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Posts posted by Ezorov










    • Upvote 2
  2. Hahaha, oh my gosh, you guys are so amazing! xD Thank you all for the kitty pictures and batman pictures and happy wishes of birthday. C: I would reply to each one of you individually but I don't think I can quote that many people and I'm really just lazy...So here is my hug of happy for all of you c':kittenglomp.jpg

  3. I'll admit, just the word dragon was enough to draw me in. And I really like this picture, I think the detail in the scales is simply fantastic and his (assuming it's a he) expression while staring at the robin is adorable. The melted snow around him is a really nice detail as well. I guess the only thing I'm unsure about is the rather sharp jawline, but that's a minor qualm. A very nice job. =D

    Thank you so much! I'm very happy to hear you liked it! And honestly I wasn't entirely sure if the snow turned out the greatest (it's actually not very easy to draw I found D:)but it's good to know that it worked out well regardless. But yeah, I see what you mean about his jaw, and thank you for pointing it out.Anywho, thanks a ton for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment! c:Sorry I took so long to reply ^^;

    This is adorable! The dragon's expression is priceless, and the bird is cute. Which reminds me, I now need to go and write a background story to this picture because this is just too good to pass up. xD So, in all, it is an adorable piece of art, and keep up the good work. Sorry for an incredibly short review, but math is keeping me busy at the moment, and I wanted to comment on this. Fantastic job again. =)

    Thanks a lot, Peach! Ahhh, I would be honoured if you wrote a story based off of this!And it's definitely not a problem; any comment at all is very much appreciated. ^^

  4. Tekulo, this story is just brilliant. I think you pulled off your goal very well of changing the entirety of your story through a simple sentence. The ending caught me totally off guard! The first time reading it through I was kind of horrified at what was going on, but the second time was just hilarious in context. xD

    I'm not much of a reviewer, but I can say that your descriptions were really quite good and I think worked well with both circumstances--what we thought the story was about and what it really was in the end.


    I could probably ramble on about certain aspects of your story, making myself sound all eloquent, but I wouldn't actually know what I was talking about and neither would you, probably, so I'll just say, well done! I enjoyed this story from beginning to end, and I'll be looking forward to more pieces of yours. : D

  5. @Tekulo: As much time as I worked on the scales, I definitely wish I could've put more work into them, and I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind for the next dragon I attempt (gah, an aquatic dragon D: that's definitely next on my list!!). But yeah, now that you point it out, I do see that his fingers are at awkward lengths. >.< I'll have to watch out for that next time.And thank you for the fantastic critique/comment. : D@Aderia and Sky: Ahh, thanks so much for the encouraging comments! c:

  6. I felt there should've been some italic emphasis on the word "exactly." Personal preference sort of thing, just wanted to mention it.

    Honestly, if I can pull off not having to use them, I try not to. But seeing as you pointed it out, it's a good indicator that it needed the extra emphasis. Thanks for the suggestion!

    The end result of a piece of literature that I would actually aspire to mirror, if I could stomach it to find that style in me. This sort of stuff is actually very hard to write.

    It's actually funny that you should say that, because while I don't know if I would be successful in pulling of this genre every time, it's actually one that comes easiest and is the most enjoyable for me to write, however horrid that sounds. xDBut gosh, to Cederak and Valjean, I can't even say enough to express my thanks--especially in light of how in depth and fantastic these reviews are--but I hope you can still grasp the weight of my simple "thank you."Like,augh, I cannot get over how awesome these are. These are the kind of reviews that really inspire me to keep writing, and I'm so glad when people can enjoy them as much as you two have.So one more time, I really wish I could say more, because I feel that this is hardly adequate, but thank you two, so, so much! ^^

