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Posts posted by Maganar

  1. Odyssey: Among the Lowlifes of Treason

    …Wander the Wastes of Sand…




    Prologue – “Wrong Turn”

    “That’s how decent guys ended up doing evil things – small steps at first, then bigger ones until they’d covered the full shameful distance.” – Halo: Glasslands by Karen Traviss


                    Scritch.  Scratch.

                    Hm… the Glatorian thought to himself.  A sand rat must have gotten into the cell next door.  Wonderful.  Now I get to listen to it scuffle around for the next few hours or so.

                    Scritch.  Scratch.

                    For the umpteenth time, his mind returned to the events that had transpired two days ago.  How had it all gone wrong so quickly?  He’d always been good at manipulating the shady individuals he dealt with, so when was it that he'd messed up and made a wrong turn on this road to profit he'd been taking?  Truth be told, it occurred to him, this was always coming to me. I was just too ridiculously good at this dangerous game to get what I should have gotten… until now.

                    Scritch.  Scratch.


                    The sun had been beating down on him as he repaired a vehicle.  Cendox class, relatively well-armed for its small size.  He looked up from his work to witness three warriors stalking in his direction, presumably his clients returning to see what progress he had made.  Wait, no.  Not his clients.  Undercutters.  Spikit dung.

                    “Hey dustbag!  Yeah, y’over there, Skid.  What’ch’up to Skid?”  He didn’t even get a chance to respond before another one of the three cut in.

                    “I don’t know, Clunk.  Looks like Syndicate graffiti on that grindbike’s frontside.  I don’t like what I’m seeing.  Skid should know it’s a tad bit unhealthy to aid the Syndicate.”  He’d shrunk back, giving a panicked look that darted among the three as he anticipated a blow.

                    “Naw, tha’couldn’t be,” the first sarcastically intoned.  “Skid’s not Vorox dumb.  He’s just pretty dumb.  Jus’is buddy tha’s’a Vorox.  Skid wouldn’t try crossing an Undercutter.  I mean, really.  Hey Skid!  Y’aren’t happening to be repairing a Syndicate vehicle, are ya?”

                    He’d shaken his head emphatically.

                    “Goooood…” Clunk had venomously whispered.  “Of course, if you happened to see a Syndicate grindbike, you might want to plant one of these rather close to its engine.”  Clunk had lobbed something at him.  Upon closer inspection, he’d noticed it was an explosive.  “If you ever pass up a good opportunity, Skid, it might turn out to be… unhealthy for you.  We clear?”

                    He’d looked up at the cloudless firmament.  “Clear?” he’d hoarsely replied.  “We’re clear as the sky on a day like this.”

                    “Nice to know.”  So the third Undercutter warrior did have a voice after all.  “See you ‘long the wayside, Skid.” Skid had just turned around in order to start his repairs again when he felt a sharp jolt of pain.  He’d just been broadsided by one of the three boorish maniacs.  He’d heard them cackling as they walked off, but he had barely noticed above the pain.


                    Scritch.  Scratch.

                    Yeah… that poor client.  Never noticed the bomb until he was reduced to dust, as if there isn’t enough dust on Bara Magna.  He had placed the bomb in a makeshift cradle he’d welded into place, right under the engine.  He wired one of the weapons to light the fuse rather than fire the launcher when the trigger was pulled.  He’d hoped that would make it look like a weapons malfunction.

                    It hadn’t.

                    Scritch.  Scratch.

                    Unfortunately, the Undercutters that had bullied him into service had been anything but subtle.  The sabotage was obvious.  No sooner had the client taken it on a test run and blown himself to pieces than his comrades had shown up to incarcerate the saboteur.  That put him at the mercy of the people he feared the most: the Syndicate.  The largest illegal mercenary group in the area.  They operated in defiance of the Tribal regulations to keep peace and settle disputes with arena battles.  When you needed something dealt with by force that was prohibited in legal venues, you drew a contract under the table with the Syndicate.  The only things the Syndicate generally kept clear of were Undercutters.

                    The Undercutters were just a pain to deal with.  He’d gotten a lot of business with them by installing secret compartments in their vehicles.  The Undercutters were so called because they obtained rare goods and smuggled them away to black market dealers.  Someone beat you to a rare artifact found by a Jungle Tribe explorer and bought it before you even knew it existed?  Break a deal with the Undercutters.  No problem.  It’ll cost a high rate, but they’ll obtain the artifact by whatever means necessary and deliver it back.  That’s why they needed secret compartments and hidden stashes on their vehicles.  Delivery always required some careful smuggling.

                    He’d played both of them for a profit.  Repaired Syndicate vehicles after they’d banged them up in a battle somewhere out in the wastes.  Outfitted Undercutter vehicles with smuggling chambers.  But now it was all coming back to haunt him.  You try and cater to two opposing criminal consortiums and one of them catches on sooner or later.

                    Funny thing, it was those three Undercutters who had caught him, but they had just wanted to use their advantage to blackmail him into sabotaging their opponents.  Those three had probably been severely punished by their superiors for squandering the opportunity to get their hands on a double agent in favor of planting a single bomb for their own amusement.  Of course, then the Syndicate had caught on as well now and they were keener to notice the jackpot they’d earned.  All they would have to do was lock him up and get him to talk.  Then, they could get him to divulge all the specifications and details about Undercutter vehicles as well as information they could use to flush the Undercutters out into the open, since he’d been working with them for years without Syndicate knowledge.

                    Scritch.  Scratch.

                    He’d almost told them – answered their questions – but he knew what would happen if he gave out.  He’d been marked untrustworthy for collusion with the Undercutters.  Once he was no longer of worth and had exposed all the information he had, they were going to kill him.  He knew it.  No matter how hard they beat him, he would have to hold out if he wanted to live.

                    Scritch.  Scratch…

                    Scritch.  Scratch…





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  2. Chapter 8 – “Rek”


                    Ocucko and Hesmit were standing on the bridge that led to the main entrance to Atero.  Ocucko had noticed the cascading sheets of sand the plummeted over the cliff face when they had first entered the city, but it was only now that he was able to truly appreciate its magnificence.  “Quite something, isn’t it?” Hesmit prodded.

                    “For so long I had hidden myself away in my little corner of the world.  I’d forgotten the sort of twisted beauty that this world has held onto even as it persevered through the Shattering.  It’s broken and battered, but its home… for all of us.  And the land itself seems reluctant to forget how beautiful it had once been.”

                    Ocucko watched for a considerable time as the sand continued to inexorably plunge over the escarpment.  There was something mesmerizing about beholding a natural phenomenon of such proportions.  Eventually, they turned and headed back into the city.  Only then did Ocucko notice how much time had passed.  The sun was starting to set and the shadows had begun to slant off into the distance.

                    They detoured through a series of dilapidated alleyways.  Ocucko wanted to see everything he had been missing as he had remained secluded.  He didn’t just want to see the great marvels produced by the famous and rich citizens of Atero.  He wanted to see the everyday individuals struggling to maintain a meager existence in the same manner that the Tribal villages were in their respective regions of Bara Magna.  Hesmit and Ocucko discussed their plans for the mission as they walked.

                    “…Ice Warrior!”

                    A harsh, grating whisper resounded from a darkened alley to their left.  Hesmit startled and Ocucko raised his shardslinger.  “Someone talking to me?” Ocucko responded in an accusatory tone.  The alleyway they were currently in acted as a connector between two merchant sectors.  At this late hour, there was no one to be seen.  The alley seemed empty, but apparently someone was in the branch just around the corner…

                    Ocucko pointed his shardslinger around the corner and then proceeded to look around it himself.  He could see a silhouette.  He stepped into full view, but kept his shardslinger raised and he remained a considerable distance away from the darkened form.  Hesmit followed his example.

                    “Yes.  Want talk.  Me had follow.  Heard yous talkings.  Yous wants kill Faction.  I want kill Faction.  We same thinkings.”
                    Ocucko had some difficulty interpreting the broken attempt to speak the Agori language.  “…you want to help us take down the Harvest Faction?”  He lowered his shardslinger.

                    “Yes!  I fight goodly!  Can help.”

                    “Can’t you speak properly?  You sound like an uncultured Vorox.”

                    With a roar, the shape launched itself at Ocucko.  Shocked by the distance it covered with a single leap, Ocucko had no opportunity to react.  He found himself pinned to the ground, but the face looming over him…

                    …was a Vorox’s.

                    “No insult Voroxs!  I Vorox!  All yous others thinks much gooder than Voroxs!  Ragh!”  The Vorox lifted off of Ocucko, but hissed to show his displeasure.  His armor had the typical tan coloration that all Vorox possessed, but there were a few ornate tribal markings made with a green pigment.  He also carried a tribal spear of the same design as those that most Vorox carried.

                    “By the Great Beings!  I didn’t know there were Vorox that could speak,” Hesmit conceded.

                    “Wait, Vorox!  Are you the one that took down the posse of guards a little while back?”

    “Yes!  Stupids Tribeskinds comes blunder through me places in big city. Shoutings, makings noises, callings me stupid Vorox and insultings and tryings to get me to fights.  Stupids, stupids, stupids!  Me love fight!  But me know trap if see trap; me no stupid!  Try bringings big number Tribeskinds and kills me!  Me angry, but no attack loud-style like me know they wants me to attack.  No, no, no… me take alls downs sneak-style, tie up, laugh at, stupids Tribeskinds!  No respect for Voroxs from Tribeskinds likes stupids Tribeskinds there.  Was easy to take alls downs.  They no has fightskills likes me – easy!”

                    “Yeah, I guess you were the one we warned about,” Ocucko stated.  “Could you explain who you are and how you learned to speak Agori?”

                    “Voroxs more smarter than yous alls thinked!  Or not.  Voroxs falled big way.  Once very good, Voroxs!  Me been Voroxs leader.  They me followed.  Me tried telled Voroxs we needs get Tribes help even if Tribes hates Voroxs; thinks Voroxs alls stupids.  Must become very good level again; no do alone.  But stupid underling sayed that we no need others.  Others leaved us to falled from very good level of life after big SkyCrash.  He sayed we needed take revenge for having Tribes leaved us to falled from very good level. He – ”

                    “Wait, let me get this straight.  You were once a leader among your people and you tried to convince them to cooperate with the other Tribes regardless of discrimination, but one of your followers disagreed.  He said you should all exact your revenge upon the Glatorian for having been abandoned after the Shattering?” Ocucko clarified.

                    “Bah!  Yes; just sayed this.  Yous calls Voroxs stupids even if yous no gets things sayed right at yous!  But he no alone.  Most alls Voroxs agreeds with him.  He me attack and he’s underlings too many.  I no choices.  Had to run.  Fury at he!  He stupid!  He want kill alls others Tribes.  Launch attack – many die both Voroxs and Tribeskinds.  Stupid reason for die.  Die happens to alls, but no stupid die unless you stupid be!  He make all Voroxs dies stupids.  I worked very much to try get Tribes help.  Learned Tribeskinds talkings.  Me use Tribeskind talking now!  He no know Tribeskind talk.  He talk like animal – like alls Voroxs have since Tribes leaveds Voroxs to falled from very high level after big SkyCrash.  But worst part is Faction!  Make forward going no possible.”

                    “I’m not sure I got all that,” Ocucko admitted.  The Vorox seemed to take offense, but Hesmit interrupted.  “The Vorox said that his underling disagreed with his plans to cooperate with the Tribes.  Instead, this other Vorox wanted to exterminate all the other Tribes in a pointless quest for vengeance.  Our, uh, associate here was overwhelmed and had to flee – ” she glanced at the Vorox and added “after what I’m certain was a valiant battle - ” the Vorox grinned at that “ – and has come here.  Due to his plans at Tribal cooperation, he knew the Agori language unlike the other Vorox – ” she gave another glance at the Vorox – “which were all very stupid.”

                    “Yes!  Yes, yes!  Me like Fire Warrior lady!  She not stupid like underlings that wants kills alls Tribeskinds!”

                    “Ok, I get that now.  What was this about the Harvest Faction interfering?”

                    “Faction want Tribeskinds for some reason.  Me no know why.  But Factions also wants Voroxs.  Me know why that.  Needs very strong beings.  Uses Voroxs like true animals.  Chains Voroxs, makes Voroxs drags big weight for some big plan of danger.  As long as Factions slaves Voroxs and takes aways, Voroxs no sees big idea!  Thinks alls wills alway hates Voroxs; thinks Voroxs stupids.  Faction make Voroxs hates alls thinkers beings.  Me be happy if Voroxs just no attacks Tribeskinds and dies stupids.  Me want Voroxs to become very high level again.  Me just know no likely that.  Kill Faction… can stop Voroxs from so much hate.  Then no try kill all Tribeskinds, just Tribeskinds that come to Voroxs homes.  Even if work to get Tribeskinds and Voroxs together no be over, it be started if Faction die.  Then Voroxs no alls die in stupid attack.”

                    “I see.  So Harvest Faction slavers have demoralized your people and they no longer see any hope for once more reaching that ‘very good level’ your people had before the Shattering,” Ocucko explained, more to himself than anyone else.  “Taking down the Harvest Faction probably wouldn’t be enough to stop the Vorox from attacking Agori and Glatorian on sight, but it would probably be enough to keep them from becoming the aggressors and making a suicidal attack on the Tribal villages.  Let me help you explain yourself a little better: by ‘get to very good level’ you mean ‘rise to greatness’ and your attempt to get the Tribes to help uplift the Vorox to the same technological level would be a ‘work in progress’ if we took out the Harvest Faction.”

                    “Yes!  Voroxs rise to greatness be work in progress if Faction die.  Yous gives me hope.  Yous helps me use Tribeskind talking to say what me want.  That starting Voroxs and Tribeskinds working together like me alway want!  Yous and me is making Voroxs rise to greatness a work in progress right now!”  The Vorox began to hop up and down and spin around, making some sort of enthusiastic growling noise, apparently in celebration of this breakthrough in communication.

                    Ocucko considered the options.  Accepting the Vorox could prove to be unnecessary luggage on what was going to be a difficult mission.  Regardless, the Vorox clearly had an idea of right and wrong and he was determined to provide assistance.  Not to mention, Vorox were known to be dangerous fighters and this one was abnormally skilled even for most Vorox – he’d taken out an entire squad of Atero’s guards on his own and claimed it had been easy.  Ocucko couldn’t contest that claim: the Vorox had to have been in complete control of the fight in order to defeat multiple opponents without even seriously injuring one of them in the process.  Additionally, he’d been a Sand Tribe leader, a position earned and held only through physical prowess and skill in battle.  He consulted with Hesmit.  “Do you think we should let him join?”

                    “Can we really keep him?”  Her face lit up.  “I think he’s cute.  Well, and really deadly too.  He’s that sort of ‘cute’ that you want to keep an eye on unless you want a dagger in your back, but I’m fine with that.”  She addressed the Vorox.  “What’s your name?”

                    “Me is – ”  The following sounded like a growl… something along the lines of “Rrghuek.”

                    “Uh… I’m not sure I can call you that all the time.  The closest I can easily manage is ‘Rek.’” Ocucko complained.

                    “’Rek’ is good!  Oh!  Me know one more thing yous needs!  Big, big thing yous needs.  Me know… what word yous gives me? Great!  That it.  Me know most great machine man in all of big city!”  the Vorox shouted, spreading his arms wide.

                    “You know the best… driver?… in Atero?”

                    “Yes!  Me also know how get he come.  Me think yous needs he from talkings me heard.  Yous will needs he for yous big machine.”

                    “Really?” Ocucko smiled.  “You’re full of surprises.  How do we get to him?”

                    “’We.’  That good word.  Me must know that for Tribeskind talking.”

                    “Um… sorry.  Could you answer my question, please?”

                    “Ah!  Yes!  To him get, we needs fights!”

                    Ocucko shook his head and sighed.  “Nothing’s ever easy these days, is it?”

                    “Me you tell why.  Come; it be fun!”  He bounced off down the alleyway.

                    Before following, Ocucko turned to give Hesmit a wide-eyed look of exasperation, but Hesmit only smiled.  “What?  I told you he was cute!”  With that, the threesome slunk off into the shadows, ready for whatever trials lie in store for them on their arduous journey.  Ocucko knew this was only the beginning, but if he could keep finding allies like these...

                  Ocucko let himself feel hope for the first time in millennia.




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    :i:  :g:  :n:  :i:  :t:  :i:  :n:  :g:       :i:  :c:  :e:

  3. Chapter 6 – “The Trial of Fire”


                    Ocucko had asked that Nardohi stayed behind.  He didn’t know Nardohi well enough to trust him much yet and he didn’t want to take any risks in proving himself to Hesmit.  He wanted to make sure that his past had been put far behind him, and any rash actions from the Ice Tribe rookie could jeopardize that.  Ocucko made a mental note to try to get to know Nardohi better.  Trust would be necessary to take on an enemy that had them as outmatched and outnumbered as what they were supposed to be going up against.

                    The Great Southern Dune Field, true to Hesmit’s word, was actually a sandy desert with proper dunes in contrast to the other locales surrounding Vulcanus.  That said, it was still markedly different in appearance from the renowned Dunes of Treason.  The sand here was mixed with volcanic ash, which gave it a ghostly gray hue rather than the more familiar yellow dunes elsewhere on Bara Magna.  The wheels of the supply wagons on the caravan would sink down into these ashy sands much more than the feet of the rock steeds… an advantage that Ocucko would be sure to exploit.

                    As the pair crested the next dune on their rock steeds, the caravan came into view.  There were four covered wagons.  “That’ll be them,” Hesmit announced.  “Ready?”

                    Ocucko nodded.  “You have a plan?”

                    A fleeting look of doubt crossed over her face, but it was followed by steadfast resolve.  “No.  Is that a problem?”

                    “No…” Ocucko began, then grinned slyly.  “Because I do.”

                    Hesmit rolled her eyes.  “Hah.  Very funny.  When did you come up with it?”

                    “On the way.  I always think ahead.  You’ll do well to learn from these habits of mine, but we can discuss that at a later time.  Here’s what I’ve got in mind.”  Ocucko pointed to the back end of the caravan.  “You pull up from behind and fire a few Thornax shots to get their attention.  Keep the pressure on them, but give them a little headstart.  We want them to try and outrun you.  They won’t succeed if you give it your all; those sand stalkers pulling the covered wagons are overburdened and the wheels are sinking into sand quite a bit so they won’t be able to flee very effectively.  So toy with them a little bit.”

                    Hesmit nodded approvingly, staring out toward the caravan.  “Alright, I’m liking this plan; I get to have a little fun messing with their minds.  What’s next?”

                    Ocucko pointed along the route the caravan was taking.  “Once you have them all barreling on forward and they think that the attack is coming from behind, I’ll pull around a dune ahead of them and block them off.  Hopefully, this will cause the wagons to all veer off in different directions as they react to the unexpected source of trouble.  While they try to reorder themselves after the chaos, we’ll board the wagons one by one.  By using the advantage of speed that our unburdened rock steeds have we should be able to find the one with the resources your village needs before they all recover from the chaos.”

                    “You mean that Vulcanus needs.”

                    Ocucko gave her a questioning look.  “…yes?”

                    “Just saying, I’m about to leave and I’m not exactly proud of how they have ignored the Harvest Faction threat.”

                    “You can’t blame them for wanting to feel safe.  Telling themselves that they’ll be fine as long as they let the slavers do their thing in the north is a nice escape from the actual gravity of the situation, foolish and shortsighted as that may be.”

                    “Fair enough.  I know that they’re still good people; that’s why I’m doing this for them.  Anyway, I assume the last step is to take out the guards on the caravan we need and hijack it all the way back to Vulcanus?”

                    “Naturally,” he confirmed.  “Now, go on in and start this raid.”


                    Hesmit kicked her rock steed in the sides a couple of times until it raised its speed to a comfortable trot.  It didn’t take long for the Water Tribe warriors watching the flank to notice her approach.  The Glatorian on the covered wagon called a companion over and the two positioned themselves on the open back of the covered wagon with Thornax launchers at the ready.  Hesmit lifted herself into a crouch on the rock steed’s back, a signature move of Ackar’s that she had picked up a while back.  Clutching the reins in one hand, she lifted her sword in the other and waved it over her head.  If that wasn’t a clear enough indication of her intentions to attack, she yelled “Hiya-ya-yaaa!”  Immediately thereafter, two Thornax fruit sailed past and the caravan accelerated to as high of a speed as their heavy burden allowed.  Hesmit lowered back down onto her rock steed’s back to make herself a smaller target.

                    Hesmit sheathed her sword and reached for her Thornax launcher.  She fired off fruit from a sack on the rock steed’s saddle as quickly as she could reload it.  She knew she wasn’t a very good Thornax shot.  As far as ranged weaponry went, she tended to stick to her bola, but she had been forced to forsake it for this task.  It would be impossible to use from the back of a rock steed or the interior of a covered wagon; she was going to have to make do with a Thornax launcher.  With this inexperience combined with her rock steed’s gallop and the distance to her target, she knew she was destined to miss.  Blinding clouds of ash kicked up by the sand stalkers pulling the covered wagons only served exacerbate the situation.  It was just a matter of inciting sufficient panic to allow Ocucko to scatter them from in front.  If my shots are completely inaccurate, she figured, I might as well at least make them frequent!

                    Suddenly, she heard a burst of frantic shouts and the individual covered wagons began to veer off in different directions, two to the left and two to the right.  Everything was going according to plan.  As the dust cleared, she saw Ocucko riding side-saddle in order to make himself as hard a target to hit as he possibly could.  Riding side-saddle, or hanging off one side of the animal, required skills that Hemit herself had never learnt; animal riding wasn’t a priority for a future first Glatorian who would spend her life in the arena.  She saw him chase after the covered wagons on the left.  That meant she would have to search the wagons on the right.  She spurred her rock steed to its maximum running speed and it quickly narrowed the distance to the nearest covered wagon.  She barely noticed as a Thornax fruit grazed her shoulder.

                    Hesmit knew most boarders attempted to mount speeding wagons from the front end.  She guided her mount left, feigning as if she intended to overtake the wagon in order to board it in the expected manner.  The driver swerved the covered wagon to the left at breakneck speed in an attempt to give Hesmit the canvas-coated side of the wagon, but she simply fell back while simultaneously rising into a crouch once again.  The guards on this wagon had likewise expected a more orthodox attack and had rushed to the front, leaving the back of the wagon open for Hesmit.  As she had intended all along, she leapt onto the back of the wagon, sword raised.  As she recognized the armor of the two Glatorian that spun around in shock to face her, she realized this was the wagon she had harassed in the first place in her attempt to panic the caravan.

                    It was only in retrospect that Hesmit realized how intimidating she must have appeared.  The sun had been to her back as she had mounted the wagon.  The unprepared Water Glatorian would have heard a resounding thud as her boots made contact with the wagon’s heavy wooden floor in the direction opposite of where they had expected the attack to come from.  Then they would have turned to see a confident lone warrior, weapon lifted, silhouetted by the blinding the sun.

