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Blog Entries posted by HeavyMetalSunshineSister

  1. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    So, umm... In some alternate universe, a lot of people are wondering why I'm a spoon now. They're also wondering why and how I developed the technology for gazing through the void, into the living rooms of people living an another universe.
    The answer is not available to you at this time, alternate-universe commies. Instead, I leave you with the greatest question ever asked. Why aren't you a spoon instead of some antennae-faced alien hippie?
  2. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    I no doubt sound pretty daft here, but that's normal, so I'll plow on.
    I've noticed that words like person keep getting changed to a word essentially signifying a small horse. A human being is not a small horse. I do not want every mention of a human being to be changed to a mention of a small horse. If someone knows of a way to stop this from happening, now would be a good time to mention it.
    DISCLAIMER: I do not hate small horses. I am perfectly fine with small horses, TV shows about small horses, and viewers of TV shows about small horses. There is, however, a time and a place for small horses. All the time is not one of those times, and everywhere is not one of those places.
  3. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    I really wish - and yes, I know I'm a couple of decades too late for this to actually happen - but I really wish Yes would have decided whether to be infuriating or awesome, and then stuck with one of those things. They sort of bounced between great prog rock songs and the most annoyingly repetitive vocals this side of a political debate, and it's a bit like a minefield when you're about to listen to a Yes song you haven't heard before.
  4. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    This is one of those times when the fact that I am incompetent to install a moderator for Minecraft, much less make one, really frustrates me.
    See, I had what I consider to be an awesome idea for a moderator to use in Survival mode. Basically, the idea is that Creepers would be modified to no longer take fire, explosion, or fall damage, so they explode, then just go ahead and do it again. And again. And so on until you manage to kill them. Increasing their base health to around what Endermen have would also be good for this idea. Giving 1 Creeper in every 10 the ability to teleport like an Enderman would, of course, be overkill, so if I was making this moderator I'd do it.
    Sadly, I am, as stated above, incompetent to make or even install a moderator for Minecraft. So this isn't going to happen.
    So I guess I'm just venting frustration/giving you a glimpse of the horrorterrors I'm unleashing on an alternate Minecraft-playing universe.
  5. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    Since Xom (or, if you like, King of Shadows, though that only applies to shadows inside of time, so I'm quite out of his jurisdiction) is deathly allergic to blogs, I'm going to be helpful and post the Syrrinx tech he's provided specs on in this blog entry.
    Class Name: Elemental
    Class Size: Fighter
    Class Function And Description: Space Superiority Fighter, meant to destroy enemy fighters and bombers, and provide close support to Syrrinx Ground Troops. Trans Atmospheric.
    Class Weapons: Three Rotary Missile Launchers
    Class Name: Changeling
    Class Size: Small
    Class Function And Description: Stealth Ships. Equipped with a Cloaking Device. Designed for firing on far-away targets in hit-and-run attacks. Its railgun is far better at range than RMLs are due to their higher shell velocity, at the expense of rate of fire. It is also much slower than a Hobgoblin due to a higher mass.
    Class Weapons: 1 Railgun, 2 Rotary Missile Launchers, 1 Cloaking Device
    Class Name: Hobgoblin
    Class Size: Small
    Class Weapons: 7 Rotary Missile Launchers
    Class Name: Harpy
    Class Size: Medium
    Class Function And Description: Built on the Faeire chassis as a Battlemech Deployment vehicle. Mechs are shot from the ship through a large cannon on the nose of the ship. Going down in metal-foam lined drop pods with large retro-thrusters, the mechs can land safely using carefully computed trajectories, letting them come down at the same time in precise areas.
    Class Weapons: One Dropship Bay, 5 Rotary Missile Launchers
    Class Name: Sprite
    Class Size: Medium
    Class Function And Description: Force Projection; meant to get fighters onto the battlefield and provide a core for their operations.
    Class Weapons: One Carrier Bay, 5 Rotary Missile Launchers
    Class Name: Faerie
    Class Size: Medium
    Class Function And Description: Battlecruiser. Designed for hunting other Cruisers. Its heavy weapons load is excellent at hunting cruisers, and Faeries work well with Sprites Capable of damaging Large ships in a one-on-one fight.
    Class Weapons: 2 Railguns, 2 Rotary Missile Launchers
    Class Name: Kraken
    Class Size: Large
    Class Function and Description: Carrier. Brings a full wing of fighters to the battle, and is a deadly ship all its own, the Kraken is primarily used for force projection; swarming enemy ships with a horde of fighters.
