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Elrond of Rivendell

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Posts posted by Elrond of Rivendell

  1. IC(Prius, Ta-koro):


    "Nowhere, and everywhere," Prius replied, leaning over the desk to sign his name on the list. "I originally came from the Le-koronian jungles, near Kini-Nui, but I've been traveling the island since. I've been to most of the major koros, excluding the lost koro, Ga-Wahi being the last place i visited. I loved the nature of the Ga-koronians, but there's too much water there for me. No, Ta-koro is the place to go, at least, if you want to serve in the guard. As for what I want to do in the guard, I want to serve the people, which is a change from what I used to be. I also want to learn how to defend others. In this climate, it doesn't take much to start a fight, if you know what I mean."



  2. IC(Atox, Pala-koro bar):


    If looks were daggers, Praggos would be a walking pincushion right now. I locked eyes with Praggos, a small fire kindling behind my eyes. The tension was building, and my anger was building with it. Before long, there might be a fistfight, and not between Praggos and Kehuri. The new recruit had more snide than was good for him, and poking at Kehuri wasn't helping my attitude towards him. But since there weren't any Toa of Water around to play peacekeeper, I had to do the job.


    "Praggos, you have about as much tact as a drunk Kane-Ra."


    Well, I didn't say I was going to be any good at it.


    Turning to Kehuri, I gave him a look that said calm down. "The fact is, Kehuri, that we'd probably just make matters worse at the moment. It's peacetime for the moment, and excluding a few of us, most of us are soldiers. Fighting's what we do, not negotiations. Besides, if the ILF gets involved with local politics-and considering the fact that we're not directly involved as a group in any of the koros on a regular basis- our actions by involving ourselves could be viewed as a coup de tat. That's not going to encourage unity. Our best bet is to allow free access and trade with Pala-koro, no matter what breaks out between the koros. If war breaks out, we can play referee, but that's about it. The bar may actually help, since most beings around here drink."


    I looked over at Kehuri and Alfon. "Unless Kehuri thinks differently."



  3. OOC: Thanks


    IC(Prius, Ta-koro gatehouse):


    "Thank you, sirs," Prius replied as he passed between the two guardsmen. He looked over, and made a beeline for the small registration booth in the guardhouse. He passed under the emblem of the guard over the doorway, marveling at the arched doorway. Was he a bit starstruck? Yes. Neither the statues of Po-koro, or the height of Le-koro could compare to this, the pure strength that emanated from Ta-koro.


    He approached the desk, and looked up a Lucria, eyes shining. "Your city is amazing, as far as I have seen. I would be honored to join your guard. How do I join?"



  4. So, just a quick question, to see if anyone would participate in this, before I make a fool of myself trying to start another group:


    If I created a group of greedy, moneymaking warmongers dedicated to making sure that the koros are always fighting, would anyone like to join?



  5. IC(Atox, Le-Wahi):


    After a half-hour of running, the ache returns. Even after 3 months, the scar hadn't healed, and any quick turn of the shoulders still brought a faint stab of pain, continually reminding me that the gash would never fully heal. A mask of healing only did so much. But I'm not the type to whine.


    Because of the debilitation of the body, I turn to the power of the mind. Activating my new kanohi, I begin to jog back to Pala-koro, my speed amplified by the mask I wear. The trees begin to become just a blur, and I begin to slow, dodging the tree limbs that threaten to clothesline me. Now this is exhilarating. I spin, flip, turn and dodge. I'm almost to the clearing. I begin making a final dash towards the clearing-


    -and then I trip over the log. Owww.


    For a moment, I'm flying a bio over the ground, headed straight for the walls of Pala-koro. I tuck my head in, roll as I begin to slide across the ground, and then put my foot down, tearing dirt up in a small wave as I brace to hit the 2-3 bio high wall before me.


    I land with a small thud, hitting the dirt I just plastered against the wall, then hitting the wall itself. The wall replied, giving a slight thump as I hit it with over 400 pounds of force. I give my own little groan, as the dry dirt falls over and around me. Maybe I should just stick to melee.