                    Hesmit wasted no time and launched herself at the nearer Glatorian, a male.  She collided with him and the two crashed to the floor due to the violent bucking of this primitive animal-drawn vehicle’s floor.  Hesmit bashed the Glatorian over the helmet twice with the hilt of her sword in an attempt to stun the thrashing opponent, but then felt a weapon connect with her side.  As she was thrown off of the first Glatorian, she grunted and looked up to see a female Water Tribe Glatorian rising over her and preparing to lower her weapon.

                    Hemit reacted quickly and swung her sword up to parry the blow; then she reached up as the enemy stumbled from the combination of the recoil from the parry and the bouncing of the floor.  Hesmit grabbed the opponent’s hand and threw her to the floor.  Hesmit and the other Glatorian now both struggled to their feet on the unstable floor.

    The male Glatorian raised his weapon over his head and came at Hesmit, but she swung a wide arc with sword and caught him in the shins before he had the chance to deliver his blow.  He clumsily crashed into Hesmit and then rolled off of her and skidded across the floor and out of the wagon.

    Hesmit once again found herself on the floor looking up at the female Water Tribe Glatorian, but this time they were the only two fighters left on the covered wagon.  As the foe once again prepared to attack, Hesmit didn’t even bother to attempt to block the blow to destabilize her opponent.  She rolled to the side and instead used the split-second gained to reach for her Thornax launcher.  Hesmit narrowly avoided the attack, but she stuck to her intended plan and grabbed onto the opponent’s weapon.  As the foe tried to lift her weapon for another attack, she also inadvertently lifted Hesmit to her feet.  Hesmit then unloaded the Thornax launcher into the Water Tribe Glatorian at point blank range.  From such a short distance, the shot delivered more than enough force to stun its target.  Hesmit picked up her enemy before she had the chance to recover and shoved her off the wagon’s back end.

                    Hesmit then rushed to the front and threw the Agori drivers out of their seats and steadied the sand stalkers to an even trot to reduce bouncing while she rummaged through the contents of the wagon to see if this was indeed the one with the right cargo.


                    Ocucko glanced over his shoulder to see Hesmit flanking the wagons to the right, exactly as they’d planned.  The ones on the left were all his.  He continued to hang off of the right side of his rock steed.  By tensing and flexing his limbs to match the gallop of his mount, he could use this side-saddle position to steady his aim with the Thornax launcher.  From atop the beast, his accuracy would have been at the mercy of its bouncing gait.

                    His careening rock steed was overtaking the nearest covered wagon without much difficulty.  He pounded on past it and continued toward the foremost covered wagon, narrowly avoiding a volley of Thornax fire from the wagon he had just passed.  He predicted that the guards would have expected him to go first for the one near the back before taking on the other wagon.  If that was correct, they would consequently be unprepared as he used his advantage of speed to pass up the overworked sand stalkers.

                    As he pulled up beside the unsuspecting driver of the leading covered wagon, he loosed a Thornax fruit.  With the accuracy he had firing from his current position, he was able to hit his target right in the helmet and the Agori was knocked from his perch.  Ocucko only watched for a moment as the driver flailed and fell into the sand to the wagon’s right; yelling, but relatively uninjured.

                    Ocucko threw himself toward the wagon and succeeded in grabbing the edge of the driving platform.  He quickly found himself hanging over the edge of the rickety covered wagon as it violently bucked.  A Water Glatorian guard loomed above, but the opponent was knocked off his feet and fell right past Ocucko and into the sand below as the wagon received a forceful thrust forward.  As Ocucko lifted himself up and clambered aboard the wagon, he realized what had happened.  The covered wagon, now driverless, had slowed down and the wagon behind it had pounded forward at the same pace, leading to a collision.  That’s what had thrown the Water Glatorian over the edge.

    Before entering the canvas-covered part of the wagon, Ocucko snapped the sand stalkers’ reins a couple times to keep them moving.  The wagon continued to careen forward at an excessive velocity.

                    As he leapt inside, he saw a male and a female Glatorian with armor indicative of the Jungle Tribe.  They must have been hired out as supplementary guards.  The Jungle Tribe had probably been promised payment in the form of a fraction of the caravan’s cargo.

                    The two opponents immediately found themselves considerably disadvantaged.  Ocucko swung Frostfire in a wide arc with wild abandon.  In the narrow confines underneath the canopy of the covered wagon, there was little room to maneuver and the Jungle Tribe warriors were forced to back up towards the open rear of the wagon.  As the two enemies caught on to Ocucko’s intentions, the female Glatorian rushed at Ocucko as a final attempt to prevent him from winning.  Her risky charge was destined for failure.  Ocucko smacked her mid-stride and she gasped as she was thrown backwards.  Her body collided with the other Glatorian’s and they both tumbled out of the wagon.

                    Ocucko quickly discovered that the wagon he had just taken did not possess the cargo they were looking for.  The crates were packed with volcanic rocks.  This was all low-grade construction material, not the critically-important alloys Hesmit had indicated.

                    Ocucko clambered into the driver’s seat of the covered wagon.  He would probably not be able to get his rock steed back on his own.  They were trained to return upon hearing a whistle that Fire Tribe members knew.  He snapped the reins until the sand stalkers rose to their top speed.  He noticed that two covered wagons had returned to their original route and one had wandered far off and stopped.  That must have been Hesmit’s first target.  Then he saw Hesmit on her rock steed.  She was making a break for the two wagons that had returned to the envoy.  He guided his wagon toward the same location.

                    Hesmit saw Ocucko in the wagon’s driver seat.  He quickly waved one arm in a sharp side-to-side motion – the gesture they had agreed upon to indicate that they had not yet uncovered the cargo.  He heard Hesmit issue a series of loud whistles and before he knew it his rock steed was galloping next to his covered wagon.  Well trained, Ocucko thought.

                    It didn’t take long to make it to the next covered wagon and Hesmit and Ocucko, now reunited, found no guards on the next wagon.  The Water Tribe had concentrated their guards in the front and rear wagons of the caravan in order to make it nearly impossible to board the wagons as long as the envoy kept itself in the original order.  Unfortunately for them, Ocucko and Hesmit had scattered the wagons and broken up its orderly structure.  Now they were vulnerable.

                    Hesmit recognized the cargo immediately.  It was exactly what they had come to get.  After tossing the driver out, Hesmit took the reins and Ocucko stood in the open rear to guard their flank.  One of the Water Tribe Glatorian had unhooked a sand stalker from its wagon and was now riding bareback to confront the hijackers, but it was a futile gesture.  Alone and badly beaten, Ocucko had only to fire a Thornax fruit at the sand stalker’s head.  The creature was startled and rose up onto his hind legs, braying loudly.  The Glatorian was thrown off.

                    Ocucko came forward and lowered himself into the seat beside Hesmit.  As he glanced at the two rock steeds that were easily keeping pace with them, he began to chuckle to himself bemusedly.

                    “What?” Hesmit asked as she looked to see Ocucko smiling to himself.  “Has the sand started to tickle under your armor or did you just figure out how silly you look without a respectable Glatorian helmet?”

                    “Hey!”  Ocucko cried out.  “This wide-brimmed helmet has many advantages.  Not the least among those is that it keeps the sun out of my eyes so that I can actually see my opponent on a day like this.  And that it can deflect Thornax fire more effectively, as you discovered firsthand in the arena.  I could go on all day.”

                    “No, really, though.  What’s so amusing?”

    Ocucko sighed.  “Truthfully?  I haven’t been able to something like this where I can look back and feel proud of my actions for a long time.  No enemy fatalities, no one lost, a good cause to fight for…  Our task in the northlands will not be so clear-cut.  We will have to kill members of the Harvest Faction and the Skrall army.  We may even lose people, though it’s my goal to keep that from happening regardless of what I keep hearing about our odds of success.  We will be doing the honorable and right thing in taking them down, but it will not be pretty – have no delusions about that.  Just for today, though, I might be able to fall asleep without being ashamed of myself.  The last time I was able to do that...”  Ocucko shook his head.  "It's been too long."

                    “If that’s how you feel about this endeavor, then I’m happy to help.  You’ve convinced me that I can trust whoever it is that you are now, regardless of whatever you are remembered for.  It will be my pleasure to aid you in your quest to the north.”

                    Ocucko leaned back and tilted down the brim of his helmet to block out the sunlight and give himself a chance to sleep.  “Welcome to the team, Hesmit,” he murmured.


    Chapter 7 – “Atero”


                    Leaving Vulcanus had not been the most pleasant occasion.  Ackar was livid, Raanu was worried, and Hesmit was stoic.  She’d made up her mind and didn’t want to hear their complaints.  As far as she was concerned, they had brought this upon themselves when they had neglected to aid the northern villages.  Meanwhile, Ackar and Raanu were forced to begrudgingly accept the resources that Hesmit and Ocucko provided.

                    The threesome set a course for Atero on sand stalkers rented with Hesmit’s ample savings as Vulcanus’ second Glatorian.  The plan was to buy the supplies that would be needed for the journey as soon as they got to Atero.  Ocucko expected they would need a resilient vehicle, preferably something along the lines of a disused war machine.  He was worried that the price on such an investment would be too much, but Nardohi insisted that he could pay for it.  Nardohi had made a substantial sum in the trade of precious minerals mined just beyond Iconox by acting as a high-risk situation guard.  Few Glatorian wanted to risk the hazardous weather on the high peaks in order to be employed as guards.  Nardohi had been able to name his price, and he hadn’t set a low one.  He had preemptively transferred his funds from Iconox to a repository in Atero before heading into the Flaming Wastes to enlist Ocucko.

                    Ocucko learned quite a bit about Nardohi in their campfire discussions, just as he had hoped to.  He realized that Nardohi was not as naïve as he had originally led Ocucko to believe in the Flaming Wastes.  He was simply desperate.  He had a few dramatic stories about heroics he had performed in his job as a mining guard.  Ocucko didn’t know for sure whether or not they were true, but they sounded legitimate enough.  Ocucko knew that the risks of being a mining guard included many of the things Nardohi described.

                    Nardohi and Hesmit also filled him in on more details about the current political situation.  Contact with the northlands had been largely cut off.  Settlements up there were most likely in dire situations as they held off assaults from the Skrall or their Harvest Faction puppets.  However, the intervals between slave drives to the south indicated that the slavers were making long trips to get there.  That meant it was unlikely the northlands had completely fallen and the Skrall and Harvest Faction were probably largely restricted to the northernmost areas even now.  This did raise the question as to why the Harvest Faction wanted slaves from the south in particular rather than continuing to prey on the northlanders that had yet to fall.  There had to be some reason, but only unconvincing conjectural explanations had been proposed.

                    Nardohi and Hesmit both sought to end the slaving raids that were now stretching into the south.  If the northlanders were still resisting as expected, then the Skrall advance had to be pushed back for their sake as well.  There were rumors of a place far into the northlands named Refuge or Asylum or Sanctuary or… something like that.  It was said that it was taking in refugees and fugitive slaves and that it had yet to fall to the Skrall and Harvest Faction.  Some even claimed it was larger and more diverse than Atero in the south.  If that place did indeed exist, those people had to be saved.  The Harvest Faction and Skrall would undoubtedly drive them from their homes, enslave them all, or exterminate the problematic populace if things continued as they currently were.

                    After a few nights on the open desert, they made it to Atero.


                    “Well, this would seem to be the place,” Ocucko announced.  Before them was a sandy clearing among the tents and cloth canopies of the salvage bazaar.  They had followed the directions of a few merchants to locate the lot that belonged to an Agori who specialized in repairing and selling ancient motor vehicles.  He’d started out as a lowly freelance salvage worker, but had become a legend in Atero’s merchant community after striking it rich by finding a cache of disused (and, at that time, inoperable) war machines from the Core War.  After expending every bit of his meager savings and taking out a dangerously high-interest loan from a shady Jungle Tribe artifact broker, he managed to repair the vehicles.  By charging exorbitant sums for the incredibly rare technology, he had made up the difference and become rich.

                    “Ugh, talk about uuuuugly!  These battered wrecks probably have sand rat nests in their underbellies,” Hesmit scoffed.  “Are you sure this is what we came for, given the prices these things are supposed to accrue?”

                    Ocucko was ready with an answer.  “Definitely.  The only reason these look so ugly is because they are just what we need: resilient.  They’ve lasted ages and they’ll still hold up to a lot of punishment.  You’ve never seen these in action, but I recognize them.  They’re deadly.”

                    “I can handle the cost and I trust your judgment,” Nardohi started.  “Just figure out which one we need and I’ll make sure the seller doesn’t extort us out of money we could use on something else, but this gets priority even if it costs nearly everything.  They say the Harvest Faction has deadly motor vehicles – plenty of Kaxium-class ones – and we need something that can face up against that.”

                    Before they were able to find the merchant, a number of Glatorian with various different colorations indicative of diverse Tribes marched over to meet them.  “Travelers, hold still a moment!” the one in the lead, a Glatorian with Fire Tribe armor and a spear, cried.  “We need to speak with you!”

                    “That’s not happening,” Ocucko grunted.  He had a fairly good idea where this was headed.  “No, we’re not handing over our valuables and you will regret attempting to take them without our consent.  I guarantee that.”

                    The lead Glatorian clenched his jaw.  “My apologies!  We’re not thieves like those unrepentant so-called scavengers that roam the wastes – ”

                    “Enough,” Ocucko cut in.  “We’re not looking for a fight.  For right now, at least.”

                    The Glatorian seemed taken aback.  “I apologize!  I must have made the wrong impression: we’re with the security staff of the Free City of Atero and we wanted to warn you about a danger that’s been brought to our attention.”

                    “Make it quick,” Ocucko snapped.  As embarrassed as he was at having misjudged them, Ocucko was not about to start making apologies.

                    “We were recently tipped off that a Vorox has been hiding in our streets for many years and has remained unnoticed.  As soon as we heard, we sent a team into that district to exterminate the vermin.  We found our entire team, defeated.”

                    “I’m sorry for you loss,” Nardohi mused.

                    “No, it wasn’t like that!  The Vorox had tied them up.  We just… wanted to keep you informed.”

                    Hesmit looked unsure of these guards.  “You mean to say your entire team was subdued by a single Vorox?  A Vorox you tried to kill and who subsequently spared all you men?  A Vorox who’d remained unnoticed for years – meaning he hadn’t been causing any trouble – and who doesn’t seem interested in bloodshed?  What’s the security threat we need to be knowing about?”  Even as the guards began to squirm with discomfort, Hesmit didn't cease her line of questioning until her point had been made.

                    “Well, it’s not exactly like that – I mean, it’s a Vorox after all – you know how they always resort to violence sooner or later and you see it’s, uh, it’s – ”

                    “Ugh, shut up,” Ocucko brushed off the guard.  “I can see where this is headed.  Vorox have a reputation for lawlessness, so everyone finding out that it was roaming the streets and that you hadn’t done anything about it in years made you look bad.  Now that it’s humiliating your troops, you look worse.  Now you tell any armed visitors you see in hopes that someone will play the hero and take care of this thorn in your side that you can’t handle because you lack the skill!  Get lost already.  We have more important things to do than listen to your whining,” Ocucko sneered without any attempt to veil his derision.

                    “I, uh, we’ll be going,” the guard said, rounding up his people and backing off.

                    “You do that,” Ocucko muttered once the guard and his people were out of earshot.

    A yellow-armored Agori exited a tent set up just across from the vehicles.  “Why, hello!”  He greeted.  “Let me see:  three heavily-armed Glatorians staring intently at my merchandise, one of them carrying a weapon from the same era as these beauties that I maintain and sell.  You lead me to believe that you came here specifically to see me, am I not right?”

                    “Dektor, I presume?” Hesmit inquired.

                    “I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’  And that’s also a ‘yes’ to your question if you hadn’t gathered!”  He emitted a slight snort of laughter, apparently amused with his own choice of wording.  “I can guarantee you that these vehicles are quality merchandise, not substitutes cobbled together by parts acquired from those thieving scavengers.”  Ocucko made a mental note that scavengers were of ill repute and known for theft in modern society; the city guard had scorned them first and now Dektor was as well.  He still found it amusing that even this Dektor was trying so hard to distance himself from the scavengers – he had clearly once been one himself and Ocucko was sure Dektor must still employ scavengers to obtain replacement parts usable material for the upkeep of his vehicles.  “Now, do you have any ideas about the specifics of the vehicle you want?”

                    “I can see a few from here, but what all do you have in the manner of Thornatus class vehicles?”  Ocucko asked.

                    “Let’s see what I can do for you, my esteemed clients!  I’m sure there is something here that will suit your needs.” He beckoned to them and approached a line of large vehicles – Thornatus class.  “What will you need this vehicle for?”

                    “We’re heading north, far north.  It has to be able to handle the terrain beyond the Black Spike and White Quartz Mountains and it needs to be capable of taking hits.  Firepower is less important than structural strength.  I was looking for a Thornatus V4 variant.”

                    “You’re lucky you came to me – but then again, of course you knew you had to come to the best, which my vehicles most certainly are –”

                    “If you’re looking for battered relics.  Impress me,” Hesmit challenged.  “I’ll bet you half my monthly salary as second Glatorian those are just pieced together from junk stolen by scavengers.”  She left out the part where she’d just quit that job.

                    “Ah, you won’t remain a skeptic for long!  How about these two?  Treads for rocky and snowy terrain, spacious passenger decks, are these what you’re looking for?”

                    “You’re the one with the experience, boss, even if I’ve been making snarky comments,” Hesmit admitted.  “What do you think?”

                    “The one on the left is a Thornatus V4 anti-infantry assault platform.  It’s nice, but we’d need to remove some of the weapons emplacements to accommodate passengers if we take along a team the size I’m expecting plus their gear, ammunition, and supplies.  It also is lacking a few things that the other one has… and those are some things we could use.  The one on the right is a Thornatus V4 troop transport.  I find it more appealing.  It won’t require major renovations and it has a type of ramming grille we used to call a sledgehammer grille, designed to tear its way through objects on impact, buildings included.  That would be invaluable.  I’m also guessing it’ll run faster than the assault platform despite the fact that troop transport variants are among the bulkiest Thornatus vehicles.  Much of that bulk is engine space so that it can apply excessive torque to the treads; not to mention that the other one is overburdened in elemental launcher emplacements.  That troop transport has an elemental rock launcher on the high platform.  If fired too frequently within a short amount of time, it might become temporarily discharged and unable to be fired, but it will still be able to fire off considerably lengthy volleys before it reaches that point.”

                    Both of the Thornatus V4 vehicles were in many ways similar to the more modern Thornatus V7.  They had the same basic chassis structure, but it was overall larger in scale and, unlike the V7, it was not a convertible.  The front wheels were locked into a position equivalent to the V7’s attack position – the position with the front drive assemblage pushed outwards.  Ocucko wanted this because it would allow for many passengers.

                    Dektor gave them a price estimate for both vehicles.  The troop transport, as Ocucko had expected, was about half again the price of the firing platform variant, but he asked Nardohi to buy the V4 troop transport anyway.  Nardohi then contested the decision.

                    “Should we really be paying more for less firepower?”

                    “Didn’t we agree beforehand that…” Ocucko trailed off as he saw Nardohi wink at him.  That’s when Ocucko caught on that Nardohi really was going to get the troop transport; he was just trying to get Dektor to drop the price.  He was doing precisely what he had said he would – preventing them from getting extorted out of money that could be used on additional supplies.

                    After a lengthy ersatz argument between Ocucko and Nardohi, Dektor interrupted with an offer to get them to make a purchase; he would sell the troop transport at the cost of the weapon platform variant.  Nardohi immediately agreed.  He and Dektor then moved into the tent to discuss funds transfers.

                    “Quite the shrewd businessman, isn’t he?” Ocucko commented of Nardohi now that Dektor was out of earshot.

                    “I hear quite a few Ice Tribe members have become skilled in such skills of trade and business these days due to the mineral wealth around Iconox,” Hesmit answered.  “The people of the Ice Tribe are the ones you usually go to for your business needs, especially if you want quality goods and official documentation.  Not like those scavengers that most likely steal half that trash they sell.”

                    Again, the hate for scavengers.  Ocucko wasn’t sure if theft was common these days, but it seemed like scavengers were frequently blamed for such crimes.  He thought it was odd that people would look down on scavengers on a world as broken as this one – a world were reusing and repairing the so-called “junk” and “trash” should be the name of the game.  All he could figure was that maybe there was some truth to these claims of theft and that had tarnished the reputations of all scavengers.  He suddenly realized just how little he understood about the workings of society since he’d disappeared into exile.

                    “I wouldn’t have known.  I’ve been away for too long.”

                    “Gosh, I just realized – you’ve never seen Atero in all its glory after all that time in the Wastes, have you?  It’s become a real symbol of unity after having been a neutral ground during the length of the Core War and then surviving the Shattering.  Have you ever been here before?”  Ocucko shook his head.  “Afraid not,” he declared.

                    “Well, come on, then, you ancient outsider!  It’s time someone showed you the wonders of the Free City of Atero.  Those two will be chatting about money for a while.  We have the time.”

  4. Chapter 5 – “Insurgent Ice, Resurgent Fire”


              “You had no right to keep me away from that Ice Tribe Glatorian!” Hesmit incensed.  “Just because you want to cower in our little ashen hole while the other Tribes are abducted by the Harvest–”

              “Don’t ever call me a coward!” Ackar exploded.  “I have been in a war.  You have no idea what horrors we are avoiding by staying out of a conflict with the Harvest Faction!”

              “Really?” Hesmit countered angrily.  “If left unchecked, the Harvest Faction will bring its atrocities right to the gates of our village.  Those ‘horrors’ are coming back whether you like it or not!  I’ve never asked you to come with me.  I wouldn’t ask that of anyone who didn’t want to.  I’m just asking that you give me the right to make my own decisions on whether or not I will do the right thing.  But that’s irrelevant.  I plan to leave tomorrow at dawn with them and then I won’t have to worry about you trying to protect me from my own choices just because you don’t agree with them!”

              “Whatever was it that made you lose your desire to fight for your Tribe?  Malum would be a poor substitute as a first Glatorian when I step down.  We need you!”

              “And the other Tribes need us all, you selfish sand rat!”

              Clearly, Ackar thought, exchanging incendiary remarks is getting us nowhere.  Time for a different approach if I want to convince Hesmit to stay.  “Fine.  But you’ll need to watch your back around Ocucko.  He’s one of the slipperiest and most dishonorable warriors that got left behind after the end of the Core War.”

              “…says the veteran.”  Hesmit crossed her arms over her chest.

              “What do you know about him?  I take it pretty much nothing.”

              “You aren’t making any progress without examples.  We’re done here.”

              “But I do have examples.  Plenty.”

