your choice) in the credits under "Special Thanks". If you do not wish to be listed, please say so each time before helping. You will receive no money if you participate, just because it's a movie doesn't mean you automatically get cash :P----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions and comments are always welcome, please keep all posts as short as possible so that we can answer all of you. A FAQ will be added later.

  3. There are three things this could be:1). This is real, and it truly is the end of LEGO Universe2). This is a stunt to attract more people and attention. All the video game sites I've been to are talking about it and many of the posts are about people claiming that they'll try it out before it ends, so if attention is what they were aiming for, they got it.3).This being highly unlikely, but it is a theory: LEGO was hacked, and this is an elaborate prank.-----------------I'd say 2 is very likely, many TV shows have also faked their death, so to speak, though I may be mistaken.-------------------If people truly want LEGO Universe to stay, I'd say boycotting any LEGO products until LEGO brings its universe back is the best way to do so. The decrease in sales, especially durring Christmas time, will definitely catch their attention. Though someone must first flood the LEGO boards telling people to boycot LEGO until they do so. Sorry kids, it's either Christmas presents or the Universe, guess who's gonna win?

  4. >TRON Legacy>Better than original Kids these days. Anyway, I really enjoyed Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.

    TRON Legacy was better than the original mainly because it was actually a video game movie. The entire thing from the story and the music to the designs were great, I'm so happy my dad's old teacher Syd Mead, who designed the vehicles designs for the original TRON, also worked on the new designs. I didn't really like Scott Pilgrim that much. All the special effects were very simple and cheesy for a big budget production, and Michael Cera didn't fit Scott Pilgrim's personality or looks at all. Not to mention the story was pretty flat. I could've made that movie for less than 20 million dollars and have made a much better film. Anyway, Toy Story 3 was one of my favorites. I've been waiting ever since they confirmed it at the end of Toy Story 2, and I was not disappointed. It's just like Pixar to wait until the actor of the original Andy literally grew up before they went ahead and made it.
  5. If you didn't notice, that Raptor isn't supposed to be a Velociraptor, but a Utahraptor, which likely didn't have feathers.

    Wikipedia:Although feathers have never been found in association with Utahraptor, there is strong phylogenetic evidence suggesting that all dromaeosaurids possessed them. This evidence comes from phylogenetic bracketing, which allows paleontologists to infer traits that exist in a clade based on the existence of that trait in a more basal form. The genus Microraptor is one of the oldest known dromaeosaurids, and is phylogenetically more primitive thanUtahraptor.[7] Since Microraptor possessed feathers, it is reasonable to assume that this trait was present in all of Dromaeosauridae. Feathers were very unlikely to have evolved more than once in dromaeosaurs, so assuming that Utahraptor lacked feathers would require positive evidence that it did not have them.[8] So far, there is nothing to suggest that feathers were lost in larger, more derived species of dromaeosaurs.[9]---Sounds like it's likely they actually most likely did have feathers.
  6. Since I don't want to read every paragraph and argument in this topic, I'll just follow the trend going on, aside from saying one thing:It's an important thing to learn if you want people to listen to know how to write on the internet as well. Most people skim and/or skip large portions of text. They don't want to read one thing forever, and they usually get bored pretty quickly. Almost every post in this topic is way too long, imo. I know I'm not going to read it all, I'd be here all day if I did. But anyway, Lewis Carroll. He taught me that writing and drawings don't have to be anywhere near perfect, or sensible for that matter. I had already been looking for verification on this method, and he gave it to me.

  7. I'd be more worried about other things about Bionicle if someone broke into my house and stole my collection (i.e. family, possessions more important than Bionicle...) but if they were to happen to leave one... Tahu Mata, since he's the one my brother would want to keep. I wouldn't care about mine. Let them take them all away, just leave my brother's alone.

  8. A true comic book geek, as I have a shelf to the right of me right now literally full of comics worth about 100 dollars each, I feel I can pass judgement and say that these toys do not bring the characters justice. What were they thinking when they designed Batman? I'm guessing they're going to lose or barely make back the money put into making these. Good news- they'll be really expensive collector's items in about 10-20 years if LEGO covers the unsold ones with cement.

  9. Lord of the Rings had some cool stuff. What I didn't like was Captain America's music. It did not fit the movie at all. If they had had more music or at least instruments that had sounded WWII era instead of a more-so Dark Knight music, it would've given off a much better feel, I think personally.