    After giving myself a good wash in Lake Pala, I walk back into the gates of Pala-koro, heading toward the main meeting house. The main members of the group have already awoken, conversing with their usual banter. I look at the normal members of the group: Kethrye, Alfon, Plagia. The new recruit, Praggos, is doing his usual cynic thing, and- Wait, is that Kehuri?


    With a warm smile, I slap Kehuri on the back, looking him over. The young toa has grown much more muscular since I last saw him, and seems more confident, no longer giving the usual signs of one unsure of himself. "Kehuri, it's good to see you. How have you been?"



  6. IC(Prius, Ta-koro gates):


    Prius almost missed the guard's question. He had been admiring the far-stretching walls of the city, which seemed much more impressive than the last time he had visited the city. The walls looked at least 10 bio high, if not higher, and were guarded by a constant flow of militia, providing almost no gaps between the wall of security. The matoran guarding it were as varied as the inhabitants, sporting colors that occasionally included white, blue, and green, strange colors for a guard, indeed. All of them carried the renowned double-pronged spear, a staple of the guard. Now that was what Prius aspired to be.


    He was broken out of his reverie by the tail end of the guard's question. "Umm... Yes. I mean, I plan on finding a job, some work of a kind that hopefully benefits everyone in the great city. It looks like your Guard might be a good place to start. I guess I plan on joining the guard, if I could get permission to pass."



  7. IC(Prius, Ta-koro gate):


    Ta-koro's heat was blistering.


    It always was, and always would be. There was no way around it. Fortunately, that's what Prius wanted in the first place, as he passed the charred forest, well on his way to the Ta-koro gates. Even being on the beaches, in somewhat close proximity to the city, was not enough. Like the average Ta-koronian, Prius craved heat, almost as much as he did a roasted Kane-Ra.


    The closer he got to the city, the more the temperature rose, and soon, the smell of burning metals and rock came to him like an old friend, offering him warm shelter. Well, the first, maybe not the second. Until he could find a job, food and shelter were going to be scarce. He began to suck one of his last bula berries, giving him an extra spring in his step. He then approached the gates of the city, unhindered till he began to enter the gateway, where two guard members stood. He came to a stop, and gave a salute, or as close as he could get to one. "Hello, sirs. I request permission to enter your city."



  8. IC:


    "Have I mentioned how I don't like these things?" Watcher announced, staring at the nearest security camera.


    "I don't like these things."



    IC(Drox, Typewriter Town):


    "Me neither," I said, taking the risk of a quick glance upward. "Which is why we're going to do something about it."


    I raised my hand, palm up, and activated a magnetic pulse. Just a small one, of course, nothing to blow the machine off its post, but enough to scramble its circuits, frying it for just enough time for us to get away. I begin moving, motioning for Watcher to follow me. "Stick to the walls. There's less surveillance there. And tell me if you see any more. We don't need Coppers on our tail."


    I begin walking in the direction of Gearheadville. Hopefully, I can get some info there.



  9. OOC: Atox/ Bane never technically left the ILF. As long as it's fine with you guys, I'm starting off here.


    IC(Atox, Pala-koro):


    A new morning had dawned, much as it had every morning. The sun awoke, stretching it's rays across the vast expanse of space to touch the jungles of Le-Wahi. It danced among the trees, warming and awaking the wild Gukko and Muaka, seemingly giving them the permission and power to run wild among the trees.


    The sun finally made its way to a clearing beside a lake, and began to wake the inhabitants, myself one of them. It entered the small fort in which I lived, weaved among the huts that made up its interior, and finally reached me, breathing across my eyelids to awake, to run wild and play; much as it had for the last 100 days. 100 peaceful days, filled with construction and healing, for the most part, although the whispers of a coming darkness still nagged at every corner. But life was too short to worry about such things. I pulled each leg individually out of my hammock, and dropped to the floor, landing with a heavy thud. I suited up quickly, allowing myself only a short time to bask in the embrace of the sun. I stepped out of my small hut, and began to stretch, smiling at the familiar sight of the jungle greeting me.