              Hesmit narrowed her eyes.  An unsure look fleeted over her face, barely visible under her helmet, but Ackar noticed.  He’d known her since she was a rookie and had been her trainer since her debut training session.  By now, he could pick apart any of her mannerisms.  He knew he was on the right track.  He didn’t wait for a response.

              “Ocucko was the Ice Lord’s pet warrior.  He once raided a camp where I was stationed.  Dead of night.  Pounced us with a small team of Glatorian and a complement of trained Iron Wolves.  We drastically outnumbered them, but they had him.  Ocucko tore through our tents and mercilessly slaughtered half our soldiers before I managed to get a full retreat in effect.

              “But we were soldiers, so I could understand that one.  But some of the other things... it is said he tore through what was the village proper of the Jungle Tribe at the time.  He indiscriminately cut down everything in his way, armed or otherwise.  Soldier or villager.

              “He was known to have used any method to win a battle.  He let a pack of iron wolves loose near the only source of water for a Water Tribe invasion party, regardless of the civilian refugees they were escorting.  He let them slowly die of thirst until they gave in and retreated.

              “But worst of all, they say in hushed rumors that the Ice Lord did something dreadful to his own toy monstrosity.  They claim he took away Ocucko’s ability to feel emotion, or suppressed specific emotions.  I don’t know the details.  But I do know that his methods seemed like the calculated actions of a heartless killer.”

              Torches crackled and cinders drifted through the air.  Hesmit remained silent and looked away from Ackar, diverting her gaze to study the swirling embers falling from a torch.  Fire was prone to change and shift, correcting itself as it danced over combusting fuel.

              But perhaps ice was incorrigible.


              Ocucko eyed Hesmit warily.  This recruiting attempt was turning out much more complicated than he had expected.  And he’d expected it to be quite complicated.

    Hesmit admitted to having had an ongoing desire to aid the other Tribes in their plight against the Harvest Faction.  She had insisted that they send Glatorian to act as guards, hoping that the intimidating display of unity would halt the attacks.  She tried to explain that fewer repairs after northern attacks would leave them less in need of resources and the reduced strain would help all villages, Vulcanus included, not to mention that the ethically correct thing to do was to help the other villages in a time of such desperate need.  Unfortunately, the rest of the Fire Tribe did not share this view and she was expected to one day take Ackar’s place as first Glatorian.  Ackar had been trying to keep Hesmit away from Ocucko when he heard about the Ice Tribe Glatorians’ intentions.

              To complicate matters, Ackar had exposed a number of unpleasant truths about Ocucko.  Ocucko had explained to Hesmit the justifications he had for his actions: how he had thought it would actually bring peace, that he had been opposed to the Ice Lord’s intentions before finally submitting himself to Elemental Lord’s will, that he had regretted it all, and that this current quest was, in part, a personal attempt at redemption.  He explained how he had to listen to the screaming of the dying Glatorians of every Tribe, his own and the others, every night as he tried to find sleep.  But Ackar had gotten his say first and first impressions are often the most compelling.

              Presently, Hesmit had a blank expression and was crouched on top of rock in Vulcanus arena, watching molten substances drip from the iconic slanted pillar on the far end of the arena.  It was clear she was deep in thought.  After a considerable wait, she hopped off and strode up to Ocucko.

              “I’ve always believed that it is not the past but the present that matters,” she began.  “I’ll judge your character on the fact that you have risen from seclusion to fight for the greater good today and not on the fact that you committed atrocities in what was a time of pointless war, a time during which every faction involved was fighting for the avarice and greed of a few petty Elemental Lords, even if they had been led to believe otherwise, as you claim you were.  You’re my only chance to establish justice in the here and now by defeating the Harvest Faction, even if that means I must forget your past sins.  I have but one test.”

              Ocucko huffed in annoyance, but he reined in his impatience.  “Well, that’s more leniency than I’d dared to hope for.  You’ve passed fair judgment over me and given me a chance to prove my goodwill even after hearing about my worst side.  The least I can do is hear you out.  What’s this about a test?”

              “We recently won a match against the Water Tribe that should have given us access to a recently uncovered set of resources.  We needed those to repair our main aqueduct from the nearest spring, seeing as that it was recently damaged by a band of Vorox.”

              “A spring, in this volcanic region?” Ocucko asked incredulously.  “And where do we come in?”

              Hesmit ruefully grimaced.  “It’s more of a fumarole than a spring, but it provides water nonetheless.  As for the problem, I was out on an escort job for a caravan and Ackar was recovering from an injury at the time, so Malum had to win the fight.  Unfortunately, after what was a fair win, he lost his temper following an onlooker’s taunts and then broke arena conduct.  They still called off the victory and the resources were given to the Water Tribe.”

              “After my training session with Malum, I’m not entirely surprised at this development.  How can I help, though, if the battle is over?”

              “A caravan is about to pass by with the salvage loaded onboard.  They’re heading through the Great Southern Dune Field.”

              “That’s just south of Creep Canyon and a short ways north of here, isn’t it?”

              “Right.  It’s the only area with proper-looking sand dunes that lies anywhere near Vulcanus.  Mostly we just get rocks, canyons, and lava as far as the terrain goes.  Anyway, we need to subdue the guards and take it by force or this entire village is going to go dry.  I know that’s technically illegal, but the other villages won’t press the issue because it was a controversial call in the first place.  We were in greater need and had won fairly before things turned sour.”

              Ocucko nodded curtly, indicating he had no more questions.  “I’ll grab my launcher.”

              “No, you won’t.  If you really are taking this journey to redeem yourself, you won’t take the risk that the guards may not surrender even when confronted with a lethal weapon.  You’ll borrow a Thornax launcher.  These guards are honorable Water Tribe Glatorians that think they’re doing the right thing by defending the caravan.  Just like you claim you thought you were by fighting for the right in the Core War.  You won’t run the risk of endangering their lives.  We’ll go in as a team and defeat them by any non-lethal means.  We won’t be able to afford the same luxury with the Harvest Faction, but we can spare the lives of these Glatorian.  If that’s too much trouble, too much about your true motivations will be left unclear and I’m walking out on your offer.”

              Hesmit didn’t need to have bothered with issuing an ultimatum.  Ocucko was convinced by the time Hesmit had compared the caravan guards’ intentions with his own intentions long ago.  “That’s a clear objective.  Let’s get your village those resources.  It’ll be our little parting gift to Vulcanus before you head out.”

              Ocucko looked pointedly at the exit, indicating to Hesmit that she should lead the way, and they turned and left the arena.




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  5. Chapter 3 – “Smoky Dealings”


                   Ocucko and Nardohi had crossed hostile land where soot choked the air as they proceeded north.  Orienteering became easy as the Iron Canyon began to rise up on either side.  It provided a clear orientation facing straight toward Fire Tribe territory.  Ocucko had asked Nardohi to lead.  It had been too long since he’d last left the Flaming Wastes and he would rather that Nardohi lead them towards the destination he had chosen: Vulcanus.  They traveled lightly, only bringing with them some basic gear in a pair of sacks and their weapons.  Nardohi carried a warhammer and had the distinctive white armor of an Ice Tribe Glatorian.  He admitted to having worked with a security detail for hazardous mineral extraction operations in Iconox.

                    The ashen shapes of Vulcanus’ outskirts were starting to rise up in the distance.  “Regardless of the abundance of heat in this village, don’t expect our welcome to be warm,” Ocucko warned.

                    Nardohi gave him a querulous look.  “Why’s that?”

                    “Because of me.  No one in their right mind would let me into their home without keeping a close eye.  I carry a weapon banned in any respectable arena and I possess more of a notoriety than a fame.  Just let me handle the talking.”

                    “What – you afraid I’ll get them angry?”

                    “Oh, they’ll be plenty angry when they figure out who I am.  It’s just that we need to tread carefully here and it’s better if one person does all the talking.  And they will definitely want to hear a firsthand account from me, so I might as well do all the talking.”

                    “Fair enough.  I’ll keep my mouth shut and play along with anything you do.  I just have one question: how exactly are we going to find any potential recruits?”

                    “We’ll start by watching their rookies as they perform their training exercises.  As for making a choice… trust me: I have eons of combat experience and I can tell who has what it takes if I get a good look at them in action.  Then it’s just a matter of making sure he or she and all their buddies are committed to dealing with all the social ramifications of recruiting a Tribe’s hometown Glatorian for a mission that could get all its members killed.”

                    “You made it sound so easy until that cynical comment at the end.”

                    Ocucko huffed with impatience.  “It’s straightforward enough, but nothing about any part of this journey will be easy.  If you thought I would make things right as soon as you found me, you’ve got another thing entirely coming your way.  This is only going to get harder, tougher, and bloodier as it goes on.”


                    “Hold it right there!  Weapons of that nature are not permitted in Vulcanus.”

                    The guard called out to Ocucko, gesturing in the direction of the shardslinger.  Ocucko glanced at his weapon.  “I was afraid of this.”

                    “We need to confiscate that if you’re entering the village proper.  You can pick it when you leave.  Just let me know which exit you’re taking so I can have it transferred to the monitored weaponry repository there.  You’re also going to have to have our village leader check you over before you leave to determine your intentions.  We learned long ago that weapons like that can be a sign of Undercutter activity, if not the Syndicate themselves.”  Ocucko made a mental note to keep an eye out for any groups going by those names.  He didn’t know any of the major power players after his extended isolation.

                    “We were planning on speaking with your leader, anyway,” Ocucko explained as he relinquished the weapon.  “Send for him, will you?”

                    “That shouldn’t be necessary.  Raanu is currently at his normal quarters and is available to speak with.  You don’t need an appointment if you’re just requesting his clearance on a local matter.”

                    “There’re two problems with that.  The first is that this isn’t exactly a local matter, but I’m still not about to wait around for some appointment while administrators spin their wheels.  The second is that Raanu might have… an unpredictable reaction… if I were to approach him unannounced.  It’ll be better if you send a runner to tell him that I would like to speak with him.”

                    The guard nodded and addressed an Agori.  The smaller being sped off into Vulcanus to find Raanu.

                    “Unpredictable reaction?” Nardohi inquired.

                    Ocucko waved Nardohi aside so that the guard wouldn't hear their conversation.  “Yeah… I don’t want him to think I came here to assassinate him.  There’s still a lot of deep tensions between the Fire Tribe and yours truly.  It was their Tribe that suffered the most casualties at my hands during the Core War.  I’m just glad these guards here aren’t familiar with my appearance, or we’d be deep into hostilities already.”

                    “If you were expecting a welcome this hostile, why didn’t we head to other places to start our recruiting?”

                    “If the Harvest Faction has the potential to cause as much chaos as you have implied, we’re going to need everyone we can get on this mission.  It seems illogical that the Skrall would be sending slavers as far south as you’ve claimed.  They have something specific planned; you’re right on that much.  That means we need some of the best, and the Fire Tribe might just be able to provide what we need.  I faced their warriors in the war.  They fight with a certain breed of fury we might just need.”

                    “But surely there must be others we could get!" Nardohi protested.  "We don’t need the Fire Tribe –”

                    “That’s the train of thought that brought on the Core War," Ocucko interrupted.

                    “What?" Nardohi replied, appalled.  "There’s quite a leap of logic between thinking a group isn’t needed and openly slaughtering them to monopolize resources on behalf of the Element Lords!”

                    “Yeah, you could say that.  But extremist opinions like those start small.  They seem so irrelevant at first… but one step at a time you start to lose track of the little compromises in your moral reasoning that you keep making in order to keep moving on.  And then you do something you’ll regret for an eternity.”

                    “Spare me the melodrama," Nardohi answered dismissively.  "I’m speaking in the interest of practicality here –”

                    “Don’t question me on this!” Ocucko spat.  “This isn’t open for debate!  If you want me to run this operation, then you’ll follow my advice and I’m telling you that if we Glatorian don’t learn to stand together, then we’ll all die on our own!  Maybe to the Harvest Faction.  Maybe to the Skrall.  But I think it’s more likely we’ll die at each other’s hands soon enough if we don’t learn that everyone is important to greater whole.  That’s what almost happened once in the Core War and I lived through that nightmare! I’ve already made these mistakes and moved past them.  You hear me?”

                    Nardohi could see the logic to Ocucko's argument, but it lacked the power to convince anyone when the person it was coming from was Ocucko.  All the same, Nardohi never got a chance to tell Ocucko how hypocritical this argument about unity and the importance of every life seemed when it was coming from someone who had spent the last few millennia killing anyone who he was asked to fight without any rhyme or reason to the brutality.  A Fire Tribe Glatorian came around the corner, Thornax launcher raised.  “That’s far enough, Ocucko!  I’m not going to have you plundering Vulcanus the way you used to sack our encampments!  What under the blazing sun made you crawl out from under whatever rock you’d found to cause more trouble after so long?” It only took Ocucko a moment to recognize the former enemy before him.


                    Silent warriors creeping forward.

                    Elemental launchers readied and weapons at hand.

                   Fire Tribe warriors unaware.  Easy targets.

                   The howl of a trained iron wolf pierces the night; chaos erupts.

                   Tents burning, iron wolves pouncing Fire Tribe Glatorian before they even unsheathe their weapons, a crystalline tang of ice shards –

                   - and screaming.  So much screaming.

                  And one Fire Tribe warrior stands despite the inevitable odds.  He wields burning torches, holds back the advance, allows the few survivors to escape before he himself disappears into the night.



                 Ocucko attempted to devise some sort of meaningful greeting.  “Ackar.  Seems the War left you better off than most, for what it’s worth.”

                 “It’s worth nothing coming from your mouth!” Ackar retaliated furiously.

                 “Ackar!" Ocucko barked in annoyance.  "I didn’t come just to bask in the enmity you have for me.  I just want to go to the arena.  I know your rules; I’m not going to break any.  I’ve already handed over my illegal weapon; ask your guard if you don’t believe me.”

                Ackar narrowed his eyes.  “What are you up to, Ocucko?  Because you most definitely are up to something; I can feel it already.”

                Ocucko let a sly grin creep across his face; then he grabbed the rim of his headgear and tipped it in a gesture of salutation.  “It would be my pleasure to explain.”


                Raanu and Ackar were at Ocucko’s right side, Nardohi remained on the left.  They watched the candidates enter the arena for training practice.  Ocucko had convinced them to at least allow him to witness a training session… at a tradeoff.  Ocucko would be expected to enter the ring near the end and offer professional training for the Fire Tribe rookies.  In return, he could have one of their Glatorian to bring on his quest – with a catch.  He’d have to convince whichever Glatorian he’d chosen to come along willingly – and he could only attempt to convince one.  Ocucko expected this was how they intended to extort him into giving their Glatorian free training from an outside source; they were expecting he would fail to convince anyone.  Maybe, Ocucko thought.  But maybe I can find someone to work with here.  Someone with a sense of justice who is desperate to stop the Harvest Faction.  None of the candidates here were aware of why their skills were being reviewed today.  They had only been told to display their skills as best they could because a guest trainer from the Ice Tribe was visiting.

                Ocucko was aware that part of this arrangement was simply the Fire Tribe attempting to protect its reputation.  It would look bad if they simply turned down a group that intended to take on a menace that threatened all the Tribes.  Meanwhile, due to their position so far south, the Harvest Faction seemed to be a distant threat to the Tribal leader Raanu and his current first Glatorian, Ackar.  They’d rather have other Tribes commit individuals and resources to deal with the problem.  By allowing Ocucko to at least watch the candidates train, they could at least hold him accountable for being unable to convince a Glatorian to come along with him, rather than owning up to their own unwillingness to commit warriors or resources.

               Ackar pointed at a lumbering warrior in the midst of a heated brawl somewhere in the center of the arena.  “You should consider Malum.  He fights with unparalleled fury.  I’ll give you some space.  Raanu and I need to take a moment to make sure we’ve thought of everything.”  The two Fire Tribe members stepped off into an alcove to talk in private.

    Ackar glanced out of the archway furtively, trying to make sure that Ocucko couldn’t hear.  “Where is Hesmit?” he asked in an undertone.

              “I distracted her by rushing the next caravan to Tesara out of here and insisting that she bolster the escort forces until it clears the Vorox den.  I told her she could meet the guest trainer afterwards, but if we rush him along, we may be able to get him to pick a candidate and go before she returns.”

              “The Vorox den isn’t that far out,” Ackar ruefully pointed out.

              Raanu sighed.  “She was very eager for the opportunity we are going to have to deny her for her own safety, unfortunately.  I had to assign her to a task that made it seem feasible that she might be able to return before Ocucko leaves, otherwise she wouldn’t have agreed.  She seems to suspect we’re up to something, but I don’t think she taken a guess at anything as grand as their true purpose.”

              “We can at least give the Great Beings thanks for that much.”

              “Yes," Raanu agreed.  "If she actually knew that they intended to take on the Harvest Faction, there’d be no way to convince her not to join them.  Then we’d lose her and have to choose a new rookie to train as your eventual replacement for first Glatorian.  We just need to get him to choose another Glatorian, or get him to give up, before she returns.  She'll be gone faster than a snuffed flame otherwise.”

              “Do you think this Nardohi figure knows what we’re up to?  He hasn’t been in isolation for ages in the way Ocucko has.”

              “It’s not general knowledge among the other Tribes that you’ve begun training a successor.  He surely knows who Hesmit is, but I doubt he knows enough to realize she is the perfect match for their task, nor that we have a reason to keep her out of this.”

              “Let’s hope you’re right.”


             “Um… Ocucko,” Nardohi began, looking over his shoulder.  “I think the Fire Tribe leader is up to something.  With Ackar over there – see them?”

             Ocucko continued to keep his eyes fixed on the arena as he leaned on the railing of the observation balcony, but he had also been studying the alcove where the red-clad pair was deep in discussion.  “I noticed, too.  Don’t look at them.  We need to stall until they come clean, but that won’t work if they know that we are aware they are hiding something.”

             “Do you think they want to take you down now that they think your guard is down?”

             “Ackar’s not stupid even if he has a hot temper and he knows me too well to think I'd ever let my guard down.  I never do, not even in my sleep.”

             “Right.  I guess I learned that the hard way,” Nardohi admitted, wincing at the memory.

             “My guess is that they’re hiding something.  I just can’t figure out why."

             “Then what do we do for now?”

             Ocucko gave Nardohi a disappointed look, as if the answer should have been obvious.  “What I said I’d do: train their rookies.”

             “But they aren’t keeping their end of the bargain!  They’re hiding something.”

             “Just because they aren’t going to honor their promises does not mean I won’t.  I said I would train their rookies… so I will.”

             Ocucko grabbed a Thornax launcher from a weapon stand and stalked up to the edge of Vulcanus Arena.  “Now,” he whispered to himself with an impish grin. “Who wants to get humiliated first?”  Not a moment later, he threw himself into the arena.


    Chapter 4 – “Vulcanus”


              A spritely female Fire Tribe Glatorian sprinted into the antechamber just beyond Vulcanus Arena.  Her armor was atypical for a Fire Tribe Glatorian.  It did not have any orange or yellow, nor did it even have much very much red.  Most of it was a matte black, with markings and highlights in dark red.  “Alright, where’s the guest trainer?  Uh, Ackar?”

            “Wha… Hesmit?”Ackar worriedly exclaimed. “I thought you were escorting the caravan!”

            “I did.  I asked the driver to speed things up so that I could get back quickly.”  She looked around, then repeated “So… guest trainer?”

            “He ended up a bit rushed, I’m afraid.  I’m sorry, Hesmit, but he just left to return to Iconox.”

            Hesmit shot a glare in Ackar's direction.  “I thought you were going to make sure he stayed here until I got back!  What do you mean, he left?”

            “I’m not sure.  He just… had to leave quickly.  You know how those Ice Tribe types are; all that sunlight reflecting off of the ice must fry their brains.  He just left without a word.”

            “He ‘just left without a word?’  Why didn’t you think to stop him?”  She began to move toward the arena’s entrance.  “I better get to the arena and ask if anyone else noticed which way he went, maybe I can catch up with –”

            “No!”  Ackar blurted.  “Um… there was an accident in the arena and…”

            “An accident?  But I can hear Glatorians practicing in there.”  Nothing was stopping Hesmit at this point; she had to know the details.  Too quickly for Ackar to stop her, she slipped out of the antechamber and to the edge of the arena.  With only a cursory glance at the charred rock laced with molten veins that passed for Vulcanus arena, she turned around and asked “Ackar, what are you playing at?  The guest trainer is still here.”

            “Oh!  He is?  I must have been mistaken.”  An undertone of concern marred his words.

            Hesmit suspiciously glanced at Ackar in her peripheral vision.  “Is something wrong?”

            “…No, Hesmit.  Nothing.”


           “Control!” Ocucko shouted.  “You need to put an end to the battle with your own temper before you can put an end to the battle with your opponent!”

           Malum’s only response was to charge forward yet again with renewed fury, bellowing in rage.  Ocucko simply leapt clear and allowed Malum to stumble uncontrollably past the area where Ocucko had just been standing.  Without even turning to face his opponent, Ocucko swung his arm behind him and Frostfire connected with Malum’s backside. Combined with his momentum from charging forward blindly, Malum was launched onto the ground.

           “Not one to take advice, are you?”  Ocucko taunted.  “Really, you’re attacking so mindlessly a Vorox could outwit you!  Put the anger aside and focus on your task.”

           “What task?  All I have to do is lay you flat on the ground to end this!”  Malum retorted as he rose to his feet once again.

           “Yet  you fail miserably in your attempt to accomplish even that!”  Useless. Ocucko thought.  He can’t see the bigger picture for the life of him.  There’s no way he would fight the Harvest Faction for the greater good; he’s only concerned with glory.  A second thought occurred to Ocucko.  Not that I would want someone like him on the team in the first place. “Your attacks are undisciplined and poorly honed.”

            “You think a Vorox could outwit me, huh?  I’m far more deadly than one of those vermin.  I’ll  leave you more mangled than any one of them could ever hope to by the time this is over!”

            Ocucko exhaled sharply.  “Malum!  Your inability to control yourself is getting pathetic.  Even if you could defeat me – which you can’t – torturing a defeated opponent is not permitted by your arena’s rules.  Nonsensical trash like that is never permitted in organized arenas – well, except for in certain places I’ve been,” Ocucko said, thinking of the Kill Pits and the total lack of rules and, for that matter, the lack of basic humanity in that place.  “Be glad you’ve never seen those places.”

            “After all the humiliation you’ve caused me today, I don’t care!  I just need to show everyone that you’re wrong about me by beating you into the ground!  I’ll kill you, you Spikit-spittle-coated weak – ”

            A rope connecting two weights – a bola – slammed into Malum’s side.  As the rotating rope connected with his body, the weights continued forward and wrapped around his body, effectively tying him up within the matter of a second.  He fell to the ground, incapacitated and writhing.

             “Sorry, Malum,” a female Glatorian apologized as she appeared on the scene.  The black and dark red coloration of her armor gave Ocucko the impression that she was an ember from a dying fire.  She continued.  “But the outsider is right.  The rules forbid such actions.”