  7. Hey, this is really cool, although I do have a few suggestions!First off, his foot should be a bit bigger in proportion to his body. If you were to look at your own body, you'd see that your feet are actually the same length as your forearms--which comes in as a really handy trick while drawing.Another thing that caught my eye was his upper body. With his arms being so muscular, I feel like you should make his shoulders wider and bulk up his torso, which looks kind of slim in comparison with the rest of his build.One last thing--which I feel kind of bad for bringing up because it's not really something that would be easy to fix--is the position he's in.With his left (seen as our right) leg being that far out and at that angle, in combination with where his arms meet the ground, it's actually a really uncomfortable position, unless he's actually resting his butt on his leg/foot. : P And yeah, I actually tested it out.I really hope you don't hate me for pointing that out now. Luckily, I don't think it's such a big deal that you should erase his legs and start over, but a good thing to keep in mind for your next drawing would be to test out your pose in front of a mirror or otherwise have someone pose for you to see whether or not it's a realistic stance to be in.Oh, wait, and one one last thing: the links you posted seem to be broken. When I click them, all I get is a 404 message. :/ Hopefully you can get those fixed. I'd love to see your other art!Anyway, I hope I wasn't too harsh, and I want to let you know that I really do like it a lot! Your lines are very clean, the shading is amazing and your attention to detail is just... well, it sort of makes me quite jealous to be honest. : PLovely job, and I hope to see more from you!Oh, and welcome to BZP. ^^

  8. Moonlight cascades down towering buildings, shadows soaking up everything else its soft blue hands couldn't touch. The glittering stars are chased away by bright, colourful city lights. The purr of traffic can be heard from any dark corner in the city as well as the chatter and occasional laughter of people. Pretty people, with their pretty faces and pretty lives; all shattered in a moment.A twisted grin spreads across my face, my pearly white teeth glowing in the dark. I slide my fingers along a shiny, long blade."You get to make a friend tonight," I whisper to my knife.I always preferred a blade. The way it slid into the body. The way you got so close to your victim, see the fear and pain in their eyes before they crumbled to the cold urban floor, dead.I also found enjoyment in hearing their pathetic pleads. Sometimes I would even lead them on--making them think all I wanted from them were trivial things like money--before slitting their delicate necks.




    A bang had sounded from the gun, making my ears throb. Tears sprung to my eyes as my mother crumpled to the ground."Mom!" I screamed, throwing myself at her twitching body. In a matter of seconds her movement stilled completely. I glared at the figure above me, unable to speak as hot tears streamed down my face.



    I sit in the dirty darkness, shining my blade and waiting for the perfect victim to come along. I was no careless murderer, butchering whoever crossed my path next--no, picking out my prey took just as much execution and thought as killing them did.I perk up as I see her walk by. That's the one. A sweet little thing, not much older than twenty. Though people crowd the streets, she looks afraid to be walking by herself. I can't blame her."We should accompany the poor thing, don't you think?" My voice as evil as the fiery abyss I came from.



    I saw a vague smile creep onto his face before he turned around and began walking away.I screamed at him to stop."Aren't you going to kill me, too?" I asked, my voice hoarse. He didn't even slow his tread as he replied. "What makes you so special?"



    I slither back into the roar of the city as easily as I left it, blending in immediately and keeping a secure eye on my little auburn target.I follow her at a moderate distance, waiting for her to make a turn onto a quieter section of town--a turn that will end her existence.Now honey, you should know that dark things happen in dark places like that, I say to myself as she finally veers off.I quicken my pace, reflexively sliding past people to catch up with her.When I'm certain no one else is around, I approach her, silently and expertly. She doesn't even have time to react before she's in my possession with a knife to her throat.



    His words stopped me in my tracks, leaving me speechless.Right before he was out of earshot, I replied with a shaky voice. "You think killing people is doing them a favour?"He actually turned around that time, and I saw a sickly grin spread across his face. "That's exactly what I think."