    I raised my hands, and a metal bar held up by two metal posts appeared before me. I grabbed the bar, using it for a series of vigorous chin-ups.


    five reps before I finished, the bar broke. I tumbled to the ground in a heap, and shook my head. I still needed to work on that. Pulling myself back up, I began to run towards the main gate, beginning my early morning run through the forest.




    Atox "The Beater"



    Name: Atox (Has been known as Bane)Species: Toa
    Element: Iron
    Dominant hand: Atox is ambidextrous, but his left hand is more developed than the right, so he prefers to use Left.
    Mask: Atox wears the Kanohi Kakama, styled as that of a mask of regeneration, with a telescopic eyepiece on his left eye.
    Alignment: Bane is a toa of the traditional sort in terms of alignment. He believes in the Unity, Duty, and Destiny of each matoran, and as such will protect each matoran to the bitter end. However, the political shift of each koro has forced Atox to question his unity. At this moment, he will not side with a fight between koros, but he would lean towards defending Le-Koro
    Weapons: Atox relies on defensive weaponry with aggressive modifications. He wears a large, perfectly round shield, which has a sharpened edge and can cut. The shield itself can be mounted on a revolving joint on his arm, which allows it to be used as a sawblade. He wears jointed metal Cestus on his hands, and jagged Vambraces on his forearms as offensive/defensive weaponry. He has been known to carry a former toa's Claymore in battle, though he rarely carries the thing around.Weaknesses: Atox is hindered by a slash from his left shoulder to just above his hip, given to him by a Rahkshi of Magnetism in the Battle of Le-koro. This wound limits his flexibility, and can also hinder quick movement. Although his skill with Iron is proficient, he has no subtle contrrol of it, resulting in flawed construction of metal objects. His personality can sometimes push others away, as he is a hard teacher and leader.
    Appearance: For a toa of Iron, Atox is strange, indeed. He wears a color scheme of Metru Green and dull Grey, and deviates from this color scheme with only his bright, lime-green eyes. His armor is multi-jointed, with three segments for his mid-abdoment, two for his sides, three segments for his upper chest, and five for his back. He wears thick vambraces on his forearms, which seem to meld with the cestus on his hands. He has slightly overdeveloped hands, making the rest of his arms and body seem a bit undersized by comparison. His arms are on the short side, completing the comical bodybuilder look. He stands 4 inches shorter than most toa, giving him an almost diminutive appearance.
    Strengths: Atox has several strengths, his greatest being in the art of the weapon. Atox has handled most weapons, and can familiarize himself with others within minutes. Even without a weapon, Bane is dangerous, utilizing a fighting style that combines close in grappling with deadly, bone-breaking strikes to vital points in the body (much like a combination of Judo/Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai fighting). He has a good mind for strategy, and can command troops very well.
    Personality: Bane is a contradiction in terms. As long as there is nothing serious going on, he is a practical joker to the core; pulling pranks and parodizing what others say. As a friend, however, you can trust that he will do everything in his power to help if needed. As a leader or teacher, he is practical and demanding, willing to put down his life for his comrades, and expecting them to do the same for him. If you agree to be trained by him, expect him to push you to your limits, but then praise you highly afterward. As an enemy; well, let's just say that more than his looks kill.
    History: Atox was trained by another Toa of Iron, Amerikos, at one point, but refuses to share much about his early life. What has happened to him since, however, is a different story.
    Bane was first seen at the battle of Pala-koro, fending off Nui-Rama from the dead body of Amerikos until he could encase the body. He then joined the ILF (Island Liberation Front) as a way of serving the island. However, his anger and grief alienated him to most of the members, and he was left at Pala-koro. When part of Pala-koro was destroyed, Atox was hit, giving him temporary amnesia until he recovered in Le-koro. He then participated in the Battle of Le-koro, staying behind and fighting while the matoran inhabitants were evacuated. After healing from a wound caused by a Rahkshi staff, Bane recovered, and began aiding with the rebuilding of the koro. He is currently in Pala-koro.