    Class Weapons: 1 Carrier Bay, Four Rotary Missile Launchers, 1 Starcannon, Antiproton Gun
    Class Name: Dragon
    Class Size: Large
    Class Function And Description: Dreadnought. Visually resembling a cinderblock mating with an angry cathedral, the Dragon is designed for bombarding enemy cities, Starbases, and other Battleships, a Dragon will inevitably be the focus of any battle it is present on, for it can turn the tide of entire wars.
    Class Weapons: 1 Starcannon, two Railguns, 1 Point-Defense Network, Antiproton Gun
    Class Name: Wyvern
    Class Size: Large
    Class Function and Description: Missile Boat, Fighter/Small ship hunter. Mounts several Rotary Missile Launchers. Built on the hull of a Dragon, but the removal of the Starcannon allows for an oversized engine, allowing the ship to accelerate unreasonably fast; at similar rates to a Small ship, in fact.
    Class Weapons: Antiproton Gun, 15 Rotary Missile Launchers
    Class Name: Harnos
    Class Size: Starbase
    Class Function And Description: Repair and heavy fire support of Syrrinx ships in orbital operations; reload and protection for Fighters.
    Class Weapons: 16 Rotary Missile Launchers, 1 Point Defense Network
    Name: Autocannon
    Weapon Size: Small
    Mechanics: Similar to a modern tank gun, with an automatic loading system. Fires 30 Shells per minute. Can fire a variety of shells, most commonly used with a penetrating tip.
    Name: Rotary Missile Launchers
    Weapon Size: Small
    Mechanics: Fires a whole lot of tiny, guided, antimatter tipped missiles to overwhelm anti-missile defenses with sheer numbers. 0.1 Kiloton yield.
    Name: Railgun
    Weapon Size: Medium
    Mechanics: Uses magnetic pulses to fling a shell at 3000 m/s with a depleted uranium tip. Kinetic energy immense.
    Name: Starcannon
    Weapon Size: Large
    Mechanics: Uses magnetic pulses to fire what is essentially a thirty gigaton nuclear fusion bomb, fused to go off a moment after impact and designed to take the impact undamaged Capable of destroying large cities and blowing massive holes in enemy formations. Not capable of one-shotting battleships, but it will nicely damage them. Requires a long recharge time for the magnetic coils after firing.
    Name: Antiproton Gun
    Weapon Size: Superweapon
    Mechanics: Fires a constant stream of negatively charged antimatter particles. As these particles travel through space, they spread out due to mutual charges repelling each other. Thus, while a tight beam leaves the barrel, a large cone hits the target. Best used against large clouds of small ships, to that effect.
  6. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    So I was showing off my grand sand-trap to a friend today - hmm. Before I say what happened, I should probably go over what was supposed to happen.
    In a subterranean complex, I built a large domed room with the floor open to the Void. I then went around the perimeter of the room, placing pistons on one long circuit, with Repeaters used as the only direct redstone contact for each and every piston, and occasionally using a Repeater-and-wire loop on the outside of the circuit to extend the energy flow. At the beginning of the circuit, near the switch, is a piston-based door that's closed when the circuit is on, and open when it isn't.
    On each of the perimeter pistons, I placed a block of stone and a torch, and then proceeded to build a sand-dome held up by the torches. The plan was for the dome to collapse when the switch was flipped to open the door, barring the way to incautious adventurers.
    Instead, precisely nothing happened. The input stopped mattering, because the circuit stayed on even when it was off.
    Advice for how to fix this circuitry error would be much appreciated.
    UPDATE: Problem fixed via good-old double-inverters, and basically switching things around to get my circuit to bear less resemblance to a waffle. I still am not sure whether the monstrosity I originally created was a true Illogic Circuit or merely an astronomically slow Clock Circuit.
  7. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    'Ello. This is where I'll be dumping all of my stuff for the COTRPG Starscape, which presently promises to bloom into a massive war with everyone annihilating everybody.
    In the interim, I'll kick things off with the information this entry is for.
    Main Species Profile
    Species Name: Diemawr
    -Physical: The Diemawr are a physically powerful race, and their somewhat brutish appearance can be off-putting to some. Despite this, they are a very dexterous race, with their hands bearing four fingers and two thumbs each. The Diemawr are, like many sapient races, bipedal, with the opposable toes on their five-toed feet giving away their arboreal ancestry. Their tails, at five feet in length, are fully prehensile, with tiny barb-like scales along their length to aid in gripping. The head of a Diemawr is somewhat frightening to those who are not accustomed to the sight - so much so that Diemawr warriors often elect to not wear helmets in ground combat, to aid in psychological warfare. The head is very boxy in shape, with a broad, squarish snout. The nostrils are bony and rather large, with the nose connecting directly to a fleshy air-sac above the snout. Behind the air-sac is a bony plate that covers the top of the cranium, with two blunt horns protruding near the back of the plate. The large eyes of the Diemawr are located just at the front of the cranium, with cat-like pupils. Behind the plate, an array of protofeather-like quills jut out from the head, and the grooming of these quills is a matter of great pride for Diemawr. The torso of the Diemawr is rather broad and stocky, with strong, thick bones and heavy musculature. Overall, a Diemawr is only four feet tall at the most, which puts these clever reptiles just a little below the average height for spacefaring species.