    Her hand shakes intensely as she lets her purse slip from her grasp."Take it. Just, please, don't--""Don't kill you?"She nods restrainedly."Don't spoil my fun, baby. That's exactly what I wanted to do," I purr into her ear.I can feel her whole body shake more violently. A whimper escapes her lips."Now, now, let's have fun with this, shall we?""Fun?" Her voice squeaks. "You monster."I laugh. A bit too madly, perhaps."What could possibly drive you to do this?" I can hear tears in her voice."I've had a bitter past. Someone took something very dear to me, and one day I woke up and thought to myself, 'why should I have to suffer this alone?' So, thank you, dear, for carrying part of my burden; you certainly aren't the first, nor will you be the last."She gasped for air before speaking again. "Do you have nothing good from your past to cling to? Is your motive only driven by hate?"I had to wrack my brain to answer her question. I suppose she was right. My life wasn't always this twisted. The memory right before my mother was killed, that was my last truly blissful moment...



    Her eyes twinkled in the warm, glowing light as she lit the blue-striped candle upon my cupcake."Happy birthday, sweetheart," my mom said, placing a kiss on my head.I gave her a slightly annoyed look.She laughed. "A boy--even if he just turned thirteen--is never too old for a kiss from mom," she said, squeezing me in a hug.I couldn't help but smile.The glow and the laughter of the evening rushed by too quickly, and before we knew it, we were on our way home, laughing and talking, unaware of what was lurking behind the next shadow, ready to steal something very valuable from us.



    "You're right. Maybe I could do something good for myself," I say slowly.She nods enthusiastically before I drive my knife into her gut. I give the blade a good, firm twist before letting her corpse tumble to the welcoming ground."To think that I would actually let you go." I stoop, crouching down beside her body and stroked her pretty russet hair. I move so my mouth is next to her dead ear, whispering with a cold breath. "What makes you so special?"I muse to myself as I walk away from my gory art, my footsteps echoing off the desolate street."Though a cupcake does sound nice."

  9. @Quote (Mr. Traveler)

    I think you did a great job here and that Taka Nuvia would probably be proud.
    I think that right there is the best compliment I've ever received. xD@Velox
    I almost wonder if part of her back (not that we can see it =P) should be red, or her wings be skin-color -- it might make more sense, realistically, that way.
    I did actually consider this, and while I wanted to…well, like you said, you can't see her back in the first place. So, to satisfy everyone, we can all just pretend I did anyway. : P
    The scar above the eye is especially cool, because it looks fresher, and it's obviously fairly bad, which just provokes more story ideas. =P Y'know, I may just have to write a story about this.
    You don't know honoured I would be if you did write a story off of this!
    It would've been cool to have had some sort of landscape that she's sitting on, but I know that isn't your forte, and it definitely doesn't distract from enjoying this.
    Believe me, I did want to--but right, I'm really awful at landscape, and even if I wasn't, I don't have a good enough colouring program to do it well. :/
    Great job again, Katie! I really look forward to seeing your next piece. ^_^(even if you don't end up posting it here, which you should)
    Anyway, you draw very well and if you have more stuff like this, you should totally post it up here Ezorov. =D
    Thank you both muchly for your lovely comments! And yes, I'll be sure to put up more art sometime. ^^
  10. When I first started to take drawing seriously at age 12, I drew this *cough* fantastic dragon girl, inspired from a dragon series I read around that time. Two years later I decided to recreate her to see how far I'd come artistically.And finally now, two years after that, I've decided to draw her again. I present to you: Kaidathumbthumb.png(Click the link thing)Sketching to colouring: ~8 HoursComments and critiques always welcome!

  11. I'll admit, I was a little confused at what you were describing when you first started talking about your character, but reading it again I suspect it was probably just me. ._.Anyway, you did a very nice job on this, and the flow is well done; almost makes me want to write a poem, but I know I'll fail.Though I must say, I was quite shocked and disappointed with your lack of babies. Better luck next time, eh? (;

  12. She, but it doesn't really matter. :P
    Darnit, I knew that, but for some reason second-guessed myself last minute. >.<
    Yes, being a free-hand drawing, perspective is always one of the hard things for me. On a second look, I noticed the problems, but was a bit too late to fix them. On the next one I might set myself a vanashing point as well as get some more shading and background in there.
    I definitely recommend that. Vanishing points are something I struggle with a lot, but when you can get it down, it seriously makes drawing so much easier!
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