             “This doesn’t concern you Hesmit!” Malum raged.

             “I think you’ve been with the trainer long enough.  It’s my turn now.”  She kneeled down beside him and began to unwrap him from the bola she had thrown.  Ocucko noticed she had a straight-bladed, two-edged sword to complement the bola.  Larger than a shortsword, yet smaller and far thinner than a broadsword.  It was the weapon of choice one would expect from a generalist, trained in numerous different modes of attack and schools of combat, making that person unwilling to use a weapon that would restrict him or her to a specific method of fighting.

             “Fine.  But teach him a lesson.  He doesn’t have any respect.”  Malum sauntered off.  Meanwhile, Hesmit turned to face Ocucko.  “My apologies on behalf of Malum’s temper.  Who are you exactly?”

            “I’m a trainer that currently has a… special arrangement with the Fire Tribe.  I’ll evaluate your abilities and explain any potential areas for improvement to start.  If you’re good enough, we might make a… further arrangement.”

            Hesmit narrowed her eyes.  “Sorry, but… didn’t Ackar mention me if you were looking for skilled Glatorian?”

            “…No?  He just mentioned Malum, but if he’s the best in Vulcanus – all I can say is that things have changed in my time gone.  But I have been gone a long time.  If you think you have it what takes, prove it to me.”

            A hurt look crossed Hesmit eyes.  “Well, then let’s just start.”

            At the very moment she finished the sentence, Ocucko raised his Thornax launcher with untraceable speed, then fired.  With no time to react, Hesmit was struck in the helmet and crumpled to the ground from the sheer force of the impact.  Ocucko moved forward to request that she acknowledge defeat, but Hesmit had a surprise in store for him.

            Just as he was about to lower his blade in front of her face, she levered herself back upright and hurled her sword, point-first, in his direction.  He was hit in the torso, but his armor held.  Regardless, the impact was sufficient to make him stumble away from Hesmit and to give her a chance to start swinging her bola over her head in preparation for a throw.

            With a practiced hand, she let the bola sail.  Ocucko was unprepared for the breadth of the arc as the weights swung widely.  He jumped clear of the incoming rope to prevent himself from becoming entangled, but one of the two weights struck him in the chest and threw him onto his back.

            At this point, Hesmit could have ended the battle if only she still had her sword.  Seeing as that Ocucko had disadvantaged her at the start of the battle by forcing her into the desperate act of flinging her sword at him, she was forced decide between running for her weapon or tackling Ocucko to preserve her advantage.  She chose to wrestle with him.

            Hesmit threw herself onto Ocucko and brought her fist down onto his face.  As he recoiled, she unstrapped Frostfire from his arm.

            At this point, Ocucko reached up and wrenched her helmet off to leave her head exposed.  Then he butted her face with the rim of his helmet.  Pain blossomed through Hesmit’s unprotected head and she fell off of him.  As he hurriedly rose back to his feet, Hesmit scrambled clear and snatched her sword and helmet back.  As both fell back into their starting positions, rearmed and ready to engage each other once again, Hesmit snapped “That shot was unfair!  You hadn’t acknowledged the start of a battle.”

             “Fairness is irrelevant when the only goal is to win.  I at least waited until you said you were ready to start, even if not one second longer.  That’s more than others will grant you.”

             “Like who?”

             “Oh… I don’t know…” Ocucko began.  Then he decided to test something out.  “Perhaps… the Harvest Faction?”

             “Then neither will I!”  Only now did Ocucko realize that Hesmit had been keeping a Thornax launcher strapped to her back which she had just now removed.

              As the Thornax fruit sailed toward his face, Ocucko couldn't hide his surprise at this unexpected attack. Nevertheless, he simply deflected it with a flick of his head which caused it to glance off of the rim of his helmet.

              “Wha-?  Not fair!”

              “Little is, Glatorian.  But you’ve got spirit… and learn fast, too," Ocucko responded, impressed.

               He charged at her with Frostfire raised, only to find it parried.   A flurry of blows were exchanged as Hesmit and Ocucko each jockeyed for an advantage in this tense duel.  The few spectators that had come to witness what had started out as a mundane training session were now enraptured.

               Quickly, Ocucko noticed that Hesmit was a master at holding her own ground.  She never gave up an inch of the charred rock that lined the floor of Vulcanus’ arena.  For that matter, she rarely advanced, either; instead, she simply allowed Ocucko to wear himself down on her unsurpassed defensive posturing.  Frostfire, though unnaturally light due to its transformation, was bulky.  Her defensive tactics made it impossible for him to land a blow with his large weapon.  This finally gave Ocucko an idea after multiple volleys of fruitlessly exchanged blows.  He pounded his blade down heavily against Hesmit’s and put his bodyweight into it.  As she struggled to hold her ground rather than fall back, she invested all her energy into pushing against him.  Ocucko them stepped to the side and released the pressure, allowing Hesmit to stumble forward.  Without giving her the chance to regain her footing, he elbowed her in the side and then whacked the flat of his blade across her back to knock her over and into the ground.  He lowered Frostfire over her neck with a speed that would have been impossible without Frostfire’s low weight.  “A surprisingly good fight.  I have an offer if you will concede and let us move on.”

              “I give up.  You’re too good.”

              “Alright.”  He removed Frostfire from its position over her throat and then offered her a hand.  She took it to get up.  “Now what’s this offer?”

              “I made a deal with Ackar despite an old rivalry between us.  I would train the Fire Tribe’s dwindling supply of rookies if he would allow me to bring one with me on a journey I am about to take.  I have been given one restriction, though.  Whoever I choose must willingly agree to come along and I can only choose to extend this offer to a single person.  You fought valiantly and you learned quickly.  You generally fight fair, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but more importantly, you didn’t give in when I fought dirty.  All of these traits would come in handy on the mission I have planned.  I’ve made up my mind and I’m choosing you - it's you and your skills that I want.  You just need to tell me whether you are willing to come along or not.  I’m warning you, there is very likely we will lose good Glatorian, because we’re going to take on - ”

              “The Harvest Faction?” she interrupted, drawing the connection.  Ocucko nodded.  He was unprepared for her next words.  Or word.





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  6. Chapter 2 – “The Ice Calls to its Own”


              He was back there again.  In that Great-Being-forsaken land lost in the depths of glacial wastes.

                    Or at least that’s where his mind was.


                    Ocucko studied his surroundings.  He appeared to be in a palace made of ice.  Alone.

                    He strode up to a series of icy pillars that rose up before him.  Only as he began to stroke the surface of one of them was he finally addressed.

                    “Ocucko!”  The icy ire of the voice’s owner was unmistakable.

                    “Ice Lord,” Ocucko returned before even fully turning around to face the being.  “Why am I here?  Or at least some part of me.  Last I remembered I was drifting into sleep on my cot in my quarters.”

                    “Is that what you call it?  Your quarters?  Because it’s little more than a cell last I checked.  Don’t be a fool.  You are nothing.  You have fallen into a desperate and hopeless anonymity from which you delude yourself into believing you are a fallen guardian of justice by fighting like a primitive creature in the Flaming Wastes.  And in doing so, you have become that very primitive creature.”

                    “Very eloquent.  Except you forget that you were the only one who ever saw anything in me to begin with.  The only one who was so drastically wrong.”

                    “Pathetic.  After I granted you everything you requested, you blame me for your defection and failure.  But there is another reason your mind has strayed to this place.”


                    “Destiny is calling upon you, however hard you may try to hide from it with your self-imposed seclusion in the Flaming Wastes.  The lands to the far north are calling upon you again.”

                    “The northlands can rot in their own frozen torpor!  What do you mean – ‘they call?’”

                    “We never really ascertained just when you were truly destined for that energized substance, Ocucko, did we?  I believe your true appointment with it has yet to come… and come soon it will.  Your destiny is what prevented you from being incinerated upon contact.”

                    “How would you know?”

                    “Something is about to happen,” the Ice Lord continued, ignoring the question.  “I believe the fulfillment of your story is yet to occur, but it will occur soon.  Many powerful forces will be involved.  That is what the icy gales whisper in my ear these days.  A new age is coming.  And you must return to the land from whence you came.”

                    “The land I despise!  I turned my back on it in disgust.  If I return it will likely be with little more intention than to raze the entire place!  Let me go and tend to my mindless warmongering in the Kill Pits; at least there I can forget the innumerable sins I have committed in the misguided name of ‘peace through victory.’  And even more so the losses I endured as I strode that path.”

                    “Ocucko… I don’t think you understand.  I did not bring your mind here.  It came on its own.  You cannot resist this.  Even your own subconscious recognizes the inevitability of what will come to pass.”

                    Ocucko pondered what information had been exchanged in the dialogue up to this point.  Perhaps his connection with the Ice Lord, combined with some shift of energy in this tempestuous time, had temporarily allowed his subconscious to project itself onto the canvas of the Ice Lord’s mind.  Or maybe this entire episode was occurring within his mind and this representation before him had no connection to the actual Ice Lord.  He had no way of knowing.  After some thought, he continued “If fate is bringing me back to the north, then the balance of power is about to shift.”

                    “Whenever the great are involved, Ocucko, such is the case.”

                    “Don’t compliment me!  I had enough of that in the Core War.  Be wary, Ice Lord.  If you are correct, a maelstrom is brewing and your domain lies at its center.”

                    Suddenly Ocucko’s surroundings seemed to warp and shift.  The dream was breaking up.  Still, he heard the Ice Lord say one last thing.  “No, Ocucko.  My domain is not at its center.  You are.”

                    The vision ended.


                    A hand was shaking Ocucko awake.

                    Before even opening his eyes, Ocucko allowed his hand to reflexively dart to where he predicted this person's throat would be located.  He squeezed down tight and opened his eyes as he heard a choking sound.  A lifetime of battle had shaped him into a being that instinctively defended itself.  Realizing that the being was an unarmed Ice Tribe Glatorian, he released the pressure and levered himself upright in order to look at the guest he had just assaulted.  Then the thought struck him.

                    A guest.  He had a guest; some Ice Tribe Glatorian had come to this wasteland to meet him.  That thought in itself was almost beyond comprehension.  What did anyone want with him?

                    The Ice Tribe Glatorian quit gasping and resumed normal respiration.  “Sun and sand!  You’re just as volatile as they claimed you were!”

                    Ocucko eyed the newcomer.  “Ocucko of the Flaming Wastes,” he introduced himself as he gave a curt nod in acknowledgment of this person’s presence, “but it seems as if you might know that already.  Who are you and why did you choose to sneak up on me?  Of all the foolish actions in the world, that ranks near the top.”

                    “Tell me about it,” the Glatorian muttered.  He took a deep breath to regain his composure, then started speaking with what almost seemed to be an air of professionalism.  “My name’s Nardohi and I have an offer for you.  A commission, if you will.  I’ve come a long way, but I think you’re the only one who can help.”

                    Ocucko laughed derisively.  “And what makes you think I plan on ending my slaughters here in the Kill Pits in order to aid one insignificant Glatorian of my former Tribe?”

                    “Nothing.  But that isn’t going to stop me from trying to convince you.  Will you at least listen?”

                    Ocucko had to admit that he at least had respect for Nardohi’s temerity, if nothing else.  “Out of curiosity, yes.  I want to know what sort of spikit spittle it was that you tread through that left you so incredibly desperate that you came, of all the individuals on this world, to me.  But don’t get your hopes up.”

                    “Very well.  Much has come to pass during your isolation in the Flaming Wastes.  The Skrall have set themselves up far north of even the Black Spike Mountains.”

                    “The northlands,” Ocucko spat.

                    “Exactly.  They enslaved many of the people in that area.  Very little word came from that part of the world and there was little we knew and even less we could do to help.  But that has changed.  The northlands were originally able to hold back the advances, but the people that live there are now unable to stem the tide of attackers.  Worse yet, the Skrall are sending slavers farther south than ever before for reasons unknown to us.  They want to get their hands on Agori and Glatorian that are endemic to our region for some specific purpose that we don’t know.  They have a ring of non-Skrall that perform raids in the regions of our Tribes.  We call them the Harvest Faction.”

                    “Get to the point.  Why would I involve myself?”

                    “The Harvest Faction is up to something big.  With the aid of the Skrall they are overwhelming the people of the northlands and, like I said, they’re now targeting us in the south as well.  It can’t be good and they need to be stopped for two reasons.  One: they’re enslaving our associates and our friends.  Two: their operation is presumably something that will grant the Skrall some strategic advantage and they may attempt to conquer other regions.  Their advance has to be halted before they become tyrannical overlords of massive tracts of land.  It’s bad enough that they’ve taken as much land as they have, but no one has intervened because nobody intends on doing any fighting simply out of charity with resources as scarce as they have been ever since the Shattering.”

                    “You want to stop a carefully coordinated slaving operation that the Skrall have going?  You’re even crazier than I first presumed!  While the Tribes cower in fear of any real military engagements on their own lands after the Shattering and institute a laughable gladiator-based system of using champions to solve disputes, you expect them to march deep into the northlands to take on this… Harvest Faction?”

                    “Absolutely not.  Despite the obvious and potentially imminent threat it poses, I am fully aware that the Tribal leaders have deluded themselves into turning a blind eye to the necessity for action.  There will be no armies marching north – ”

                   Ocucko interrupted.  ”At least you’ve got brains enough to see how worthless those gutless fools are.  Go on.”

                   Nardohi continued, unfazed.  “But, see, there are outspoken individuals who see the need to act.  A strike team could be organized to destroy the Harvest Faction’s base; kill the leaders.  Take that organization out of the equation and force the Skrall to look for alternatives or give up on whatever they have planned.  But that team would need a leader.  Someone with military experience, knowledge of frozen lands like the northlands, and the capability to motivate people on a nearly impossible task.  In other words, it would need you.”

                    “Let’s stop blending reality with daydreams and speculation, shall we?” Ocucko sneered.  “Essentially, you are proposing a suicide mission.  You hope to take out a large consortium of powerful warriors using nothing more than a minimal task force led by me, who is, according to many sources, a homicidal maniac – not the inspirational leader you’re claiming I am.”

                    Nardohi winced slightly at the accusation.  “True… all true, yes,” he opened uncomfortably.  “But I believe in you and I know that you were guided onto this sad pathway by what were originally honorable intentions.  Most have forgotten why you made the choices that you did, Ocucko, by I’ve followed rumors indicating that you never meant for any of this to happen.  If other people had been as forward-thinking as you had been in quitting the War, we might have avoided the Shattering.”

                    “It doesn’t matter why I made my choices!  It only matters that I have committed atrocities that I will never find redemption for,” Ocucko contested.

                    “Then what I’ve heard is true.  Come with me!  This can be your redemption.”

                    The downward tilt of the rim of Ocucko’s headgear lifted slightly.  He looked this Nardohi character, whoever he was, right in the eye.  The fool was grinning.  To him, everything worked out, it would all be so simple and straightforward…  How naïve.

                    He had no idea what he was dealing with.  Or who.

                    Ocucko felt a surge of rage.  With nearly inconceivable speed, he launched himself at this person who had dared to intrude on his violent, hermetic, self-imposed exile.  Ocucko lifted Nardohi off of the ground and pinned his neck to the wall with his right forearm, ready to snuff the breath right out of this fool’s body.  But he didn’t.  Not yet.  There was one thing he simply had to know.

                    “What is it with you!  Why have you gone so far on a whim of a plan that would most likely be the end of you and any who agreed to go along with you?  It’s not simply because you see a need to act; it can’t be!  This has to be something personal.  Why!”

                    Nardohi had a panicked exression; his muscles were clenched with tension, yet his eyes were glazed with reluctant acceptance.  Ocucko recognized it within an instant; he’d seen it so many times in the Core War.  It was the look in a soldier’s eyes when they realized they had fallen for that one fatal feint, stepped into that one lethal trap.  It was the look that you only saw right as people realized they had made the mistake that would cost them their life.  Yet, Nardohi still croaked out a response.

                    “Because of her.  They took her and they aren’t going to stop.”


                    “A… Adani.  They took her in the last raid.  She was just on a patrol out beyond Iconox and they… they got her.  I lost her, but it’s only the start.  How many others will suffer the same loss I have?  And I have to try to get her back!  She’s all that matters anymore!”

                    So that was it.  He wasn’t just a fool, he was a lovestruck fool.  That was possibly the last thing Ocucko had the patience to put up with; he couldn’t even empathize with this Glatorian's plight ever since his… changes.  Ocucko tensed his arm, preparing to squeeze the life out of this stupid, stupid Glatorian…

                    …but then he stopped.  He was in that place again, that place where the memories came back, far too fast and far too painful.


                    A male Ice Glatorian, stretched out on the ice, inert, never to move again.  His broken body now nothing more than a testament to the cruelty of war.

                    His lover kneels beside him, lamenting his passing.  She screams unintelligible sounds at the uncompassionate tundra around her, beating her fists on the permafrost-laced ground.

                    And he, Ocucko, watches.  This is what he had wanted to stop in the first place.  This is what he had wanted to end.  But as long as the war continued, so would these sights…


                    He had accepted the Ice Lord’s twisted gifts in order to try and create a world where people like Nardohi could love  - whether that love be for a thing, a place, a cause, or a special someone - without fear of… stuff like this.  What Nardohi had just experienced.  Ocucko had set out because there was so very little love left in the world and he had wanted to safeguard that tiny bit that still remained.

                    And now he was about to kill what he had meant to protect, destroy this one inextinguishable spark of hope that had refused to give up on his love even in a world as twisted as Bara Magna after the Shattering.

                    No, he couldn’t do that.  He had once been better than this.  And he could be again.

                    He released the pressure and watched as Nardohi slumped to the floor, unprepared for the release.

                    “Have it your way,” Ocucko grumbled.  “I accept the offer.”


                    “You’re right – on all matters.  This is a chance to finally make amends for all the wrongs I have committed, probably my only chance.  We’ll need not just some of this land’s greatest fighters, but also some of its best specialists in diverse fields ranging from stealth and subterfuge to vehicles and siege weaponry.  An odyssey to the northlands awaits us.”

                    And, for that matter, Ocucko added mentally, my destiny as well.  Whatever it may be.

                    Ocucko studied the slack-jawed and clearly confused Glatorian, who had yet to say a word in reply, or even rise off of the floor for that matter.  “Come on, we might as well head out now before I change my mind.  There’s no time like the present when it comes to changing the course of history.”




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  7. Chapter 1 – “Fiery Ice”


    Heat rising in waves.

    Volcanic fumes bursting from fissures in the ground.

    A land that might as well have been on fire. The Flaming Wastes – a land due south of even the Fire Tribe’s territory these many ages after the end of the Core War.

    The Iron Canyon was inhospitable enough… but when you are talking about a place that lies beyond the point where the Iron Canyon winds off into level ground, a place where the sun is obscured by a perpetual low-hanging smog of noxious volcanic gases and ash, a place where vehicles and pack animals must be abandoned seeing as that they would sink into the fine volcanic ash that covers the ground… that is the very definition of “inhospitable.”

    Ocucko leapt down into the arena from the raised pedestal. Scorching soils teased his feet with prickles of the occasional burning sensation even through his boots. The tall, featureless walls guaranteed there was no way out now that he had jumped in. Not until after the victor had been decided and a ladder lowered.

    A snarl and a growl issued from somewhere on the other side of the arena, the two sounds overlapping. A Spikit, Ocucko realized. So no Glatorian to kill today. Yet. Ah well, he thought. Not even a land full of as many lawless desperadoes as this one has enough Glatorian to keep up with the desire for amusement of these sick-minded maniacs.

    The audience was minimal. Just a few barbaric thugs that placed bets on who came out the arena alive. No one who had bet on Ocucko had ever lost. Of course, considering these arenas were called the Kill Pits for a reason, the fact that he was still alive made it quite clear that he hadn’t ever lost. Ocucko had spent some time here, fighting whatever the ringleaders of this operation could think up. He knew he wasn’t the only resident Glatorian, but he was pretty sure he was the only original one still alive after all this time. Even the best among the others had eventually fallen within time, due to an eventual spontaneous error if nothing else. And when you fall in the Kill Pits of the Flaming Wastes… you never get up again.

    The Spikit clambered over a wall and crashed into the arena. Before it could even react, Ocucko was racing to meet it. With a jab, he plunged his oversized armblade, a relic of the Core War, deep into the throat of the Spikit’s left head. He pulled it out in a swift motion that ended in a 360° spin. As he finished the maneuver, he was already lifting his shardslinger, another weapon he’d had since the Core War. The shardslinger had the appearance of a crossbow, but it fired exsidian shards as long as Ocucko’s forearm. Without hesitation, he fired a shot at the remaining head. With a sickening thunk, the shard hit home and embedded itself between the eyes of the Spikit’s right head. It fell to the ground, dead, without having even had a chance to defend itself against the unstoppable Ice Glatorian’s wrath.

    Knowing the nature of the gladiatorial operation running in the Kill Pits, Ocucko was certain that some nasty trick was still in store. It was never this simple. As the small crowd staring down from the tops of the walls far above him clamored for more bloodshed, he knew they would be acquiesced.

    As he waited for the fulfillment of their request, his thoughts strayed back to the Core War. Back to the decisions he’d made that had led him to his current plight.


    “These results were… unexpected. Regardless, you still fit the role perfectly. You are the ideal champion for my… our cause. You have everything you asked me to grant you. Now return to the battlefield and change the course of this pointless war.”

    Ocucko had accepted the offer. He knew he would never forgive himself if there had been a way to get the remaining Ice Tribe warriors out of this war without any more casualties and if he had then turned that chance down.

    Ocucko had willingly leapt into a pit of energized protodermis. Surprisingly, he had not been transformed, but he felt power surge through his veins. He swam up to the surface and clambered out, but something was different about the substance. It no longer seemed so volatile or… energized. It had been reverted to nothing more than liquid protodermis. It was as if he had absorbed the energy directly into his body, bypassing both of the formerly witnessed eventualities of either total disintegration or transformation.

    Soon afterward, he discovered he could control ice and snow in just the manner that the Ice Lord did. However, his ability was considerably less potent. He could freeze a given target, but not produce a blizzard the way the Ice Lord could. It was deemed too risky to attempt to expose him yet again to potentially fatal substance, so he remained in this state. At first, his abilities were unpredictable and difficult to control. After awhile, the Ice Lord volunteered to use his control over elemental ice energies to try and stabilize Ocucko’s own powers. Once that had taken place, Ocucko possessed the control he needed.

    He baffled all the Ice Tribe’s scholars. According to all prior knowledge, he should have either been completely transformed or utterly disintegrated. Some conjectured that he was fated to an appointment with this substance… but that that time may have not yet come. It would only be at that time that the transformation would occur, they claimed. Nevertheless, no one could discern the truth.