    Prius "The recruit"


    Name: Prius (Note: pronounced with I, not E)Species: Prius is a matoran, one of the element of PlasmaGender: MaleAlignment: Neutral/good. Prius has always desired fairness, and justice among his people, and the ability to live at peace. However, the events that have destroyed much of the island have pushed him to action.Powers/Abilities: Prius is a matoran, and so he does not have the ability to use any elemental powers actively. However, as a Su-matoran, he has high resistance to plasma or lava-related heat, much like Ta-matoran. Prius also has a slight advantage over other matoran, in the fact that he is stronger than most, and has a superb sense of balance. He is a quick learner, and also a good judge of character.Village: As one of the rare Su-matoran, Prius has no traditional village. However, he tends to live in areas of high heat, like Ta-wahi and some areas of Onu-WahiMask: Prius is a matoran, and so cannot access his mask power. However, his mask is shaped like that of a Kadin, with the exception of the spikes over the top of his head, and over his audio receptors.Weapons: Though Prius is not a great fighter, he does have good choice in weapons. He owns a long-knife/short sword given to him by a member of the Ta-koronian guard, as well as a set of claws. These claws can be slipped on and locked into his vambraces, and have independent wrist movement, so as to allow him to slash with the movement of his wrist.

    Equipment: Prius carries a short amount of rope with him at all times, as well as fruit of any variety for eating.Appearance: Prius is a short matoran, heavy-set, with a muscular upper body and slightly less muscular lower body. He wears a light, four piece orange breatplate, along with orange vambraces and shin guards. His mask, a Kadin with the horns cut off, is also bright orange. Underneath his armour, he wears bright white "clothes," with touches of black at his joints.Weaknesses: Prius is a quick learner, but not a natural fighter. His knowledge of fighting extends only to friendly wrestling, and not-so-friendly brawling. He is not fast by any means, and can only run in sprints. He is frequently hot-tempered, and cynical, which can occasionally drive away his friends.Story: Prius' story up to this point is very limited. He came from a group of matoran who excluded themselves from society as much as they could, and became a cult in the Le-koronian jungles. However, Prius always was a good listener, and when the screams of a dying island became too great to ignore, he left this secluded cult, and began looking for a place to serve. He is currently in Ta-Wahi, looking for a job.Personality: Prius is very hot-headed for a matoran of Plasma, matching even the fiery Ta-matoran in bursts of passion. He is a visionary, working towards an island free of the influence of Makuta, but also pragmatic, knowing that he must find an outlet in order to do so. More often than not, his passionate side shows through. If you meet him, you will find yourself almost immediately his friend or his enemy, and it takes a good bit of convincing to change his mind. When he does, though, he holds to this viewpoint, making him a valuable and trustworthy ally. He has a deceptive streak, however, and will occasionally lie to you, if he thinks it is for the good of himself and/or others.



  11. Keizah and I have agreed to a match, 1000W each, in the Coliseum (This is a rematch, due to that spoiler incident we had)




    Evo will bring his Zephyr Boosters and Tank arm into the arena.




    Evo will begin by immediately spamming tank blasts around Gali, while keepingbehind the cover of his shield. When Gali is immobilized, Evo will move in,keeping his shield in front of him to avoid the chance of being distracted. Whenhe is in close, he will strike, keeping Gali's arms held with his own hands, andrepeatedly kicking her while he has her arms immobilized. If Gali recovers, andshoves Evo off, Evo will repeatedly blast her with ice, using his shield ascover. If Gali takes to the skies, Evo will maintain cover, only dropping coverto ice Gali down, slowing her movements for a quick Tank arm blast to shoot herout of the sky. Evo will avoid being picked up by firing at close range if Galipicks him up. If at all possible, Evo will physically beat upon Gali, usingpoint-blank ice and gun shots, and the arm-holding-while-kicking strategy.



  12. It is pretty open-ended, as you say, but there is (or used to be) a recommended skeleton that you can copy and paste as a template. I'll edit it in if I can find it.


    Other than the recommended profile fields here, you are pretty much free to put whatever information you want in the bio..