  10. Completely Off Topic is where I'm suppose to post art that is unrelated to LEGO, apparently. This is a sister topic to Random Art, which can be seen here: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=604 I'll post some drawings I've done later, but for now there are only sprites. These are HD Sprites, as I like to call them. I didn't make the original sprites, I just resized and made them smooth. They were a big hit on a Mario fan site I use to go to, each took about an hour:6273610014_50322d92db_m.jpg6273091943_32d72f12b3_m.jpg6273091897_d4cbe67396_m.jpg Recolored Kirby's Dreamland sprites. I took all the colors from the newer Kirby Superstar Ultra and recolored them to an almost exact match in shading, but I kept the look of the original.: 6273630938_2bef9f93b8.jpgI also made a bunch of sprites for a Yoshi's Island engine I never got around to making. These are probably my favorite sprites I've ever made of Mario characters, mainly because they look more handmade, they're far from perfect. I dunno,I think it adds a certain feeling to the sprites. 6273649404_7d854ef540.jpg And finally, I attempted to make a 2D sprite of a walrus into a more 3D sprite. It looks better, at least. If I were to go back and change the colors, I think it would look even better: 6273130423_b70e86e303_m.jpg6273130481_c18b43becb_m.jpg6273135041_a6dcc667ce_m.jpg

  11. If I wanted to upload art not LEGO related to show off some more of my art since I don't have that much LEGO related stuff created, should I: -ask an admin for special permission?-post it in my topic along with my LEGO artwork?-post it in Completely off-topic?-give a link to a site BZPower permits linking to containing my artwork?

  12. Modern Music: I'm not too fond of rap, but Matisyahu's King Without a Crown is really cool. Though it isn't truly rap, it's a mixture of reggae and rap. The Black Keys have some cool music too, it's more Classic Rock I guess. As far as modern pop stars go, Shakira's songs, mainly the ones that she sings in spanish, sound different, which is a good thing. Her English music sounds like any other pop star, though.

  13. People actually commented on my work? And they actually liked it? Yay! I guess I'll continue with the Toa style, then. Feel free to use them wherever you want to, in your signatures, or whatever. @Nuvaguy: Tahu's eyes (along with everyone else's) are suppose to be spaced a little farther apart than they actually are. It's just the style I was going for. @Jiayi: Glad you liked the LEGO Minifig, I'm uploading a GIF of him running right now. I might animate Kopaka if/when I can think of an animation for him ------ And now to the actual update: I had done these quite a while ago, along with the Micro Toa. Nui Jaga, Tarakva and Nui Ramma. Now I'm gonna get 6 comments telling me that I spelt the names wrong... They differ from the actual sets quite a bit because of their size.mini_jaga.gifmini_tarakava.gifmini_ramma.gif I imagined a game made with these sprites would look something like this: micro_battle.png I have other sprites for the game like food and such too. The story were to be that the three Toa were having a picnic when the Rahi invaded and stole their cakes, coffee and benyas... don't ask.... And for a bonus, here's Tahu HD.6272596967_675389299a_t.jpg LEGO Minifig jogginglego_walk.gif HERO FACTORY Sprite, this is a MOC I created in real life, so I might post pictures of him later for comparison. His name's Clawbster, which I think fits a HERO FACTORY villain well.mini_clawbster.gif And finally, I will advertise for my Kit I am creating. Here's Jaller in four directions! Here are the frames6267546739_11bbc9ca97_m.jpg Animatedmmo_jaller_spin.gif Here's the link to the kit topic: http://www.bzpower.c...?showtopic=1182 Trivia: Jaller's sprites are the only sprites I have recently created in the past weeks, everything else shown is a few months old.

  14. I don't really care for AC/DC, mainly because of the scream-like but yet sing-song voice of the singer. Maybe it'd grow on me if I listened to them more. David Garett's Thunderstruck remix is pretty cool, though.

    Listen to the Bon Scott stuff it's not screamly like Beano's stuff. Let There Be Rock, Powerage and Highway to ###### are fine albums all with great songs. Not a single bad song is on any 1 of those albums.
    Hopefully I have time to get around to that. I like your sig, by the way.
  15. I don't really care for AC/DC, mainly because of the scream-like but yet sing-song voice of the singer. Maybe it'd grow on me if I listened to them more. David Garett's Thunderstruck remix is pretty cool, though.

  16. Picture you in a perfect world: Where all the actors show up on time, the camera crew is friendly and you have unlimited resources and an infinite budget. You are the director and creator, maybe even the script writer. No producers are trying to change your movie, you are totally in control. What would your movie be about, where would it take place, would you take advantage of your unlimited budget, or would you make a simpler movie? Feel free to list as much as you'd like about your movie, even who would play in it and how long it would be if you want. THERE'S ONE CATCH: Your movie can't be a remake, sequel or fan-fiction. It has to be your idea.

  17. It's decent. The lines are a bit large and a bit bumpy (usually means that you were drawing it slowly) and some small things are off. For the most part, it's not bad at all, but I think it would be MUCH better if you used a different program (might I reccomend brushes or adobe ideas?) Anyways, it's a good start, and you can only get better with practice!

    He drew it with his finger on an iPad, which is why it looks the way it does. Not disagreeing with you, good advice, but just trying to clear up what he meant.
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