    Ocucko was an anomaly. No one was able to provide a satisfactory explanation. Ocucko didn’t care. He had a purpose in this world and he didn’t care about the specifics. Little did he know that he would one day discover the truth, many thousands of years down the road. For that matter, it would also be many years before Ocucko would learn that the Ice Lord had lied about experimenting with objects that “defined Ocucko” prior to their meeting in the ice cave. In actuality, submerging Ocucko’s sword had been the first and only such experiment and the Ice Lord had posited that existence of earlier experiments with the sole intention of assuaging Ocucko’s fears.

    He had accepted the Ice Lord’s offer and made several requests. He wanted a ranged weapon that did not use elemental power, as that would be redundant with his newfound abilities. A shardslinger fit that requirement. One of the most challenging weapons to master, but also the most lethal one that any known weaponsmith could produce. The shards could pierce armor and, if the hit was in the right location, instantly kill the target. No second chances.

    He had also requested to be placed in command of a pack of the Ice Tribe’s most relentless trained iron wolves. The warrior Surel had recently domesticated them as beasts of war and Ocucko wanted to use them to make sure nothing escaped his hunts.

    But one thing never left Ocucko’s mind. When the Ice Lord has stabilized Ocucko’s elemental ice powers, it seemed like that had not been all that the Ice Lord was doing to Ocucko. To him, it had felt as if the Ice Lord had been doing something… more.

    The Ice Lord had put a hand on Ocucko’s chest. He stood motionless for some time, and Ocucko began to wonder if the Ice Lord was actually doing something meaningful, or just thinking while he held his hand up to Ocucko. But then Ocucko felt something change. It was as is something was freezing in his brain, closing off once-extant connections. Entire worlds of possibility were extinguished. And he felt his heart freezing over as if coated in a layer of ice.

    And when it had ended, he knew the Ice Lord had granted his darkest wish… but what else had he done?


    Breaking free of the memories and returning to the present, Ocucko glanced down at the armblade that had once been a broadsword. ‘Frostfire,’ was what he had christened it. When he stabbed the blade into ice, the ice seemed to melt as if struck with a fiery lance. But when touched, it was always freezing cold no matter the temperature around it. Clearly, he thought, I chose an apt name.

    The shardslinger in his other hand had undergone a few modifications over time. A shield had been affixed to its topside, preventing enemy attacks from damaging the mechanical components within while also giving him a tool to block with. Additionally, two long blades now protruded from each side, hanging back at an angle. The served a dual purpose. For one thing, he could injure opponents by smacking them with the cutting edge of these blades. More importantly, they were attached to the reloading mechanism, now inaccessibly hidden underneath the shield. By pulling them forward, he could prime the launcher for its next shot until the reserve of exsidian shards in the device ran out. Since it was capable of holding around fifteen shards in the cartridge below, that was hardly a concern except in the most extended of firefights.

    A winch dropped a cage, which broke open on impact, into the arena. Trapped inside had been two Vorox with elemental launchers. The guys running this show must have gotten a deal with a salvage team, Ocucko realized. Those weapons come from the Core War… from my glory days. Then he sneered aloud, disgusted with the path his own thoughts were taking. As if there had been anything glorious about it.

    Ocucko quickly discovered what element these launchers had been tied to. Balls of flame burst forth and pulverized volcanic rocks all around him, spewing an acrid ash into the air. He tilted his head down and allowed his helmet to deflect a couple shots, but his inability to see in this posture allowed the two Vorox to land hits on both of his weapons. The exsidian shard launcher glowed with heat and he was forced to drop it to prevent his hands from burning. Frostfire, as always, remained as cold as ice in complete disregard to the elemental bolts from the launchers.

    Ocucko charged to meet his foes. He stabbed with the Frostfire, but the Vorox parried the blow with his tribal spear. As the two weapons deflected each other, Ocucko used his now-empty hand that had previously held the launcher to take a swing at the Vorox. The punch collided with the unsuspecting creature’s face and it reeled over, falling onto its back. Ocucko slammed his bodyweight into the Vorox, pinning it to the ground. As the Vorox grappled with Ocucko to try and flip over and reverse their positions, Ocucko continually looked over his shoulder, keeping an eye on the other Vorox, which seemed to be biding its time. The Vorox pinned to the ground began lashing outwards with its stinger tail. As Ocucko began to take painful blows to the chest, the other Vorox seized the opportunity and fired the elemental launcher at Ocucko, hoping to hit him while he remained incapacitated by the other Vorox with which he was currently wrestling.

    Ocucko reveled in the fact that the second Vorox had fallen for the trap. As soon as the shot rang out, he released all pressure on the Vorox under him and allowed himself to be thrown to the ground – and out of harm’s way. The other Vorox, however, was struck by the flaming blasts of the elemental launcher used by its partner. Seared by the extreme heat, it flailed in agony and died.

    Realizing how devious Ocucko could be, the other Vorox threw the elemental launcher clean out of ring, making sure that it could never be used against him again for the duration of the fight. Then it scrambled toward Ocucko with a speed so superhuman that even Ocucko was unable to get clear.

    The Vorox tossed Ocucko to the ground and he felt claws raking his armor. He heaved himself back onto his feet, throwing the Vorox off of him. As he looked down, he realized that the straps keeping Frostfire on his arm had come undone. He was now unarmed.

    The Vorox was back on its feet. It jumped high into the air and came crashing down on Ocucko, but Ocucko used this tactic against the Vorox. He swiped his arms in front of himself, pushing the airborne creature to his right where it crashed to the ground rather than landing on top of Ocucko as it had intended. The collision still caused Ocucko to stumble, but he regained his footing too quickly for the Vorox to take advantage. Ocucko then dropped onto the Vorox’s exposed backside, pinning its stinger tail to its back and removing that advantage. He reached over the Vorox’s shoulders and throttled the pseudo-intelligent being, squeezing his hands around its throat. It thrashed violently for an extended period of time to the crowd’s amusement, until it finally suffocated. Only when the creature had gone motionless did Ocucko release the pressure and let go.

    Find peace, Ocucko thought. I feel your pain, for I am every bit as much of a monster as you. I am a killer. I am a savage. I am a purposeless monster… a monster who can’t even feel love anymore. Yes, that’s what it had been, hadn’t it…


    It was only a few weeks after the Ice Lord had “stabilized” his new powers. He’d felt something… different about himself ever since the change, but he couldn’t place it. Something gone, something missing that left him feeling empty. Something that had once been there, but that was now gone, gone, gone… what was it?

    And then he’d pinpointed it.

    He realized he’d felt strangest when talking to women. Even stranger than he normally had felt after the stabilization. He couldn’t… he couldn’t feel love. But it wasn’t even love in general, it was that particular, romantic type of love.

    Not in the sense that he couldn’t care; he could love life (not that he found anything lovable about it with all the chaos and destruction), he could love the wonders of the world around him (except it was slowly being destroyed by the Core War), he could show filial love for his friends (not that he had much of what one might call friends when their daily job was to kill anything without Ice Tribe armor that moved), but he couldn’t have a romantic connection with anyone. It had been blocked off in his mind as some sort of byproduct of the Ice Lord’s intervention. Or had it been intentional? Was that even possible? Ocucko dismissed the possibility after lengthy consideration, but it still troubled him.

    It’s not like he’d been attracted to much anyone in the first place; he’d just fallen into a social norm of carrying himself in a different manner when interacting with allies of the opposite gender. And it had suddenly seemed more forced, more fake, after that day.

    At first he’d feared that this might only be the start. That soon he might lose more emotions until he became hollow and purposeless. After all, what made that particular emotion so unique or important? But he never did. It was just that one aspect of life. It wasn't as if Ocucko held some poetic belief that this emotion was necessary to make life relevant; Ocucko felt it was completely possible to lead a full life without that facet of existence whatsoever, but the very concept that he was lacking a part of his humanity that he had once possessed… that was the part that haunted him.

    And the other problem was that he’d been having trouble finding fulfillment in the first place. Every day of battle made him wearier and emptier, and he couldn’t see an end. Unlike others, he didn’t feel any pride about his actions, just mild disgust. Which was ironic, considering that he was so much more skilled than most of his peers.

    Losing one more path to fulfillment, losing one more way to not feel so empty, losing that last thing within him that he’d hoped might be an avenue to some sort of meaning in his life… That had a profound effect.

    It had nagged at him every day, for years, centuries…


    Millenia, even. It haunted him even at this very moment in this barbaric gladiatorial battle in the middle of the Flaming Wastes. Ocucko considered the facts as he climbed the ladder that was lowered into the arena. No one could ever know if his decision had been the most honorable one. He had tried very hard to be the sacrifice for the greater good, but it hadn’t worked. The only thing anyone could ever know was that whatever he had attempted had failed. The war had continued and the Shattering had occurred. And the Ice Lord had changed him - changed him far too much.

    Of course, he’d given up on his task before the Shattering had taken place. In time, he had realized that he had been the one who was right, not the Ice Lord. Every day that passed, the only thing that changed was the number of enemies slain, not the number of people saved. And those enemies were people, too. His imbuement with the elemental power had just led to more death, not to a saving grace.

    And so he wandered the wastes. Periodically, the Ice Lord tracked him down. Called him a coward and turncoat. But Ocucko was done with his part in this war.

    “You were right about one thing, Ice Lord,” Ocucko had once challenged. “This sure was a pointless war. You lied about the rest, though.”

    As he drifted further from icy lands, he found that his elemental control waned. After the Shattering, he decided he wanted to be like other people. And so he went to least icy place he could find – a place where he would be fully incapable of utilizing his powers. The Flaming Wastes.

    For a while it was alright. But then he realized he couldn’t make it in life because everyone refused to interact with him. To the people of the Flaming Wastes, he was little more than the glacial till left behind when the icy floes of the Ice Tribe’s army had retreated. And rumors circulated about how he had been a monstrosity that savaged foes, an emotionless berserker for the Ice Lord. He was viewed as a perpetrator against all civilization – an icon to represent what had caused the Shattering. No one remembered that he had been one of the few soldiers that had quit fighting before the Shattering. One of the few that had not helped to cause that catastrophic disaster. Those that truly were responsible for it were the very ones that ironically alienated him. In a way, though, it did make sense: they needed a scapegoat for their own guilt.

    When the hopelessness of it all sank in – how nothing he had done had been able to prevent an outcome as disastrous as the Shattering, how so many had still died, how he had agreed to be changed into something different – he began to believe in the rumors himself. He began to see himself as the monster they said he was. And so he entered the Kill Pits when that disturbing operation had started up. These days, the Flaming Wastes were nothing more than a land of barbarism. As far as Ocucko was concerned, that made him fit in perfectly.

    And there was something else. The odds of dying while in the Kill Pits… well, the name said it all. He’d felt so ashamed after a few particular incidents – one of which wiped out a squad of his most trusted friends – that he’d wanted to die. But arbitrarily killing himself seemed so pointless. The Kill Pits were a solution. They were a way to die in combat – a way to die that was, perhaps, a way to die with honor… even if the Flaming Wastes were a rather dishonorable place.

    Ocucko found himself with no purpose after he had been so thoroughly blinded by loss. The loss of the people he had wanted to protect, the loss of Spherus Magna, the loss of that one simple emotion. When he looked back on his life… he couldn’t find anything worth remembering. He wanted to flee everything about his past.

    Run away. Become no one. Find nowhere.

    Be nothing.



    Review Topic

  8. Odyssey: Igniting Ice

    …Kindle the Fires of Change…


    Prologue – “Condemnation”

    “Sadna shook her head. ‘Killing isn’t free. It takes something out of you every time you do it. You get their life; they get a piece of your soul. It’s always a trade.’” – Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi


    An icy gale blasted the land, but only the howling of the wind could be heard from within the ice cave. No fire was lit in the ice cave, despite its frigidity. The one who dwelled within was not the type to require heat. As a matter of fact, he actively despised it.

    The Ice Lord remained motionless, frozen in place just like the glacial land around him. That’s how he remained until the Glatorian entered, at least.

    “You asked to see me, Lord of Ice?”

    “Ocucko. How good of you to answer the call to arms.”

    The Glatorian was a prime specimen among the members of his species. His white outer armor betrayed very little of the blue underneath. Rather than a full helmet, he wore a wide-brimmed piece of headgear made of incredibly resilient alloys. Strapped to his head, it allowed him to withstand massive impact from above without sacrificing spatial awareness the way a full helmet would. It also tended to cause glancing blows to deflect rather than snag as they might on a more traditional helmet. Held in his hands were an elemental launcher and a broadsword. If the Ice Lord was correct, he may perhaps be not just a fine specimen, but the consummate Glatorian. The ultimate soldier.

    “Ice Lord?”

    “The war hinges on the great, Ocucko. Those like you. And I think you are ready to become something greater. My champion in this war.”

    The Glatorian tilted his head down. The headgear’s wide brim largely obscured his expression when he did this. He squinted his eyes and frowned, displaying even greater suspicion than his similarly suggestive body language. “Champion. I’d like to know just what you mean. I haven’t made it this far in the war by trusting everything I see. I need details… but I’m interested. Anything I can do for my people. I want to help them.”

    A soft grating sound, like the sound of a glacier’s slow movement, issued from the Ice Lord. He was laughing. “Of course you want to. Hand me your sword, Ocucko.”

    Ocucko acquiesced… but not without tightening his grip on the elemental launcher. No risks. No trust. He had lost too much already to risk anything or trust anyone. Not even an element lord. Not even the one that supposedly had his peoples’ interests held close to his frozen heart.

    The Ice Lord strode to a pool of the substance that had sparked the war. Energized protodermis. A well of it rose up in the center of the cave. He dropped the broadsword into it. It promptly melted.

    “That was supposed to prove something? I’m unimpressed.”

    Ocucko had spoken too soon. A different weapon, freshly created, was ejected from the pool. It landed on the ground and skidded across the cavern. The Glatorian strode over and picked it up.

    It weighed little more than a feather now, despite its increased size. Its density was… well, it was impossibly low. But this silver liquid did the impossible. Rather than a broadsword, it now looked like some serrated blade meant to be strapped to one’s arm. Given its size, this would have broken his arm if he were to try and fight with it that way under normal circumstances, but the illogically low weight remedied that.

    “You have my interest now. But I still don’t see where we’re headed. It could of just as well disappeared forever beneath the surface.”

    “No. It wouldn’t have. I sensed an aura about you, Ocucko. So, while you were in the battlefield, I sent for a few Agori to gather from your tent a number of possessions that define you. Things that might as well be one with you, you might say. Items you’ve collected over the years and have become connected to, like your sword. None of them were destroyed when exposed to the substance. I believe you have an appointment with it.”

    “An appointment with death?”

    “Come now, have some faith. These tests confirmed my suspicions. I have no doubts that it will not kill you.”

    The rim of Ocucko’s helmet dipped as he shook his head from side to side. “Not what I meant. This silvery slime has been nothing but a curse on our people. Trying to keep a grip on it as it slips right between our clenched fingers has brought us into this war. I’ve seen too many die. If I become some overpowered warlord, the other Tribes will never consent to peace unless they can get an equivalent. And when we can’t replicate it for them and just end up vaporizing a half-dozen of their best Glatorian, they’ll think we were being purposefully deceitful – and then they’ll never stop fighting until one Tribe or the other is wiped out! I’ll fight until I die to protect the Ice Tribe… but I won’t do this. I won’t become the hanging shadow of death and a harbinger of genocide.”

    “Very poetic. But there is more than one path to peace. If you become something that cannot be taken down and then you – as a shadow of death for any who would harm the people of the Ice Tribe – hold the line… your dream can be fulfilled. I will grant you anything you request that you believe will aid you in any way. There can be peace through our victory over all others.”

    Ocucko stared morosely at the frosty ground beneath his feet. It glowed faintly from the underlying energized protodermis. He thought about what he’d seen. The other Glatorian that had fallen. All the friends he’d had, all the women he might have fallen in love with in a world where peace was possible. But that was all a fleeting dream for him.

    But it didn’t have to be for anyone else.

    He could be the sacrifice. The one that would forgo a life of relative innocence in order to allow everyone else to have that chance. He could be a guardian, not just a soldier. Or he might be right. It might be the doom of them all.

    He stared at the floor for a very long time. And the Ice Lord waited patiently. Ice knows better than to rush things along; it knows that every glacier reaches its destination, given enough time. Ocucko thought of every soul that had died under his own blade whilst defending another Tribe; he thought of all the people the Ice Tribe had lost… and he thought about how little love was left in the world. And what a world without it might be like.




    Review Topic

  9. You've just stumbled upon something big...


    Welcome to the hub for all thing related to Odyssey to the Northlands.  This topic will be updated and linked to any related content for this six-part epic saga.  I will warn you in advance that it stretches to incredible length.  If you continue to follow my writing, you have been warned.  As is usually the case on BZP, clicking linky-looking things should generally take you to the epic posting topic in question and clicking on any banner graphic I have in-text should also take you to the posting topic for which it is a banner.  Let me know if I forgot to link any banners.


    To give you an idea, I will have you know that I have my epics written in full prior to the release of even the first chapter.  In order to force myself to complete this epic on a (relatively) timely schedule, I forced myself to avoid being distracted by other BZP stuff and abstained from the site until it's writing was completed.  That turned out to be a mistake, for I now fear I have estranged myself from anyone who knew me before with the one and a half year hiatus I took.  Writing was underway before that period begun, but it took until then to finish.


    I ask you, no beg you, to please read this epic if you feel it appeals to your taste for fiction so that I may receive feedback on what has become a positively exhaustive venture for me.  My only request is that in your feedback you please bear in mind that I have spent roughly two years creating this and I never plan on undertaking such an extreme venture again; this is to be my magnum opus on BZP.  If you see any way for me to improve my writing - I want to know!  Just be respectful and consider how much of myself I threw into this.  I know that is all in the epic forum rules and guidelines thread: I just feel it kind of goes double for me with this epic saga.


    Premise:  To receive an idea on what this epic is about and whether the premise appeals to you as a fan-fiction, please read the PREFACE located at the beginning of the Part I topic.  This describes the scenario and sets the stage for the following saga.  In short, we are looking at a largely unexplored period of time following the Core War on Spherus Magna while set on the Bara Magna "shattered" piece of the whole.  Because we were led to believe the Core War took place on a positively massive scale and must have had countless Glatorian soldiers, you will run across far more Glatorian characters than exist in the six Tribes by the point of time that was GregF's story-telling present.  To some extent, I try to explain why there will be so few Glatorian still around in the six Tribes as arena combatants during story telling present.  In case the PREFACE is unclear to you, this is set in time at 85,000 years before story present (15,000 years after Core War at 100,000 years before story present).


    Release Schedule: This epic was initially meant to have a fixed release schedule.  However, due to lack of attention as I started posting, I want to slow my rate to give myself time to try and re-establish myself on BZP after a long time out of the loop and the rate of posting will be flexible based on traffic to this topic.  Seeing as I have received no replies at the current time, this means I will be drastically slowing down until I know I at least have ONE reader.  Thank you if you do stop by!


    Table of Contents:



    Part I: Igniting Ice


    Prologue: "Condemnation"

    Chapter 1: "Fiery Ice"

    Chapter 2: "The Ice Calls to its Own"

    Chapter 3: "Smoky Dealings"

    Chapter 4: "Vulcanus"

    Chapter 5: "Insurgent Ice, Resurgent Fire"

    Chapter 6: "The Trial of Fire"

    Chapter 7: "Atero"

    Chapter 8: "Rek"


    Part II: Among the Lowlifes of Treason


    Prologue: "Wrong Turn"



    Part III: ?????



    Part IV: ?????



    Part V: ?????



    Part VI: ?????




    Character ListingPrimary, Secondary, Cameo/Mentioned 

    Pronunciations: (Simplified Phonetic, Dictionary Symbolic)


    Ocucko - (OH-COO-koh, ō-kü-kō)

    Ice Lord - ("Ice Lord," īs lȯrd)

    Nardohi -  (nar-DOE-hee, när-dō-hē)

    Adani - (ah-DAH-nee, ä-dä-nē)

    Ackar - (AH-car, ä-kär)

    Raanu - (RAH-noo, rä-nü)

    Malum - (MAH-LUM, ma-lǝm)

    Hesmit - (HEZ-mit, hez-mit)

    Dektor - (DEK-tohr, dek-tȯr)

    "Rek" - ("Rek," rek)

    Skid – ("Skid," skid)

    Clunk - (“Clunk,” klǝŋk)




    FAQs:  I expect some questions to be swirling around in your grey matter by this point; here's some of the ones I don't want to have to repeat to much.  If I get pestered much with some other important question, I'll add it up here.


    Q: About your previous work...

    A: Let's not go there.  I had to start learning to write somewhere.  Actually, let's go there on second thought.  What I mean by that is that I am currently in the process of writing an anniversary edition of Lightfall.  That saga was by nearly any standard a poor piece of writing, but it was a necessary learning experience that paved the way for what I believe is a far more professional piece of writing right here in this saga.  The anniversary edition will be expanded, correct plot errors/loopholes/inconsistencies, explore scenarios and characterize individuals better, remove the excessive suspension of disbelief and make me proud... hopefully.  But that's a tall order when you look at the lengthy list.  At this point, I suggest you not read the train-wreck that is Lightfall if you have not already - if you have read it already, you were very helpful and I used your feedback to produce what feels like a much better piece of writing to me - and by that I mean this saga.  As for Sordid Shafts, I actually still really like that one and never intend to rewrite it at all, but as a spinoff from Lightfall, I only recommend newcomers to my writing read it after the anniversary edition is out.  That will be awhile.  In the meantime... there will be a LOT to read here.


    Q: You keep saying this epic saga is long.  How long exactly?

    A: Really long.  It is not in short story or novella length.  It is in full-blown novel length.  For now, I will keep the exact length a secret to be revealed by its posting.  Have fun reading; I'll keep you at it for a long time with this hunk of text.


    Q: Is that a reference to...

    A: You can ask to be sure, but it probably is.  When I was trying to keep myself going, I put in sneaky little references.  Not glaring big obvious ones that ruin the story-telling with their blatancy.  Just a name here and there that may or may not have rearranged letters from something else or a name that is phonetically similar-sounding to something from something else... I'm sure any well-read person will catch a couple.  Please see my answer to the next question if you are curious as to why I snuck in these little references.


    Q: Any inspirations on writing this?

    A: Lots, but I worked to keep them as merely inspirations.  This epic saga is entirely of my own imagining.  It is worth noting that some of the sneaky references I make that seem like I am very clearly mimicking some character from something else were references that were made in retrospect when I realized the number of similarities, not characters that were specifically created as an homage to anything else.  This epic as a whole is in no way meant to copy from any other work of fiction, nor is it even an homage to anything.  Note the "as a whole:" a significant part of Part IV was written as an homage to a classical work of literature, but that one portion of that one part is the only one like that.


    Q: Who does your banners?

    A: I do.  I've had some graphic design experience and create them myself using only personal photos and stock images from Lego released in conjunction with the Bionicle line to avoid any potential file theft without credit that may result from Googling images and editing them into banners.  I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 in order to access the necessary editing tools and to create layers.