    -Psychological: Many a careless sociologist has dismissed the Diemawr as a simple, brutish "warrior race", when, in fact, their culture is much more interesting than that. The Diemawr place great emphasis on personal pride and accomplishments, and are taught from an early age that the success of an individual helps push the species as a whole forward, while a careless or lazy member of the race drags them all down. As a result, any Diemawr that does not wish to be made a pariah strives to achieve as much as possible in their chosen field, which leads to fierce competition for work in all fields - the sciences, the arts, politics, even service jobs see heated competition between potential workers. As a result, any accomplishment made by another race can be expected to be seen as a direct challenge to the Diemawr, and will certainly be met with an attempt at something bigger and better.
    -Government: The Diemawr are led by a Lord President and a 150-member Conclave. Members of the Conclave are elected directly by the people every five years, while a new Lord President is elected upon the death of the reigning Lord President. The Lord President handles external policy, appointing military leaders and deciding on both diplomacy and warfare. The Conclave gives their advice to the Lord President on these matters, but their real responsibility is internal affairs. Political parties are absent, with all candidates standing alone and on their own personal qualifications. All politicians are career politicians, and study history, philosophy, and military tactics for years before they run for major office. Local conclaves exist for any community large enough to be named, and, as would be expected, these conclaves only decide on local matters too small for the Conclave to preside over.
    History: The Diemawr started civilization as a tribal race that had just decided to give life outside of the trees a try. By lucky coincidence, they evolved on a planet with a single large continent, limiting the possibilities for internecine warfare. Less then 5,000 years into their history, the Diemawr had unified into a single federated system, roughly identical to the one still in use today. While large-scale disputes continued to occur - any species without them is most likely extinct - the Diemawr used the two-thousand year period between unification and the present day to refine the artistic and scientific aspects of their culture. By the time a manned probe had visited the very bottom of their homeworld's great global ocean, they knew there was only one place left to go - space.
    Homeworld Name: Diemwnt-Cwn The name is the same as the name given to the vast forest that served as the original home for the Diemawr, in the language that became the dominant business/diplomatic tongue for the Diemawr. Any resemblance between this language and Welsh is purely spot-on, these are seriously Welsh-speaking aliens, and any resemblance between this planet's name and the name of a David Bowie album (in Welsh) is purely awesome.
    Homeworld Location: Sector 2, System 12. If it's not too much bother, I'd like take the 2 colonial systems option, and snag 11 and 13 as a result.
    Ship Classes
    Class Name: Brawd-dur
    Class Size: Medium
    Class Function And Description: The Brawd-dur is specialised for the task of eliminating large targets that would present too great a threat to other units. Because of its singular weapon system, the Brawd-dur has to carry extra armor, and, to make it somewhat defensible on its own, reinforced turret-rotation equipment to provide the ship with a 32,400-degree firing arc. (360 lateral, 90 vertical)
    Class Weapons: Solet heavy armor (2), Reinforced Turret (1), Dur-Llaw Duw (1)
    Starbase Classes
    Class Name: Carreg-dur
    Class Size: Starbase
    Class Function And Description: Robust orbital-defense station, meant to hold off an invasion with minimal support from mobile forces. The Carreg-dur is an automated military satellite locked in geostationary orbit. It receives its orders from command-stations located on the planet below, and each Carreg-dur starbase serves both to detect an approaching threat and as the most reliable means of dealing with it.
    Class Weapons: Solet heavy armor (3), Dant-a-Grafanc (5), Gwaed-a-Dur (1), Fighter Bay (1)
    Weaponry and Equipment
    Bah, I'll get to this bit later.
  8. HeavyMetalSunshineSister
    Alright, alright, I know how to take a hint. No response on something generally means it's been weighed, measured, and found wanting. Really wanting. Thus, the other thing has been discontinued.
    That being said, I'm still doing goofy things in Minecraft. Finally returned to the home continent, and ended up starting on a fortress that relies oh-so-much on projectile-based defenses. Currently working at a testing range I dug into the permafrost to ensure I've got the splash potions that will be fired from rapid-pulsed dispensers done correctly. This primarily involves putting sheep in a hole and shooting potions into the hole, then checking for dead sheep.
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