    BTW, a little late, but welcome anyway.



  13. I get the point, kay? That was a joke, people. I'll edit it out for the sake of being on topic.


    *mumbles something about people being cruel*


    But, back to the submarine, I have a theory:


    The whirlpool that the Nautilus fell into was a dimensional warp portal, created by the power of the Mask of Storytelling. The new bad guy is Nero. :P


    But seriously, could it be something like the Toa terrain crawler of canon? (I know that Mahri Nui probably doesn't exist in this storyline, but it's a working theory.



  14. Alright, Tuck. I'm waiting on another player, so this or the next post will be my last. I'll put up some finishers for some of my other characters, and then I'll be done.


    As for victims, how about a parakuka-enhanced Vortixx? Or a Plasma bounty hunter with anger issues? (That would be Baneless and Rockosis, respectively.)



  15. IC(Drox, TT Bar):


    I smile. Mission accomplished, I think. I've landed the big fist. Now I just need a good lead on the situation. But that won't be too hard. I know every scumbag in Gearheadville. One of them should be able to tell me something.


    I break away from my musings to reply to Vod. "Your first drop point will be under this table, wedged between the tabletop and the stand that extends from it to the floor. Expect a report in two days, the two days starting tomorrow. Keep in mind, though, that if this signature isn't in your true handwriting, I will come after you. I'm not afraid of what your coppers might do."


    I stood, and readjusted my coat, motioning for Watcher to come. "It will be a pleasure working with you sir. Just don't try to follow me."


    I stepped out of the bar, and onto the street. The day had become colder, and I buttoned the duster I was wearing. I stepped off the curb, and headed towards the other side of the road. On the other side of the four-way crossing, I waited for Watcher to come out of the bar.



  16. OOC: Thought Atox was done, but I can't seem to help posting uber-long posts as him. Oh, well :shrugs:


    IC(Atox, Le-koro medical station):


    The healing had begun.


    I saw it in Naru and Kehuri's eyes as they kissed, some of the pain gone from the living death we had all gone through. The kind of things we had all gone through in the past few months were nothing to laugh at. The pain, anger, and destruction still existed; they would fight all around us, every day of our lives. But here, here was a safe haven. In the company of friends. As long as one had someone to lean on, they would never need to face the dark alone.


    I looked down at my injury. The healer who had fixed me up said that the edge of the staff cut deep, all the way across my torso. It would take months to heal, she had said, and that I would never regain the full strength that I once had. The wound was currently full of stitches, and it hurt to move, but I didn't really care. The Island was safe, for now. A small physical debilitation was a minor price to pay. And besides, you didn't need physical mobility to use a shield, anyway.


    I looked at the pair again. True, the toa of Earth and the toa of Plasma were an unlikely pair; seeming to fit better in romantic tales of times gone by. And yet, I never saw Orange and Black go so well together until now. Kehuri began to blush, the rose-colored tint showing ever so slightly behind the mask.


    And then I laughed. Not a chuckle, not a guffaw, but a deep, hearty Laugh that echoed across the battlefield.


    Some Matoran and Toa gave me some blank stares, obviously wondering if I was insane. My body screamed the same, threatening to pull each individual stitch out with excruciating pain. But do you know what? I didn't care a Muaka's rear end. The weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was free.


    "You know, Kehuri, I think she likes you."


    I looked over at Plagia, and gave her a wink. "Why don't we let these youngsters have some time to themselves."


    I walked away, giving the young Onu-toa and the Su-Toa some time to "wrap up loose ends."


    Life was looking much brighter. Much brighter, indeed.



  17. I have a few quick questions on Magnetism/suggestions:


    If you want to keep me from being overpowered, I'd suggest limiting the ability to polarize myself. You see, Magnetism gives me the ability to hover above ground while polarizing myself, somewhat like the "Light-speed" restrictions on Millenium. This could be seen as flight. So you might want to restrict it like you did with lightspeed usage.


    Also, I can already access magnetism with toa-level powers, right? Or do I need to reforge?


    And finally, can Jovan use Energized protodermis?



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