    Q: Why write something so big?

    A: To be completely honest, I had no choice in the matter.  The story seemed to grow a mind of its own and was driven by the character that acts as a protagonist.  I felt compelled to include all the content that eventually made its way in there.


    Q: What sort of story are you trying to tell here?

    A: This was a workshop of sorts for me.  The multi-part format allows me to try and tell an extensive array of types of stories, which I felt helped me to grow as a writer by exploring all these different types of writing.  Fear not, I did not let the temptation of trying my hand at different genres get in the way of the story-telling (let me know if you feel it did, but I've extensively proofread with that possibility in mind and have found myself "not guilty").  Different types of writing were explored only as appropriate for the overall story I was trying to tell.  For the most part, though, the name says it all: this is an odyssey - a globe-spanning adventure.


    About the Author:  I don't know guys, what do you want to know about me?  If you want to request that I reveal something in this section, feel free to PM me with a question and I'll add it to this if I feel it belongs!  (Too preoccuppied at the moment to think of what stuff might interest BZP-goers about me.)


    Final Words: I hope you enjoy the read.  I hope that I can bring something new and involved to the epics forum with this saga and I intend for this not to be the end of my writing on BZP even though I seemed to have dropped of the face of Spherus Magna for awhile there.  I'm back guys... and this time I mean business.  This saga is go!


    Rise Above the Traces of War

    Kindle the Fires of Change

    Wander the Wastes of Sand

    Grant the Jungles Deliverance

    Dive into Water's Darkened Depths

    Hold Fast Before the Might of Rock

    Overcome Ice's Ire

    And Find the Signs of Hope




  10. odyssey1_bannernew.jpg


    Preface – The Traces of War

    Rise Above the Traces of War…


    “‘Kuan-yin sighed a deep sigh, and recited the following poem:

    Long ago performed in vain prodigies of valour.

    In his blackness of heart he upset the Heavenly Peach Banquet;

    In mad rashness he dared to rob the Patriarch of Tao.

    A hundred thousand heavenly troops could not overcome him;

    He terrorized the realm of Heaven throughout its nine spheres.

    At last in Buddha Tathāgata he met his match.

    Will he ever again be set at large and win back his renown?

    ‘Who is it,’ a voice came from inside the mountain, ‘who recites verses that tell of my misdoings?’” – Monkey, an abridged translation by Arthur Waley of Journey to the West by Wu Ch’êng-ên


    War leaves behind a trace. It is easily noticed.

    We are not talking about dead bodies or destroyed cities. We are not talking about cratered streets or pockmarked walls. We are talking about the soldiers that live on. We are talking about the confused and violent factions that settle into an uneasy peace.

    War leaves behind a trace. It can be felt hanging in the air like a taught bowstring. It is a palpable tension that obstinately persists in the hearts and minds of those who fought in a conflict that has now ended. It is found in the displaced refugees that beg for asylum.

    On Bara Magna, fifteen thousand years have passed since the Core War, but Glatorian and Agori are long-lived. As a consequence, their feuds and grudges are equally long-lived. Each Tribe has isolated itself from the others and they all harbor a mutual distrust.

    Worse yet are the mercenaries. Most Glatorian were unable to find places in society as village protectors and arena combatants. These despondent individuals have formed roving bands that perform the only service they are skilled in: war. This has been a serious impediment to the establishment of the arena combat system that has been developed in order to avoid future conflict on scales that could endanger entire communities in the way conflicts did during the Core War.

    Nevertheless, evil is comparatively quick to rebound. The Skrall beyond the Black Spike Mountains have unified a few of these Glatorian mercenary bands with a singular and cryptic goal. The new fighting force, known only as the Harvest Faction, has turned to slave driving in the name of the Skrall Empire. Their attacks have taken them south of the Black Spike Mountains and their advance appears relentless.

    Unfortunately, the Core War has left each Tribe unsympathetic to the plights of the others. As the Ice Tribe suffers from casualties and abductions on a grand scale, the other Tribes turn a blind eye to the Skrall’s most recent project. Yet, there is a distinct possibility that this conflict could have a dire impact on the future of all Tribes if it is left unchecked.

    Soldiers live on. Peace is uneasy. Tensions persist. Grudges remain. Refugees beg. Vagabonds rove. The Harvest Faction advances.

    This is the trace that war leaves behind.




    Review Topic

  11. I also think I should apologize if I came off as blunt or rude while nitpicking, I re-read some of my own comments. Not to make excuses, but ,like, it just wasn't my day when I sat down to review your story. =/


    And yeah, I saw that this epic had multiple parts to it, and I really did consider printing off all of them to review at first. But then like, real life got in the way and all, so that didn't happen, unfortunately. So in that respect, my review was a bit unfair to you, which I also should apologize for.


    One of the things I really love to see in a story is the actual author improving themselves, which was really evident here, I'm not sure if I really highlighted that in my review. But good work there, and keep that up.

    Sure thing. I get the angle you were coming from. Don't worry about having not read all parts. I've got a couple other epic writers that read my stuff from time to time and that suffices for me.


    It's a serious comfort to know that I haven't just been imagining the improvements in my writing. I mean, I've had a couple of my readers go "Woah, Sordid Shafts came out way more awesome than Lightfall," but now I have an ECC review indicating that my path towards better writing was becoming apparent even before Part 1 of Lightfall had been concluded. That's a relief to know.


    Thanks, Aderia. No need to apologize.

  12. Another thing that should be brought to light is the fact that I knew that this story lacked the intended vibrancy and that some parts were muddled. (Did I mention that in the author's note? Actually, I might have. Can't remember.) I just reached a point where I realized that I was going to have to post this eventually if I ever wanted to head anywhere with it, regardless of its shortcomings. I decided to take the inevitable volley of criticism that was destined to come. Everything starts small.


    Most everything you've said I agree with wholeheartedly. I just figured that I ought to drop a couple (long-overdue) clarifications on some things that came up in your review.

    From Chapter 1:

    Suddenly, there was a magnificently bright flash. Could this be the supplies at last?

    Granted, I don't live on the Southern Continent or anything, but if a magnificently bright flash suddenly brightened my day, I would definitely not think immediately that it mean the supplies had come in at last. In other words, the character's train of thought was disjointed.

    Yeah, this is a prime example of the lack of my tendency to fail in my attempts to accurately describe events during the first part of this saga. You brought up that numerous times; this is yet another and it was so confusing that you didn't even get it. "Flash" was an awful word choice. "Glint" would have been far more accurate. A "glint" could easily be the result of light reflecting off of metal objects in a trading caravan. A "flash," as you've pointed out... not so much.

    The sight almost blinded him instantaneously.

    Because the 'magnificently bright flash', amongst other things previously mentioned, wouldn't almost blind him instantaneously. Right.

    Yup. Wouldn't have been "pre-blinded" because [insert clarification directly above].

    Tignioni frantically raced his mind to try and make sense of the situation before he was obliterated.

    Reword that. Minds are not race cars or horses or greyhounds or snails. You don't 'race' them.

    Ow. I said I wasn't responding to things I agreed with, but... yikes. Miserable wording. I cringe to see this.

    Tignioni called upon his elemental energy to explode the whole surrounding area.

    Is this a Nova Blast? Because you could have just said so. The words you chose weren't the best. It made your character sound like a Toa of Explosions, not a Toa of Fire, which can cause explosions. Nothing against the idea of a Toa of Explosions. I'd love to read a story about one of those.

    It was more supposed to have been a pulse of burning fire radiating outward, henceforth temporarily obscuring the area... none of which was explained... *coughcough*You'rerightagainaboutunclearcommunication*coughsputter*

    From Chapter 2:
    Had there been anyone to witness the aftermath of Tignioni’s battle with the bizarre orb, they would have observed that an unusually shaped rock near the site collapsed into an unconscious Toa of Fire. Tignioni’s quick thinking to produce the illusion he was a rock and veil it with an explosion had saved his life.

    Unconscious Toa cannot maintain use of their Kanohi masks. He should be dead.

    He was meant to have been just slipping out consciousness, the "collapsing into Toa of Fire" thing being the point at which he finally did go unconscious... none of which was explained... again.

    Also, while I'm at it, due to the first two chapters being set at the same time and place, they could easily be combined into one chapter. Especially since you mentioned in your author's note at the beginning, "Yes, the chapters (esp. early ones) are very short. Very, very short - too short for my own taste.

    And that would be one of those things I simply forfeited correcting as a result of my fear that I would otherwise simply procrastinate without end.

    From Chapter 3:
    It was risky, since the ground was nearly fifty bios below him

    Plural of 'bio' is 'bio'.

    :blink: OMG. I need to check my other writing to make sure that isn't a habit. I'm not honestly sure if I was previously aware of that.

    but they had overlooked one thing: he could travel from one building to the next on their outsides because Xia was so industrialized and the buildings so close together.

    How could they overlook this? They live on Xia too. Are they all just stupid?

    They could overlook it only as a consequence of how incredibly inadvisable this is. This is probably also guilty (to a lesser extent that the other examples) of existing for the sake of plot devices.

    From Chapter 4:
    On impact, it exploded. The Skakdi were too hardy to be harmed by it, but they were startled. It gave Guftivei the second he needed to dash up to the first Skakdi and throw him back into the other one, bowling both of them over. He threw an explosive at the wall as he sprinted past.

    A Vortixx shouldn't be able to physically overpower a Skakdi.

    IMO, I wouldn't call pushing a dazed person into a wall "overpowering" them. But a fair point nonetheless. Duly noted.

    When he looked back he saw a ship armed to the brim headed their way. It had Kanoka launchers trained on the vessel Guftivei was in.

    Man, I really hope this Guftivei is secretly involved with a rival black market trade ring or high treason, because I'm really not buying this whole thing. It's blown way out of proportion for a dispute between an environmentalist and an industrialist.

    Now I'm sorely tempted to write a short story spinoff about rival black market trading that Guftivei became involved in during his time of Xia. Curse you!

    From Chapter 5:
    The boat’s pilot was cowering in a corner.

    Unrealistic. Someone that wimpy would be filing records or washing dishes somewhere, not captaining a vessel.

    No one said he had any idea what he was signing up for by taking Guftivei off Xia, so I wouldn't go so far as to say that he shouldn't be captaining a private vessel. That still does not excuse what I can now see was clearly a plot simplification on my part: make the dude a coward so you can just say he hides in a corner the whole time. Woohoo! Only have to write things about one character now!

    And about the whole 'increase density' gig. The boat is made of metal, and therefore is already more dense than water, am I correct

    Right, it's only the pocket of air you trap in a boat that keeps it above water. Nevertheless, it will still sink if you increase its density enough. It'll dip lower and lower in the water until the ocean floods straight over the gunwales, swamping the whole things and sending it to a submerged resting place. I'd say that this is all simple science, but in any normal physics whatsoever, you can't just snap your fingers and increase density. Increasing density means the amount of mass crammed in a given area; ipso facto increasing density of something without altering its shape requires matter to be squeezed in. That's just silly, but Bionicle physics is like that. Increase density is an everyday disk power.

    From Chapter 6:
    Suddenly he heard Matoran voices.

    You really need to find a better word than 'suddenly'. -Abruptly-At once-Instantly-Out of the blue-Unexpectedly Just a few off the top of my head.

    It's actually really funny to see this brought up for the first time only now. The inexcusable number of times the word "suddenly" appears (not just in Menace of Light, it's rampant throughout the saga) was another thing that almost caused me to hold back. I even considered just doing Ctrl+F for "suddenly" and replacing half of them with other words, but I didn't want to risk insertingly a nearly synonymous word that ended uo making no sense in context. I also didn't want to evaluate each one of the endless "suddenly"s for the sake of getting something posted sooner of later. The result was this. As I said, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how the review topic has 50 posts and only just now has someone mentioned it (it's not like I was just going to arbitrarily shout it out if no one brought it up).

    From Chapter 12:
    the entire procession began to slip into the abyss below,

    Where did this Abyss come from?

    That sounds way more melodramatic than it ever needed to be. Heavens above. It just careened over the edge. That was all. Yet again, this could have also used more detail.

    And you also did a lot of things well, like dialogue. I also liked the time stamp you had at the beginning of each chapter, it was very organized. And also, like you mentioned in your author's note at the beginning, I did see a lot of improvement from the beginning to the end. Good job there. It was a bit of a rough start, but things smoothed out nicely for you towards the end. I'm also glad to see you continued this story arc with sequels and the like.

    And in the author's note, I was referring to the later parts of the saga. Those were - generally, at least - as refined or better than Menace was at the end. As for dialogue, that was one of the few things I was comfortable with upon posting this. I'm glad to see you found that confidence to be well-founded. Date and location stamps are a unique aspect to this saga and they intend to drive home the scope and scale of this saga. That fact that you felt even Part 1 had managed to smooth out before its end is an enormous confidence booster for me. By now, this thing has even spawned a spinoff epic. That is my latest and I was much more proud of that one. Incidentally, I can safely say that a fair number of the shortcoming you outlined in this review are things I intentionally noted and avoided when writing the spinoff. A couple remain, though they have been buffered a bit. I can think of one uncomfortably plot-devicey scene in the spinoff... but only one. Not the suspension-of-disbelief-requiring plethora of them that was present here. Another thing the sequel excels at that this fails at (something you didn't mention because you couldn't have noticed without reading all four parts): starting and finishing! As you did see, the start was weak. The ending of part four was chastised even by my non-ECC reviewers as having been effective but anticlimactic (there was actually a justification for the weak ending that I really don't want to go into right now TBH, but my other reviewers have heard me defend myself already).

    Until next time! ~Aderia

    It doesn't take much more than a glance at this review for me to see just why you are in the ECC. Lately, I've been working on a new, unrelated epic saga set on Bara Magna. It's been a long a gruel and it's still far from done. A lot of the things you've said here I've already taken into account in this new project... but I'll be darned if I don't take your "major points for correction" list and do a readthrough of what I have written so far in an attempt to smoke out any pesky scenes that fail to achieve their intended verisimilitude and any trite plot devices that find a way to sneak into nearly everything. This review should prove to be invaluable. Thanks a billion (why should we stop at millions?). I'll put this to good use. :D

  13. Things are starting to fall together know. There's a distinct destination and we see that the Enigma Signal has been connected to the Pedagogue's quest. Cool.


    I think I saw a typo, but I forget now.


    Synheith's dream sequence was neat. I liked how it started as a memory and then began to diverge from what historically happened. I'm also eager to see how the Skrall get involved. We've never gotten to see the Skrall doing serious battle in the canon storyline. We know that they had glory days as unstoppable conquerors that were comparable to the Mongol Hordes of our world, a people that had refined the art of war into a grimly effective procedure. Yet we never actually saw anything of this. They took Atero with overwhelming force - not something that was too exciting in terms of seeing them in action. Then we saw them overwhelmed at Roxtus by Scarabax-dude. There would have been awesome, epic battle sequences in canon if GregF had been given a chance to flesh out the final Battle of Bara Magna, but he had to wrap things up quickly to end the line and I'm pretty sure everyone's headcanon of that battle is dramatically different from everyone else's (GregF didn't really say much more than it happened - the comics had a rampant lack of clarity in regards to it). So, my point being that epic Skrall fighting would be cool.


    An abandoned Great Being house-/strong- hold? This could be eerie and cool. I'll wait and see.

  14. Ok, this is acually kind of funny. Actually, from my perspective, it wasn't funny at all. But it explains why I didn't comment for twice as long as I'd meant.


    I'd plan to review the new chapters upon the start of my high school winter break - the first day actually off being the 21st (we had a really late break this year). Unfortunately, I woke up that day feeling as if someone had knocked me out, beaten me up, and stuffed in a trashcan for the night. It ended up being the flu. Consequently, I spent my Christmas coughing up my dinner rather than opening presents (I only actually vommitted once... but it was so violent it even shot out my nose. There's no disgusting feeling like blowing your nose several minutes later only to find out it was chicken stuck up in there rather than boogers. Super-mega-EWW!) Then I was out of town the first few days after recovery. So still no more reading. I only got through one more chapter during the flu. I need to give you credit for one thing: you made me laugh even when I was that under the weather. Gresh's line about opening the sarcophagus set me off (actually it was more of a painful hacking cough than laughter, but close enough under the circumstances).


    Now, as for my actual opinion on what you've written while I was busy feeling like a sumo wrestler had been jumping up and down on me...


    First thought: Wow. This has rapidly taken on an epic scope. You've woven a serious riddle of a plot.


    No, but seriously, this is really impressive. I mentioned before that the attitudes of characters and the way it comes out through the dialogue was pretty great. It still is and it continues to drive this thing forward with a likable momentum. But that's no longer even half of it. Every chapter introduces a new mystery and we still only have hints at the bigger picture. There's only cryptic half-answers and yet you're still mercilessly introducing new *coughcough* enigmatic anomalies that beg to be explained. You no longer have my attention; you have me enthralled.


    Let's do the breakdown.


    Chapter 3:



    "Woah, woah, careful!" cried Kyry as Synheith, for a moment disoriented by the sight of the symbol, swerved and narrowly avoided a grove of trees in the middle of the valley. The sky was darkening now, and storm clouds were gathering behind them. It rarely rained in the Bara Magna desert, sometimes only once a year, and to Synheith the storm clouds seemed pretty ominous.


    "That's weird," Kyry remarked, "what are a bunch of trees doing alone in the middle of a desert wasteland?"

    You tipped me off immediately "grove of trees in the middle of the valley." I was like: Oh gee, Baterra any second now! Good little bit of subtle foreshadowing there that gets progressively more obvious as you proceed from one sentence to the next.


    Likara shrugged. "Maybe it has instructions on how to open the coffin"


    "Doubt it. I don't think there's any special procedure to do that. You just, you know, open it."


    *hackingcough* I don't even think you meant to be funny with that. But this is what I'm talking about with the characters and their dialogue. It had me laughing (or as close to it as I could get at the time) because the characters felt legitimate enough that I could laugh at their shenanigans. Speaking of shenanigans...


    Treperath. I don't know what you have to do with that symbol, but I'm sure by stopping you I will see it no longer.


    Gah. I had to read that several times to make sense of it. Perhaps it would have been better off as: Treperath. I don't know what you have to do with that symbol, but I'm sure that I'll never see it again once I've stopped you. Or something of the like. But preferably not what's written.


    Chapter 4: Epic scope time. Woah.

    This is where you've taken a very bold step. Everything beyond this point makes a very intimate and significant impact upon the storyline of the entire Bionicle saga for all your fans (so far just me if reviews are anything to go by, but whatever). You are saying you are not afraid of your writing potentially altering the course of history in this universe. I immensely respect this level of confidence you are displaying in your work here.


    You turned the Shattering itself into a heroic gambit. Bravo. That is crazy! But I like it.


    Gee, I guess Romans aren't the only ones bearing gifts that you have to watch out for. Those Great Beings will give you military aid and provisional support when they actually mean to blow up your planet. Nuts.


    Chapter 5: I was so caught up in the Pedagogue and the Ring of Vitality and all... I'd almost forgotten about the Decryption Crystal by this point. Though that might have had something to do with the flu. Hard to tell.


    "Verectorian sat at the end of a long oak table, and sighed heavily."


    Wait, the Great Beings have oak trees? That's mighty darn specific for what, as far as we know, is an alternate universe. Oak trees are Earth plants last I checked. Not Spherus Magna. I kind of had a tongue-in-cheek moment upon reading that, but it doesn't distract from what's actually going on too much. But try to refrain from such references to very "Earth"-ly things in the future.


    Other than that, this chapter is pretty great. I was starting to worry (with the Ring of Vitality and everything) that you might be making the mistake of implying the Great Beings were fully aware they were bestowing sentience upon the MU inhabitants. In Yesterday Quest, GregF made it pretty clear this was a big accident and the MU beings were never supposed to be sentient. You clear up that potential disparity here by having Arkalogus explain that it seems that Ring of Vitality is having an extended effect that is altering the inhabitant with the Mata Nui robot. You simultaneuosly avoided a plot hole and explained a plot hole of GregF's own work (I mean, random sentience arising out of nowhere? Sentience arising where it wasn't intended to be is a classic scifi theme but the protocols that the inhabitants were supposed to execute seemed rather mundane for warranting programming capable of auto-developing sentient thought. You just gave a reason for this all). Smooth work there. And Verectorian, the only GB in much of a position to understand the plight of the now-sentient MU people, kicks the bucket. This explains why the remaining GBs don't expect sentience and have stuff like Marendar all planned up. Nice. The Illumus family credo becoming the code of the Matoran was a wonderful reveal.


    Oh, and just one other thing: "Synheith realized that he was, unwittingly, demonstrating remarkable concern for the green-armored warrior." You can't unwittingly realize something. You just can't. That's a paradox. I think you mean to say Syheith realized that he had been doing so moments moments prior and that it had been unwittingly performed at that time... but it's a stretch. Maybe you could say that he "realized he had been inadvertently demonstrating an unexpectedly remarkable concern." I dunno. Don't want to ponder it too much right now. I just want to get on to more discussion of the awesome aspects!


    Chapter 6: Enigma signal! Woah, creepy.


    Nice job with Tobduk's irritability. That would make sense for someone who feed off of fury. His impatience with Krakua is right in league with what one would expect. The Pegagogue returns! Now we're all doomed.


    Chapter 7: Hm... I feel like a building that screams "We're in charge!" isn't exactly in line with the clandestine nature of the OoMN, but I suppose that was only before the Destiny War. Afterwards, I guess that makes sense. But I was still a little surprised to hear that you had them taking center stage by setting up shop with a giant fortress in the center of Matoran City.




    Tobduk laughed. "Whoever makes the first move doesn't always win the game, Toa. If that were true, chess would be a lot easier."



    This is awesome. I think it just became my new motto or something. This is just... this is a profound line, and funny, too! I laughed so hard when I read it. Even more than on the "ladies' man" one.

    Antroz has such a sense of thoughtfulness, thought Treperath, even if we Makuta have violent tendencies, I'm sure he'd never amount to anything bad.
    Wow. And this is the "Variey is the spice of destruction" guy. Wow. Antroz, you fell a looooong way.
    The Pedagogue taught him to reach for higher things, to have an ambition beyond what the Brotherhood - or Teridax - mandated for him. It was in this way he cemented his destiny.


    Interesting. So the Pedagogue offered Treperath something that Synheith has never managed to obtain - a purpose in life, a motivation, an impetus, a... destiny. Very intriguing.


    Ok, done with the review (Now it's question time!).


    So, um... am I drawing random connecting lines where they shouldn't exist, or does this take a little bit of inspiration from a different Greg's writing - Greg Bear? The guy who wrote (sorry, is writing, I guess) the Forerunner saga for the Halo series, among numerous other superawesome works of scifi? He's one of my favorite authors, so maybe I'm just hallucinating and inserting connections where they don't exist, but you have to admit I've got a pretty substantial list of similarities here:


    The Pedagogue has a name mighty similar to that of The Didact - both mean "one who teaches in a demanding and authoritative manner"

    Those combat suits sound a lot like Forerunner armor

    Forerunners always wear their armor - period / You claim GBs wear their armor 24/7 during wartime

    Pedagogue is in a sarcophagus and Didact is in a Cryptum, aka Forerunner crypt

    The Code sounds something similar to the Mantle

    GB Council = Forerunner council

    Illumus Family Stronghold reminds me of the home of Bornstellar Makes Eternal's family residence on the planet of the Builders

    The Pedagogue acts like The Didact


    I'm still willing to pass it off as coincidence on account of the fact that Great Beings as planet-smashing/-building entities are will inherently bear similarities to the star system-building Forerunners of Halo... but you have to give it to me if I've really dug up your inspiration. If you were inspired. All this occurred to me in retrospect after reading it. The level of mind-blowing you reached with this reminded me of the level of mind-blowing I got from reading Cryptum... so I started drawing connections out of curiosity. Even if you gained inspiration, that does nothing to detract from my opinion of this. Taking inspiration and making something of your own with it is one of the greatest tools for wonderful plots.


    Anyway, I love this epic and the broad scale it has taken on. You have envisioned a fantastic world where the Great Beings ruled and a dark and dreary conflict as an ancient menace rises back up. The characters are (I'm repeating myself here, bah) likable thanks to their well-written dialogue and occasional humorous lines. Keep writing. Minus little errors I pointed out above, this is every bit as unstoppable as the Pedagogue himself. Keep writing, just make sure you have a clear outline developed so that you will be able to resolve all these different mysteries. Verectorian does seem to have a maze of a mind, just as Synheith said. As long as you, the writer, don't get lost in that maze, this is bound for greatness.


    This has got to be the longest review I've ever written. It has to be. So, yeah, I'm actually done writing this whole thing. Whew!


    The one thing that occurs to me right of the back is to make the ocean the same color as the river; other than the graphic design is pretty neat for and sells the feel of a Matoran map. At first, I had a serious issue figuring out what that strip of color at the bottom was until I realized the river flowed directly into it. Translating the Matoran labels also made it pretty obvious what that was supposed to be. ("OCEAN" - straightforward enough!)



    Well, protodermic seawater is silver. I made the river more blue to mark it as freshwater.





    I'm glad you like the skull and crossbones. As for the compass, of course, the inhabitants don't know they're in a robot, but I thought it might be appropriate anyway seeing as that Great Spirit symbol shows up in other places. If it's too blatant about the true nature of their universe, I'll change it.



    I knew you were going to say that about the protodermic seawater. I knew it! But that doesn't change how I feel about it. Regardless, I failed to mention my prediction on what you would say simply because there isn't really anything I can say against that: it is silver. End of story. I forfeit... reluctantly.


    I assumed Yrenttta was a typo, but it was just too much fun to nag you over it!


    Compass isn't too blatant about the MU, I was just saying that I liked the way you have it set up with the amusing juxtaposition of Matoran tradition with the established facts only us readers are aware of.

  16. The one thing that occurs to me right of the back is to make the ocean the same color as the river; other than the graphic design is pretty neat for and sells the feel of a Matoran map. At first, I had a serious issue figuring out what that strip of color at the bottom was until I realized the river flowed directly into it. Translating the Matoran labels also made it pretty obvious what that was supposed to be. ("OCEAN" - straightforward enough!) For a moment I felt like saying the coastline looked a little too regular, but all images of the Northern Continent indicate it is really straight along its southern shore witht he exclusion of the Tren Krom Peninsula jutting out on the southeast.


    Some of the geographic features are placed a little oddly. I feel like I would have had the jungle span across to both sides of the river. A river should support rampant vegetative growth and it seems to be acting as a border for it in this case. It also seems unusual to have the river's source up by the northern edge of the desert! It would make more sense if it wound off in the direction of the ice village. A meltwater spring starting a river - logical. A river miraculously springing up out of an parched area with a depressed water table and then crossing an arid region without drying out - a little less so.


    As for how the orientation fits the plot of the epics, that's pretty good. I just get a kind of funny feeling because the villages with critical roles in the original Tale of Yrenta seem to form a right angle stretching from Volcano Tatakoa east to the desert and then south along the river. A little odd, but it everything fits the plot... as least as well as I can remember.


    One other thing though: Is it just me, or does that river's label translate out of Matoran as "River Yrenttta?" :o I'm very familiar with the Northern Continent region known as Yrenta, but I don't suppose that's related in any way...


    Of course, most of the above complaints assume that Yrenta obeys normal scientific parameters and that it has a naturally created geography/ecology. Bionicle science has been altered from real world science as GregF has seen fit on endless occassions and the whole MU was engineered rather than naturally developped. Regardless, it seems to me that the geography and ecology would start to obey natural rules after millenia hae passed since that original act of engineering.


    Well, it works for the epics. That'll do for me even if some things are a bit odd. But I'm still trying to figure out where Yrenttta is.


    EDIT: Oh, one other thing. I liked those "skull-and-crossbones" symbols in the wasteland north of Mount Tasle. And I almost died laughing looking at the compass. That was awesome. In all honesty, that is exactly what north/west/south/east mean to the MU inhabintants - in which part of the Mata Nui robot it is situated.

  17. + 24 hours I open my eyes and sunlight greets me. Dawn. It’s morning the next day. The day after… Dear Mata Nui! I remember now: the Toa overshot and I must have barely survived the excessive impact! What about Neri and Mu? Despite the protestations of my beaten body, I force myself onto my feet. I’m in the plaza that was built directly at the bottom of the sentry tower. It’s at the top of the mountain where that tower sits and a winding staircase has been hewn into the rock leading down to Modos far below. Neri! Mu! Where are they? I see Neri’s prone form lying on the other end of the courtyard, two of the seven spikes on her back shattered clean off. Mata Nui, no… I scramble over to her and turn her over. Her crystal-coated heartlight… is still active! She manages to raise her head slightly in order to squint at me. I set her back down momentarily to find Mu. I spot him on the other end of the courtyard and rush there, to discover the same thing. I glance across to see Neri struggling to her feet. “Ow… Agh!” she winces. “Two spikes gone – that’s going to hurt for a long time…” I rush up to the top of the sentry tower. No one’s there. Of course! They never thought to set sentries after the battle… and seeing that massive explosion, they probably think we’re dead! I look through the telescope and set the sights on Modos itself. I see three Crystal Sect warriors on stretchers that have been slapped together out of old scaffolding. Zo’apt is treating them, so they’re definitely alive. That accounts for all members of the strike team. Apparently, they must have overshot the shoreline as well, but they were quickly discovered as they had crashed into the city itself. I put the telescope down and reach for the mirror to signal the town. We’re all pretty badly beaten up and we need help getting down the steep stairs. That’s when I see the Mask of Clairvoyance. It’s cracked into two halves, but it landed in the sentry tower. I can still carry out my promise. I signal with the mirror. By switching back to the telescope, I can almost immediately see the Vortixx that first spotted the approaching Crystal Sect warriors yesterday and the Steltian I met in the mines, both of them rushing toward the bottom of the staircases. It’ll be a while before they make it up here. I descend back into the courtyard. Neri is sitting cross-legged. On the ground before her are her two scimitars. Cradled in her lap are the two spikes that snapped off of her back. I kneel down near her and give a knowing look. I know how much those mean to her. “Well, at least you’ll have something to remember me by when you head back to Crystal Sect territory,” I say, trying to be optimistic. “What do you mean?” “Well, I can’t go with you. Modos will need to be rebuilt, now more than ever –” “–which is why we are staying with you. Mu and I talked about it while you were in the tower. We’re staying with you, whatever the rest of the Crystal Sect wants to do. I have a feeling the members of the strike team might agree as well. Zo’apt and anyone else not involved directly in the fighting will probably return home to rejoin our people and explain what happened. Plus, there’s another upside for us. We’ll be directly above the center of all the leylines, the thing you called Capila’aris. We’ll be closer to the source of our power than ever before, even at our home in the Crystal Springs.” “But you won’t be able to regenerate your spikes back without the Crystal Springs.” “I know! I’m not exactly thrilled about that, but maybe I’ll go back one day when things have settled down. Maybe you can come back when that happens. Or maybe I can keep my spikes like this to remember what craziness it was that caused us to fortuitously cross paths again. It’s good to have a friend, Ti. And you've been a good friend to both of us.” It occurs to me that Mu and Neri have clearly already given this careful consideration during the few short minutes I was in the tower. Clearly, I mean a lot to them and that very fact itself means a lot to me. Neri’s right. It’s good to have a friend. The Vortixx and Steltian make it over the top stairs and the Steltian rushes to help us to our feet. “You just about made our heartlights stop ticking out of sheer fear when we saw that explosion. Come on, we need to get you guys back down. You’re the big heroes today.” As he helps me up, I can see the Vortixx making arm signals to the people below. The signals translate to: T-H-E-Y-M-A-D-E-I-T. I know that at about this moment, the crowds below are erupting into excited cheering. I slowly descend the steps, one at a time. The Steltian is using his massive bulk to aid both me and Neri. The Vortixx is doing the same for Mu. One step at a time. Focus on the present. Stick to your friends. That’s how you get things done.

    | | / /

    Epilogue + <ChronometerOffset = UnknownValue?> years Time has passed since the Fire Toa saved my heart-root and the Crystal Sect warriors returned home. Neri’ict, Mu’urdnoc, Fuli’etor, and Tzu’arq stayed behind on Modos. Elino’urtam was the only member of the two teams to return home. Since then, much has changed. A malevolent being hijacked Mata Nui’s systems, but in a final battle of the titans, the true Mata Nui defeated the unwelcome presence. I’m glad for that. It was truly revolting to have his presence tainting my crystalline veins. That was definitely the most unnerving experience of my very long existence. Alas, in overthrowing that presence, the massive robot to which I was once the power conduit now lies in pieces on the rebuilt world of Spherus Magna. I have spread my roots into its soils and found them welcoming. The Crystal Sect has found a new home in this new world. I have spread my roots into a spring system there and they have an all-new version of their original Crystal Springs. Once again the beings I cherish will thrive and rise in this lush, new landscape. The inhabitants of Modos have done well, and the small town of little strategic significance went largely unnoticed during the Reign of Darkness. The Fire Toa convinced them that the explosion they saw was simply a product of the energized protodermis being violently released, in accordance with the Gravity Toa’s wishes. Numerous legends are circulating as a result of the understandable skepticism his explanation was met with, but the truth has remained hidden. The deceased Toa’s mask is kept as a relic by the people he once protected. They, too, have found refuge on Spherus Magna. The Matoran that Ti’ignioni refused to give up on ended up having a future greater than anyone had expected. Cytus rose to a challenge upon which the fate of our universe had hung. Tomorrow is a brighter day, but I doubt any of this would have come to pass had I died. The world owes so much to a small nanobot named Ti’ignioni, but his name is only known within a few limited circles of individuals. He does not desire glory for his heroics. He’s simply happy to have friends that will stand at this side. On that fateful day, Ti’ignioni defied everyone around him. They all told him that he was trying the impossible. But many things remain “impossible” only until they are accomplished. Ti’ignioni found a way to bring all his friends out of the nightmare they were thrust into, but the only thanks he wants is their continued friendship. I guess I do know how to choose them – whether followers like my Crystal Sect or a chamion like Ti’ignioni. He has been the best guardian I could have ever hoped for. Speaking of which, Ti’ignioni and the warriors that had stayed with him have now rejoined with the rest of the Crystal Sect. He is still a Toa, but he has been spending considerable time near the Crystal Springs. The first flakes of crystalline protodermis are starting to infuse into his armor. If he becomes one of the Crystal Sect, he will be the first to have evolved from a Toa. All the other current members had previously belonged to a race known as the Tixx, or Theropan. When they began to evolve, they had just fled an attempted genocide against their race on their homeland Topeinrid. They are the last survivors to represent that race. The inhabitants of the Mata Nui robot are integrating with the former inhabitants of the planetary fragment Bara Magna surprisingly well. We’ll see how they react to the concept of romantic love that only the Bara Magnans know up to the current day. The nanobots are only being introduced to this concept for the first time in their existence. We’ll see if, now aware of the inhibition, they ever discover a way to override it – and for that matter, if they ever choose to override it! Old habits sometimes die hard. Maybe they will dislike the concept of potentially experiencing an emotion entirely foreign to their minds. Or maybe they will find it just that much more enticing and potentially exhilarating. As I always have, I will leave Time, the eternal judge, to decide. Whatever the case with that, the Crystal Sect and their ally Ti’ignioni – Guardian of the Crystals – are good friends to have, even for a subterranean crystalline sentient subsystem of a formerly space-faring, now destroyed robot. Just as Neri’ict said at the conclusion of the battle upon which my fate was decided: It’s good to have a friend.

  18. Well, you certainly launched right into the action!Matoran/Toa that have a difficulty coming to terms with the three-word credo of their race are a largely unexplored topic. The post-end-of-line Spherus Magna setting is a great place to explore this concept considering that there is a completely new world and new set of races that the Matoran/Toa have come in contact with. These revelations make would be significantly paradigm-shattering. Not to mention, any 'guidance protocol' that the Mata Nui robot might have used to subliminally keep the Matoran and Toa adeherent to the UDD philosophy would no longer be active after its destruction.The dialogues and Synheith's mental monologues are very believable and they hold true to the culture and customs of the former MU and BM inhabitants. We're only a couple chapters in, but the essence of this writing already feels firmly set within the universe of the Bionicle storyline. They talk, behave, and live life just as anyone well-versed in the canon would expect them to. Every once in a while you tease me with a gem of line. For example, Chapter 1: "Maybe if you spent less time talking, we could avoid something like, I don't know, and ambush." Priceless. The lines convey distinct attititudes and I can see where the animosity between Tobduk and Synheith arises; they're too much alike for Synheith's comfort. Only line of dialogue I felt could have been improved: "Sounds mighty dubious to me, you sure? You sure the lightning didn't fry your brain for awhile?" The doubled "you sure" is hidden by the fact a line of non-dialogue lies between. If you try to read it conversationally, it sounds like Likara is stuttering. Minor, though. I didn't even notice myself until I was hunting through dialogue looking for good examples of just how great it is, ironically! So, no major errors. A couple commas I might have used different punctuation for, but much of that is stylistic choice. Oh, and just so you know, I'm just getting these opinions on grammar and structure out of the way in these first few replies to your review topic while you get the plot cooking in the meantime. Though, considering the pace at which you've moved the events along; I won't be able to stall on opinions about the plot for very long! Treperath's returned, you have a trap within a trap, and we've had some quick little battle sequences already. So this is probably the last review where I obsess over little nuances of grammar/style/what-have-you. I'll only bring that up again if I have something big to point out.Just one question: do you have this pre-written or are you coming up with it as you go along using something like an outline for guidance? Just curious because I was guessing it was pre-written (which is what I do) since you have the chapters coming up so quickly and they look like you've taken the time to read them over once or twice.

  19. Oh yeah, lost my sense of scale on nova blasts... blush.png Conveniently, it still worked out without plotholes for the reasons you mentioned. As for the Kanohi, that was pretty much the thing I was going for but wasn't very clear. I found another shoddy section as far as proofreading was concerned and I stopped checking for logistic clarity because I got so focused on that.

    The illusion trick was a great surprise! I certainly didn't expect it, and I hadn't known Tignioni was skilled enough with his mask to pull it off. The fight scene against the Skakdi captain was also excellent. I must say it makes up for the far less thrilling final battle at the end of Lightfall. ...[et cetera...]Your idea for C... Cap... um, Capila'aris was clever. I disagree about its view of Matoran Universe inhabitant emotions, however -- they do know love, just not romantic love because they have no need for it.
    I debated how far to take the illusion. In the end, I decided I shouldn't feel any qualms about making it an illusion of the highest quality since the Great Mahiki was his true, original mask and he's had countless centuries to hone his abilities with it. In Lightfall I indicate he's been a Toa for at least a millenium.Glad you liked the big battle. I felt really excited with how it turned out after I read it back to myself for the first time. My first thought when you guys called the Lightfall conclusion 'anticlimatic' was: Just wait until you all see my Shafts ending! I guess I was right on that much! cool.pngOne of the big things about Capila'aris' opinion is the fact that he takes it upon himself to judge the Great Beings. It was one of my ways of showing just how serious of a matter this thing was that the Skakdi were messing with. The point you bring up is possibly the greatest argument to undermine his viewpoint: "Why should MU beings need to have access to that? They know filial, societal, and cultural love." Regardless, this crystalline brainbox has had tens of millenia to brood on the subject and the fact that he knows of something the MU beings aren't even aware that they lack has clearly started to bother him. I'm going to decline to reply on any further discussion about him until I've put up the last post or two. I can guarantee it will be two maximum; I might just do it as one.Happy (several-days-ago) Thanksgiving everyone! If there's one thing I'm thankful for, it's appreciation for my writing after I've dumped hours upon hours into it. :P
  20. + 14.5 hoursHe’s walking toward the gasping body on the decks. The wound appears to be fatal. He kicks the body to add final insult to injury. It moans and mumbles something unintelligible.He leans in close to hear. “What’s that little Toa? What’s that you’re saying now? Not such a prophet anymore, are you? The crystals won’t help you now.”“I… said… turn…leckfff…” Unintelligible again.“Turn left?”“No… Turn right… there’s someone you… really should meet over there.”He snaps his maniacally grinning visage to the right and –“Seeing double?” I taunt. I bring my Charger Sword, flames blazing, down on his head. My Mahiki stops glowing and the illusionary version of me, the one that the harpoon struck, fades. It wasn’t too hard to dive behind an artillery emplacement and hide there while I projected an illusion to take my place while the Skakdi had his back to me. The crashing waves masked the sound of my armor clattering on the decks and left the Skakdi veteran non-the-wiser to my actions.As he struggles to recover from the heavy, fiery blow, I wrest his harpoon gun free of his grip and throw it over the edge of the deck. He’s still got the crystal, though; it’s strapped to his waist.He reaches for his weapons belt and removes two long sickle-shaped blades. Massive daggers. With a Skakdi’s reflexes, I won’t be able to land a blow while he dances around lithely with these weapons… at least not with the Charger Sword. I throw it down at my feet and run to Neri’s motionless form. I hastily pry her scimitars from her still fingers.The Skakdi comes at me, swinging his huge daggers as if he’s trying to produce a vortex of metal. We leap around the decks, blades flashing. I frantically try to parry the Skakdi’s blows. Mata Nui above, he’s unnatural! How can anyone attack this quickly? Finally, the Skakdi’s zeal backfires. He puts one foot too close to me. I make a calculated trade. I intentionally fail to block one of his blows. This gives me an opening with the scimitar I would have used to parry that attack and I hook it under his poorly-placed leg. I take a bad stab in the chestplate, but he is thrown onto his back by my scimitar attack. Flames race down the blades of the scimitars and I bring them down on his arms. He releases his grip on the sickle-shaped daggers as he wails, smoke rising from lacerations on his forearms. I kick them scattering across the decks. Unfortunately, he takes advantage of the time I spend disarming him to charge up his eyebeams. Unlike the Crystal Sect warriors, I am most definitely not immune. I am blasted across the decks and Neri’s scimitars skitter out of reach just like the daggers the Skakdi had been using. I spring back to my feet to see the Skakdi barreling toward me. I run to meet him and we collide at breakneck velocity. Lacking his hardiness, I take the hit a bit worse. We both stagger backward for a moment, and then I try for an uppercut on that Skakdi’s dementedly grinning face. Exercising his unbelievable reflexes, he grabs my arm mid-swing and pull me in, then head-buts me face-to-mask. I collapse to my knees, but I’m not out of this yet. From my lower position, I grab one of his feet and lift to destabilize him. He falls onto his back before me. I get to my feet and tower over him, flames coursing up from my hands. He puts his hands before his face, expecting a blow. Bad mistake. In doing so, he has exposed my true goal this entire time: the crystal on his belt. I snatch it free and he tries to recover it, but too late. I superheat the crystal in my hand until it becomes brittle. Then I cast it down onto the deck. The crystal shatters into a myriad of fragments that skitter over the deck. Immediately, Mu and Neri mobilize. Mu throttles the Skakdi leader with one hand, lifting him by his neck, and flings him down onto the deck. He tries to stand, only to have Neri encase him in solid crystal. Such an act massively drains her, but this foe clear warrants extra caution after all we’ve just been through. Exhausted from the battle, the Skakdi is unable to break free of its imprisonment. He is now the one frozen in place. Neri scoops her scimitars up off the deck and Mu finds his falchion. “Thanks, Ti,” Mu says. “You’re always there when we’re in a bad spot.” “Thank me later; right now we need to get this job done.” Neri consults Elino’urtam. “The tanker is imminent and our continued diversions have kept them still unnoticed. We should find that Gravity Toa on this ship quickly, before the impact with the tanker. We need to see if he knows a way we can get off so we aren’t vaporized by the energized protodermis he’s supposed to be destined for.” Artillery shells and eyebeams begin racing through the night sky at our ship once again. We’ve taken out all their allies onboard this ship as well and the pirates are determined to get rid of us. We scramble beneath the top deck, with the dual intention of getting clear of enemy fire and finding the Gravity Toa before the tanker collides with our ship.

    | | / /

    The Toa chained to the superstructure of the ship in front of us is a devastated being. He is barely breathing and his eyes are only slivers behind his – of course – a Mask of Clairvoyance. That’s how he knew that he was destined to touch energized protodermis. “So you’re finally here… Ti’ignioni…” he gasps. “I had foreseen… your name… and my end – today.” “It doesn’t have to end like this. We’ll get you out of here,” I proclaim. “No, you can’t. I have seen it. Today… I die.” He wheezes. “But the villagers…” “We’ll save them, don’t worry.” “No, not that… don’t tell them… They don’t need to… know I was still alive… just to die right before their… their coastline. They can only… be saved if I fulfill my destiny. I’ll die either way… but you… you’ve given me a chance to… to save everyone else… including you.” “What do you mean?” “The energized proto…” he coughs violently. “Protodermis. I will… become some… something more than just… a Toa. Then… I go nova. But one gravitic thrust… and all of you… and your… friends on the tanker… are sent to the shoreline. You can get out.” Neri looked at me. “Ti, I don’t know about this. Even transformed, can one Toa going nova destroy an entire fleet? It doesn’t add up.” “There’s going to be energized protodermis all around. It could act to massively magnify the area that will be affected.” I look back at the Gravity Toa. “Are you absolutely sure about this? We’re going to lose you if you do this.” “I’ve… already told you. I’m… not making it… either way. My mask showed me… two potential outcomes: …die as who I am by being turned into a war monster… for these Skakdi… or go out like this. No other permutations… are possible.” Neri’s heard all she needs. Without even consulting me, she’s contacting Elino’urtam and calling in the tanker. I turn to see a hole, a good bio or two in diameter, get torn right through the deck we are in as shrapnel from an artillery shell tears the wood apart. The deck above is already in pieces. To me, everything has become a nightmarish blur. Suddenly, my mind travels back in time to when I first arrived on Modos. I decided to stay on Modos because I couldn’t put up with the loss of life I was witnessing, even if most of the lives lost were those of corrupt enemies. If I let him do this, the Skakdi are dying. My mind goes further back. I remember Imegna murdering the mercenary in order to save all our lives. I remember my rage against her. And I remember how I found myself eventually forgiving her. She had to do that to save us. I have to do this to save Modos… and I need to forgive myself for what I’m doing rather than dwell on it endlessly as a failure. I will have saved those that were otherwise helpless. That will have to be enough. You can’t always save people from themselves and these Skakdi crossed the line a long ways back. But you can stick up for your friends and those that have yet to prove themselves one way or the other, villain or hero. I kneel down by the Gravity Toa, knowing that the tanker is nearly here. I slip off his Kanohi. “I’ll tell them this is all we found of you and that you clearly died a hero. They won’t know about the rest.” The collision will happen before he dies from having his Kanohi removed. “Appreciate…it. Get… to the top deck. I might… be able to get you back to shore.” I gaze out through a gaping hole in the side of our ship and then proceed up to the top deck as instructed by the Toa. Fires are raging all around in the night, but I don’t care. This is finally going to be over. I wish we could have saved the Gravity Toa, but he’s shown me no alternatives. At least everyone else will be safe. I can see the tanker proceeding towards us at top velocity with the Crystal Sect strike team manning the controls. The other Skakdi have caught on to what is happening, but it’s too late to stop the careening tanker. The side of the flagship gives way as the tanker slams into it at breakneck speed. We’re thrown off our feet as flaming splinters of wood are hurled through the air and the wail of rending metal from the tanker resounds even over the thunderous siege weapons. Energized protodermis gushes through the lower decks and froths in the ocean as both ships are torn asunder. I see any hapless surviving Skakdi from the two ships get caught in the swirling silver liquid. As they are dissolved, I realize that their life energies are feeding additional energy into the transformation of our Gravity Toa. He’s going to be able to release far more energy than I had predicted. And then it happens. Before we can even scramble back to our feet after the collision, gravitic energies surround us and fling us shoreward. Before we know what’s happened, we’re flying hundred of bios into the air. From this vantage point, I can see a singularity of concentrated gravitic energy forming in the center of the fleet. Entire ships are lifted out of the water as everything within the fleet is drawn toward the one central point. The closer the ships get to the singularity, in which the Toa must reside, the more mangled they become. With a final outward burst, they are all destroyed and a field of flotsam constitutes what was once a mighty armada. The Toa has expired, but he has taken the entire invasion force with him. I crane my neck to see where I am flying on my trajectory… and I am quickly mortified. The gravitic thrust was rapidly rigged and the Gravity Toa had more power at his disposal than he was capable of controlling. He completely overshot the shoreline. We are about to careen into the sentry tower nearest Modos at the top of the encircling mountain chain. I slam headfirst into the outer wall and, for the third time today, black out.

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  21. Geez. I read this thing... like A WEEK ago and then just sat on it. I knew I wanted to write a review, but I just never felt like it. Well, I guess if it's been about two years since you finished it, you could put up with an extra week after I finished reading!OK, one thing that really worked. The tone. You can feel that Tanu is trying to keep this record as an objective depiction of the events that have occured. Likewise, you can see where he starts to break and how this subjectivity bleeds into the narration.Next thing: foreshadowing... and lack of were necessary. You wiped out two of the team. The first is foreshadowed. That built a sense of dread as I approached what I was starting to fear was an inevitable conclusion. After that comes to pass, I start to look for trends in the characters' actions when Gareki get taken out with no warning whatsoever. This completelely destabilizes any preconceptions about who might make it and who might not. More importantly, this really brings home the point about just how unpredictable and cruel this war is.Overall, I get the sense that you were trying to use this 'interlude,' as you've called it, to shift the paradigms of your heroes... or those that remain, I should say. In that much, you have excelled. This epic describes a litany of events that would be bound to alter the attitudes of even the most unshakeable individuals. The first-person narration by a narrator trying (and failing) to write a completely objective account was a new feel.Now, I also felt there were some points where you passed up good opportunities to expand (though you might have already done so in Fate and End, but I've yet to read those). For one thing, the ending came... abruptly. (Now why would this complaint seem familiar? Oh yeah! I've been accused of it plenty. :P ) I think it could have ended, quite literally, only a few days later on the timeline for the Matoran Universe. If Tanu really was keeping a record for the inhabitants of Yrenta, it would make sense that the final entry would take place not just after the war had ended, but as he took the transport to return. As the reader, I got the feeling that Tanu was giving up on any attempt of stoicism at that point, so it only would have made sense to break away from the otherwise omnipresent "facts-of-the-war" narrative for some final introspection from our morose hero. For one thing, he's supposed to be returning Ilikia's sword to Yrenta. I don't know about Tanu, but I would have a final "subconscious delusion" shattered upon seeing that sword yet again: the possibility that this ordeal might finally be over. For your team, it can never be over. They've lost two friends. Yet again begging for expansion is what the death of Ilikia specifically represents: a final crushing blow to the morale of the Lightning Village. They lost tens in the thunder troll attack, including the esteemed and heroic Kuchapi. Now they've lost their Toa. Essentially, all the heroic elements of their village have been wiped out. That could have serious political ramifications in the upcoming plot. Anyway, I'm just saying that Tanu seems like the bright type and I'd expect him to forsee this sort of mess. Having a final introspective as he loads her sword onto the transport could be a nice way to actually draw the reader away from what has otherwise just been an unending description of incessant death and put it all in perspective.Woah, that was way longer than it was meant to be, as usual. I'm not going to delete it all, but let me squeeze out the essence: This was a good piece of writing because you effectively used literary elements to intrigue the reader and leave them with a believable series of deaths on the battlefield. The only thing it lacked that was necessary to make it profound rather than good was perspective. By the end, there was little to make all these deaths relatable despite the fact that two of the dead were characters we'd learned to cherish in Tale of Yrenta.It was a difficult point to work. You were trying to show how desensitized (and demoralized) Tanu was becoming after seeing so much death. Simultaneously, you were trying to show how his objective account began to falter into subjectivity. End result, the two strongest points of this epic actually worked to mitigate one another becuase they were somewhat exclusive of one another. The introspective finale I offered works toward the second point you were trying to get across and less so with the desensitization point. So even that "improvement" trades one of them off for the other.At this point, I've realized to things: 1) I'm on the verge of devolving into nonsensical babbling. 2) I need to read Fate and End in order to actually see if you did pick up on these opportunities I'm claiming you missed. Both of these realizations indicate it's time for me to stop typing, so here's the two-sentence summary:I really liked this installment as well (don't get me wrong just because I went on all day about 'missed potential' or whatever - it was good!), but I felt you could have worked with it more, so Tale of Yrenta is still holding my heart for now. It served exactly the purpose you wrote it for: being an interlude in your saga - no more, no less.Bah. I'm spent.

  22. NO! I just wrote almost an entire review and then had my browser autorefresh or something and it wiped all the text. I'll try to copy it over as best I can remember... Grrrr... :burnmad:Huh. I was actually fixing to do something else on the Epics forum when I realized it been a long time since I'd browsed for any fresh work. Even then, I was going to keep on going about my business when I saw your username and couldn't resist the temptation. Seriously, too much win. (Utahraptors are so much more awesome than those puny little Velociraptors the general masses are so obsessed with after Jurassic Park erroneosly labelled their raptors as such...). Anyway! The epic...I really like this opening post. It quickly lays the cards on the table and describes the mysterious circumstances that, presumably, will be the foundation for the plot. I am already intrigued. Your have an impeccable command of vocabulary and imagery; I could easily visualize each scene. ^_^ There was only one sentence that struck me as in need of improvement:

    The Rahkshi staggered backwards, the Kraata letting out a dying scream, and fell.
    It was difficult to follow this at first until I realized what had happened. You split apart the verbs in a compound sentence with a prepositional phrase. That's generally considered bad practice, so it would be preferable to write it as: As the Kraata let out a dying scream, the Rahkshi staggered back and fell. I've made more grevious errors in my own writing, but that won't stop me from pointing it out when I DO catch on to the mistake! :PAnyway, I'm going to follow this epic. I really like what I see. I've seen epics with similar promise die out, so don't let me down! :begging: No pressure, of course...Wow, I loaded this with smilies. Anyway, I'm done testing my luck to see if I can inadvertently get my computer to wipe away all the text. Posting...
  23. + 14 hours Skakdi eyebeams whizz over our heads, leaving an electric tang in the air. Every so often, an artillery shell sends up an eruption of seawater, but that isn’t as much of a danger. Those siege weapons were designed to attack buildings and large gatherings of enemy forces, not to land pinpoint shots on fast and small approaching boats. Enemy craft loom ahead. Our ship is a small transport, just large enough for us to fit in, but with a powerful ore-powered motor. It crashes violently over every single wave we speed into, blasting those of us inside with the salty tang of oceanic liquid protodermis. The Skakdis’ wooden war machines in front of us tower over the waves with artillery emplacements and large rigging assemblies to handle the sails the rise up towards the starry firmament above us. Mu takes a hit from the eyebeams, but they reflect off, leaving him unharmed. “Yeah, you can try that all you want!” Mu taunts, bellowing out over the sea as if the enemies might actually hear him. It is about this time that I am noticing that one of the nearer ships between us and the command vessel has set itself on an intercept trajectory with our little motorboat. As it gets close, the enemies can aim more precise shots. An eyebeam blast strikes the back of our boat and mangles the motor. Realizing we’re dead in the water, Mu, with his incredible strength, hurtles a grappling cable up onto the enemy decks. They sever the cable, but not before we’ve had a chance to use our brief attachment to their vessel to pull right up alongside it. I burn a hole through the wooden hull, but above the waterline. I don’t want to sink it; we’re going to have to overtake this vessel and use it ourselves. Mu tosses a second grappling hook up to the glowing, ember-rimmed hole that I seared into existence just moments before. All of the enemies are on the top deck, so we have a chance to shinny up the cable and enter the enemy vessel at a point one level below the main deck. A Skakdi launches itself down a ladder into our level. Skakdi are tough, but we’re fighting in the cramped hold of a boat and Mu is a Stormer, a true specialist in close range combat. He takes the huge crystalline falchion that he uses for his weapon and brings it down on the Skakdi’s head. The Skakdi is thrown to the ground, but doesn’t falter just yet. Being bashed in the head several times with Mu’s rock-hard knuckles changes that fact.Mu clambers up the ladder and we immediately hear eyebeams blasts lacing the air above. I quickly follow him and Neri is close behind. I make it up there to see flabbergasted Skakdi coming to terms with the fact that warriors from the Crystal Sect are truly immune to eyebeam attacks. Mu barrels into the nearest Skakdi and throws him overboard. Neri uses her Shaper powers to send a series of razor-sharp crystal shards scattering across the decks and into hapless enemies. I send fireballs hurtling through the air. Fire, eyebeams, and glowing crystals streak through the night everywhere around us.A Skakdi with a mace runs straight at me. I swipe my sword low, striking his legs. He crashes directly to my right. I use elemental fire to melt his metallic mace, which has fallen onto his back. He leaps overboard, screaming, in an attempt to cool the molten metal affixed to his backside. I turn to see Neri brandishing her dual scimitars with reckless abandon. Or not so recklessly, apparently. The nearest Skakdi falls, covered in lacerations from her attacks and a second Skakdi fails to see a shard of crystal that materializes in midair and then hurtles into his body. Like I’ve said, Shapers have power over crystal similar to a Toa’s over their element. The Skakdi struggles to remove the radiant crystal embedded in his torso, doubling over in pain as he does so. Mu, though, seems to be racking up the greatest total tally of defeated Skakdi. He is swinging his oversized falchion in wide arcs, thrashing Skakdi and sending them all around decks. The one time a Skakdi attempts to sneak up behind Mu, crystalline chains whip around him and trap him. I glance to the side to see Neri smirking at her handiwork. The Skakdi uses its incredible strength to break free, but Mu has already taken notice by now, so he lifts the Skakdi by its neck and tosses it overboard to join what by now must be countless others. Now that we have defeated the Skakdi onboard and have assumed control, I take to the helm and direct the vessel towards the command ship. Meanwhile, Mu takes care of the rigging and Neri checks in for an update with Elino’urtam. “Fuli’etor and her team have taken control of the tanker. The other ships in the vicinity are currently unaware of their infiltration onboard. Fuli’etor is waiting for us to enact the final diversion by attempting to take the command ship.” As the warships near us catch on to the fact that we have defeated all of their allies onboard our vessel, a wave of artillery shells pockmarks the decks, blowing holes in the surface behind me. Eyebeams fire upon the vessel. One eyebeam blast sets our sails ablaze. “This flaming wreck is only going to survive until we board the command vessel. If the tanker and command ship are going down together, how do we get off?” I ask. Neri, who had been thrust onto her back by the shudders that had just racked our vessel, rises to her feet and calls out over then din. “I don’t know yet. There’s no way back the way we came in, so maybe we can find an answer as we are destroying the leader’s warship.” “Isn’t that counterintuitive?” “I asked you the same thing when you insisted on going deeper into the tunnels you were already trapped in, hoping you might find a way out by proceeding to the bottom. So, I’m going to give you the same answer you gave me: ‘I’ll find a way.’” “Guess you’ve picked up on my style, Neri.” Several more fires are erupting around this ship, and the superstructure of it is being torn apart by enemy heavy weaponry. The three of us simply aren’t enough to return any consequential amount of fire. We’re just trying to make it to the command ship, which is now in sight, before this whole thing sinks. The torches illuminate a red symbol painted onto the sails. A serious blow strikes our ship and we list far to the left. The entire ship is tilting toward its side. I struggle to absorb some of the fire in what is now a raging conflagration on our vessel. Neri takes my place steering the ship while I perform this task, trying to mitigate the damage for just long enough. “Prepare for impact!” Mu warns. We’re about to collide bow-to-bow with the command ship. “By the crystals!” Neri swears. “We’re coming in way to fast!” “Neri’s right,” I confirm. “Prepare to jump as soon as we make physical contact.” The front of the lead warship is specifically designed for ramming; I can make out iron support struts designed to shear right through an enemy vessel. Like ours. Which is already in pieces. The front of our ship crumples into a burning mass of shattered wood upon impact, and Mu leaps clean over conglomeration of debris. He engages the enemies immediately, clearing the way so that I and Neri can replicate his jump, but our ship is sinking fast. I vault over flaming wreckage on our deck and scramble onto the other ship which is already a considerable height above ours due to the amount of water we’ve taken on. An explosion rings out. I turn to see the entire stern of our old vessel disintegrating and flaming wood flying everywhere. Neri is still trying to make it up to the command vessel. Since our ship was already listing far to the left, the bow of the lead warship is now riding clean over our old ship on its left deck, crushing that entire side of the ship. Neri leaps to try and reach the warship that Mu and I have already boarded, but only succeeds in gripping the edge of the deck; she’s hanging over the ocean on the side of the ship. She’s struggling to pull herself aboard, but her glowing armor has attracted a Skakdi’s attention and he rushes to prevent her from doing so.He fails to notice as I move to intercept him. I slam the full brunt of my body weight into him, sending both of us clattering along the deck… and toward the edge of the deck ourselves. Both of us lose our grip on our weapons in the process. Before I can get up, the Skakdi is on top of me. I manage to grab his arms before he can start punching me in the face, but he’s a lot stronger. He pushes my arms down, trying to remove my Kanohi to incapacitate me. He backs off some as I increase the temperature of my hands, trying to ignite a fire. His arms begin to smoke and smolder where I am holding them. Suddenly, a hail of glowing crystals slams into his side and I know that Neri has finally clambered aboard. Weakened by the pain of my burns and the Neri’s crystal shards, the Skakdi is now disadvantaged. I roll over and pin him below me. A fire-infused punch to the face takes him out of commission. As I rise, I see Neri toying with a Skakdi. She’s holding both her scimitars at the ready, one far to the left and the other far to the right. The Skakdi’s eyes dart between the two, trying to anticipate which direction the first blow will come from. Neri expertly deceives him by rapidly pulling her arms in and holding the two scimitars side-by-side, then thrusting forward right down the middle rather than on the sides as the Skakdi had expected. Both weapons connected with his torso. Mu has forgone his sword and has lifted a Skakdi against the mast. He slams his fist into its face again and again until the foe loses consciousness. All the Skakdi I can see are down for the count, but suddenly something goes wrong. Neri and Mu both freeze in place, immobile. A Skakdi rises from the deck below, holding a crystal, but it isn't like those of Capila'aris. It glows faintly and seems to be dark purple in coloration. As for the Skakdi, he is clearly the leader. A strip of red cloth is tied around his forehead as a headband. He is carrying a harpoon gun. “I don’t know who you are, or what you intend to do, but this ends now,” he declares. “You’re insane. No one can take on the might of the Crimson Nightguard of Zakaz.” So now I have a name for the opposing army, not that I really care. “Did the fate of the last Toa team not send a clear enough message? Ah, well. I can’t have you interfering, and the only thing I know for certain is that the dead do not interfere.” “I know what you’re doing here,” I threaten. “You’ve already failed; you just didn't know. I collapsed the mines. All the Hounds are dead and the living crystal will not be yours to harness. Not sure how you got it or what exactly it is, but I’m guessing that crystal you’re holding allows you to control other crystals. You intended to use that on the Gravity-Crystal biological war machine you meant to make. I guess you just found it convenient my friends had crystalline armor. You’ll keep them frozen until you’ve thrown them into the sea and watched them drown. Or you would. But you aren’t touching them.” “What… Who are you? How can you know all this!?” He raises his harpoon gun and simultaneously cocks it in an attempt to prove that he somehow still maintains the upper hand, but the truth is painfully obvious: he’s worried. “I know because the living crystal Capila’aris chose me to put an end to this. As for your first question, I am Tignioni, Toa of Fire.” I pause for a second. “No, better than that. I am Ti’ignioni, Guardian of the Crystals. You can let my friends go right now, and leave Modos alone, or I will stop this by whatever means necessary. This doesn’t have to end with anything worse than a couple destroyed ships if you choose wisely.” He turns his back to me, apparently in thought. I know better than this. He’s trying to avoid showing his true intentions with the look in his eyes. He doesn’t want me to read his facial expression and see that he plans to betray me. And he knows a Toa won’t strike a foe whose given them its back. Wouldn’t have mattered, anyway. I can’t get close enough to strike him with my Charger Sword, which I have now recovered, before he will presumably turn on me. With the expertise of untold years of practice, the Skakdi spins around and fires the harpoon gun. A harpoon sails through the air and strikes its target in the gut… and keeps on going.

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  24. It may be because I was reading through this quickly catch up, but Capila'aris' appearance and memories seemed very abrupt. I might have included some of Tignioni's own thoughts in response to the crystal's memories, just to remind us he's receiving these thoughts.The upcoming battle looks to be exciting in both climactic and cinematic sense, although I would disagree with delivering a description of the "Star-Spangled Banner"-esque events before they occur; rather, I would have sprinkled references to the light-dark dynamic as the battle went on. To have it spelled out for us did conjure a very vivid image, but a little bit before its time, and you know my opinion on how heavy your messages can become (recall the narrator's spiel about the irony of the skakdi captain's death?).
    I'd be exceedingly surprised if Capila'aris' appearance did not seem abrupt, as well as his big "memory dump." For one thing, his appearance is supposed to be a surprise. Now, perhaps you got this and didn't mention it or maybe you just missed it because of high-speed cath-up reading, but Capila'aris' narration is sandwitched between "I lose control of my mind and-" and "I black out." If you put those together, it makes one sentence ("I lose control of my mind and I black out."). The entire mental invasion and subsequent transplant of information were supposed to have taken place within the time it would have taken Tignioni to formulate that one sentence. Obviously, that's more mental strain than one individual would normally be able to handle, which explains why he almost instantly blacks out. So I was aware of that much and I suspect that it was only such a jarring abrubtness because you were reading quickly. That would make sense to me, I wrote it with the intention of being abrupt and reading quickly could exacerbate that to the point of being problematic.As for your second complaint, I must say that is a legitimate shortcoming. I wrote that only shortly after finisihng Lightfall and some of the weaknesses of that epic bled into this one. I feel there were fewer, but that was one. (Another personal pet peeve of mine was using a pole-vault in an escape sequence. I was trying to keep the action up, but I feel like I was falling back on similar action sequences from Lightfall at that point. It didn't seem very original to me, because I know that I had Emeder pole-vault on the train in Lightall, and, seriously, pole-vaults are trite. Maybe that's just me, but I didn't like it and couldn't come up with anything better so it stuck.)At least I can rest a little easier this time, though, than with the "irony is here in case you weren't smart enough to catch on" narration you mentioned. That's because I did exactly what you mentioned and laced the entire battle sequence with vivid "glowing in the dark" imagery. I just overdid the whole thing and ended up defaulting into describing it in advance as well. Now, it risks becoming a slightly ad nauseum effect, but it's better than insulting the intelligence of the reader like I managed to pull off last time. :P So, my writing's improved, but I'm starting to see trends in where it is weak. Now I can eradicate them for good!My new saga for Bara Magna is over 30 pages long and nowhere near completion (I'm predicting four parts and a little over one part is complete right now). In this neew project, I've worked on trying to state things implicitly rather than explicitly when that is beneficial. That's been the main weakness I've seen cropping up in these prior works. I've always valued the ability of a good story to allow every individual reader to develop their own interpretations, but I am starting to notice that I have ironically forced my own interpretations of my work onto you guys at certain points. That has to stop, but I see it appearing less and less. I've let things be a little more open now, thankfully. Work in progress, I guess.Anyway, I was delaying putting up more until around Thanksgiving in order to give people catch-up time (which I see you took advantage of), so now I'm going to keep posting. ...and keep writing about Bara Magna. I really like how it's coming along, but it's a little demoralizing (not too much, though, don't worry) to right for over an hour and realize I've made it through only half of a chapter (Chapters are generally exceeding 4 pages and I'm using 10 pt font. Not Times New Roman, though. Can't remember what, it was just something that I thought looked cool ^_^ .) It's a lot of words, anyway.
  25. Well, I'm honestly not sure what to make of this. I'm torn between favoritism and idealism. Zaktan was always my favorite villain after he trumped the Irnakk projection on the 777 stairs, but I sure wish someone would stay dead. The Red Star thing didn't faze me too much at first, but with Zaktan cheating death even in his pit-mutant form... I'm starting to get a little irked. But if his mind is in control of the fusion... I'm so glad he's back! But it goes against my ideals, but I like him, but my ideals, but he's back, but...See what I mean? I'm totally torn!

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